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  1. I want to thank you for sharing this. Reading this made me feel better when I was suffering from a bit of depression that day. I'm heartened to see that your daughters seem to have a healthy balance between physical activities (going outside) and gaming. I love the "Clicky Clacks". I liked reading other people's stories about their little ones. I lurk and don't post much but I've been perusing forums for over a decade now and this thread will be going on my Top 5 All-time Favorite List.

    Thanks again,

    - Klink
  2. Excellent... errr...Brilliant!


    That gives me a good start..thanks

    (or is Cheers not used?..hmm not sure)
  3. Good day,
    Theoretically I’m an experienced Roleplayer but this "Experienced" roleplayer is having a sort of writer's block. Quite embarrassing really.
    I can't get a good handle on how to play my British character.
    Now I realize that there are significant differences depending on Region.

    Oh sure I’ve seen more than my share of Monty Python, Red Dwarf and the like but nonetheless I’m still having trouble getting into character.

    Character’s background
    He's an Empathy/Psy defender.
    He's a hermetic magician who concentrated on how to heal the mind and body. AKA - Healing Magic. If you can heal the body/mind then you can also harm it just as well. So that's why he has Psy as a secondary. He's a helpful, scholarly but not pedantic sort from a large urban area. Reasonably well off (middle class-esque) but not elitist. I had him pegged as being from London but that’s open to suggestion.

    What are some common phrases and common responses?
    Things like..
    Hello: (Initial Greeting)
    You’re welcome: (after someone thanks you for healing/buffing them)
    Hello (response from initial greeting)
    Crap (appropriate curse word)
    Fricken (as in… “That Fricken moron” Blasted? Maybe?)

    There’s more…I’ll no doubt think of them later.

    Now I could use the above phrases but that’s its not different enough to American English (or New World if you will). I’m looking for tips on how to differentiate my speech.

    Again I realize that there are differences in dialect depending on region in Britain. So I apologize in advance if the question is too vaguely worded. Slang and such is fine just so its not too obscure.

    Also any suggestions on “British” attitudes would helpful too.

    Thank you in advance,
  4. Ahh... I see, capes are made out of a slick non-stick super science fabric. All right. Fair enough. I figured there some sort of law prohibiting the use of capes.

    I teamed with controllers with the ability to pull forklifts out of thin air and throw them at foes. I always wondered where they get a pool table from in the middle of the street. Optical illusion? They teleport it from some distant location? I'm not sure

    Oh before I forget..
    I would be amiss if I didn't point out some good examples of journalism. Two immediate examples come to mind:
    1) Bob Larson
    Bob Larson is an old fashioned reporter who takes the craft of journalism seriously. He's one of the few reporters that people of all political stripes respect. It doesn't hurt that he's mystically connected to the Norse God of Truth and Justice: Tyr. This means that anyone who interviews him HAS To tell the truth. NO spin and NO BS. Politicians hate him as you'd imagine. He's been attacked and threatened numerous times but has always survived and never compromised his journalistic integrity. I don't mind the guy personally but I'm always worried what questions he will ask.

    2) SuperHype magazine: SuperHype Magazine (and Cable channel) is famous for 2 things:
    a) First class and rock solid investigation
    b) The story selection of a tabloid.
    That means they're likely to have stories about...
    that are absolutely true.
    In the above story it turns out a group of shapechanging aliens was playing games one day. Long story.

    SuperHype is hated and loved depending on who they pick on each week. They don't seem to have a particular political agenda and have been known to pick on everyone equally. They've been sued for Libel AND slander numerous times and have always won.

    As to embedded journalists being killed in battle? Well, a law was passed that Journalists can't sue Superhero organizations if they die in the midst of a superbattle. Also forcefield belts, cloaking screens and other technological defenses are available, at great cost, to journalists. So for the most part they survive super battles.

    For myself, I pick on the Press corps but I'm biased because my whole family are mutant superheroes I get press coverage whether I want it or not. So keep that in mind. Its real nice being relatively unknown for a change.
  5. OOC: OK this is a chance to earn No-Prizes of sorts. This is where you explain why certain in-game oddities aren’t actually a problem and provide an explanation as to why they occur. This is all In character. THis post is part to lightly vent about strange things in this game and part to see what other people think.

    In character:

    Hello. My name is Doctor Blasto and I’ve gained about 30 security levels so far and have managed to collect about 14 souvenirs from various adventures I have done. I’m sure you folks have a similar stack of souvenirs so I won’t bore you with my story. But as a visitor from a similar but relatively distant Earth dimension I was wondering a few things:

    1) Ok Hero 1 was so respected a hero that all heroes (and heroines obviously) took off their capes in honor. Ok I can accept that, I have no idea who Hero 1 is other than the stories of him I’ve read about but I’m willing to go along. Although I have to admit I’ve never liked capes and think their tactical disadvantages outweigh how cool they might make you look. But I ask you, why didn’t the Hellions or the Freakshow (for instance) not wear capes to piss off heroes? Huge Mind-control? Secret Cape-police? I don’t understand this. Sure my fellow heroes would respect the law but why would your standard Super powered gang member? Its not like they respect authority. Also I don’t understand why Telekinetic villains don’t use a hero’s cape to strangle him with or hoist him by his (or her) cape and dangle him/her there. Sure there are people on my world who like capes and think they’re looks outweighs they’re tactical disadvantages. I suppose you could have specially magically enchanted capes that prevent it from being grabble by foes but I haven’t seen any evidence that this is common.

    2) Where is your press corps? I don’t care which political party you belong to but where I’m from the press constantly harasses you. I play nice, I don’t blow them off but it doesn’t matter. I don’t care which side you’re on. You finish a big fight and there they are asking questions.
    “Isn’t it true that you lost due to your bungling and poor marksmanship?”
    “What about the allegations that you’re Unamerican?”
    “Isn’t it true that you ruthless attacked that person without reason at all?”
    And so on…
    Its awful. One of the reasons I volunteered to check out this dimension was to get away from the press. So where are they? Am I just unknown? (Thank the Gods) or just lucky?

    3) Everyone seems remarkably respectful of property damage here. I mean, no one uses manhole covers for Frisbees or Telephone poles for baseball bats. Obviously you have heroes that are strong enough. I can understand why conservative Law and order heroes don’t, but your standard Anti-hero vigilante? It doesn’t make sense. I’m not superstrong by any means but my sister is. She’s well known for you’re her deadly Frisbee throwing. Only costs 500$ a throw too. (They charge her for every manhole cover she uses.) Ok I have seen certain tankers throw rocks and parts of the ground but that’s it? Very strange…

    Now I’m sure there are good reasons for these things that I’m simply unaware of. I look forward to your replies.