WANTED: Heroes for fan fiction
Woo Hoo, I have gotten some great responses so far, I would still like a healer, controller, and a tank. I want at LEAST eight characters for this. Also some women characters too for balancing it out and possibly some tension of a different kind?
Name: Acier
Real Name: unknown
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Appearence: Only close friends have seen him outside his armor
Desired level: 15 or 20
AT: Technology Tanker
Power: Energy Melee, Flight
Brief bio of hero: Check out the journal i created for him. Links in my sig.
Personality: Very serious, and sometimes rude (he thinks its just stating the obvious, which he does innocently). Sometimes quiet but other times he has a lot to say. This is because he's always thinking. Always inventing things in his mind maybe a weapon or maybe an appliance. Never gives up on his friends, stays until the fight is finished.
What can I NOT do with your character: Well his armor is impervious to a lot of stuff. Sometimes he may have problems with it like not working properly (but only happens sometimes, maybe for a comical reason or something). He always has an explanation and argument for everything. Basically don't make him an idiot. He's smart and he knows it.
you can check out the RP site I've started for him to get an insight on how he talks 'n stuff.

-=Crey Threat Profile=- : : THE CHALLENGERS on Virtueverse
Shoot for miracles - the VALVe email campaign
Good luck, Blood_Wolffe.
Here's hoping you succeed where I've well, not exactly failed, but had to seriously rethink concepts and discard information...
My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman
Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain
Hey, cool idea. Im pretty sure all the info you need is in my signature:
what you can not do: He is 100% unserious about hero work. But in a team, if he sees ignorant freeloaders, he lets em have it. Lets just say he makes the best of everything.
P.S. Theres a good phrase i picked up along the way too: No one takes it seriously, until someone dies. I thought it was pretty good, feel free to use it.
Got just about all the characters I need. A few spots are still open but I am going to start writing tonight.
I already know what role Blood Wolffe is going to play and it isnt the main character (although it is very important and ego boosting ), so one of you will be the star!
Well, Techsupport is available if you want to.
To prevent spammage, just gimme a PM-call and I'll write up something useful.
TechDefender Rad/Ele Defender
D'20 Gladiator DM/SR Scrapper
Cyclonite Cat Fire/Fire Blaster
[url="http://www.dutchfurs.com/~taross/w/screenshots/Ferretgal/Ferretgal.jpg"]Ferretgal Claw/Inv Scrapper[/url](Virtue)
@Cyclonite Cat
(Names changed at GM 'request')
Steele Magnolia and 2020 Vision (mother/son pair) from Whitmoore Apartments RP thread submitted.
Looking forward to reading it!
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
The story has begun! Sadly, getting everyone who has submitted their hero in the first part would make for a clumsy story so they will be slowly introduced in ones and twos. Here it is. The New Empire
I gather this means there's no more room eh?
1- Basic hero info (name, age, sex, height, appearence, AT, desired level for story, power pools)
Name: Lord Raymond Wilkins, The Courageous Majestic Lord Raymond, or just plain Lord Raymond
Sex: Male
Height:About four feet tall
Appearance:Always has face masked even when out of costume, click on the link at the bottom of my post that says My Crey Report to get better pictures
Level: Not sure what this means, but lets go with high
Powers:Flight9no Group Fly, Teleport(Just Friend), Stone Armor, and Battle Axe. You can check my ID Card for my build.
2- Brief bio of hero (history)
Lord Raymond Wilkins was a member of the British Royal Family as well as being a high-ranking military official. One afternoon Lord Raymond was invited to a demonstration of new technology by Crey Industries. Not suspecting anything, Lord Raymond agreed to come to the demo as long as a deal could be made for military use of the technology. About half-way through the demo a "malfunction" occurred and a massive explosion killed all present, including several ranking officers in the military. Lord Raymond was assumed dead after not being found during the hours of rubble rummaging that ensued. But much to the surprise of the Royal Family, Lord Raymond appeared at Buckingham Palace later that night. The family was horrified at how Lord Raymond had been marred by the explosion. The explosion had had bizarre effects including shrinking him from his once proud 6 ft 7 inch stature to a miniscule 4 ft and also scarring his face very badly. Other changes including giving the power to command the Earth beneath his feet, the power to fly, and the ability to teleport friends. The Royal Family feared that if this news were to go public there family's overall apperance would go to shambles and instead chose to banish Lord Raymond from ever returning to England under the name Lord Raymond Wilkins. Raymond, who was too proud of his heritage, refused to live under another name and fled to America still under his true name, and wearing a mask to hide his horribly scarred face. Lord Raymond decided then that clearly this malfunction was intentional, seeing as how there were so many influential people present, and began his search for those who were responsible. At the same time he also felt that by becoming a hero in America he would be welcomed home by his family again. This search led him to Paragon City, the City of Heroes, and home to Crey Industries. Lord Raymond has to fight through many trials to get to the point where he would have access to Crey Industries and all of his victories soon gained him the title The Courageous Majestic Lord Raymond. Lord Raymond has helped in the defeat of Dr. Vahzilok on several occasions, Maestro of the Council, and defeated Luska the Giant Squid and the Winter Lord many times as well as defeating all other villain groups that could have possibly had something to do with the "accident."
3- personality (moral beliefs, are they a clutz? a ninja mysterious? etc.)
He is often sad when he remembers how his family has abandoned him, and hates people who destroy lives. He is easily upset by people who make fun of his height. But he is very wise and very strong. Despite his inner sadness he is usually very cheerful when he speaks to others and rambles quite often. Oh and I didn't know where else to put this, Lord Raymond has two big dogs, Tank and Bull. They are Newfoundlands(some of the world's largest types of dogs) and are large even for the breed. They can sense danger and will often attack a villain even before Raymond does.
4- What can I NOT do with your character (Their skin is unbreakable, bullets bounce off, etc.)
Skin is darn near unbreakable. Even if weapons pierce his armor and skin his undominable will keeps him fighting and only stops to take a breather every once in a little while. When his amors are going bullets will ricochet off. His battle axe however is just a normal medieval axe and is breakable.
*applauds the first part of the story*
"If I didn't enjoy the ludicrous mayhem of an 8-person pick-up team and my eventual glorious triumph over seemingly impossible odds bereft of lucid and competant comrades, I would have left this game a long time ago. " - mean_liar
Name: Bainhurt
Real Name: unknown
Age: Appears to be in his 30's
Sex: Male
Height: 6'5"
Appearence: He wears a random assortment of clothes and armor with varying colours. His skin is orange, his hair violet. He has often been described as a walking paint factory accident. Imagine the gaudiest assortment of colours and he's worse. He seems to always have a lit but end of a cigar in his mouth.
Desired level: 20
AT: Natural Tanker
Power: Invulnerability/Battle axe, Super speed Power pool, tear away clothing (if his clothes are to tattered and torn he can pull them off and a new, untorn set is underneath no matter how ruined his top clothes were.)
Brief bio of hero: Brain Hurt is one of an inter-dimensional organisation. The organisation has no name though every member within it is named some varient of Brain Hurt. The selection process to get into the organisation is quite stricked and no one who has requested entrance has ever made it in though they have been considered.
Personality: Brain Hurt is a gung-ho go getter. He will jump into the fray and then he might consider thinking about if this was such a good idea. Most of the time he will make comments, joke and pun. He might be silly and foolish but if someone has a problem they couldn't find a better man.
What can I NOT do with your character: Brain Hurt will never ever wear clothes that don't clash and his rule on colour is the brighter the better.
Name: Mister H
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190lbs
Sex: Not right now, I'm busy with this stupid questionaire
Age: I was around to see the late 60s and early 70s growing up... it's why I think people are mostly morons.
Beliefs: People are mostly morons... just look at all those stupid fools that fall for the Circle of Thorns garbage... you honestly think I'd waste my time rescuing any more of them? Well, not that beating up the Circle isn't fun... but I'd love to b***h slap the idiots their sacrificing right after... can't do that, of course, Freedom Corps is already on my case asking all kinds of stupid quiestions. What jerks. I mean, who the hell do they think they are, anyway? They control just about everything in this god-forsaken burg that isn't under control of the creeps they allow to run loose. It's got to be a ploy to keep them relevant. Check out all the Hellions in Galaxy! Do you think for a New York second that they'd be there if FC didn't want them there? NOT! If you do, you're an idiot! They won't even let me park my trailer in town! Bastards. Been hanging out in Kings, mostly, have to beat up Skulls just to get a warm spot next to a burning 55 gallon drum every night... At least the local's let me eat their scraps.
You want to know where I came from? Yah, like I'm gonna spill that to a total stranger in THIS town... NOT!
Powers? Okay, guess I can tell you that, had to register with the FC Nazis already just to hangin this town anyway... I carry a Japanese Razor, okay? Yah, it's an antique, no, I'm not going to tell you jack about how I got trained. But I do do the chi thing... centered, you know? I've dodged bullets mostly, but damn they hurt when they connect... I have good reflexes. The last time an underboss tried to take me on he couldn't even land one punch on me! I kid you not! sure, I do stealth, and I got rocket powered jumping legs, okay? So what of it? All you have to do is look this stuff up in that fortress in Galaxy if you want to know this stuff.
No, I don't have a girlfriend, and I wouldn't touch one of those with a ten foot pole... no pun, heh!
Anyway... Striga, yah, I can probably take some time to hit Striga... the boss at the warf in IP knows I'll make it up to him. Of course, all this time out is costing me a lot! I don't even have a valid adress so my boss pays me under the table (I think he's family, don't know for sure)...
Anyway, so, Striga... sure, whatever...
Name: Tabby Cat
Real Name : DR. B.J. McPherson
Sex: Female
AT: Claw/Regen Scrapper (Science)
Currrent lvl: 50
Height: 4'1"
Pool Powers: Flight,Fitness and SJ.
Brief Bio : she was a leading the leading researchers for Paragon Proctector (Claws Division) along with her husband he led the Regeneration Division. when they discovered how crooked the Crey Corp. was and what the true Purpose of the P.P. was they vowed to take up the fight for the people of Paragon City they both were to undergo
the procedure to make them claw/regen scrappers.
After she had the procedure done. And they were on the way to preform the procedure on Tim they were involved in a traffic accident and Dr. Tim McPherson was killed. B.J. continued to to her job for a while and at the same time go out as Tabby Cat ( named for her favorite bred of cat)
Then one day she told her employers that she could not work there anymore because it allways reminded her of Tim.
Personality: Tabby is very loyal to her friends she tends to be reckless quite a bit.
What can I NOT do with your character: use your own discretion.
Triumph Heros
Tabby Cat :50 Claw/Regen
Isabella Ice :50 Ice/Ice/Ice
Ocicat :50 Claws/SR
Lady Torrent: 50 enrg/enrg
Mindfull:50 Ill/Kin
Mia Feldman: 50 DB/WP
Triumph Villains
Wonderland:50 Ice/Cold
Alice of Malice: 36 Enrg/Nin
Gangsta Gal:24 Thugs/Poison
Some of you are really giving me a challenge. All characters submitted up to this point will be in the story. Any submitted after this may just get "honorable mentions", depends on how good the character is for the story. Lord Raymond, you have already been worked into the plot, so has Brainhurt. Mister H, that had to be the best way to tell me your character's personality and the most imaginative. Points on that. Tabby Cat, you are in, I have been looking for more female characters to balance out the group. Still havent gotten the Female healer like I wanted.... any takers?
Mister H: You know, I meat that Hess character last night... Tobias Hansen turned me onto him. That guys really full of himself. You guys sure he's not Freedom Corps? He sure acts like one...
Thanks a bunch. I look forward to future installments.
Hey Blood_Wolfee, great stuff going on! I love the story! I hear you still need a female healer? I've got one for you and I think it'll work great, granted I changed a couple of things.
Hero Idenity: Etherburn
Name: Kegen Doyle
Weight: 135
Powers: Empathy/ Radiation Mutation Defender
Bio: Kegen was born to Leslie Doyle and a man(actually an alien) named Tay. Both her parents were heros in Paragon. Her mother was a Magic Mind/Empathy controller by the name 'Queen Etheria' and her father was a Mutation Fire/Fire blaster named 'Heat Flux'. Her father disappeared when she was six, leaving her mother heart broken. Unknow to Kegen that her parents were heros, Leslie would search for Tay every night after Kegen went to sleep. One night when Kegen was 12, her mother left and never returned. If you want, Kegen's mother, since she was a hero, could've died in the attacks to fit your story line. She was sent to live with her grandfather, Leslie's father, who hated Kegen's father. Her grandfather would always talk down about Tay when Kegen would ask him about her parents. Kegen clung to the fading memories of her parents as time past, hoping they were still alive and would return one day. She soon began to develop her mutant powers but from fear of the council she tried to hide them(once again I altered it slightly to fit your story line). Time past and her grandfather died when she was 19. One day she found a box hidden in her mother's old room when she cleaned the apartment, getting ready to move. It had pictures and newspaper clippings of two heros, along with a costume. Kegen figured out that the pictures were of her parents and that the costume was her mother's. Outrage filled her at the thought that they died by the hands of villianous beings. Altering her mothers suit, she doned it, claiming the name 'Etherburn', a combination of both her parent's idenities, and took to the streets, hoping to help others. She is a very serious person, haunted by the ghosts of her memories of her parents. She still clings to a tiny shred of hope that they are still alive. She is compassionate and always ready to lend a helping hand. She fights viciously for justice, angered by those who use their gifts for selfish and evil means. She feels she has to prove herself to someone, maybe to the ideals her parents lived by as heros in Paragon's prime. She may not smile and joke but she is a very nice and comforting person. She would rather suffer than have others suffer. All she really wants to do is make her parents proud, wherever they are.(( as an aside, i don't know what you are doing with schooling of the children. Kegen orginally was going to college for her doctorite in Bio-genetical research, to help her figure out where her powers came from and how others got theres, but feel free to tweek it how you want. ))
Costume: Black head wings with neon green face guards, black metallic top and pants, the top has neon green circlesrunning up run her elbows to her shoulders, a red and yellow biohazard sign is in the middle of her chest, the pnats have a neon green starburst rising from neon green stiletto boots, she has a green belt with a large red jewel.
Love the story so far, Blood, but that hippie's gonna die.
"If I didn't enjoy the ludicrous mayhem of an 8-person pick-up team and my eventual glorious triumph over seemingly impossible odds bereft of lucid and competant comrades, I would have left this game a long time ago. " - mean_liar
Love the story so far, Blood, but that hippie's gonna die.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm afraid Hippies are protected by the PETA as an endangered species. That is... endangered by everyone but the PETA :P
TechDefender Rad/Ele Defender
D'20 Gladiator DM/SR Scrapper
Cyclonite Cat Fire/Fire Blaster
[url="http://www.dutchfurs.com/~taross/w/screenshots/Ferretgal/Ferretgal.jpg"]Ferretgal Claw/Inv Scrapper[/url](Virtue)
@Cyclonite Cat
(Names changed at GM 'request')
Meh, PETA's just below Hippies on my list of people to creatively remove from the gene pool. heh.
"If I didn't enjoy the ludicrous mayhem of an 8-person pick-up team and my eventual glorious triumph over seemingly impossible odds bereft of lucid and competant comrades, I would have left this game a long time ago. " - mean_liar
Ohwell... I'm just eagerly awaiting me inthere.
I'm very much not a hippie, despite the long hair.
TechDefender Rad/Ele Defender
D'20 Gladiator DM/SR Scrapper
Cyclonite Cat Fire/Fire Blaster
[url="http://www.dutchfurs.com/~taross/w/screenshots/Ferretgal/Ferretgal.jpg"]Ferretgal Claw/Inv Scrapper[/url](Virtue)
@Cyclonite Cat
(Names changed at GM 'request')
Who doesnt want a superhero team of a hippie and a marine? That combo was just perfect. Next chapter coming soon. Just to keep you interested, it will focus on the resistence super group, and one of the Council's experiments similiar to the ones that attacked Team 27 but not them, I am saving those for later.
Nice job, man.
I might have to incorporate the monkey into my character's back story somehow. Good idea!
Hello everyone, I have been bitten by the writing bug and was thinking of taking it in a different direction this time.
. Any info on the Burkholder's Bane TF is appreciated, please PM. Its been a while since I did it and I forgot alot about it.
and I also feel guilty because I kinda ignored her in another open RP 
My plan is to use people's characters from the boards. Its simple, submit your character to me with a few details (see below) and I will write them into a story I am making. It may not be as creative as making my own characters but I thought it would be more fun to have the interaction of an open RP (almost). Submit here or PM me. Here is what I need.
1- Basic hero info (name, age, sex, height, appearence, AT, desired level for story, power pools)
2- Brief bio of hero (history)
3- personality (moral beliefs, are they a clutz? a ninja mysterious? etc.)
4- What can I NOT do with your character (Their skin is unbreakable, bullets bounce off, etc.)
5- No submitted heroes will die, only created ones will. Unless you want me to have them die.
6- Fo-givah-ness preez (While I will try to stay as close to your character as I can, if it is out of character, take it as artistic liberties. Like when a real comic is done by a guest writer. If you have very strict rules for your character and dont want any wavering, maybe you shouldnt submit.)
7. You WILL be important (While my character, Blood Wolffe, will be in it, yours will be just as, if not more crucial to the story than mine.)
The story will be based on the assumption that the Ernesto Hess TF has failed and the council has had several other victories and is now near the brink of world domination... at least in the beginning
This is a big project and I do have a life so it will be done of the course of at least a week. I dont want to rush it like I did with Blood Wolffe's origin. It could have used some more filler I think.
Two spots are already slotted. One for Captain Neem and one for The Core Being. I also would like to take this opportunity to offer Permafreeze a slot, she 5 starred my story
Assuming I get overwhelmed with requests I will try to get everyones name in, but the roles will have to vary in importance/size. That is if I get any!
Here is hoping people go for this and I can give you all a story worthy of your heroes!