Wanted: heavy-RPers for new, unique experience!
the page for my rp guild, i think if you and Skull Face team up we could have real fun he wants to d oa sort of elite 1 avengers kind of thing, i think week ends would be best to meet i'm in and i think you can get Skull Face 2, sounds like fun
AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM
yup i do and as much as possible make it so none of us have the same powers! So we all depend on each other IE The X-men wouldnt enlist 2 people that can control storms into thier group. And as Neko said restrict the team to only a small amount. 8 - 11 maybe.
weekends wouldnt be good for me though as I have family and work ( where im at now ) to think about those days.
Very interesting idea.
I'd love to be part of this. I can think of many team oriented roles I"d like to have.
The wise venerable ally with knowledge beyond this realm...
The young pure upstart, full of good intentions in a bad world....
Oh the possibilities! Plus the consistant team allows for a more unique character concept as you have depenable teammates. Yeah I'd be interested...can we have a brainstorming session ahead of time to kinda have a rough outline of what the general plot is...and then let it unravel however it may be from there?
Also, my wife might be interested in this kinda thing.
I'd love to RP a little side budding romance within the team with her
ok sounds good. We need a base of operations #cough webiste# so we can all discuss players, personalities etc.
We need a forum, can anyone make one of these ?
Neko your site doesnt seem to work
Lets get the ball rolling, Cajun
Kinda shy on time right now but a really easy setup that accomodates all that easily with very little web knowledge needed is at Guildportal.com
Give it a shot
I dont have the first Idea about creating sites etc I think we best leave it to Neko or someone
yup i do and as much as possible make it so none of us have the same powers! So we all depend on each other IE The X-men wouldnt enlist 2 people that can control storms into thier group. And as Neko said restrict the team to only a small amount. 8 - 11 maybe.
weekends wouldnt be good for me though as I have family and work ( where im at now ) to think about those days.
[/ QUOTE ]
An excellent idea with variety. As with what day, What I'm going to do is take applications untill I can get 8 of them that seem like good candidates and would be available at the same day/time.
Very interesting idea.
I'd love to be part of this. I can think of many team oriented roles I"d like to have.
The wise venerable ally with knowledge beyond this realm...
The young pure upstart, full of good intentions in a bad world....
Oh the possibilities! Plus the consistant team allows for a more unique character concept as you have depenable teammates. Yeah I'd be interested...can we have a brainstorming session ahead of time to kinda have a rough outline of what the general plot is...and then let it unravel however it may be from there?
Also, my wife might be interested in this kinda thing.
I'd love to RP a little side budding romance within the team with her
[/ QUOTE ]
Dude! You've got the idea DOWN! And yes, yes, by all means we can have fairly frequent brainstorming sessions! Like I said, I want this to be story-driven. I've already got the beginning of our little saga concepulized. Basically my character is going to form a task force to help deal with the Outbreak. We'll go through it as usual, but on the second time we're sent to take out infected, we decide that we need to try to contain the disease by taking down as many of them as we can (ie 100, getting the isolator badge). Once we get that many, we realize we're fighting a loosing battle and go back to see if there's a better way. Coyote alerts us that we may be able to get an antidote by retrieving some files, but we'll have to split up to get them all (we have to each do that one to get out of there).
But, anyway, things will be like that.
And yes, you and your wife playing, and having a budding romance would be a great addition.
ok sounds good. We need a base of operations #cough webiste# so we can all discuss players, personalities etc.
We need a forum, can anyone make one of these ?
Neko your site doesnt seem to work
Lets get the ball rolling, Cajun
[/ QUOTE ]
Like I said, I have the "code monster" plan from dreamhost:
Which gives us more then we'll ever need. I also created the site in my sig, so if no one else can do it, I'll be glad to make a site for us. I think I even know someone who can make us a forum. In the meantime, e-mail me your details.
ok, its all good then.
We just need to decide a Server and which characters we are playing and thier personalities!
Shall we send our toon details to u Raven ?
Toon name
Toon powers
Toon Origin
Toon Personality
Toon Description
and we want to keep every different so u best tell someone if they have the same toon as someone else so we can change em!
Also we need to locate a server to start on before we do the above incase our name etc is used
I'm in. Weekend meeting times work the best for me, except for Sunday mornings, although late evenings often work well (like, after 10pm EST)
well i can give you some other urls, the site fo exemplars basly has 2 features to demo the hiding menu and the expanding links did you see those?
heres soem others samples
a actors personal website i did
my characters and super groups page
again the exemplars
my print comic im doing
a indy films website i did
forum im working on
my biz website, kinda out dated
sampel for client, incomplete
a teaser for a thriller
fighting gmae im workign on
a site for a world of darkness game i run that seem to have hit a road block
AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM
heres the character i'm thiniking about
Toon name: Neko Phatom
Toon powers Illusion Control/Forcefield
Toon Origin magic
Toon Personality: neive, and gullible, see bio to understand
Toon Description: Neko is one of those experiments gone wrong in the art of magic. A novice illusionist tried to summon a phantom army but needed a focus and used his pet cat. The experiment was a semi sucess summoning a phantom but it used the cat as its body creating a weirld fusion of flesh and spirit. The semi humanoid was then handed over to magi to train i nthe ways of being a human,which is a real strange expperience for somethign that started as feline.
AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM
Yes, everyone e-mail me their details at thenightraven at thenightwatchmen.com
I need your character profile (name, power sets, archetypes, origin, etc.), unless you are willing to just "take one for the team" and accept any assignment (bonus points for this). And what days/times you are availabe.
As for the site, with all due respect, Neko, I'm not sure your style is what I'm looking for. I'll more than like just make the site myself. I made http://www.thenightwatchmen.com for my sadly under-developed Super Group, so I know the basics.
the poitn i was makin is i can do quite a winde range of designs
liek my character?
AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM
Still finalizing my list of roles I'm interested in and my wifes as well. Should have it later this evening or tomorrow.
Can we bump this?
OOpps look what i did!
Ok Dr. Midnight and I are old friends in gaming...he told me about the idea and I gotta say i like it as well. I'd be game for this concept but would need to see what nights you meet as my schedule fluxes quite a bit. I have a couple of ideas for my character and curious what everyone else will play when we finalize this.
Well gotta head to work but will check back here later.
I've never played a controller... I'd like to give it a try. How about if I made a character named Magus Liber? He'll be a magic fire/empathy controller.
Folks, I need to collect all this. Once again, please E-MAIL your info to thenightraven at thenightwatchmen.com
send your character name, archetype and origin if you've got one, or if you're flexible, tell me that too. I also need to know when you're available.
ive sent you some Toon Details Rav!
Just like to say though. Shall we decide a server now? Im fine with Virtue - and lets all meet there, in the tutorial zone, on thursday at 8pm ?
So we can all talk in person, will be faster than this
Also I would like to add that i live in England, so im on GMT time! so im not sure what 8pm will be for you guys?!
I'm fine with any server. Virtue's the one I play on most, and it has a strong RP presence, so that's a plus, but I'd have to toss out one of my existing characters, so that's a minus. Since we're all going to be playing together, it's not like we'll NEED other RP'ers; so if everyone wants Virtue, I'll go with that. Otherwise, if I had to pick one, I'd say anything BUT Virtue.
Did you receive my wife and my information?
Have you all already picked a server? I know you're putting together a pretty tight knit group here, but I'd love to have the chance to collaborate with you all at some point in the future if you don't have a preference and don't mind basing yourselves on Champion server.
We've been laying the ground work for a sort of alliance of roleplaying supergroups for the last couple of months and have the beginnings of a website and forums established. Check it out if you get a moment (http://www.freedomphalanx.com then click on the 'Forums' link). Either way, sounds like you all are doing something great! I'll lurk on your website to follow the story as it goes if you plan on relating it there (and if you don't mind ).
Greetings. I am looking to form a Supergroup on Virtue for a totally unique roleplaying experience on Virtue. I want to take RP to the next level, and create an experience that will make this game more like what the general concept is: an giant, interactive story. So whats going to be so unique about this group?
To put it simply, were going to have story-based continuity. Thats right, I said continuity.
My proposal is to form a supergroup that will meet at a regular time on a regular day. And outside of this time and day, the characters in the group will ONLY be played in a social manner (IE going to the club is fine, but nothing that will give you experience), thus keeping us all at relatively the same levels.
By doing this, we come to the key ingredient in making this such a unique experience: mission management. Each week, SG members will E-Mail me the missions available to them through their contacts. I will then e-mail them back telling them which missions to take. By doing this, we will each get our fair share of mission credit, but at the same time, the Supergroup will only go through each mission storyline once. By doing this, we will be able to create a sort of team chronicles, a unified history of the team, without having any overlap.
Id even like to create a team website for our team, with a complete history (since were doing each mission only once, we can actually keep a log of them as they happened) of the team. Each member will have their own profile page with personal history and whatever else they want to put up. You can update this whenever you want with updates and character developments You will each get a full-featured POP3 e-mail account plus webmail featuring your heros name. I will even spring for a domain and host the site on my web hosting plan (http://www.dreamhost.com/shared/comparison.html I have the top-level strictly business plan, giving us MORE than enough features). Im willing to create the site, though Ill admit my creation expertise is somewhat limited. Anyone with more extensive webmaster experience is welcome to take the reigns.
Ideally, Id like to have eight heroes, (so that we can all play on one team). Made up of at least one of each archetype and origin. Perspective group members must be willing to either create a new hero specifically for the team (were going to start in outbreak and work our way up), or delete a character and re-create him/her. If youre interested, e-mail me at thenightraven at thenightwatchmen.com ( with your hero name, archetype and origin. If youre just really interested in doing this and are willing to make up a hero of any archetype and/or origin, thatd be even better. I also need to know what times youll be available. It is VERY important that you are able to commit to a regular day and time.