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  1. QueenEtheria

    The New Empire

    *sniffles* it was an awesome story. Very nice Blood Wolffe!

    I shall miss the feeling of joy when i'd seen a new post under here, hoping over with the glee of a child at christmas to read the next chapter.
  2. (( OOC: hehehe...sorry guys, RL's been kicking my butt ))

    Kegen brushed the crumbs off of her top and was about to offer to help with the dishes when Ash became super-robo maid and was giving Michela a hand. She kindly handed her plate off as Ash came by and glanced at Jason with a shrug.

    "Guess I'll head off to bed now..." she replied and waved to the others,"Sweet dreams."

    She walked into the room and stopped inside the door for a moment. She was able to pick out three distant breathing patterns. Female...female...male? she thought as her eyes adjusted to the dark. She shook her head and stepped over Varon's sleeping form.

    Man, that looks uncomfortable. They are all so cute it makes me want to throw up!

    She carefully crawled ontop of her bed, laying over the sheets and sighed softly. She threw her arm over her eyes and began to focus on her breathing, blocking out all other sounds or at least trying to. The CoL base was the only place she ever found that allowed her to rest peacefully, thanks to HorizenBreaker for soundproofing her room and adding a special cooling unit. She rolled over to face the wall, pulling the pillow with her to cover her ears, as if it would help. She could hear the three in the room very clearly and Ash and Michela in the kitchen. She could also hear Jason and Arden in the boy's dorm. She rubbed a hand over face in irrataion as she started to feel warmer. She flipped over and buried her face against the bed, pillow covering her head as she mumbled into the sheet, "not now".

    An aura of heat began to slowly smolder from her body, shimmering the air around her. She tossed and turned, curling around the pillow in frustration. She froze when she heard Michela come in, keeping her breathing steady. She smiled slightly as the woman tripped over Varon.

    She flipped back over to stare at the wall as she began to sweat more against the bed, the heat some how contained only to her. She released another slow breath as she closed her eyes.

    She tried to think of calming things, cooling things, and shut out all noise she could hear. She thought about home, her SG mates, and how she was going to get back. With sheets pushed off the bed, head buried under the pillow, and t-shirt twisted around her sweaty torso, Kegen finally fell asleep.
  3. Kegen shakes her head and sighs softly. She leans over and elbows Jason in his side as she tsks at him.

    She turns to Ash with a bright smile. " Ash, Midget is not a respectfully term for people who are not blessed with height. Midget is ususal used to describe people who are abnormally short and it's a derogatory term. If you called a drunken biker-boy a midget, he will probably try to hurt you."

    She studies Ash with a small knowing smile. "Though with that hardware you got, I'm sure you'd give him a hurting he won't forget. Have they figured out how to combine the celluar gene manipulation with the sythetic neuro-muscluar impulses for more natural movements and quicker reactions yet? What kinda casings are they using? I think they are still trying to make the quantum titainium plating more flexable and lighter in this time..." she blushes and glances away sheepishly.

    "Sorry...getting ahead of myself," she chuckles softly.

    She glances up and begins to nervously wring her hands.

    "I think I'm gonna go change while I wait for the apple pie to get done," she replies softly and heads for the girl's dorm.

    She closes the door behind her and heads for the bed that has her duffle bag sitting on it. She unzips it and begins riffling through the clothes. She pulls out a pair of black varsity shorts and a red t-shirt. She grabs the bag and tosses it at the foot of her bed. Kegen glances around to make sure she's alone and flips open one of the compartments on her belt and pulls out a dog-eared photo. She smiles softly at the couple smiling back at her from the glossy surface. She carefully slides it under her pillow. She reaches up and removes her headpeice and tosses it ontop of the bag. She flips a button on her guantlet and the metallic body suit shimmers into a liquid-like form and slides up into the watchlike receiver on her left wrist. She slips her sleepwear on over her undergarments and heads back out into the kitchen.

    She pulls her long hair up into a messy bun as she smiles at the others.

    "Much better. So...do we have ice cream to go with these pies?" she asks cheerfully as she finishes securing her long hair.
  4. Kegen watched, noting every measurement and ingrediant used, before she was put to work mixing the filling.

    HHmmm..I bet I could surprise KC when I get back to my time and make a pie for her. She'd flip seeing Spark Shock usually does the cooking when he's in the base, from culianry arts to superhero, she shakes her head as she stirrs the mixture, a smile creeping to her face.

    I wonder how clean the place looks without all my pizza boxes and take-out containers strewn about. I hope they were careful with those paintings, the oils were still wet. I can't wait to get back home... she paused her stirring and blinked at Micaela as she asked for the mixture.

    Kegen smiled slyly and handed her the bowl, leaning back against the counter, watching Jason knead the crust dough, his brow wrinkled in thought.

    Home.... The word echoed through her mind.


    The undeinable aroma of heated maple syrup and fluffy buttermilk pancakes. Golden morning sunlight streaming in through the open curtains. Little, slippered feet swinging under the table as she watched mommy finish making breakfast. Both daughter and mother humming a lilting tune together from generations past. She watches her mommy, a tall, slender figure in black yoga pants and a faded grey Paragon U t-shirt. Her copper hair pulled up in a messy bun, stands of hair drifting about as she moves fluidly through the kitchen. Her mother turns and presents the plate piled high with the steaming, golden cakes. She smiles warmly at little Kegen, her blues eyes sparkling as they finish the tune. The front door opens and Kegen turns her attention with a beaming smile. She leaps from the chair, wild locks of auburn hair bouncing, as she runs at him, arms outstreched. The broad-shoulder man smiles happily at her with his hazel eyes as he tosses the newspaper and mail onto the counter.

    "Fly, Daddy, Fly!" she squeals as she jumps up into his extended arms.

    He spins her around a few times as they all laugh. He flys her back towards the kitchen table and deposits her back in her seat, leaning his pumkin orange, wild locked head down to kiss the top of her little head. She smiles brightly as mommy places a pancake on her plate, daddy moving up behind her and hugging her warmly, nuzzling his face against her neck before winking at Kegen's beaming face.

    "Isn't Mommy beautiful?" he asks playfully, squeezing her.

    "Pretty like a princess," Kegen replies in her bell-like six year old voice.

    "Not as beautiful or special as you, the queen of princess," her mother replies, pressing a finger lightly to the tip of Kegen's nose.

    Kegen wrinkles her nose and they all laugh.

    A shocked look crosses her face as the memory swam up, surprising her. She felt tears well in the corners of her eyes. She caught Jason looking at her as he pulled his finger out of the icing bowl. A look of being captured red-handed crossed his face.

    She chuckled lightly, chasing away her sorrow and shook her head. She felt the corner of her lips curve up in a sly smile at him as she leaned more comfortably against the counter. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Crystal and Sam brust from the bedroom and began shrieking. She felt her eye twitch in annoyance as they bounced and squealed around Miceala.

    She must have the paitence of a saint. I envy her.

    Kegen began to feel crowded in the kitchen so she scooted out and stood on the other side of the counter, leaning over and propping her face in her hands. She glanced at Ash as he watched enraptured at the baking process. She smiled lightly and wondered when she lost that child-like fascination with the world.
  5. Kegen glanced at Jason and then at Arden with a rasied eyebrow.

    "Decorate the dwarf?"

    She shook her head and stood up, streching her metallic encased body.

    "Don't we have anything else to do here, besides cooking?"

    She glanced at Micaela and shrugged. "Sorry, i don't cook. I can microwave the heck out of leftovers though!"

    She wandered aimlessly around the main rooms, looking at everything with an intracte eye as she tried to think of something to occupy her time.

    "Is there like an exercise room here? No probably not. That would be too much to ask..." she sighed, stopping in the kitchen and leaned against a counter.

    "Alright, show me how to do things out side of a box."
  6. "yucckk.." Kegen grumbles softly as she wipes juice from her cheek.

    "Count me out of the immunity challenges and the bug-eating. The deathmatch sounds...intreguing," she chukled rearanging herself on the couch.

    "I never realized how boring life is when you can't go out and put the hurt on some baddies," she sighed, glancing at the others.
  7. QueenEtheria

    The two six (RP)

    Kegen stood postioned behind the fighters and loudly popped her neck, tilting her head from side to side. She flexed her guantleted hand and summoned her stellar radiation to pulse in her hands.

    "I can weaken thier bodies with my bolts, make it a little easier on the melee fighters before I start to keep you guys up and running in top shape," she replied, keeping her sights focused on the door.
  8. Kegen galnced around at everybody who had gathered and frowned. Ok, maybe this wasn't a good idea. Everybody seems uncomfortable.Well, if one doesn't have a troubled past life then it's not worth becomeing a superhero then is it?

    She shifted, sliding onto the couch fully and curled her kness up to her chin. "I guess I'll go first since it was my idea."

    "I understand that all of us have things that we can't share, which is fine but I'm sure we can find stuff to share that isn't too personal," she replied.

    She laced her arms around her knees as her eyes darted between the others. " Well..ummm...I'm Etherburn as you all know. Ether works fine too. I'm twenty-three and was, err, am, I guess, a student at Paragon U. I want to become a bio-geneticist. I'm a mutant, sorta. I was born with my powers though my secondary offensive powers didn't appear until I was a teenager. I don't know how exactly but my ability to heal comes from my mom. Oh, yeah, both of my parents were heroes, by the way. I think my other powers come from my dad. I can focus a chemical-base steller radiation into beams and bolts. I have the ability to fly and I can also withstand the vacum of space which makes me question exactly what the base of my DNA is. Thats why I started into bio-genetics. I want to find out what makes me a mutant," she replied, resting her cheek on her knees.

    "I would've asked my parents but they both disappeared when I was younger. I have vague memories of them but with each year they begin to fade. At thirteen when I developed my other powers, I took to the streets hoping to find them. Thats when I met another hero,who took me under her wing and had me join her supergroup. Fast foreward a couple of years and too many fights to count and I found myself battling an arch-enemy of my SG in space. Something...something happened between my cosmic radiation and her ability to teleport, I don't know, maybe combined with the ionic wave from the blast but I woke up here in Atlas Park..." she paused and glanced up at the others with a soft sigh," Twenty-six years in the past. I know that sounds too corny but I am from the future and it sucks! I have to be careful what I say and what I do because it could change the events in the future. Theres so much I wish I could change but it would have dire conciquences. I have to tip-toe around everything and it sucks. I want to see the legends before they became famous and I want to see my parents in their prime and warn them about their disappearances, but everybody at FC decided that it would be best if I just stayed out of the way, " she sighs again dejectedly," Thats why they thought it would be good for me to do this show and keep myself occupied."

    She snuggles back into the couch and glances around. " Ok, who's next?"
  9. Kegen arched an eyebrow at Jason. "I see...didn't know I had fans, though. I flattered, I guess," she replied, slightly confused.

    She glanced back at the trio as Ash asked them what their deal was. He was the first to voice what was on her mind.

    "You know that might be a good idea. Maybe we should all properly introduce ourselves. Talk a little about who we are," she added, crossing her legs under her.

    "We might as well get a feel for each other while we are here."
  10. As the trio intriduced themselves to Michela, Kegen took it as a prime oppurtunity to go claim a bed. She slipped into the girls dorm and found and open bed, dropping her duffel bag on it. She glanced around the room and sighed. She hadn't shared a room with another person in quite some time.

    I hope nobody snores or I'm never going to get some sleep.

    She heard the backdoor open and the clanking of the drawf she saw earlier. She strolled back into the main room as Arden introduced himself. She quriked an eyebrow at Ash and Michela as they talked about the tiny orange he was eating.

    Trying to avoid the attention of the glee club, she slowly scooted towards the living room and settled herself on the arm of the couch, watching the others. She peeked at Jason and gave him a little smile as she pushed the cascade of her long hair back over her shoulder.

    "Jason, right?" she replied, extending her hand to him with a friendly smile.
  11. Kegen was walking around the house, checking out all the rooms to get a feel for the place. She noticed the pale young man head into the boy's dorm. She was heading back through the living room when she was assulated by the trio. She winced and threw her hands up over her ears as the girl's screeched their names and spun about in poses, almost clocking her. The sudden noise shocked her since she wasn't expecting it.

    She glowered at the group as Varon jumped in to strike his pose. "You've got to be kidding me. Why do I feel like I'm stuck in an super cheery yet horrible anime with these three," she grumbled under her breath as she focused her super sensitive hearing so not to be surprised again.

    She shifted her weight and straightened her duffel bag with a look of dawning horror. Aww crap. I have to share a dorm with those cheerleaders. Why, oh why did I agree to this?! she silently cursed.

    She heard Ash approach before he spoke. Her ears picked up the electronic hum of his circuits. She glanced at him as her hazel eyes moved over his form, studying quickly but picking up every detail. She chuckled to herself as she realized what she was doing. KC always told her she had an eye for details, but she couldn't decide if Kegen's eye was that of an artist or of a cop.

    " Hi Ash," she smiled warmly at the boy, flashing her dimples as she extended her hand to him, " I'm Etherburn."

    She glanced around at the others, her observant gaze falling over all of them. She quriked an eyebrow at the fairly attractive man who appeared in a cloak of darkness with wings of smoke. What was his name...Jason? Yeah he was introduced as Jason. She felt the light pull of a small smile on her lips. Maybe this won't be to bad...well aside from the Trinity.

    "Well once the last person gets here we can get this show on the road, I guess," she replied to the group.
  12. Kegen rubbed at her eyes as she stared into the mirror, wiping a hand across the condensation on it. She yawned widely at her reflection as she began to brush her teeth. She turned her head checking her profile, happy to see that the bruise was gone. It wouldn't be good if she started the show all banged up. She finished up and gather her tolietrees and dropped them into the black duffle bag that sat on the hotel bed. She ran the brush as few more times through her long deep auburn hair and sighed.

    "Why...or why did I let them talk me into this," she grumbled as she zipped the bag up.

    She slipped out of the towel and pressed a button on her unusal black wristwatch. She closed her eyes breifly against the flash of light as she summoned her quantuim plated battle suit. The ultra-light black and neon green metallic suit flowed over her body and solidified, encasing her within it's skin tight yet comfortable confines. She slipped the black and green winged headpiece on and stared in the mirror. She flexed the her hands, watching the robotic-like guantlets move too. She smiled into the mirror trying to pratice what she was going to give to the crowds.

    Always make a good first impression, no matter what. Be who they want. She heard her grandfather's voice echo in her head.

    She flashed a dazzling smile into the mirror, showing her small dimples and the sprinkle of little freckles across her carmel-colored cheeks. She shook her head and sighed.

    You are special, my little gift from the gods. Always remember that. Be who you are. The memory of her mother's voice surfaced in her mind.

    She frowned, feeling the saddness rise inside of her. She glanced at the clock and cursed. She flung the bag over her shoulder and darted out the door. She ran down the hall and slid down the railing on the stairs, surprising one of the maids as she began her day.

    Kegen leapt off and charged the front desk. " Bye Gil. Here you go. See you soon, maybe," she replied as she tossed the key on the counter.

    With a slight wave, she pushed through the lobby doors and surged down the street, dodging and weaving through the people that were going about their day. She shouted apologies as she bumped people with her duffle bag. She continued her surging run, enjoying the feel of the breeze against her face as she effortlessly continued her trek to the Big Brother House. She cut through an alley, vaulting a few fences smoothly. She heard the screams of the crowds expload in her hyper-acute ears like a gunshot. She winced and skidded around a corner. She clamored up a fire escape and began to leap gracefully from rooftop to rooftop. She stopped and stared down at the screaming masses that lined the walkway to the house,cheering and hooting at four of the heroes that had already made their appearences. She shook her head again.

    "Chris, you owe my so big for this, and I'm not counting the fact that I'm going to save your son's butt from a Freakshow ambush in twenty years," she sighed to herself.

    She secured the backpack and took a few steps back, judging the distance. She took a deep breath and then surged ahaead as fast as she could. She hit the edge of the building and launched herself off, using her ability to fly to give her an extra push. She spread her arms out as she plummited towards the group. She counted under her breath as the concrete rose up to meet her. She smiled happily to herself as her trejectory was going to put her directly in front of the guy being displayed like a gameshow prize by two women. She smirked as she noticed the stares up at her. She somersulted over him and landed perfectly in a crouch. She flipped her head up, throwing her long redwood hair behind her, showing her sparkling hazel eyes. She smiled excitedly, her heart still racing from the thrill of it as she stood up infront of Varon.

    " Hope I'm not late," she replied, placing her guantleted hands on her hips and glances over her should to the trio behind her.

    " Etherburn, folks," a voice annouced.

    She smirked and started to walk towards the house, waving at the crowds. She stopped to look at the very short man. "Nice helm."
  13. QueenEtheria

    Twined and Bound

    Chapter Seven

    Etheria stood at the prow of the ship, staring at the docks as the cool wind caressed her hair and robes. The slowly fading sun washed over her, giving a last warm caress on her exposed skin. She watched as her home slowly began to fade into the horizen. Her heart felt heavy. Everthing she knew, everyone she loved was back in Alexandria. It was mildly exciting to think about what Rome would be like but, she would be a stranger in a strange place. She knew culturally that these were two different places. Nervousness began to crawl inside of her. Isis had given her blessing for this trip but she still felt that something terrible was going to happen while she was away. Etheria couldn't shake the feeling that darkness was lurking, waiting for her.

    Would leaving Eygpt be enough? Would Set still be able to find her?

    She felt a crawling sensation up her back as if someone was watching her. This was going to be the first step on a very long path. Deep down with her heart she knew that she would never find peace as long as the dark god had his sights set on her. She just wondered how much pain and suffering he was going to throw her way, hoping to break her will.

    Her hand began to caress her necklace, feeling the reassuring pulse of the gem against her palm. She was going to have to be strong. Her faith would never falter. She just prayed that she could spare all those who would find themselves a part of Set's nefarious plan to convert or kill her.

    She felt a cloak being draped over her bared shoulders. She glanced behind her to see Valerius smiling softly at her as he clasped it closed for her. "It will become colder on the open ocean at night. I thought you may need it," he replied tenderly, his eyes reassuring.

    She knew he could sense her despair at leaving her only home.

    "Thank you, Valerius," she replied quietly, glancing back at the fading cityscape.

    She watched as they erected the second obolisk in front of Queen Cleopatra's palace. She knew the obolisks were bare but they would soon be decorated with hommage to Eygpt's new Queen Pharoh. Etheria frowned as she thought she would never see them finished.

    Valerius squeezed her shoulder gently, letting her know that he was there. She turned her sad amber eyes to him.

    "All will be fine, my Priestess. You shall see your homeland soon. Have no fear. I shall see you returned safely home," he replied, hand still resting on her shoulder.

    She reached up and patted it. " I know, my dear solider. But i would be lying if I said that my heart does not ache for my home," she replied softly, letting her hand drop away as she drew the cloak more around her.

    "If you need me, you know where to find me," he replied hesitantly as he withdrew and went back to help man the boat.

    Etheria closed her eyes, letting her senses open up. She felt the caress of the delicate wind and the fresh, salty smell of the water. She felt her body sway with the boat as it moved across the waves. She opened her eyes with a sigh and watched as the city began to vanish against the horizen.

    "Home," she whispered sadly, brushing away a loose strand of her hair as she curled up into her cloak.




    "Why is everything so dusty in here! You would think that they would take better care of these things. I mean it's a freakin' museum," she mumbled to herself.

    She brushed a wayward strand of copper hair behind her ear as her ice blue eyes searched the shelf. She scanned the titles, brushing away some of the dust to better read the older tomes. She felt another tickle in her nose. She leaned back slightly, so not to sneeze directly on the books. She covered her nose and mouth with one hand, the other holding onto the bottom of the self for support.


    She wobbled for a moment, but steadied herself and went back to her search. She smiled triumphiantly when she found the book. She removed it and hopped off the shelf she was standing on. She brushed the leatherbound cover off and tucked it under her arm as she headed back upstairs to the office.

    She strolled slowly past the glass windows that peeked into the labs where several archeologists and scientists were running tests and studying the giant obolisks that they had just recieved. She sighed sadly as she continued towards the elevators. One day soon, she told herself.

    She noticed that the curator and several members of the Foundation of Natural History were entering the elevator. She jogged towards them, hoping to be able to talk to Dr. Smyth about a position at the Foundation next year when she was done with school.

    "Wait," she shouted as the doors began to close.

    One set of eyes looked up at her and the man shrugged as the doors closed right before her. She came to halt infront of the silver doors and heaved a sad sigh.

    No one ever bothers to pay attention to me, she thought to herself as she pushed the button.

    She stared at her slightly warped refelection in the metallic doors. Her copper hair pulled back in a loose bun. Her pale, slightly freckled face unadorn with makeup. She frowned at her faded flared jeans and Lucky 13 hooded sweatshirt. Normally she was more professionally dressed but she came in to help on her day off, directly after school. Granted she truly looked like an intern at this moment.

    The doors slide open and she stepped inside, a slump to her shoulders. She rode up to the first floor and headed towards Dr. Tompkin's office. She poked her head into the open door, causing the wayward strand to fall back into her eyes. The large office looked much small since it was cluttered with rows of books, small iconic statues, and his large desk overflowing with papers. She had tried once to organize the office but it had failed. Niether of them could find anything.
    She cleared her throat lightly.

    His silver templed, brown head looked up, light brown eyes smiling at her. "Ah, Aleslia! I take it you found the book?" he asked, sitting back in his overstuffed brown leather chair.

    "That I did Doc!" she replied, presenting the book to him as she walked in.

    "Excellent," he replied taking it from her," I must say you are one of the best interns I ever had. You do great work, Ales. I mean it."

    She stood there, glancing down sheepsihly as she hid her blush. She wasn't use to people acknowledging her. "Thank you."

    "Well, no need for that because I mean it. Also I appreciate that you came in today even though you weren't scheduled," Dr. Tompkins replied as he began flipping through the book.

    "I do want to give you a heads up. Next week we are doing inventory and unfortunatly you will be helping," he replied, glancing up at her.

    Leslie made a silly face and groaned. Dr. Tompkins laughed. "I know, it's not the exciting life of arecheology that Indiana Jones portrayed but it has to be done. It does give you a chance to check out some of the relics that are not on display," he replied with a smile, trying to make the assignment seem better.

    "I'll keep that in mind, Doc," she replied sarcastically as she picked her bookbag up out of the chair, "Need anything else tonight?"

    "No, thank you again, Aleslia. I'll call if I need anything. I am pushing to get you involved with the translation of those new obolisks, since you are a wiz with languages. Just thought you should know, so you won't be to surprised if one of the Foundation members approach you," he replied smiling as he saw the happiness light her eyes.

    " Have a good night Kiddo.," he added knowing she hated it when he called her that," I'll see you tomorrow."

    She shook her head and smiled at him,flinging her bag over her shoulder. "You too, Doc."

    Leslie headed out the back door and made her way to the train. She readjusted her backback as she looked at her watch. She had three hours until she had to be at work. She stopped to stand on the ramp leading to the tram and watched a brightly colored figure in a cape bound over the station. She sighed sadly wondering what it would be like to be somebody, to do something great like the heroes in this city. She shuffled onto the platform. Maybe if she had superpowers she could've changed all the bad things that happened in her life. She could've saved Josh.

    She frowned sadly as images of the car accident flashed into her mind. The sight of twisted steel and blood. The sounds of his painfully shallow breathing. She squeezed her eyes shut to blot out the images that were forever huanting her dreams.

    She boarded the tram and flopped down into a seat, pulling her sociology book out and began to read it as she made her way home to Atlas Park.
  14. Kegen grumbled to herself as she stood outside of one of the booths. She glanced around at the people walking by and shook her head sadly. She took a deep breath and stepped inside.

    "Welcome and Thank you for auditioning for Big Brother: Heros. We will ask you a few series of questions. Please answer them truthfully."

    1) Please state your name and security level.

    Etherburn, Pargon Hero registry number one four zero two dash six D, Security Clearence Level Thrity-sev...eerrr....sorry forgot when I was... I am Etherburn, plain and simple, and am currently ( sighs dejectedly) Clearence Level Six.

    2) Can you please tell us about your origin and powers?

    My powers are mutatgentic in base. I was born with the coding for my current powers already insterted into my DNA. I believe that I inherited my powers from my parents. I am able to heal supernaturally by touch and thought. I also have the ability to fire a type of cosmic and chemical radiation. My origin is a slightly contriversial topic. I am from twenty-six years in the future, teleported back in time through a cosmic rift. ( shrugs) That's all I can give you for now.

    3) Please tell us about any hobbies or interests you might have?

    Well, Science is a big interest of mine. I was studying Bio-Genetics. I am also interested in Art. I enjoy painting and drawing. Other hobbies I have usually involve sports. I like swimming, rock climbing, volleyball, softball, anything outdoors and physical.

    4)How would you describe yourself?

    Hhhmmm...how would I describe myself. I know how others have. ( taps her finger against her lips) I guess I am very ambitious. I like to push myself past my limits. I'm a thrill-seeker, hence the sports, I guess. I have big shoes to fill, so I throw myself into my work. I would rather suffer then have my teamates or friends suffer. I don't have a lot to lose so I guess I'm self-sacrificing. Oh yeah, apparently I am highly stubborn.

    5) Do you think you are easy to get along with?

    Yeah, I think I am easy to get along with. I maybe quiet sometimes and I'm not very funny but I'm an overall nice person. I don't have problems with others unless they are disrespectful or incrediably stupid, like lacking common sense stupid. I have a short fuse when it comes to people like that. But other than that I am a friendly and caring person.

    6) Please tell us a little about one of your recent missions?

    Well, since I got bumped back down to a starting hero because of the whole time-traveling, I was asked to help a fellow new hero tackle some Vahzilok that were spotted in the sewers. It went very well.

    7) Why do you wish to appear on Big Brother: Heroes?

    Well....a couple of the people at G.I.F.T. thought it would be a good experience for me, though actually I think they believe it would be funny to see me interact with your technologically imparied time frame. Also they thought the whole back from the future thing would make the show very interesting. It's not like I have to worry about anybody recognizing me. ( chuckles)

    8) What do you think you will be able to bring to the Big Brother house?

    Intrigue?! Come on, I'm from ( makes whooo noises and wiggles her fingers at the camera) THE FUTURE!!!! Honestly I do not know what I'll bring. Moodiness, a troubled past life? (chuckles) It's hard to tell until I get around others. I usually find my niche, picking up slack from someone.

    9) What would you do if you win Big Brother Heroes?

    (blinks and scratches at her head) There's a prize for this? No wonder there were so many reruns of these reality shows. Now I know why they were so popular. It was about the money. Well, if there is money involved it does me no good, espeically if I find a way back home. I guess I'd give the money to the school systems to help the underfunded Arts and Sciences. Wow, I should try out for Miss America with that one. ( chuckles)

    10) (( I am usually on everyday at least...how sad! ))

    11) (( I wouldn't mind, but I'll leave that to you, Stu!))

    Thank You for your time.We will contact you in a few days to let you know the success of your audition. Good Luck.

    Kegen stands with a chuckle. " Right, success!!!" She shakes her head and leaves the booth.
  15. QueenEtheria

    The New Empire

    YEAH!!!!! ::closes my book and packs up my stuff:: Awesome stuff. Can't wait for another chapter, but I'll go occupy myself with my story until then.

    Go Radiated Heros Unite!!!
  16. QueenEtheria

    Twined and Bound

    Awww...Thanks, Wolffe! I really appreciate feedback. Honestly, this story is told by both. It just depends on who I feel is best suited for the chapter. But after going through, you are right, it seems that it mostly right now is Valerius' prespective but it shall change. There is still so much to tell of this tale.
  17. QueenEtheria

    The New Empire

    You better!!!! I wrote a new chapter for mine, so now all I have to do is wait for yours!!!

    :: pulls out a lawn chair and a cooler. Sits down and pops open a drink as I begin to read a book::

    Whenever your ready, Wolffe!!!
  18. QueenEtheria

    Twined and Bound

    Chapter Six ( Part Two)

    Valerius sighed as he slouched farther down into the bath. The warm water was soothing against his tired muscles. He tilted his head back to rest against the stone border of the larger communal bath. He was alone in the lightly rose scented water. He smirked to himself as he closed his eyes, wondering if all the priestesses smelled of the rose water. He began to relax more, soothing incense burned in their pots as he heard the music of the desert night. It had been quite sometime since he last allowed himself this kind of indulgence. Baths like this were few and far between on the battlefields.

    He had run into one of his scouts earlier that morning as he returned back to the temple, Etheria craddled in his arms. The scout relinquished his mount and Valerius returned swiftly to the temple. Nantaru greeted them at the gates and had Etheria carried off to her private chambers by the temple guards. Valerius had fought the urge to scramble after them and remain by her side. He instead turned to find Kyrian, his second in command, and find out if their had been any attacks. To his men's dismay, all was quiet at the temple.

    Valerius had spent the day, trying to stay busy as the priestess' kept taking turns sitting with Etheria's sleeping form. He found himself walking down her hallway, every once in awhile as he went about his day. He shook his head sadly.

    I am such a fool. This woman has ensnared me is some wicked trap. Have I wronged you in some way dear Fates? Do I deserve such a cruel existence? Tempted and taunted by this siren?

    Valerius shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts as he sank further into the warm water. All the grime and wariness of the last few days was slowly washing away.

    It matters not. The day was won and we shall return to Rome shortly. I shall return to my life as a warrior as she goes back to serving her goddess. There is no possiable way for us to remain with each other. It was not meant to be.

    A slight excitement ran through him as he thought about his home. It had been a few years since he had been home. This campaign carried him far from the bustling metropolis of Rome. The message the General had sent said he would be given a few month's vaction. It also mentioned that his uncle, Senator Magnus Augustus, was egar for his return from a sucessful campaign. It had also mentioned that he was going to be honored with an advancement in his rank and several daughters of very influent families were expressing interest in meeting the new General.

    He groaned outwards as he sank chin deep into the water. He hated politics with a passion and hated the games he had to play for the sake of his family. He had been happy when he was assigned by Ceaser to lead one of his armies into the northern barbarian lands. It was his chance to escape.

    He shuttered, remembering the lavish attentions of several noble ladies. Monogomy was a fairly unknown term to the higher classes of the Empire. Several married ladies expressed their interest in him at a young age, inviting him to parties, claiming to his family that they wanted him to meet the budding young women in their households, yet plotting to get him in their own bedrooms. He was no prude and was tempted by some of the very lovely noble ladies, but he always felt like a piece of meat. It was at the age of 13 that he learned to harden his heart and forgo emotions. All most of the women he met only wanted him for physical needs and never bothered to get to know him personally, emotionally. But that was the society he lived in.

    He sighed again, causing ripples in the water. Sometimes he wished he was a commoner. He closed his eyes, picturing his uncle boosting about his exploits with the army. Valerius unfortunatly was the oldest male in his family. His three elder sisters were married off with great doweries, ensuring his uncle's seat on the senate, but leaving them slightly light in the coffers. Valerius' father had died from an illness before he had turned 6. His mother, Grippada, had moved in with his uncle and began to play the moruning widow, while gathering more wealth with a joint effort between his uncle and her. Now at the age of 21, they felt he was past the age of marriage and feverantly tired to join him to a new household while he was away at war. He just wanted to fight. He did not want to have to worry about maintaining a household with an arranged marriage and being forced to reproduce. He knew once they packed up and returned to Rome, he would be leaving without his heart, his passion.

    His ears picked up a very soft hiss and he felt the rippling of the water. His eyes flew open as he tensed, prepared for an attack. He paled and coughed harshly as he choked on the water he had swallowed. He blushed brightly for the first time in quite sometime as his eyes cast downwards away from the dazzling smile. He tried to calm himself, thinking of boring things like political debates and unsettling things like carnage and bloodshed, anything to stop the reaction of his body.

    "You do not have to look away anymore, Valerius. I would've thought communal bathing was common in Rome," Etheria's voice drifted to his ears.

    Her voice carried a note of amusement. He slowly raised his gaze, happy and disappointed all at once, as he noted she was fully submerged in the water. She sat across from him and smiled softly.

    "I promise I am unarmed," she replied, smiling meekly.

    "That was not a concern of mine," he replied, upset that he thought he heard a squeak in his voice.

    He stared at her, glad that the murky mineral was able to hide his body, as he studied her. She seemed less wary. The lines of worry were gone from her lovely face, but there was a shadow in her mesmerizing amber eyes.

    "Is something the matter, High Preistess? Be rest assured that no harm came to the temple in your absence," he replied, trying to be as business-like as he could, sitting naked with a woman he desired greatly.

    She smiled softly at him, crumbling his resolve. "I know that nothing befell these people, but I fear the longer I remain here, that there will be bloodshed," she sighed sadly, running her fingers lightly over the necklace she wore.

    Valerius swallowed hard. Her saddness tugged at him. He wanted to gather her in his arms and soothe her. He saw the haunted look in her eyes.

    "What has happened, Priestess?" he asked, addressing her with the title, hoping to keep this impersonal.

    The corner of her lips curved down slightly. "He knows where I am at at. He knows all of my sisters. He...he...wants me and will use them to get to me," she whispered softly, her eyes widening with slight fright.

    She locked eyes with Valerius and shuttered. "I don't know what to do. He'll never leave me alone."

    "Who?" Valerius asked, feeling an anger boil up inside him as he saw her fear.

    "Set. The dark god. He will come for me. Oh, what do I do Valerius?" she breathed quietly, her eyes drowning with fear and saddness as she wrapped her arms around her chest.

    Goosebumps marched down his spine as she spoke his name. The intimate setting had stripped him from the harden warrior mask that he always wore.

    "Come with me," he whispered, shocked as the words escaped.

    She stared at him, blinking in disbelief. He should've stopped. He should've said nothing at all, but without knowing why he bullied on.

    "Come with me... back to Rome. He will not be able to harm you if you stay with me. I shall guard you, protect you. You wouldn't have to fear for your sisters, if you are no longer with them. I'll take care of you, I promise. I give my word and honor as a soilder to be your sword. Just come with me," he replied, internally shocked but also hopefully.

    She sat there, her hair floating on the water like raven snakes, as she stared into his eyes, hers contemplating.

    "I...I do not know, Valerius. There's...I mean...if something happens...I...I...especially...with what..." she rambled, eyes casted sheepishly away.

    "I will need time to reflect. I must mediatate and commune with Isis before I even decide to leave. This would be a very big and important change in my life," she replied, returning her gaze to his.

    He finds himself moving closer to her, feeling the strands of her hair lap at his chest and shoulders.

    "Think about it, but we leave in two days. I can not really say how I feel about leaving you behind, especially if this Set is after you. I can't imagine more of those monsters hunting you down. I would be able to sleep better at night if I knew you were protected and near me. I can not change what has happened between us, and I do realize that what I wish for is not possible in this life but, aside from my selfish needs, I do feel that you'd be safer with me..in Rome," he replied, staring meaningfully into her eyes.

    He noticed her slight fidgit and blush as he moved closer. "It will only take a day for me to decide, Valerius, once I've spoken with Her," she stammered, staring nervously at him.

    "What the matter, Etheria? I thought you were use to communal bathing?" he smirked playfully as she squrimed again at his closeness.

    He reached out and began to twist one of her locks of her hair between his fingers, smiling devilishly at her.

    She blushed even brighter as she replied," I am, but only with women. The temple guards do not bath with us, though they watch. But I have nothing to fear from the eunnichs."

    "Ah, well if you come with me, you should get comfortable with bathing with men. It is not uncommon for man and woman to wash each other either. I promise while I am around, you shall have nothing to fear from any man, myself included. Here, let me show you," he replied into her wide eyes as his hands began to brush through her floating hair.
  19. QueenEtheria

    The New Empire

    Happy B-Day Wolffe!!!! Here's some cake and ice cream and stupid, pointed, paper hat.

    Now...i gave you somethings...now you give us and me a new chapter!!! PLEASE!!!!!
  20. QueenEtheria

    Twined and Bound

    (( Alright everybody, thank you for being patient. My muse was on vaction, but she's back and now I can write again. So here you guys go and thanks again!!!))

    Chapter Six

    There were voices in the darkness. Crying. Screaming. Begging. Such pain echoes from the chorus lost in the shadows. The sound chills her to the very depths of her soul. She shutters as she clutchs the gem with shaking hands.
    They call for her by name. The individuals voices rise as one agonizing sound as they call out. It is a symphony of despair and pain as they beg and plea for her to stop the suffering, the poverty, the wars, the famine, the hunger, the disease, and the death.

    She clamps her eyes shut as the noise becomes feverant. The one voice of many burrows into her mind. She can not shake the sensations assoicated with that sound. The sound of her people. Hot tears begin to fall from her eyes as she's engulfed in their emotions. She has failed them. No matter how hard she may try, she will never be able to help.

    "It does not have to be that way," a soothing voice like liquid temptation whispers softly in her mind.

    Her eyes fly open as she finds herself standing, bathed in a golden light. She glances around, searching for the source of the voice.

    "You scarifice so much, yet the world will never change. All your fears shall remain. There is only so much you can do. You already drive yourself to exhuastion for what? More pain to arise? More people impoverished? More children straving? More people dying in the streets?" the voice repiled as flashes of pain and suffering danced through her mind, accenting his points.

    She closed her eyes against her tears. Their pain was so real, it was like a knife through her heart.

    "What of your sisters? The goddess will let them suffer. Famine and disease shall spread across your lands and they will suffer with the goddess' children. Painful death shall take them all from you for what? The goddess gave you her power so that she can remain in exisitance. There will come a time when the belief in the gods shall faulter and they will return back to where they came from, abandoning the humans. You are nothing but amusement for them. You are pawns in a game they play," the voice purred at her, showing her more awful sights of her sisters racked with pain.

    She just shook her head in disbeilef at the thought. " That will never happen. Isis cares about her people. She is a good and noble creature of divinity. You only speak lies. Believing her to be selfish, blasphmy!"

    "True she gave you the magical jewel to help and heal, but did she not tell you it was shard of her heart, her divine spark? The energy that makes her a god. Why would she want a piece of her divinity to exist on the material plane of man? As long as faith of the diety or in her case, a physical piece of them exist, they will remain in contact with the human world. She is scared to lose her godhood. She wishes to remain powerful and worshipped by the masses. It is through you that she will maintain her regin as a god. You will remain immortal until she sees fit to remove the gem from you. You will watch thousands, upon thousands die for petty reasons and their will be nothing you can do. You shall be tormented by the changing world and what will come. You think you will fail now? You have no idea how human nature will change. They will revert back into the true dominating animals they are. Death will be man's legacy. All that you wish to accomplish, to save, will be for naught. Why sentence yourself to such a fate?" he asked, his voice dripping with seduction and succor.

    Etheria squeezed her eyes tight against the horrific images of wars and senseless slaughter. She began to cry as her mind was bombarded by these images. She fell to her knees, crippled by the pian of the ages to come.

    "Why? Why, show me? What do you want?" she cried, her voice heavy with her pain.

    A tender hand slide down her cheek as she stared up at a red-headed man with golden skin. Her was glorious to behold. Perfectly formed and ozzed sensuality and power. Golden orbed eyes smiled sweetly down at her.

    "I want to save you, child. Save you from all this pain and death. Isis will satnd idly by, letting you suffer through, hoping you learn on your own how to keep her alive. I wish to spare you from that," he replied, continuing to caress her cheek," You desevere to be a Queen. With power as such, you could change the fate of the world. You could shape it into a world pf peace and you wouldn't need to start wars. All you would need is me by your side."

    The breath-taking being knelt down infront of her, tilting her chin up to stare upon his incrediable face. " I can give you what you want, without asking for your suffering and life like she asks. I want, need to spare you from this fate," he whispered at her, his voice wrapping around her like warm silk.

    Her eyes went wide in pain and fear as she saw her death by torture. She felt the backlash of the pain inflicted upon her. The divine creature gather her shaking form in his arms and began to rock her gently, smoothing the hair from her face.

    "She will abandon you and let you suffer. I can prevent it only if you give yourself to me. I will give you all that your heart desires. They only thing I ask in return is if you join me and forsake Isis."

    Etheria was scared and confused. She could not deny what she saw and felt. She knew that he was being truthful to her, in his own twisted way. She was going to die along with everybody else, unless she relented. It was too soon. Fear raced throug her as she stared up into his serene looking face. He smiled lovingly down at her.

    "Think upon it my darling Etheria. I have plently of time to wait for your answer, but remember you unfortunalty do not. When you are ready, I'll be here. All you have to do is call out to me and I shall come," he caressed her cheek again before kissing her forehead lightly.

    "I can give you everything you've every wanted," he whispers as she starts to drift away.

    A final image flashes in her mind. Valerius.


    Etheria bolts up from her bed of pillows, her body shaking from her dreams of pain. She closed her eyes and rests a hand over the softly pulsing jewel. His words crawled through her mind sensually, curling about like a cat. She shutters and sighs sadly as his seed of doubt begins to implat itself in her mind.

    "Set," she whispered into the empty room.

    She felt a wicked smile in her mind as she spoke his name.
  21. Samen slipped her ritual dagger back into her boot and stood, smiling sadly at Drusus.

    "I do not know. Break him out?" she smiles playfully as they head back out into the city.

    "I have goods that I can sell for roman coin. I can also uuummm....perform if need be," she sighs, watching the slowly drifting crowds.

    "I can not leave him..." she trailed off as she looked towards the sky.

    "HHmmm...I must journey to the temple. Drusus, I wish to thank you for your help. I would be unfound if not for you," she replied, smiling warmly at him.
  22. Samen smiled at the sights Drusus kindly pointed out to her as they made their way to the Coliseum. She was awed by the archetecture.

    Her nervousness returned as they approached one of the guards. She stopped and smile lightly as the two man began to talk rapidly in Latin. Her smile lessened as she noticed the leering look of the guard. Her lips were drawn thin as she picked up a few choice words. Her eyes darted to Drusus as she swallowed down her fear.

    She watched the guards reaction as Drusus mentioned the emperor and senators. She smiled shyly again as Drusus was able to get them passage.

    Samen relinquished her bow and quiver sadly and handed over her ornate dagger from her boot. She followed Drusus quickly down the path between the cages.

    "Once again thank you so much," she replied as she glanced into the cages, her heart sinking at the sight of these men treated like animals.

    She shivered as their eyes followed her. They held the preadtorial gaze that she had seen in the eyes of wolves. Intelligent but deadly. Cold and calculating. Has Bel been transformed like this? Stripped of his humanity for the sake of sport?

    Samen stopped when Drusus did and turned to look into the cage. Her breath was caught in her throat as she saw Bel lying on a dirty sheet on the floor.

    He sat up and stared at the two with his bright blue eyes and features quite simliar to Samen's. He shot up and ran to the bars, squeezing a hand through to touch Samen's face.

    `" Little moon! What are you doing here? This is no place for you!!!"~

    ~" Bel"~ she whispered softly, her voice filled with tears that her eyes were shedding,~" I came to save you! My heart has been heavy since your capture. I can not leave you here to die like an animal. I've have traveled from our lands to rescue you. You do not belong in a cage. I can not live without you! You know that bond between us. If one of us dies, the other will lose the will to live. Our life forces are bound to each other. Cerridiwen requires my services still as the Morrigu does yours!"~

    She cupped her hand over his and continued to cry quietly. She felt his anguish and his hate of being caged. He looked more rugged than she had last seen him and she saw the jadeness in his eyes. Their seperation for so long had filled him with despair.

    ~" Do not shed tears for me, my moon. I know what you wish to do, but I feel I shall never be free. No matter what you do, I shall remain enslaved to these pits until my death. Fear not, for your sake I shall fight until I have no more to give. I will live to keep you alive. Return home. Speak to Cerridiwen and free yourself from our bond. Live a good life for me. Be happy knowing I will die like a warrior,"~ he replied, wiping away one of her tears with his thumb as he leaned his head againsts the bars with a sigh.

    He touched the tattoo over his heart and felt the energy flare there. He reached out and pushed his fingers through the bar to touch Samen's heart. He felt their link flare and feel all her hope and pain.

    ~" I can not leave you here. I need my sun,"~ she replied softly.

    He lifted his head and kisses her forehead. ~" We are always together through spirit."~

    Bel turned his gaze to Drusus, his eyes glinting with apprehension.

    "Who are you, roman?" Bel almost spat his words.

    Samen looked at Drusus and then to Bel. "This is Drusus. He helped me. He is very kind. He is also blessed." She smiled warmly at Drusus.

    Bel nodded and continued to stare at Drusus.

    "Take her from here. I am trusting you to make sure she is safe. Be wary she is a stubborn woman. She is determined to free me. Make sure, she doesn't do anything stupid. She will never listen to reason or me when her mind and heart are set on something. Maybe you can talk her out of freeing me or help her," Bel replied, smirking slightly.

    "She has a way with men. It's her soul. Comforting and mysterious like the moon. If you would be kind enough to watch her for a few days, until she gives up her futile and suicidial mission," he emphasied with a knowing stare at her before returning his gaze to Drusus," I'm sure we can find away to repay you. I just want to make sure she is safe. Will you grant a warrior that last request? All I can offer now is my eternal gratitude. Samen can give you nominal means once she contacts our father."

    ~" No, Bel! No, I won't leave you! There must be something...we can't"~ she began but he cut her short.

    "Go, now, before they come down here to check on you," he replied, wiping the rest of her tears away.

    Samen clutched at the bars tightly, her knuckles white, as she shook her head sadly. Bel pried her fingers loose and pushed her away. "Go."

    Samen stood, shifting nervously as she satred sadly at Bel. "Go, my twined soul. We shall be a family again one day," he smiled warmly at her, a brotherly smile.

    He returned his hard, warrior stare to Drusus. " Thank you, Drusus. The gods shall repay your kindness. It's is nice to see a roman with honor," he replied, dipping his head briefly at the man before turning back into his cell.

    Samen bit at her lip as she stared at Bel's back. She sighed defeatedly and turned to Drusus. "May we leave?" she sniffled slightly.
  23. Samen beamed happily, her eyes sparkling. "OH! You are so very kind, Drusus!!! May the Gods bless you for eternity," she replied, her voice lilting joyous.

    She knew no other way to show her apprecitaion then bless him. She felt her connection to Cerridiwen flare and knew that the goddess had answered her praise. Samen pushed a piece of her faith out and it spiritually annointed Drusus, leaving a quickly fading, mystical rune on his forehead that only she could see.

    She nodded at him, content knowing that he was a genuine soul.

    ~" Eiries de Ereland'~ she replied, quickly, answering his question. She blushed again and bowed her head sheepishly.

    "Forgive me. Habits die rough. I am from the island of Ere', far to the northwest," she replied softly.

    "I am seeking my...my..." she began to mummer as she searched for the word.

    She glanced up at Drusus and gave him a timid smile. She hated stumbling over her words and feeling so lost in this land. Back home, she was a proud priestess, armed with her magicks and her deadly ability with a bow. She had the respect of her people, but here she felt like a small child again. Meek and lost. Fear sat cold in her stomach.

    "I'm seeking my...heart's blood...uuummm...that's not right...my...kinsman," she tried again, unease showing in her eyes.

    "His name is Bel, if that may help. Once again, I know not how to thank you for your kindness and will to assist me," she replied, staring at him.

    She blushed brightly and casted her glance downward, kicking nervously at the street with her boot.
  24. Samen was surprised when Drusus kissed her hand. She was use to clasping wrists as the warriors did. She blushed slightly as he continued to hold her hand.

    She paid apt attention as he spoke, focusing on each word. She found herself nodding at the words she knew.

    "Gladiators..." she replied, trying the word out.

    Almost sounds like warrior. I guess that would be the best place for Bel. I could not see him playing a house servent or even working the fields like the others I saw on my way here.

    She cocked her head to one side, slipping her hair over that shoulder, with a look of confusion as he apologized for something.

    "I would like help. I would be very apprecative if you would not care to show me where this Gladiator's place is," she replied, slightly flustered, ashamed at her inablity to be fluent in this language.

    She sighed deeply and gave Drusus a heartwarming smile. " You are correct, but other than you, kind sir, I know no one. You can help me converse with others, yes? It is obvious my Latin is broken."
  25. She blinked at him in concertration. "Drusus..."

    She glanced around slightly neverous and then back at him, a shyness in her eyes. " I am seeking some..aaa...." she began, but stopped looking lost in thought.

    ~" By the gods! I can never remember anything. What was the word again?"~ she thought aloud in her native tongue, giving Drusus a smypathetic smile.

    "Ah! I am seeking help. I am finding the house of war slaves?" she replied, quriking her eyebrow, praying she was able to articulate herself.

    She played nervously with a silver braclet around her wrist. It carried her clan symbol, a stag's head embossed on the trinity knot. She stared into Drusus' eyes, studying him almost.

    Eyes show the reflection of one's soul, her grandmother's voice echoed in her mind.

    "OH! Forgive me. I am Samen. Pleased to make your presence," she replied quickly as remeberance darted through her eyes.

    She extended her hand out to clasp his in greeting.