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  1. I figured it out. When I saved my binds, I didnt realize it added quotes around the line.

    so instead of [ beginchat /send "channel" [whatever]
    it was giving me [ "beginchat /send "channel" [whatever]"

    the extra set of quotes was messing it up. I took them out, and now it works great!
  2. Sorry if this is covered somewhere else, but I cant find it:

    I recently learned how to save and load my binds across characters. What a time saver! I have chronic altitis, so this is the worst part of rolling up a new 'me'...redoing all my binds. chat binds wont load. I even tried saving them from an existing character, and loading onto the same character, and all 3 fail, saying too many arguments.

    The chat line im using is as follows:
    /bind [ beginchat /send "channel" [$name-$level-$archetype]

    and it works fine, but wont load. any suggestions would be appreciated.
  3. PsyNrsBldFng

    The New Empire

    Wow. Great story thru and thru! Keep it up!
  4. -Trooper Evans was in a pickle. He was a loyal soldier, but he was heart-sick at what was going on. Things had been better before the schism. The leaders of the 5th column would never have stooped this low. Hospitals, kids, indescriminate killing and terror. They 5th didnt opperate like that ((or so he believes-ooc)). But this monster...Requiem...he had currupted everything , and now the Council was just another criminal of many in the city. So he sat and watched. The heroes had made good headway...fighting thier way in from multiple angles. Some were no better than the leaders of the Council...the vampires that clawed thier way up from the sub-levels. He shuddered at the memory of seeing one of his fellow squadmates being torn apart by one of those beasts. He alone had made it back to the command area, and took up his current position. He had a clear view of most of what was happening. Requiem was hurting, as another small explosion dislogged more of his armored plates, but wasnt defeated. Evans watched as the monster picked up one of the heroes around him and hurled him into the one causing the explosions. Evens knew that, given enough time, the heroes would win. More were entering the base every minute. Problem was, every minute, more people were dying, for no reason. What good was it to be rulers of the city if everyone was dead? He looked down at the rifle craddled in his lap. He wasnt even sure what it was called...something new, to be used against 'keldians'?...whatever those were. He had picked it up oin the way here, after he ran out of ammo for his own rifle. He pondered a bit more, watched a shodowy figure leave the far maintenance closet, then came to a decision. This was not his beloved 5th. He was no longer a soldier for the Column. He brought the rifle up, his training taking over...slow breaths...gently squeeze the trigger...and nailed Requiem square in the face. Before anyone could react, he squeezed again...and again. The rifle was emitting a warning tone...and the stock was getting hot. He ignored both. He knew that if let up for even a moment, Requiem would kill him. He fired again, and again, and ag...BOOM..the power supply went critical. What was left of trooper Evans slid down the opposite wall.
    -Mordachai was in the process of slipping away when the first few shots hit Requiem. Requiem let out a scream that was agony and terror all in one, and hit the floor, holding his face. Two more shots hit him in the upper torso, blasting right thru his protections...then there was an explosion from the upper left observatory. Mordachai knew the fight had just swung, heavily, in thier favor. Even as some of the other heroes turned to see what the explosion had been, the ones that had been fighting Requiem closed in on the monster. "Guess I hadn't needed to call in that favor after all" thought Mordachai. He also advanced on the still prone form of Requiem...waiting for some new trick. No one moved. "Well, this is silly" he said, and reached doen and rolled Requiem over. He looked normal again, and was laying on top of the two other Council that he had absorbed earlier. All three were out cold. Now all that was left to do was to wake him, after making sure he was securly bound, and extract the anti-dote/ cure from him. Mordachai turned to the penguinoid. "Rockhopper, I leave him in your custody. He wouldn't live long in the care of my kin...and we may need him alive if he isn't entirelly truthful at first". With that, he turned and left, ignoring the questions and calls that followed after him. He was gone after turning the next corner.

    ((OOC-seemed like this was dying...too figured was time to conclude. Yall wrap up the loose ends.))
  5. Mordachai looked...perturbed. He hadn't counted on Requiem destroying the machine like that. He should have, since Requiem was smart enough to expect such a move, but he had overlooked the possiblity. Such a rookie mistake. Maybe his age was finally catching up to him. So they were left with two options: defeat Requiem, and hope he gave the password, or activate the second machine and kill all the sleepers. Actually there was a third option. He and his kind could turn all the sleepers into vampires, which had cured Clarisa, but he didn't want that responsibility. He was sure none of the other clan leaders did either. But it did give him an idea. What if he bit requiem, not enough to turn him into a vampire, but enough for Mordachai to dominate his will, and force the password from him. Would the other heroes stand by and let him do it? Probably not. He hadn't met a hero yet that would stand by and watch one of his kind feed. No, they would have to play Requiem's game. And if Mordachai was going to play, he wanted his deck stacked. Time to call in a favor or two. He slid into the closet at the back of the room, and up into the ductwork. By the scent traces, this was how Bloodfang had gotten here earlier. Clever boy.

    "Countess, there is a gentleman on line one for you"
    "Well? Does this gentleman have a name?"
    "He says his name is Mordachai, and that he is an old frie..."
    "I'll take it Marie."

    "Yes Countess, the best team of hackers you've got. With protection. Unless you want to rely on the 'heroes' of the city for that. This plague from the Council has affected even your empire, and it will be a huge PR blitz if your peole can save the day, when the Heroes couldn't. The way is mostly clear, expect token resistance, since the heroes have moped up most of the base already. Yes, I would love to come over for dinner. Friday at say 10pm? That would be grand. I will see you then. No, no need to send a car. I will meet you in the usual place. Thank you dear. Now I owe you".

    Mordachai finished his call. Well, that was that. After this business was over, he would be moving on again. Maybe he could stage another climatic death? No, not this time. This time he would simply have to vanish. He had been longing to return to Europe for some time. Maybe move on to Russia. Something new, low key, where he didn't have to be as involved. New name too. Maybe it was time for Alexi Isarian to walk this world again....

    The rest of the vampires started to withdraw. More and more heroes were arriving, and the two groups didn't mingle well in large numbers. Stealthily, the left the way they arrived, taken thier fallen with them. Some could be re-raised, others had earned thier eternal slumber. Some, those that were truly ancient, had crumbled to dust at thier release. Others, like Bloodfang, simply looked asleep, as thier bodies awaited the rituals to re-awaken them. But thier part in this was thru. Thier numbers were decreased, but not decimated. before the Hospitals were rebuit, the vampires of the city would be prowling the streets at night, taking retribution on those who preyed upon the innocent, and extracting bloody vengance on any Council they found.
  6. -Mordachai arrived a little behind his bretheren. Some would tease him about getting old (he had, after all, ben born around the fall of the Roman Empire, but who was keeping track), but the truth was he hadn't been in a hurry to get here. Few in the city knew of him, and he had hoped to keep it that way. Fate had decided it was not to be, it seemed. As he entered the room, the scene was complete chaos. The monstrosity outside the room was nothing compared with the thing he now faced. The Council known as Requiem was alot different from the last time they had meet. Course, so was Mordachai. Requiem paid him no more heed than he paid any of the other combatants. Maybe less, since Requiem was starting to lose this battle, though not without great cost from the assembled heroes. He crossed first over to Bloodfang's body, impaled upon the wall, and pulled him free. "Clarisa" he mind-linked "Quinn can be summoned now." No one knew that Quinn was his distant ancestor. History had recorded Mordachai's death at the end of the crusades, even the history kept at M.A.G.I. read so. It had been relativly simple to lay low, change his name, and start over again. It hadn't been the first, nor the last, time he had to do so. Quinn thought his power came from the fangs that had been imbeded into the armor. Those were just for show. A minor phantasm had made them seem to more than they were. The armor itself was the key. It was vampiric in its own right, and if worn long enough, or in the right circumstances, would transform its wearer into a vampire also. As was the case with Quinn. Destiny had caught up with him in the end. Now all that remained was to see how his mind had been effected by his death. Some never fuly recovered from it.
    -He then turned his attention to the machines. Quinn had the right idea. If Requiem was forced into the machine, he should provide enough life force for the others to 'hack' the cure from the system. Or he might barter it in exchange for his life. Either way, all they had to do was get him into the machine, and keep him there. Riiiiight.
    -Mordachai addressed the combatants, shouting above the din of battle "FORCE HIM INTO THE MACHINE! AND HOLD HIM THERE! ITS OUR ONLY CHANCE!". When Mordachai wanted to be heard, no one could ignore him. He then waded into the melee. Striding directly up to Requiem, he locked his arms around his torso, ignoring the flailing tentacles, and lifted him up. "Greetings old friend" he whispered to Requiem "you've gone to far this time, and the Reaper is here for his due". Requiem's eyes locked with his, and recognition dawned in them, as did something else. Fear. Mordachai could see the fear in Requiem's eyes, and smiled. Requiem attacked Mordachai with all his might, but couldn't break his hold. Slowly, Mordachai started to work his way towards the machine, dragging the increasingly frantic Requiem with him....
  7. -"...too powerful for you. Your mastery of magic isn't strong enough to summon him to you against his will. Mordachai and his clan have broken thru, and are on thier way up to you now, but are meeting heavy resistance still. Just hold him off as long as you can...." Clarisa mind-linked to him. Quinn looked around in frustration. Everyone was starting to concentrate on Requiem now, but to no noticable effect. He saw Blood Wolfe pull Wolfe Gunner from the machine, heard the little girl become a monster again, then saw Blood Wolfe hurled across the room, get up, and start flicking switches. "NO!" he yelled, jumping to his feet. As he turned, Requiem lifted him into the air. "You have always wondered which myths about your kind were's a clue!". With that, he hurled 'Fang across the room, impaling him on a wooden beam jutting out of the debris. Quinn's scream of pain died on his lips as he went limp, his armor turning brown with rust. His armor was ancient, but he had become a vampire withen his normal lifetime, so his body didn't decompose. The last thought to cross his mind was "...not the kids. We can still save the kids....".

    -Psych Nurse was pulled from the debris of the Hospital. She was airlifted to Atlas plaza, where a makeshift field hospital had been set up in city hall. Already her mutant metabolism was healing her injuries, but it would be weeks before she could help anyone else. She had been lucky. She had been in the ER, using her innate ability to teleport others to supplement the overloaded Hospital network, when the building colapsed. Another hero, a tank she thought, had sheilded Kendra with her own body, saving her from being crushed completely. That hero died of her injuries before they could be rescued. Many more were buried still. Kendra lay in the bed, wondering why no villian had ever tried that before. The hospital network was the key to the whole system, and until now, no one had targeted them as a whole, not even the Rikti (or whaterver they were called...she didn't care). Her attitude was changed. Until this, she had abhored the taking of other's lives, seeing it as evil as the acts commited by the villians of the city. Not anymore. Anyone so tainted as the Council, to use civilians as weapons, destroy hospitals (where heroes were just a fraction of the patients...all those poor families, and the doctors and nurses), and hold the city as hostage like this deserved death. Even if it had to be by her own hands.

    -Clarisa felt Quinn's dying scream. She knew he could be raised again, but not until they finished the business at hand. This battle was over for him, but not for the rest of them.
  8. -Bloodfang stood in shocked silence. "How'd they know my name? Could he be the one who has been shadowing me?". Before he could do more than enter the room, two more heroes appeared. The wolf boyz from earlier. Alot was happening. He heard Requiem's speach, saw the entrance get buried, then cleared, and more heroes enter. Then the absorbtion of the other two Council. One of the wolf boyz (he couldnt keep them strait right now. One looked alot more wolf-like than before. And hadn't one had a gun? Then he caught thier scents. Wolffe Gunner and his wolves had become one. He was in the machine. Blood Wolfe was the other one)jumped into the machine that Requiem had indicated. Instantly he was in intense pain. The other heroes took up positions to attack Requiem, but Quinn just stood there. Slowly an evil smile crossed his lips.
    -"I have a better idea. Your'e three villians now, Requiem. I fgure you should provide at least three hours of freedom for the innocent's you have enslaved. Maybe more. In that time, I'm sure one of the more mechanical heroes can hack your files". With that, he turned all business. "Wolfe Gunner, get out of there. I need tyour strength here if this is going to work! You there, in the patriotic get-up. We have to get him" indicating Requiem "into that machine, and keep him there! We might even get him to give us the password and the cure in exchange for his life!".
    -Requiem laughed "Do you realy think it will work? You pathetic little group cannot hope to beat me, not now!" Quinn nodded his way. "Youre right, but I am going to die trying, even if I have to...hey that might work better! Gunner, get out here now! I need to be in there!" he shouted as he leapt past Requiem towards the chamber. He sent out a desperate mind-call as he landed "Clarisa, I need help. Big magic help. Any chance you can hear me?" reply...then "Loud and clear! What do ya need?"
    -"I need to be able to boost my summon foe to astronamical levels, to pull a Deamon to me. Tell me how...."
  9. -Quinn stalked onward. He was alone now, having been cut off from his team by a squad of Vampyri and thier pets. He still wasn't sure how it had happened. He had been scouting an intersection of corridors when one of the team mind-lnked him the message of the attack. By the time he returned, they were all gone. The fighting had been fierce, but the scent trail was too muddied to follow. So he went back to the intersection, and continued on. He hadn't been able to mind-link with any other Kindred since, but then telepathy was never his stong point. Others could send to him, but he only seem able to be able to 'broadcast' a few feet. He hadn't tried his comlink. No sense in giving either his or others positions away. Assuming the enemy didn't already know where he was...
    -He was entering into more tidy areas. The feel was more corporate office, less warehouse or hanger. And he was coming upon more normal soldiers. Those in small numbers he dispatched quickly, stuffing thier corpses into closets, vent shafts, whatever was handy. Larger numbers he either waited out, or skirted around. Time to thin them out later. The clock was ticking on innocent lives...and he had to keep focus. Somewhere in here was either a cure, or someone who knew of one. Villians always had a cure or disable switch or something. So as not to hurt/ infect/ kill themselves. At least he hoped so.
    -He ducked into a closet as he detected another large squad approaching. Listening at the door, he heard them stop near where he was for a briefing. "Sir, this corridor is secure!" "Very good. See that it stays that way. We have most of the intruders that entered from the cellars contained down there, but some straglers have gotten thru." "Isn't there a risk of them breaking thru, sir?" "DO YOU DOUBT THE ABILITIES OF THE COUNCIL!" "SIR, NO SIR I DO...erk!" Bloodfang heard the distainct sound of bones breaking, then the thump of a body hiting the ground. "Any more questions?" the leader asked? "Good. Just to set your minds at ease, we sent the new recruits to play with the intruders. The intruders are so busy trying to save them, they aren't making any progress, and are losing more than a fair share of thier numbers...judging by the number of Hospital Teleports we've been monitoring. Carry on men."
    -Quinn waited, but at least half the group seemed to be staying put. He didn't know if the leader was still there either. If they were going to start checking for intruders at this level, they were bound to find some of his victims. He checked the closet and noticed a filter vent for the ventilation system. "Save me the trouble of cutting my way thru the roof" he mused. Quietly entering the duct-work, he activted the flight runes on his armor. "Will be a whole lot quiter if I'm not banging around in here..." He pulled the filter cover back in place as best he could, and continued on, moving with the air flow. He stopped at every vent he passed, but most were either in similar closets, or feed smaller ductworks. When he finally went as far as he could, he doubled back to the first vent he could find that he could fit thru, and waited. No new scents (though the airflow was making it difficult. Then the thought hit him. His scent was being blown thru-out the complex!) Hearing nothing, he cut the vent away, and dropped doen into the room. "What a noobie mistake! Concentrating too hard !" he silently chastised himself. Then the door to the closet openned.
    -"Welcome Quinn Isarian, aka Bloodfang. We've been expecting you. Won't you join us...."
  10. -"By the blood!" swore Quinn. He was NOT where he thought he would be. They were in some sort of sub-level, but it was more of a warehouse. And alarms were starting to go off. "They either know we are here, or other heroes have arrived" he thought, as more of his kin came up thru the openning. A quick mind-link to Clarissa confirmed it. The Council knew the Vampires were there.
    -And it got worse. He could detect the scent of tainted innocent's. He shouted out orders "Be aware! They are sending the PBI's to fight us. Remeber, you only have one choice. Kill them. Slap a hospital transmitter on each one you drop if you can. Maybe Clarisa was right; maybe death is the answer. And no feeding! This has all the feel of a propaganda campaign. It would be just like them to tape and broadcast what transpires here."
    -Those few that were still in recognizable outfits slid into the shadows. No sense giving the enemy any more ammo than it already had. Quinn scouted around the edge of the room, checking every hall and door. The 'sleepers' entered from the oppisite end, a bull rush to ensure the most carnage on both sides. He watched as mortally wounded Kindred slapped thier personal Medivac trancievers on those they had just slain, then collapse. Some were too badly hurt to recover. There were many myths about Vampires, but the most important one right at this moment was that they couldn't be killed. And it was proving false...

    ((OOC - i will not encounter the super sleeper. its yall's. but i might get to the 'moral dilema' control room around the same time everyone else does....i think i missed something. is there a film or something that explains the choice the heroes have to make? or is it something they have to figure out?))
  11. -Bloodfang looked at the growing host. "Three hundred of us so far, with more on the way. Who knew there were this many Vampires in the city?" he mused. The advantages of knowledge not shared. The Clans had gotten summoners in place before spreading the word. 'Fang was a late-comer. Most had ditched thier fancy 'hero' costumes in favor of more non-descript gear. He didn't have that option, since his armor was his costume, but had removed the 'heroic' embellishments (his cape and helm).
    -He turned to address his team. They were going to lead the assault into the sewers. "We all know why we are here. If fate smiles upon us, all our bretheren will be inside and in position before the other 'heroes' arrive. They will provide us a distraction to act. No Council walks out of here alive. The city will not mourn our passing, but we will do what we must non-the-less. For the honor of the Clans!".
    He knew that Clarisa was staying behind, to get last stragglers, and to inform the soon-to-qarrive heroes of what was going on. Well, sort of. She'd tell them what they needed to know. Nothing more.
    -He entered the sewers. He could already smell the stink of the machines. Council robots. Should have known they would'nt leave this area unguarded. Fate was not on thier side so far. He signaled his team, even though he knew most had already picked up the scent also. One corner at a time, tunnel by tunnel, they advanced. Those that fell were tended by others comming up from behind. The worst were teleported to the nearby hospital, were a select few Kindred were waiting to attend to thier special needs. The hospital staff knew before anyone else that the attack had started. Quinnlost track of the number of machines hed desroyed. His rage was building. "Send down some of your flesh and blood troops!" he raged. Well, at least, so far, they hadn't detected any of the innocent's. His group (were any left that had started with him?) made it to the center of the building, just below what should be the main control rooms. Time to test fate again. He flew up to the hatch, slowly cut away the seals and locks, and passed it to another. Up thru the openning he went....
  12. -Mortimer entered the cellar slowly. Something was amiss. Clarissa had called in a panic, saying it had to be tonight. She was terrified, but not of what he was supposed to do. She only said it was the only way to stop 'it', whatever 'it' was. He could detect her scent, but it was tainted, a foul magic mixed with it. His 'daughter' (a distant niece, actually. He was, after all, hundreds of years old) was a potent sorceres, but this had the feel of something foreign. Not a spell gone bad. He spied her in the corner, seeing her glowing red eyes even before he picked up her body's heat signiture. "Clair?" he whispered, and recoiled in shock as she lunged for him, trying to tear out his heart. He gave ground until he realized she was no longer his 'little girl'. Weeping tears of sorrow, he reversed his retreat, and advanced on her, driving her back, slowly cutting the life from her, one stroke at a time. He delivered the final blow with his eyes closed, then cradled her in his arms and wept. "Not like this, it wasn't supposed to be like this...".
    -Gently, he laid her on the floor, brushing the hair from her face. The symbol that had appeared on her forhead had vanished with her death. Her last wish was to join him, and he decided he would honor it. He knelt down beside her, lifting her torso onto his lap, and sank his teeth into her neck. He drew out the last of her blood, then started to replace it with his own. He fell into a trance, just like the last time he had bequeethed an Embrace. When he awoke, Clarissa was kneeling across from him, waiting for him to replenish his strength. "It worked 'father', the Embrace removed the taint. Our magic is far older than that which was used to corrupt me". She smiled. "And I think I know where to go to try and stop this". "Really?" he whispered. He had seen the news, the broadcast from Requim. "Then lets assemble the Clan".
    -They sat quietly for a moment, focusing thier powers, then started touching the minds of thier bretheren....

    -"Azuria, if you have a secure warded cell, this 'thing' will have regenerated by tomarrow, and can be interrogated then" Bloodfang said to the ashen crowd. "Snap out of it people, this is a war, and these creatures are using your loved ones and friends as thier soldiers!" he yelled. One of the aides came forward to collect the scrolls, another for the head. He was about to say more, when he felt the touch of Clarissa's mind. "Welcome to the family Claire!" he thought, then stopped doing anything as she breifed him on what they were planning to do. He knew Kendra was still riding his thoughts, but shielded her from Claire. She might not speak freely if she knew there was a non-family meber present. "Ok, will head out asap!" he told her, then turned to Azuria. "My family believes the Coucil base where this all started to be in Striga. One of our family was to be one of thier pawns, but our leader cured her" he said. "By Embracing her" he added quickly, before they all asked. "She was taken there a few days ago. We are going there now".
    -"All of you?" asked Azuria, who seemed to have recovered. "Yes, the entire family" he replied. He turned to leave. "Wait" she said. All eyes were on them. "You can't go and kill them. It isn't right. Your a hero! What will the people think?" she yelled at him. He turned to face her, removing his helm and barring his fangs. "It's what I do!", "I didn't ask for this curse! I was tricked. You know that. You've helped me in my research, to find out how I became what I am! Vampire. Blood drinker. And I'm no hero. The only thing seperating me from those I hunt, is that I hunt those who prey upon the innocent. Until today. Today, the Council took even that distinction from me. Now it is time for a reckoning. The Vampires of the city are converging on all known Council strongholds. By tomorow morning, there will be far fewer of both in the city". He sighed heavily. "They used children" he whispered. "Nothing is more sacred to those of us who can't have any". He replaced his helm. "Luck in May greater powers watch over you." He headed out the door.
    -Psych Nurse caught up to him at the stairs, tears in her eyes. They had been close friends for a long time. "Be safe Quinn. I will pray for your soul". He turned to her, knowing she ment well. "Pray for those who need it. I have no soul. the Council cut it out today. Go to the Hospital. Your talents are going to be needed there soon".
    -As he left the building, he noticed Statesman and his group assembling other heroes. Looked like the trams were gonna be busy soon. He touched Claire's mind again. "Any chance someone can summon me?" he asked....
  13. -"...and that's all I know so far. I'm gonna hang out here at City Hall to see what I can learn. Luck in battle Wolfe Gunner! ". Bloodfang ended the call and headed back towards the M.A.G.I. offices. People were panicked, eyeing everyone except the heroes, distrust on every face. "Funny change of events...even I am more trustworthy now than thier friends..." he mused to himself. There was a large comotion going on inside the M.A.G.I. office, with most of the other office's top reps present, plus a number of aides. 'Fang quickly scanned the faces, checking the air for strange scents. No one seemed out of place or unfamiliar. Even the two Field Trainers were on edge, checking the ID of everyone that tried to enter the hall. But they weren't paying any attention to those leaving. A furtive figure dressed in a lab coat caught his attention. "That's an unfamiliar face" he thought, even as he sprinted to intercept the figure.
    -He caught up with the man at the top of the stairs. "Excuse me sir, but what's the hurry? Got to get those scrolls to someone important?" he said, noticing the tubular cases tucked into the coat. How had he gotten past Azuria? He looked at the coat again, un-sheathing his claws as he did so...D.A.T.A. was stenciled across the pocket. He looked back at the man's face in time to see it change....
    -Psych Nurse had been waiting in the hall, not knowing what to do. No one had taken her seriously at first, now she was ignored again, forgoten in all the hub-ub. She saw Quinn come back down the stairs and was about to hail him again when she noticed his posture. he was hunting something. She gently tapped his mind, following his thoughts. "He will be so ticked at me later when he finds out" she chuckled, then stopped. He had found something. She could read it in his posture, with out the confirmation from his mind. He pursued his prey up the stairs. She flew up to kep them both in sight, keeping her focus on Bloodfang. She saw the dark cloud envelop the 'prey' ("might as well use his terms...I'm in his mind"), before it lashed out at Quinn. He dodged it, but barely. It was alot more experianced than either of them, and the second blow landed hard. 'Fang lurched back, the dark energy wrapping him in a cloud of pain. He struck back, but was slow. "Time to do my thing..." she concentrated for a few seconds, then launched a lance of psionic energy at the assailant. Not even waiting to see if it had any effect, she sent two more less potent mind-blasts at the foe before sending healing energy into Quinn. When she looked back, the 'man' was doublee over, holding its head, and screaming.
    -That was all the opening Bloodfang needed. Rejuvinated by the energy from Kendra, he launched a series of slashes and cuts at the figure, keeping up the barrage until he removed the man's head. Grabbing it by the hair, he also retrieved the scroll cases, and headed back towards where Azuria nad the rest were waiting. "Thanks Kendra, I owe ya one again" he thought, knowing she was riding his thoughts.
    -He walked up to Azuria and handed her the cases. "What's so interesting in these that this guy"...holding up the severed head..." would risk stealing them?" he asked the shocked crowd.
  14. -As the other heroes headed for the newest explosion, Bloodfang slid into the shadows. Something wasn't right. He dialed in the police band on his helm's reciever, and was overwhelmed by the number of calls coming in. From 'minor' murder sprees by ordinary citizens that transformed into killing machines to building leveling explosions triggered by exploding villians, the whole city was in chaos.
    -"By the blood, what the hell is going on?" he mused to himself. He thought back to the earlier fight. The one where his initial prey had been taken by another. there had been a note...he dug it back out of his armor, where he had tucked it it...and his jaw dropped....
    -"To hell with what time it is....was gonna have to test the charms of the armor sooner or later anyways" he thought as he ran out into the street. Invoking the incantation of flight, he lept into the air, heading strait for the M.A.G.I. offices in Atlas. They needed to know what the note said, and no one was going to believe him unless they read it first hand.
    -His armor dulled slightly as he crossed into the daylight, but he felt no ill effects. Someday he was going to have to find out if all those myths about Vampires were true or not, but so far hadn't been willing to risk his un-life to do so. No, better to trust in his armor, let the scholars unravel fact from fiction.
    -His blood was boiling. Killing those who preyed upon the innocent was one thing. Turning the innocent into killers was another. The Council had started a war, with innocent people as thier newest soldiers, and they would pay.
    -As he cruised along, he passed over a comotion in the streets. It looked like an accident. A school bus had been hit by a squad car. Except the police officer was tearing apart the bus. the driver was dead, and the cop was climbing into the bus. "Oh no you don't...innocent or not , your not hurting those kids!" Bloodfang slowed to a hover about 50 feet above the bus, spoke the runes of summoning, and the police officer appeared in the air beside him. "Gotcha!" 'Fang said as he skewered the man...and was blown backwards by the resulting explosion. "That was unexpected" he thought. He hurt. Bad. His armor had saved him, but just barely. He chuckled..."gonna need another cape", then his blood ran colder than normal. The note he was taking to M.A.G.I. was almost completey destroyed. "Better get whats left over there, before anything else happens to it".
    -He made a quick stop at the Hero Registration office, to get the number for Wolffe Gunner, one of the hero's from earlier. Those folks were heading into the thick of things, and needed to know. he would call him as soonas he was done.
    -Dropping the note off at M.A.G.I., he quickly explained what he had read and seen, and left. "Quinn!" someone shouted from behind him. he turned to see his friend Psych Nurse heading for him. "Youv'e looked better" she chuckled, and eveloped him in healing waves of energy. He breifed her quickly, telling her to let the other Offices know, and headed for the door. Time to make that phone call....

    ((Unknown hero, its your plot twist. you decide what was on the note, and what survived the explosion...and if you take call or let it go to voicemail...Psych Nurse will talk to her contact at Atlas, but won't be believed unless the MAGI people follow up.))
  15. -Bloodfang finished off the last Council soldier. Silly troopers, to think they could sneak up on him such. He sniffed the air, checking for more foes. Detecting no scent, he removed his helm and fed, replenishing his energy. "These five men were to meet the Vampyri....and were late" he thought. No wonder they snuck up here...they were afraid of thier superior. Too bad for them. He wiped his lips, replaced his helm, and dropped into the alley. "Time to inspect the corpse....". Noticing nothing different from the others he had slain, he was about to leave when he noticed a note poking out from the dead alien's pocket. "Hmmm...better take that" he thought.
    -As he tucked it away into his armor, he heard the whine of turbines from a few streets over...followed by explosions. He looked at the sky....he still had time before sun-up. Invoking the spell for flight from his armor, he headed towards the chaos.
    -Bloodfang arrived just in time to see a large Pengoid leap upon one and go rocketing off, as the man-wolf dropped into the alley behind the bar. At least two of the 'bots were shooting into the bar. They became priority. He swept down at them, detatched a long claw, and hurled it at the furthest one. He then landed on the closer of the two, and ripped apart the upper casing with his claws. They both dropped like rocks as the machine's brain was ripped apart. Rolling away from the wreckage, he sensed the missile's approach, and reversed his dive, twisting to avoid the next projectile. "I'm way out of my league here" he realized, seeing that he had gotten the attention of at least two more.
    -The missile he had originally avoided impacted into the ground behind him, throwing up a cloud of dirt and debris, and knocking him forward. The drones were too smart. They knew they couldn't hit him, but also knew they didn't have to. Shots reigned down around him, blasting large chunks of earth and concrete skyward, and burying Bloodfang under the debris.
    -"I HATE ROBOTS!" Bloodfang screamed as he struggled to stand under all the debris. Finally regaining his feet, he surveyed the scene...and cringed. Warwolves...this was an all-out Council attack. At least those he could take. Let the others deal with the mechanical beasts...he charged the pair of bipedal wolves, invoking his armors arcane protections as his claws bit into the first one....
  16. -Bloodfang watched the scene unfold below him. He at first had thought Blood Wolffe was hunting him, but soon realized they were both hunting the same prey. So he waited and watched. he had wanted to interogate the Vampyri, not for information on the Council, but for information on its kind. His kind? Vampyri, Vampire...what was the conection? 'Fang knew they were aliens, but did Vampyri create the first Vampires? Twice during pitched battles, a Vampyri had tried to get him to switch sides, to 'join us'. They both died, just as all the rest. No room in the jails for thier kind. No jails secure enough to hold them anyways. Not many criminals survived an encounter with Bloodfang. Only those few arrested by some other hero in the midst of battle. "I only prey upon those who prey upon the innocent" he kept telling himself. but with every kill, he felt his humanity slip further away. If it weren't for the dedication of his freinds, he would have slipped into madness long ago. The curse of undeath haunted him always.
    -He sat back on his heels and waited. Sooner or later the group would move on. then at least he could inspect the corpse. And who knew? Maybe more of its kind would show up. The night was still young. More time for dying before sun-up. More villians to dispatch. More blood to drink. "Luck in battle, heroes" he whispered.
    -He lifted his head...a new scent...close by....came in past the guards on his helm. He unsheathed his claws and turned....yup...more time for dying tonight.