Lord Recluse: Official Statements / Website?
Hi. I want to point you to this thread. Clintonian has done a great job of collecting everything we currently know about CoV in this thread.
Awesome! Thanks for that.
"Patience, young--"
Oops, wrong world!
I understand everyone's desire to know more. You may have noticed that we're already starting to talk a little more about CoV. It's a tricky balance between showing too much too early and being too mysterious. Rest assured the pace and depth of information will be gradually building in the next few months -- although we're not going to reveal all our secrets. We want to save a few surprises for the release after all!
Please Note: No muppets were harmed in the making of this post.
[On learning patience - Boot to the head] "Yeah.. patience.. how long is that going to take?!"
Just as long as you don't take a page from Statesman's book and say "Soon" all the time.
Just as long as things are handled better than the CoH information release was...back in the day. Man, those were some truly dark times.
"Patience, young--"
Oops, wrong world!
I understand everyone's desire to know more. You may have noticed that we're already starting to talk a little more about CoV. It's a tricky balance between showing too much too early and being too mysterious. Rest assured the pace and depth of information will be gradually building in the next few months -- although we're not going to reveal all our secrets. We want to save a few surprises for the release after all!
[/ QUOTE ]
I wish E3 would just hurry up and get here!

Just as long as you don't take a page from Statesman's book and say "Soon" all the time.
[/ QUOTE ]
No, see, that would be evil.
My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman
Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain
[On learning patience - Boot to the head] "Yeah.. patience.. how long is that going to take?!"
[/ QUOTE ]
"City of Villains is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever toward the horizon."
Yes, 'soon' is far to informative. A better word would be 'eventually'.
[On learning patience - Boot to the head] "Yeah.. patience.. how long is that going to take?!"
[/ QUOTE ]
Well Said Ed Grubberman.
[On learning patience - Boot to the head] "Yeah.. patience.. how long is that going to take?!"
[/ QUOTE ]
Well Said Ed Grubberman.
[/ QUOTE ]
"The best defense is a good offense. You know said that? Mel the cook on Alice."
"What have we learned from this?"
"That not one of us can defeat you.."
"Very Good"
"So..we'll...have to gang up on you! Get um!"
"Boot to the head
Boot to the head
Boot to the head"
"Patience, young--"
Oops, wrong world!
I understand everyone's desire to know more. You may have noticed that we're already starting to talk a little more about CoV. It's a tricky balance between showing too much too early and being too mysterious. Rest assured the pace and depth of information will be gradually building in the next few months -- although we're not going to reveal all our secrets. We want to save a few surprises for the release after all!
[/ QUOTE ]
Cryptic already made this mistake. Way before beta, heck even before NCsoft was involved they told us that the game was going to be an open ended character development system without levels and all that muckery. Well... that didn't pan out as it was impossible to prevent everyone from making heroes with powerful ranged attacks + strong defenses. They even had plans on how Origins would have major impact on how heroes were created and progressed... that was scrapped too. You should have heard the crys of outrage when they removed the Magic Artifact and Cybernetics origins. I thought the boards (the really, really old boards - back when Mac Allen was still a moderator) were going to self combust; and the game was only vaporware at that point.
Anyhoo... they're being smart this time around and not devulging too much too soon as it may have to change and your plans are dashed. No point in getting hopes up or making people mad before they know what's going on for sure.
Just as long as you don't take a page from Statesman's book and say "Soon" all the time.
[/ QUOTE ]
You and I aren't reading the same book. Statesman knows the "soon" word well and I can only recall him saying it in an obviously joking manner.
Ingot Head
Just as long as you don't take a page from Statesman's book and say "Soon" all the time.
[/ QUOTE ]
No, see, that would be evil.
[/ QUOTE ]
He'll kill you for even suggesting he's not evil =P
--[On learning patience - Boot to the head] "Yeah.. patience.. how long is that going to take?!"
"Time has no meaning. To a true student, a year is as a day. Ed Gruberman, you fail to grasp Ti Kwan Leep. Approach me that you might see."
Ingot Head
[/ QUOTE ]
Finally, some action!
--Boot to the head--
Wait! I wasn't ready ... try me now!
.... Mind if I just lie over here for a minute?
Iknow I have nothing useful to add here, so
Punches to the head.
Runs away.
There you go.
From this thread, I have learned two things...
One, Lord Recluse is not wholy wrong... and secondly
Get in the first shot, "Boot to the head!"
"Patience, young--"
Oops, wrong world!
I understand everyone's desire to know more. You may have noticed that we're already starting to talk a little more about CoV. It's a tricky balance between showing too much too early and being too mysterious. Rest assured the pace and depth of information will be gradually building in the next few months -- although we're not going to reveal all our secrets. We want to save a few surprises for the release after all!
[/ QUOTE ]
Cryptic already made this mistake. Way before beta, heck even before NCsoft was involved they told us that the game was going to be an open ended character development system without levels and all that muckery. Well... that didn't pan out as it was impossible to prevent everyone from making heroes with powerful ranged attacks + strong defenses. They even had plans on how Origins would have major impact on how heroes were created and progressed... that was scrapped too. You should have heard the crys of outrage when they removed the Magic Artifact and Cybernetics origins. I thought the boards (the really, really old boards - back when Mac Allen was still a moderator) were going to self combust; and the game was only vaporware at that point.
Anyhoo... they're being smart this time around and not devulging too much too soon as it may have to change and your plans are dashed. No point in getting hopes up or making people mad before they know what's going on for sure.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, I remember those days. Thats where some of the long time posters decided to leave.
Man I wish I could get shot by Rhyno again.
Machine Teen = Manchine
Photon ArchVillain to Manchine
Global Defense Force Comic
Liberty Super Group: Global Defense Force
Hey Recluse,
I'm really looking forward to City of Villains but I find it a bit disappointing that there has been nothing released on its progress: screenshots, articles on how PvP will work, plans, improvements, or maybe just an overview of different aspects.
I understand the team is working extremely hard on CoV, but would the web development team be able to finally throw together a web site for City Villains that involves more than one paragraph?
Huge fan,