Those Who Kill and Those Who Dont (Open RP)
Wolfe Gunner steadied his rifle on the blood-stained wolf, cursing to himself as he did so.
Damn Wolves... He thought, his mind wandering back. I'll NEVER forgive you...
Wolfe laughed as he rolled around in the grass, his mother tickling his stomach playfully, laughing as well. Wolfe looked back to the farm on which he lived, saw his father on the front porch of their house, whistling to himself as he cleaned his gun.
"Say, Mom?" Wolfe asked sometime later, as he and his mother layed on the grass and looked into the clear blue sky. "Why don't we move to the city? I hear they have alot of tall buildings, and cars, and even people that fly around in the air in the city!" He looked at his mother pleadingly. "Please?"
Wolfe's mother turned to him for a moment, smiling. "Yes, the city is pretty amazing..." She turned back to the sky. "But it's pretty amazing here, too." She sat up slightly. "You probably wouldn't understand, Wolfe, but many people in the city would pay an arm and a leg to move to a place like this." She motioned with her hand at the green valleys that spanned around Wolfe's familes' small farm. "Here, we can live in harmony with the beauty of nature." She turned back to Wolfe, and embraced him in a hug. "And I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world." Wolfe was too young to understand his mother... but he returned her hug anyway.
"You're nothing but a cold-blooded killer." Gunner Wolfe said, aiming his rifle. "And it's my duty as a civilized human being..." He cocked his gun. "To rid this world of every last inhuman animal there is."

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic

Kraven stood downwind from the cursed Vampyri and waited for the man on the rooftop above it to make his drop. He thought he recognized the man . . . perhaps somewhere in Atlas park long ago. With so many heroes roaming this city it was hard to keep track of them, oh well.
Originally Kraven was going to go arrest the vampyri himself. He needed information about what the council was up to and his sources had led him here, but when he saw the man on the rooftop with the almost bloodthirsty look in his eyes he decided to stop and watch the exchange, perhaps they could share in interogation when it was all over. Or maybe they were after the same objective and could join forces. It wasn't something he did often but he was always open to the idea.
The man dropped from the rooftop and landed directly on the vampyri, almost like a Dog attacking his prey . . . Kraven had seen him before, but where? Something was wrong, though. The wolf inside seemed to have emerged in this stranger. He was going to kill the vampyri. He couldnt let that happen, he needed the information that it carried. Kraven started a mad dash over to the exchange desperately trying to make it in time to stop the bloodshed when suddenly the vampyri said something that stopped him dead in his tracks.
"Wait! I can tell you were my base is! Don't kill me!"
Disgust painted Kravens face as he watched the vampyri get ripped to shreds by large canine teeth. Typical. They lie, steal, kill and destroy until the tables are turned. They value no life except their own, even turning against their "brothers" to escape justice. There truly was no honor among thieves. The wretched creature deserved everything he got. As the screams rose Kraven turned his back and walked away. He had other leads he could follow.
Moments later a primal howl echoed across the skies of paragon . . .
((I'm sorry, when I first read Blood-Wolffe's Post I thought that Blood Wolffe had the ability to turn into an actual wolf, which is why Wolfe Gunner refers to him as such. To save face, let's just say that Wolfe Gunner can SEE the "wolf" in Blood Wolffe, which is why he hates him so.))

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic

"Furry!" MaDeuce shouted from the alley, "Shooter at your back!"
She hoped the feral creature would understand her, but wasn't at all certain. The bloody-snouted being stood a good 20 yards away, and between her and the other weapon-wielding man. That put the now-dead undead Vampire between them as well, and she was fine with that.
The reticle of her Zeiss 2100 intersected the weaponeer's torso, cutting him into four perfect parts, and two fingers applied minor pressure to the trigger of the Solothurn, nothing to set it off, but enough to get there fast. He hadn't made the move she watched for, the pulling of the rifle that would signal a fraction before his shot. She might not stop him, but he wouldn't get a follow up.
"Weapon to your weak side!" she shouted at him. "I won't allow heroes to go down, not here, not like that." She didn't know the canine like creature from Adam, but the military had a saying: The enemy of your enemy is your friend. Wolf-man had just whacked a Vampire, and enemies didn't come more evil than the undead.
"No need for more dyin' here, just sight off the Wolf!"
The weapon did not waver in her hands, counter sniper was a cool business, and Ma was ice.
((Ma will not shoot first, she just doesn't want to see someone obviously heroic to be misundertood. If the wolf charges her, she will pull up and hit the fire escape, she understands rages and that attacking would be the wolf's instinct. She will come off target if Gunner does.))
((Just to clarify, Blood Wolffe is completely human in appearance, except for canine teeth. He has the soul of a wolf and the body and intellect of a man. I can see where the confusion comes from, my bad.))
Blood Wolffe looked up and saw the man pointing his rifle at him. He bristled up again defensively. He knew if he made on misunderstood move he was dead. Someone else yelled warnings to him, he was beginning to feel cornered and that wasnt good. Avenues of excape were quickly closing.
Adrenaline was still pumping through his veins but he knew his best chance at staying alive was his human side. He could smell the anger coming off the one aiming at him from where he was.
"It was a vampyri."
He wasnt quite sure what to say next.
"I only hunt the wicked."
That was as much civility as he could show and now he took a stance while trying to hide it, getting ready to defend himself.
"I only hunt the wicked."
[/ QUOTE ]
"Don't you DARE attempt to justify your actions to me!" Wolfe Gunner yelled, a bit taken aback that the abomination in front of him could speak the tongues of man. "Vampyri aren't even CLOSE to being as evil as YOUR vile race." He spat on the ground and turned to the woman, eyeing her high-powered rifle.
"He's nothing but a cold-blooded killer." Wolfe said, staring at MaDeuce. "You couldn't understand... he's nothing but a MONSTER." Wolfe was silent for some time, then lowered his rifle. "You want to protect him? Fine. Don't come crying to me when he rips your throat out." Wolfe reached into his trenchcoat and pulled out a whiskey bottle, taking a huge swig. "If you only knew... just how EVIL his KIND is..."
Meanwhile, in one of the many office buildings in Paragon City...
Bruce opened his eyes, thinking he must have fallen asleep at his desk. Raising his head, he noticed that his face seemed to feel a bit... sticky. Looking down at his desk, Bruce's blood turned to ice; his desk was covered in blood.
"What the...?!" Bruce got up with a start, bumping into something in his way. Looking behind him, Bruce saw the body of one of his co-workers lying on the floor in a pool of blood.
"Oh my God..." Bruce walked out of his office, stopping dead in his tracks as he looked across the blood-stained cubicles, his eyes settling on body after body of the people he knew, most of whom were close friends before... before...
Bruce dropped to his knees and wept.
In an Undisclosed Location...
"It's genious." Requiem explained, causing the Center to narrow his eyes on him. This action alone made Requiem squeamish, but he continued to explain anyway. "You see, if there's one thing I've learned about the Heroes in this city, it's this: many of them REFUSE to kill, especially killing innocence. This is where my plan becomes foolproof: You see, for some time now I've had certain members of the Council kidnap several office workers. Of course, sooner or later one Hero or another comes and rescues these 'innocent' victims and returns them to their grateful families." Requiem scoffed at the last few words, but continued. "But unknown to them, they've already come under the fold of the Council. You see, I've had my minions employ a mixture of dark magic and modern technology that will turn them into Sleeper Agents, incredibly powerful beings that have only one desire: to kill." Requiem chuckled at this, but the Center remained silent. Requiem quickled stifled his laughter and went on. "The best part of this is, the Sleeper Agents themselves are COMPLETELY innocent; almost ALL of them have a family, kids, and an otherwise happy life. Even the slightest action to attempt to reverse the dark magic or remove the technology in these Sleeper Agents will result in an IMMEDIATE self-destruction, killing the Sleeper Agent and anyone in the general vicinity." Requiem's voice grew increasingly excited. "Think about it? What do you do if you're a Hero? Kill a spouse, a parent, who is not in control of what he/she is doing? Don't kill them, and let them continue to kill others mercilessly? Or go after me, and in the meantime let HUNDREDS, maybe even THOUSANDS of innocent people die?" Requiem chuckled once more. "No, the Heroes won't know what to do; how will their precious value of not killing hold up against this new threat?" Requiem stopped for a moment, then smiled wickedly. "And the best is yet to come, believe me."
The Center, after being quiet for so long, finally laughed so loudly and so maniacally that even Requiem was taken aback. Then, he joined his leader in laughing, the uproarus laughter echoing throughout the secret base of the Council.
((Well, since this Thread is called "Those Who Kill and Those Who Don't", I figured I'd go and set up this, since it DOES bring up a pretty big moral dilemma for MANY Heroes.))

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic

"Evil?" Ma dropped her voice enough that she could be heard, but wasn't shouting. Her rifle, named Topper, dropped from the other man's vicinity and she made it apparent she no longer targeted him.
"Brother, I could tell you about evil." She let the rifle rest against the sling and her hip, watching the feral, man-sized Vampire slayer from the corner of one eye. She held both hands at shoulder height, palms out, not meeting Wolf's eyes. She had been around dogs and animals enough to know eye contact was a challenge.
"Not here to cause trouble, just making things fair," she spoke towards the man with blood on his hands.
To the other man, apparently someone after her own mind with the bottle, "You want to debate evil and killing, there's a bar a couple blocks from here. We stand out here much longer, you might see some more."
She kept her eyes focussed between the two men, either of which could still be a threat.
Wolfe looked at the clock. His father had gone out half an hour ago to feed the chickens, and his mother had left ten minutes ago when he hadn't come back.
What's taking so long? Wolfe wondered. Sighing, he grabbed his new rifle (his 16th Birthday present) and went out after his parents. He had been practicing with his father for some time, and he had gotten pretty good at it. His father had even promised him that he would take him hunting with him soon. I hope I'm as good of a hunter as Dad when I grow up... Wolfe thought as he walked outside...
"Brother, I could tell you about evil."
[/ QUOTE ]
Wolfe eyed the woman's rifle, eyed her posture, and chuckled to himself. "Yeah, I'm sure you've been through alot too. Sorry, but I've got to be going." He turned to the wolf-man one last time, then began walking away.
As he walked away, Wolfe whistled loudly into the air, and soon what appeared to be five large dogs arrived at his side. However, on closer inspection, one could see that they were obviously wolves. He kneeled down and patted each one on the head, pulling out some meat to feed to them.
"Let's try another area of the city." Wolfe said after the wolves were done eating. He looked back at the wolf-man and the woman, then patted two of the wolves on the head. "Fire, I want you to keep your eyes on the wolf-man; and Snow, I want you to stick to that woman over there." He motioned to the woman with the rifle behind him. "Fire, if that... THING... tries ANYTHING, rip his throat out." He then turned to Snow. "And I'm relying on you to protect that woman. I've got enough deaths on my conscious, and I don't need any more." The two wolves licked Wolfe's face, then immediately sprinted to who they'd been assigned. Wolfe smiled, and he and the three remaining wolves walked on.
((BTW, Fire is a male wolf and Snow is a female wolf, just so you know))

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic

-Bloodfang watched the scene unfold below him. He at first had thought Blood Wolffe was hunting him, but soon realized they were both hunting the same prey. So he waited and watched. he had wanted to interogate the Vampyri, not for information on the Council, but for information on its kind. His kind? Vampyri, Vampire...what was the conection? 'Fang knew they were aliens, but did Vampyri create the first Vampires? Twice during pitched battles, a Vampyri had tried to get him to switch sides, to 'join us'. They both died, just as all the rest. No room in the jails for thier kind. No jails secure enough to hold them anyways. Not many criminals survived an encounter with Bloodfang. Only those few arrested by some other hero in the midst of battle. "I only prey upon those who prey upon the innocent" he kept telling himself. but with every kill, he felt his humanity slip further away. If it weren't for the dedication of his freinds, he would have slipped into madness long ago. The curse of undeath haunted him always.
-He sat back on his heels and waited. Sooner or later the group would move on. then at least he could inspect the corpse. And who knew? Maybe more of its kind would show up. The night was still young. More time for dying before sun-up. More villians to dispatch. More blood to drink. "Luck in battle, heroes" he whispered.
-He lifted his head...a new scent...close by....came in past the guards on his helm. He unsheathed his claws and turned....yup...more time for dying tonight.
Blood Wolffe went to some water nearby to wash the blood off of him. He smelled a familiar yet different scent. He looked up in the direction of Bloodfang.
Blood Wolffe could sense he was a hunter too , his posture, and the way he looked at things gave him away. Blood Wolffe gave him a look as if to say few will ever understand us.
He could also sense someone he had seen before. In Atlas Park? He could not see him though, an accomplishment that was quite impressive to Blood Wolffe.
He turned to his new wolf escort. It had been a long time since he had seen a fellow wolf and he smiled at the approach of fire, even if he wasnt sent on friendly terms.
He held out his hand for the wolf to get his sent and told the wolf "I want to know what those two are going to talk about, dont you?"
He could communicate with animals much easier than most humans. The only ones that could match him were those psychic humans that had that natural connection.
He and the wolf followed the two heading to a bar Blood Wolffe made sure he wasnt seen and when the two were inside he went to the rooftop next to a vent. His heightened sense of hearing could filter out the usual bar noise leaving just the two. He took the fire escape even though he could have lept to the top of the building for the wolf to follow him easily. Blood Wolffe could easily ditch the wolf in a few short leaps but he didnt want the wolf to feel like he failed his pack leader. Plus he enjoyed the company. Most were either horrified by his actions or he was horrified by the ones killing without purpose.
Little did Blood Wolffe know that sticking out of the pocket of the Vampyri was a note, containing some of the details of Requiem's new, terrible plan.
He listened in to the two talking in the bar.
"They think they know pain." He said to the wolf.
"They probably had lives before they were ripped apart. I was never afforded such a luxury"
Blood Wolffe didnt shed any tears though, he just got a cold, dead look on his face.
"I wasnt even supposed to be born."
((BTW very cool setup unkown hero, I dont even know how Blood Wolffe would react to such a thing. I guess we will all find out when the time comes.))
The sight of a person on a rooftop speaking to a wolf next to a roof vent was strange enough in any town. In Paragon, "strange" usually meant trouble wouldn't be far down the line. Spotting the pair on the rooftop, Rock-Hopper leapt from his perch on a nearby windowsill and landed heavily next to the pair. Looking like nothing less than a 6 foot tall penguin, from the black and white costume to the gas mask painted emblazoned with an orange bill to the yellow feathered crests above his eyes, Rock-Hopper stood before the man on the roof and crossed his arms.
"Takin' your dog for a walk, are you, mate? 'S a funny path you take." The words were spoken casually, but the scrutiny in the penguin-man's gaze was evident, even from behind the mask.
My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money
Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?
While Blood Wolffe was used to heroes landing next to him or swooping in by surprise the wolf was not. It yelped and spun around growling at the gargantuan man.
"Its okay fire." Blood Wolffe said reaching out, touching the wolf's shoulder. Fire immediately calmed down.
"You shouldnt surprise a wolf like that, they may be predators but they arent fearless." Blood Wolffe continued. "Wolves are misunderstood often. They are extremely loyal and love their packs. Its their efficiency at killing they are most known for." He said while petting fire.
"There is a man in the bar who was going to kill me earlier. If it wasnt for the woman in there I might be dead. I am trying to figure out why he wanted me dead and why she wanted me alive."
He left out the part where he brutally slaughtered a Vampyri. He needed to get it out of his system sometimes, just go out, and hunt. Not many people appreciated that.
He turned away from the vent and looked quizzically at the giant man.
"So what's your story?"
((Well, originally I had planned on Wolfe Gunner walking around the city but I guess he's going to the bar with MaDeuce lol))
Wolfe looked down at the ground, even as the rain continued to pour onto his body. The rain washed the blood down his arm and spent rifle until it hit the crimson dirt ground. Though his father's body was a few feet from him, throat ripped out; and the wolf's body only several feet from his father, Wolfe's eyes settled on the body of his mother, her cold, lifeless eyes, and the arms that had saved him from the wolf lying cold, lifeless...
"Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" The bartender immediately yelled when Gunner walked into the bar. "Get those wolves out of here, now!"
Gunner immediately shot his rifle to the side of the bartender's face, breaking some bottles and causing everyone else to file out of the bar.
"They're NOT wolves." Wolfe said coldly. "And I WON'T have them sit outside like animals." He sat down on the barstool, the three wolves jumping up on their own barstools and panting happily. "They'll have any meat you've got; a bottle of vodka for myself."

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic

"Just out an' about, mate. Heard some yelling out 'ere, thought I'd come take a look. Saw you skulkin' up 'ere, thought you might be dangerous, so I figured I'd check it out. Or check you out, one of the two. Rock-hopper's me name, by the way."
Rock-hopper's gregarious manner, underlined by his noticeable Australian accent, could disarm most people, and even Blood Wolffe had to admit he was intrigued by the large man.
"You mentioned someone lookin' to do you in. From the noise downstairs, it seems this bloke's the most charmin' of the lot. Anythin' I can be a help with?"
My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money
Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?
"Well Rock-Hopper, you get to the point. I will give you that. I am Blood Wolffe."
He flashed a toothy smile but didnt get up or offer his hand to greet the man. He was not accustomed to such greetings and never thought to offer them. Scent was enough for him.
"He is very angry. I could smell coming off of him. This isnt my pet either, he sent it after me. Told it to kill me if I made a false move."
Suddenly Blood Wolffe perked up. Something was wrong. Fire knew it too.
Council hoverbots swarmed in on their position from no less than three different directions firing missiles in a chaotic burst of explosions all around. Some were firing into the bar.
Blood Wolffe grabbed Fire and jumped to an alleyway out of harms way "I know he told you to follow me but I am sure he would rather have you be safe so I need you to stay here Fire, trust me." Something was different about this man's wolves, he could see that.
Fire wouldnt have listened until Blood Wolffe took his goggles off and showed him his eyes. Fire stayed after that.
Blood Wolffe returned to the fight immediately.
"Sir, a few heroes were apparently on to our plans, but we have sent them a message." Requiem reported.
"I would like to see a few sleepers field tested, when will this be possible?" The Center replied.
"soon, my lord." Requiem answered.
((yes that was another "soon" just like statesman. If I stepped on the toes of anyones plans, sorry. This idea is pretty exciting and I want to learn more about the other characters))
The Core Being had been out late that night. Malta had gotten it in their head to finally try to capture her, fortunately she had learned their tricks and ways around them. She sat down after placing the last villain teleporter on the unconsious gunman.
She is short, only 5'3" tall, Teal skin, long pink hair, pointy ears, and glowing pink eyes. She has an ornate tatoo with curved lines emenating from the top center point on her chest, revealed through a perfectly sized hole in her top. The top was black and had several holes cut decoratively in it. The leggings were tights with translucent slits showing her teal skin through them. her cape matched with a ring of pink on a banner of black on the outside, teal and black on the inside.
She pondered to herself why they would finally come after her, she had known they had files on her for quite some time. It was during this introspection that she saw the hoverbots fly past overhead. Those were always a sign of trouble and she was too wound up to return home tonite.
She teleported slowly along behind the hoverbots to find out where they were going. When they unloaded at a rooftop with a couple of heroes standing there she quickly tagged one with radiation emenating from it disrupting the sensors of it and the other nearby hoverbots and teleported to the roof just as one of the heroes dropped into an alleyway.
The blast echoed throughout the forest, sending birds wildly flapping out of the area as the wolf's body fell onto the dirt ground with a dull thud. The other wolves in the pack looked around, sniffing the air for scent, but Wolfe Gunner was well-hidden, his body covered in dirt, masking his scent.
"That's it you bastards..." Wolfe whispered to himself. "I'm not going to quit until I kill every last one of you!" He fired twice more, dropping the two remaining wolves.
In the past week, Wolfe had succeeded in ridding the forest outside of his farm from almost all of it's wolves. But no matter how many wolves he killed, the loss of his parents was still just as hard on his heart...
He walked out of his hiding place, continuing his daily hunt of the forest. He stopped as he reached a small clearing, his eyes resting on a small cave.
"So, another wolf home..." Wolfe walked towards the cave, his rifle at the ready. Suddenly, a white wolf ran out of the cave towards him, it's teeth bared. Wolfe aimed and fired his rifle as quickly as possible, catching the wolf in the throat.
As Wolfe breathed heavily from his close encounter, he heard something coming from the cave.
More wolves... Wolfe thought to himself. There's no end to them...
He entered the cave, the noise becoming clearer. It was a high-pitched, yipping sound. As he reached the other end of the cave, he saw the head of another white wolf. The wolf turned to him, growling.
"Damn you wolves!" Wolfe yelled, firing his rifle straight at the wolf's head. The wolf died, it's blood splattering onto the cave walls. But something was wrong; Wolfe still heard a sound coming from where the wolf had been.
Coming upon the wolf's body, Wolfe saw the source of the sound; 5 baby wolves, each about only a week or two old, were yipping wildly on their mother's stomach; they had been feeding when Wolfe had killed their mother.
Wolfe steadied his gun on one of the baby wolves, aiming right for it's small head. But something was different; these wolves weren't attacking him, nor did they seem scared of him at all. Wolfe watched the small wolf lick the barrel of the gun that would kill it, all Wolfe had to do was twitch his finger.
They're just wolves... Wolfe said, arranging his thoughts. What's wrong with me? They're monsters; they all deserve to die! Why can't I...?!
Wolfe stood there, eyeing the litter of wolves, for what seemed like an eternity. Then, finally, he lowered his rifle.
"You five don't act like wolves." Wolfe said, leaning down to cuddle the litter. They played about playfully in his arms, some of them nipping on his hands. Wolfe smiled. "Of course; you're still too young, you haven't learned how to be mindless animals yet." Wolfe took off his trenchcoat and wrapped the litter into it, carefully picking up all of the pups. "I'll take you five with me; I can teach you to be better than wolves; you'll be my companions, my friends, my allies..." He sighed. "But you'll NEVER, EVER be wolves in my eyes." And with that, Wolfe carefully brought the wolves back to his farm, and into the world of humans.
Present Day; In an Apartment Complex in Steel Canyon...
Angela woke up from her nap; being only 7 years old, she would frequently take a nap after she came home from school. Yawning to herself, Angela walked out of her room and into the living room of her parent's apartment. Walking into the living room of their apartment, Angela was a bit surprised that her parents weren't around. She then heard sounds coming from her parent's room; she knew she wasn't supposed to go into her parent's room, but she was hungry, and her mother usually began cooking at this time.
"Mommy, I'm hungry." Angela said, opening the door to her parent's room. Angela stopped short as she entered the room, noticing the walls of her parent's room were now splashed with what she thought was red paint.
Angela's mother rose her head up, removing her teeth from the neck of Angela's father; her eyes were blood-red, and the insignia of the Council was embroidered on her forehead.
"Now, Angela, dear, what have I told you about knocking before you come in here?"

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic

Thick ice covered Rock-Hopper's body at Blood Wolffe's warning cry. Spotting the mechanical fliers, he smiled under the gas mask.
"Good. I was hopin' I'd get to have some fun today."
Missiles arced from the machines, detonating on impact with the ice-covered hero. When the explosions had dissipated, the ice had thinned a bit, but Rock-Hopper was unfazed.
"You'll have to do better than those little fireworks to take me out, mate."
The Hoverbot swooped back towards Rock-Hopper, coming in for a second pass. Jumping up, he grabbed its wing as the device was passing overhead. The Hoverbot's engines struggled under the load of its unexpected passenger. Swinging himself up, Rock-Hopper took a position right above the dome-like "cockpit" of the Hoverbot. Securing himself, The hero concentrated for a moment and in his hand materialized a large stone hammer. With one powerful stroke, he smashed the stone mallet into the nose of the Hoverbot.
Electric blue sparks flew as the the hammer smashed open the polycarbon casing and drove into the machine's sensitive sensor pods. To ensure the damage he had caused was terminal, Rock-Hopper followed up with a stony punch into the device's left hoverjet. Satisfied that the damage he had caused would be sufficient, Rock hopper dropped off the Hoverbot's back and landed gracefully on the ground below.
The Hoverbot, now blind and crippled, boosted power to its remaining engine and crashed hard into the side of a nearby building. The machine wrapped itself around a metal column, smashing two windows, then activated a self-destruct mechanism, sending a fiery plume out into the street. Rock-Hopper paused a moment to admire his handiwork, then turned to face the remaining hoverbots.
"Don't worry. There's plenty of that for the rest of you."
My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money
Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?
-Bloodfang finished off the last Council soldier. Silly troopers, to think they could sneak up on him such. He sniffed the air, checking for more foes. Detecting no scent, he removed his helm and fed, replenishing his energy. "These five men were to meet the Vampyri....and were late" he thought. No wonder they snuck up here...they were afraid of thier superior. Too bad for them. He wiped his lips, replaced his helm, and dropped into the alley. "Time to inspect the corpse....". Noticing nothing different from the others he had slain, he was about to leave when he noticed a note poking out from the dead alien's pocket. "Hmmm...better take that" he thought.
-As he tucked it away into his armor, he heard the whine of turbines from a few streets over...followed by explosions. He looked at the sky....he still had time before sun-up. Invoking the spell for flight from his armor, he headed towards the chaos.
-Bloodfang arrived just in time to see a large Pengoid leap upon one and go rocketing off, as the man-wolf dropped into the alley behind the bar. At least two of the 'bots were shooting into the bar. They became priority. He swept down at them, detatched a long claw, and hurled it at the furthest one. He then landed on the closer of the two, and ripped apart the upper casing with his claws. They both dropped like rocks as the machine's brain was ripped apart. Rolling away from the wreckage, he sensed the missile's approach, and reversed his dive, twisting to avoid the next projectile. "I'm way out of my league here" he realized, seeing that he had gotten the attention of at least two more.
-The missile he had originally avoided impacted into the ground behind him, throwing up a cloud of dirt and debris, and knocking him forward. The drones were too smart. They knew they couldn't hit him, but also knew they didn't have to. Shots reigned down around him, blasting large chunks of earth and concrete skyward, and burying Bloodfang under the debris.
-"I HATE ROBOTS!" Bloodfang screamed as he struggled to stand under all the debris. Finally regaining his feet, he surveyed the scene...and cringed. Warwolves...this was an all-out Council attack. At least those he could take. Let the others deal with the mechanical beasts...he charged the pair of bipedal wolves, invoking his armors arcane protections as his claws bit into the first one....
The Core Being threw a surge of heavy radiation over the remaining hoverbots. They slowed down considerably. She then ported behind one of them and nailed it with a powerful blast of radiation, then ported back to the bulding.
The hoverbot slowly moved around in circles not attacking for a while unable to quickly recover from the blast.
The Core Being then emenated some radiation from around her, this strenthened any other heroes that had managed to get on the roof at this time, accelerating their response times and strength while giving them an extra bit of endurance.
((anyone who would have gotten on the roof by this point would benefit, I leave that up to you))
Blood Wolffe felt the energy course through him from The Core Being and was more than ready for action. He picked his first target and let loose an energy blast. It impacted the Hoverbot with considerable force, after two more blasts it looked like it had been crushed. The drone flipped backwards in the air and fell to the ground with a metal crunch. Another spotted The Core Being energizing the other heroes and took off after her at full speed. Blood Wolffe stepped in front and gave the machine one of his most powerful blasts that punched a hole all the way through it.
Blood Wolffe saw the Bots firing into the bar and knew they were pinned inside, he needed to act fast. He put his hands to the roof and shot a hole in it, collapsing the roof in about a three foot radius around him.
Wolfe Gunner and MaDeuce were blasting away at the drones and the Warwolves. He then made another hole in the back wall of the bar.
"LETS GO!" he waved the bartender and the few customers through the hole.
All that were left were the two shooting up the drones and warwolves.
Wolfe Gunner just gave him a dirty look, and Ma Deuce wouldnt leave him by himself, as stubborn as he was.
Frustrated Blood Wolffe joined. Bracing himself he charged up a bolt of energy. A slight bulge formed in his arm as energy passed down. Light came from ripped seams and as it entered his fist a loud boom shook the immediate area, raising dust and blowing apart the few glass bottles that were still intact and near him. With one shot another drone exploded in the air. He saw the clawed hunter from earlier, ripping into the warwolves as blood thirsty as, well, Blood Wolffe felt he was. They all had made short work of the ambush, Rock-Hopper and The Core Being came down to survey the other four.
"What the hell was that all about?"
((Notice Blood Wolffe kept himself occupied with the drones over the warwolves.))
The Core Being dropped down into the bar and provided area healing for anyone who needed it.
"I saw those things coming after you and thought you could use the assist. I have things I need to attend to. Good luck with things here. Looks like this bar has seen better days."
With that she vanished into the night.
As the odd women vanished Fox Soilder striahtened out his head. What the hell just happened, I came to the bar after finding...okay I'll work on that later. So I ordered something and I must have fallen asleep and what's happening. He got up from behind the over turned table. He wasn't the tallest man alive, about two inches below average, his hair was covered by a green bandana, the little that showed was a light orange, he looked pretty normal. Then a bullet went past his head.
Fox Soilder changed from there, he stood ready for action, it wasn't a huge change, but the total of many small changes. His senses became more acute and he pulled one of three knives out. He didn't think, he fought. He lunged out through the hole and immedately a Warwolf tryed to kill him. A quick kick and it was on it's back. He brought his knife down in an arc for it's neck. He only stopped because a dog was growling at him. All canines hated him, even a Warwolf will get its heckles up from just a wiff of his scent. The Warwolf tryed to take advantage of this pause by clawing off Fox's face. He stopped its hand with out thinking and then hit it on the head with the hilt of the knife and knocked it out. He got up quickly and he glared at the dog. Something about a real dog growling at him caused him to take it more seriously, he lifted the knife without thinking and got ready to kill. Part of him wondered what breed looked so much like a wolf.
(OOC Note: Anything even alittle bit canine wants him dead, it's not that he is evil or anything like that, it's just something about him. And yeah it's one of Wolfe Gunner's wolf that's infront of him.)
A gunshot sounded, the bullet whizzing inches from Fox's face. Wolfe hadn't been aiming to kill Fox, just to get his attention. Wolfe followed his fire with a whistle, one that usually called his wolves back to him immediately. This time, however...
"Rock!" Wolfe called out, the wolf still bearing his teeth at the man. "Here! NOW!"
After some time, Rock finally joined his master, along with Giant and Mirage. Fire and Snow, upon hearing their master's call, came to Wolfe's side as well. All of the wolves continued to growl at the man.
"I apologize; my friends normally don't behave like such animals..." Gunner studied Soildat. "You must a wolf's curse on you." Gunner chuckled. "Probably the worst curse in the world, being hated by those beasts."
"So, tell me..." The Center said, eyeing his minion. "What exactly are these 'Sleeper Agents' of yours capable of?"
"Well..." Requiem thought quickly. Normally, Requiem could stare down an army of Heroes without breaking a sweat; but then again, not many had seen what the Center was capable of. Requiem had, ONCE. And ONCE was more than enough. "We have several different varieties of Sleeper Agents, as I'll explain..." Requiem cleared his throat.
"First, there's the Vampyric Sleeper Agents. These Sleeper Agents employ the same methods of attack as our Vampyric soldiers, but lack the physical... ahem... traits."
"Secondly, we have the Animus Sleeper Agents. When activated, the once-ordinary human grows in size, becoming a muscular behemoth. This not only makes the subject stronger, but also makes him or her quite Invulnerable to conventional weaponry."
"Next, we have the Demonic Sleeper Agents. My personal favorite." Requiem chuckled, but stopped once the Center remained silent. "These subjects grow tentacles from their body and gain access to immense Dark power to both attack and defend themselves."
"Lastly, we have the Kamikaze Sleeper Agents. As their name implies, these Sleeper Agents automatically self-destruct upon activation. This explosion is amplified by a darkness magic that makes the affected area of destruction 4 or 5 times greater than the other Sleeper Agents when and if they should self-destruct."
"Regardless of the type of Sleeper Agent, the subjects all undergo some similiar changes: the desire to kill, naturally, as well as their eyes changing to a red color due to a side-effect of the activation process. Also, the insignia of the Council appears on the forehead of the subject when he or she is activated, but disappears if he or she is inactive; we need to make sure our Sleeper Agents go unnoticed, after all." Requiem finished, and waited for a response from the Center.
"Good." The Center finally said after several minutes. "Tell me; have you activated these Sleeper Agents yet?"
"Yes." Requiem quickly replied. "So far, we have over 200 Sleeper Agents already activated in the city, and 500 more that will be activated systematically by the end of the day." Requiem grew excited. "The time of the Council is upon us; our victory will soon be at hand!"
The Center, surprisingly, kept an unethusiastic tone. "Very well. Proceed at will." The Center turned his back on Requiem. "You're dismissed."
Requiem quickly left the room, and as soon as he was gone the center opened a secret door on the opposite wall, entering a long hallway filled with pictures of Council soldiers.
He can meddle in that city all he wants... The Center chuckled to himself, proceeding down the hallway to an extremely large, black metal door. From the soldiers of a lost Ideal... to the Warwolves and Vampyri that the fool loves so much... The Center opened the door, entering a large, dark room, the only illumination coming from a large tube in the center of the room, a creature hooked up to hoses and wires while being suspender in water inside the tube. The progression is obvious... The Center walked over to the tube and pressed his palm to it, looking at the creature inside. A weapon over 60 years in the making... when you're power is complete... The Center looked down at the name plate of the tube:
Morning Star
...THEN, the Council shall place it's throne on ruins of Paragon City.

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic

((I find the debate of morals and killing very interesting, and thought my characters set of morals quite... unique. I would like to see what other heroes thought of them and would like to see other heroes' moral beliefs too. Feel free to argue or even attempt to arrest Blood Wolffe, beware though, he is truly a creature of the wild and can be quite feral, loyal, or unpredictable. He can smell fear!
Blood Wolffe was not a hero to those who took the moral high ground. He killed every villian he fought.
He was an experiment for Crey a long time ago, raised by and experimented on by them. When he reached adulthood he was marked as a failed experiment and left for dead in the woods of alaska. He survived because a dying wolf fused its soul with his, making him part human part wolf inside.
Its raw animal power overwhelmed his civilized beliefs with pure animal instinct. He could be as kind and loyal as your closest family member. He could also be as cruel as nature could be. He could not, however, be in between. Tolerance, mercy, and second chances were created by man. That was not him.
Paragon City
Blood Wolffe was on the prowl. He had tracked this particular prey for quite a bit of time now. It was a Vampyri. It wasnt his favorite prey but this one displayed some qualities that triggered Blood Wolffe's hunting instincts.
He slowly crept on the roof top, looking down. Pausing every now and then. The Vampyri looked a little nervous, making Blood Wolffe excited.
The Vampyri fidgeted about, waiting for the other council members to show up. They were meeting up to plan a raid on a Portal Corp. facility.
Blood wolffe Bristled up. His heart was beating faster and faster. He waited for the perfect moment and it was approaching.
Faster and faster.
Faster and faster.
The Vampyri sensed his presence too late. Blood Wolffe was on him. He blasted him with powerful, bone crushing waves of energy.
"WAIT!" the vampyri hissed
"I can tell you where my council base is!"
But Blood Wolffe was not hunting him for information. He opened his mouth to reveal teeth that werent human. They were carnivorous teeth and he used them quickly and violently on the vampyri's throat.
When the movement stopped and he was confident the vampyri was dead he let loose a howl not unlike the warwolve's.
He had moral reasons to hunt but no morals that kept him from killing. He served justice the only way he knew how, by hunting. Hunting meant killing. He had only spared one in his path.
He was covered in blood now and howling like a mad dog. His adrenaline was still pumping when he smelled someone else. He turned to find what was looking at him, it was a hero...
((Wether you agree/understand his actions or not, feel free to reply on how your character feels about it. Who knows, maybe you could convince him to be merciful. I would love to see how a healer who doesnt even like to attack would feel about this.))