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  1. Can you imagine the print his buttox would have left..........

  2. WOOT excellent....this is a fantastic idea. All you have to do now is increase BIO size

  3. Any response yet for the Worldwide thingy? The sooner you tell us the better. I dont want to make up something only to find its limited to someone named george leaving N/NE of Jacksonville Florida.


  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Until yesterday I didn't even know he had left.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought I killed this freak months ago!! dang....dude has more lives than Positron. Aw well, I'll look forward to sinking another ocean liner
  5. (This is a short story about a hitman ive created, ready for the Duel Wielders. I dont write stories very often so I hope you enjoy it - its just a small part of his exploits)


    They ran, hand in hand, through the quiet poorly lit street. Nobody was around that time of night which increased the couple’s fear of the unseen attacker catching them.

    “Quick, in here”

    Dan said, clenching his wife’s hand while leading her up a cobbled path.
    She could tell he was scared, by the way he was gripping her hand, like it was the last time he would ever hold it.

    “I think he is close by”
    She replied ducking under a sign reading ‘Jesus Love You’

    “He won’t follow us into a church, its one of his rules!”
    Dan replied, tightening the grip.

    The church doors were unlocked; the doors swung open with little effort but it was silent inside. Deadly Silent.
    The candles cast many shadows but the couple now felt a little ease, safe in the presence of God.

    Confident that they wouldn’t be followed here they rested on a bench.

    “And now we pray?”

    Elizabeth said softly. Dan just stared back.

    “If he comes in here ill shoot him!”
    Elizabeth’s eyes widened as her husband pulled a gun from a concealed pocket.

    “Why are you carrying a gun?”

    She shouted, edging back uncomfortably.

    “Everyone carries guns now liz.”

    He replied bluntly. But seeing the distress on his wife’s face he concealed the gun once more.

    “Don’t worry my love, this will all be over soon. In the morning we will leave and go to the police”

    Elizabeth, staring into her husbands eyes, felt a sigh of relief, believing in his words.

    “Why is he after us? How do you know he won’t come in here?”

    Dan brushed the hair away from her eyes and kissed her gently on the cheek.

    “I’ve heard of him, his name I don’t know but I recognised the A. He is a hitman. I don’t know why he would be after me but in my job I can have many enemies”

    Elizabeth leaned forward, despite being taken back by his answer.

    “You are a defence lawyer, what good doesn’t come from your job?”

    She replied, confused by the whole scenario which had been forced upon them.

    “That’s not entirely true”

    The couple’s mouth’s dropped as the whispery voice from the shadows emerged.

    “The whole not killing in churches, women and children etc etc thing was spread by me, as a way of luring victims into a false sense of security. Infact I killed a man in here a week ago”

    Dan and Elizabeth looked on at their attacker as he stepped out from hiding. He wore an all in one white body suit, the mask had no facial features, and the emblem of an A was written upon his chest, which looked like it was in blood.

    “And now here I am, to kill you”

    Dan pulled the gun from its holster and pointed it at the killer, known to him as A.

    “You won’t take me down so easy!”
    He shrieked, gently pulling on the trigger, nervous about the outcome of actually killing someone. His hand was shaking.

    “Daniel, what makes you think I came for you?”
    The Hitman Replied, readying his hand upon his dagger laden belt.

    The couple glanced at each other, Elizabeth’s eyes meeting her husbands in a seemingly final glare.
    Dan’s eyes rolled back in their sockets and closed. Elizabeth’s eyes moved and poised on the dagger hilt protruding from his ear.

    “Why are you doing this?!”
    She screamed, her voice echoing throughout the hall.

    it’s what I do”
    The killer replied, edging forward.

    “So, you’ve killed my husband and now you are going to kill me. I’ll scream!!!”
    She threatened.

    “Go ahead”

    He calmly replied

    “Knock yourself out”
    he continued, edging forward.

    A horrific scream of terror and desperation caused the surrounding candles to quiver, but nobody responded.

    “Why isn’t anyone here? Why isn’t anyone helping me, im in a church?”

    A, the Hitman, moved closer.

    “God doesn’t look out for people like us Elizabeth. We don’t get second chances. Most jobs I do for profit, some I do for pleasure. The man I killed a week ago was the church priest, he was a paedophile. He had been abusing children for sometime, until I caught up with him. It’s the jobs for pleasure I enjoy most. Where was God then? Where is the justice? Perhaps I was the justice”

    Elizabeth slumped back into the bench, almost excepting the inevitable.

    “I thought you killed women and children? Why would you care what the priest done?"

    A stepped closer.

    “I didn’t do it for them Elizabeth. I did it for me.”

    Elizabeth arched forward.

    “So what am I?”
    A put his face to hers.


    She pulled away, turning her head to avoid eye contact

    “Elizabeth, your husband was having an affair. Turns out she is quite the jealous type. He promised you the world; he promised her he would leave you. It so happens she couldn’t wait and put a hit out on your head. I picked it up”

    Elizabeth glared motionless at her dead husband.

    “It’s not personal Liz”

    Still glaring into her husbands dead eyes she replied ever so softly...
    “Please don’t kill me”

    A Put his hand on his chin as if to ponder the idea
    “Damsel in distress or my reputation...”
    A rubbed his chin.

    Elizibeth felt a gentle breeze through her hair as the vision of her husband slowly faded to black.
    Her body collapsed over his as A pulled two blades from her skull.

    “It’s what I do”

    Reaching over Elizabeth’s corpse, A searched the inside pocket of Daniel and upon finding what he was looking for left.

  6. *Skull_Face toe punts Entropy_Aegis from behind, sending him hurtling into the Black-hole with the others then drops an imploding grenade into the vortex, closing the thing on its self for ever*

    *Skull_Face spins around, dodging the next attack, while parrying the following one*
  7. Skull_Face


    Yup Ive been around long enough to know about the copyright war Thanks. But i wasnt trying to copy any excisting characters, just make a cliche team of Superheroes like the Avengers, JLA.
    The team would be older though, having battled in the Original Rikiti invasion.

    Thanks for the tip on board. lol
  8. Skull_Face



    Any Europeans (or anyone else that is very active) want to start a themed SG or VG. Based on DC or MARVEL or both. We wont be playing actual toons (like Superman or Wolverine etc) They just have to be DC/Marvel Esq, right down to the Costumes.

    Maybe olding Hero Vets coming out of retirement to battle the Rikiti for a second time..
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Comic's over after issue 20.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know. I wasnt serious about the whole comic thing! I wanted to know what peeps thought of my toons.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Rad Skull makes Eye contact!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can't help but notice hes making eye contact with that Hellions chest... I think theres more to this story I'd rather not know!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Chest hair....Love the stuff! What more can i say.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Black Bat is fantastic. Very unique look without coming off as the overused "dark" hero. If the comic was still around im sure BlackBat would have the best chance.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you very much!

    Making toons is my fave part of the game heh. Maybe they should award a badge for it?!
  12. Here are some picks of my Toons, Villians and Heroes.

    Tell me what you think

    Hhmm whats the chances of one of my Heroes or Villians getting in the Comic!!

    Ion Guard
    Ion Guard - Whose the daddy!!

    Black-Bat2039 - BasePorting

    Machine X
    Machine X - Tech Head Mode
    Machine X - Hunter for Hire mode

    Got afew more inc

  13. 2035.
    A Large Dark figured Brute appeared
    The voice boomed out across Independent Port.

    And there it stood, motionless. The word soon got around to Statesman and he arrived to cheers and applause from the crowd below, that had arrived to witness Statesman and this creature do battle.
    At first Statesman tried to reason with the creature but it responded with a blast of energy from its eyes, hitting the nearest hero in the chest. The blast sent the young hero spinning through a nearby towerblock. As other Heroes dashed to aid
    the wounded hero Statesman clenched his fist and flew in.
    The camera crews, heroes and crowed held their breath as Paragons finest hero sent a punch hurtling towards the creature’s torso. Gasps were followed by silence, as the creature caught Stateman’s clenched fist in its larger clawed hand, a small boom could be heard from the impact of the punch.
    Statesman was quick to follow the attack with a large ornate mace….
    ”Yes a mace!”
    During his departure from Freedom Phalanxz Statesman had gone in search of an ancient artefact of great power. A mace that could channel ones entire strength into a single blow. It was a weapon fashioned by the gods and Statesman now had it in his hand. Unfortunately the Mace would vanish after that one use, so he had to make it hit home.
    While still grasping the hand of Statesman the creature grinned but from behind his back Statesman produced the mace, it struck the surprised creature on the temple….a crack of thunder and the sound of the creatures scream were all that was heard as it vanished, sent hurtling back through several towerblocks and finally stopping as it collided with a pylon. It fell to the ground with a thud.
    Heroes flew, leaped, ran, teleported to the location of the creature as it lay slumped on the floor.
    But then it began to stand. Stunned, it looked up into the sky but statesman was there. His earth shattering punches landed one after another into the skull of the beast, its head snapping from left to right.
    Statesman let out a cry of anger as he continued the assault on the thing, but in the blink of an eye it was gone. A blue haze only remained.
    A Voice shouted from the sky….”HERE” and Statesman flew up amongst the clouds, joined by a host of flying heroes.
    There it hovered.
    Statesman flew once more at the creature and a large battle ensued. Fits cracked off each others skulls until the Dark Holocaust landed an almighty punch which put The Statesman off balance. The creature followed it up and Statesman’s helm was sent hurtling down between the clouds. The creature then grabbed at Statesman’s cloak, spun him around and sent him spinning upward into the outer atmosphere.
    And there it hovered, gently rubbing its hands as if to clean the filth of Statesman’s flesh from them.

    “Hey” A voice shouted out from behind the creature. It slowly spun around.

    No more than 200 yards from the creature, on a floating platform, were the combined might of The Freedom Phalanxz, Global Alliance and Dawn Patrol 2020 (having been reformed in that year after an explosion that eliminated half the team in the year 2010)

    “We haven’t finished with you yet!” Black-Bat then pressed a button on a control panel on his wrist and a blue haze appeared.

    “And neither have I!!!!” stepping out of the Blue haze was The Statesman.

    A little boy with wings floated down beside The Hero.
    “Your Helm Sir“

    Statesman took his Helmet from the boy and put it on.

    “Thank you son, now let’s make history!”
    He said to the teams and he ordered everyone to attack.
  14. Paragon celebrated. The day was made a public holiday – they called it Freedom Friday - Yes it was Friday and Paragon was finally free of the tyrant, Lord Recluse.
    His remaining minions faded into the shadows and everyone was happy…
    But Statesman, having learnt the fate of his future, his demise, wasn’t happy at all.
    Statesman, still uncertain of changing the future or if it would even change at all, resigned from the Freedom Phalanxz. If he was to face such a being of immense power, as this was his destiny, he will not jeopardise the Phalanxz.

    “Statesman was a stubborn, irritating little jerk at times….”

    Freedom Phalanxz continued on. A new hero was elected and they defended Paragon as always.
    Global Alliance became stronger, recruited more heroes and trained harder than ever. Becoming a more specialist unit, a task force assigned to tackle Earths mightiest threats.

    Black-Bat 2006 (father of Black-Bat 2039) retired in 2025, letting his son continue the mantel alone as the Black-Bat.
    “2 Bats was enough for anyone, believe me!”
    Black-Bat 2006 returned to England, settled down in a small little farming community called Emerdale and spent the remainder of his time in the Wool Pack – a local pub.

    2034. Black-Bat 2006 is killed in a car crash. A Distraught Black-Bat 2039 goes to his father’s funeral in England.
    Black-Bat blames the death of his father on himself. His father wouldn’t have died, this way, if he hadn’t altered time! Black-Bat returned to Paragon.
  15. “Black-Back 2039’s mission was a success. The year is 2035

    In the year 2012 Statesman, Along with the Freedom Phalanxz and Global Alliance (formed by Black-Bat 2039 in 2007 – “it’s very confusing, I know”) took the fight to Lord Recluse.
    Statesman lead the two teams to put an end to Recluse having learnt the fate of paragon and the Phalanxz from an emissary of the future, a Hero known as Black-Bat 2039, and a trusted ally known as Dr Prediction who, combined with his own mutant talents, agreed the future of Paragon to be true.

    The Battle was long and hard, there were Casualties on both sides but when the dust finally settled in Sharkhead the Heroes were victorious and Lord Recluse was no more, “yet again!”
    Both teams suffered loss but the destruction didn’t compare to the onslaught of 2013 (of the previous future)

    “My History had altered, their future changed.”
  16. Was hoping someone would either tell me my story was crap or good Either me no mind. Im not a story writer, but I have a HUGE imagination. Just no good at putting it into words.
  17. It was then we talked about the potential weakness of the creature. He was eager at that moment to return to battle, I crafted him new wings and he began physiotherapy to try and recover some use of his legs. Time passed and my father realized his time was over as the Black-Bat. His legs would never work again and he reluctantly passed the Mantel onto me. I, at first, declined the offer but I could see his heart was broken by the decline, at the thought of the Black-Bat Legacy coming to an end. So I accepted.
    I, with my father, created plans for a battle suit. It would be able to produce a sound attack that we knew would harm the creature, but it would also be armed with various other attacks that we knew the creature showed particular weaknesses too. There only remained one problem. I had no combat history, no knowledge of battle, and I certainly couldn’t take the thing down alone.
    It was at this time I decided to build it, I had been researching the possibility for several months, and father had a friend that would visit who used to work with Portal Corps during the Rikti invasion. His name then was Dr Science but now he kept a lower profile choosing to retire in peace. He was very old, science kept his heart beating and his body mobile but it didn’t stop his imagination, and his willingness to help.
    Using Portal Corp technology and some old Rikti, that Dr Science (Edward) had stored away as spare parts for himself, we designed the plans for a Time Machine.
    My father wasn’t pleased at the whole idea, he told me that History is set in stone, it cannot be changed. To this end we must make it a good one.
    I wasn’t sure if he didn’t believe in the whole Time Travel thing or he was just concerned with my plan to travel back in time and alter the future. It was a big risk to take.

    2039 The work was complete, or we hoped. The problem with time machines is that you don’t know it’s worked until you’ve stepped into it. Edward, Dr Science, was sure it would work, he had plans for such a machine years ago but never found the real urgency to create it. Also such a device was shunned as it had the potential to cause more harm than to fix it. That’s why we had taken a few precautions to avoid anyone else using the portal, if it should ever fall into the wrong hands.
    Firstly my DNA was incorporated into the machine so it would only except me, or perhaps my father, into the portal. Secondly we decided that I cannot be allowed to take any technology back with me as this could, if once again should fall into the wrong hands be lethal to the future. On that point we created the machine to only except my body weight, when I am naked – apart from some underpants.
    Everything was set. My goal was simple, I planned to go back to the year 2007, locate my father, convince him of the impending danger of the future then recreate my battle suit. Recreate his voice box, form a Super-group, train hard and hopefully lessen that Carnage that Lord Recluse created but my main objective is to stop The Dark Holocaust.

    If you could go back in time to change your future….would you do it?

    I stepped into the portal…………………….
  18. At that moment there was Panic, everyone began to flee the area, people screaming, Camera crews trying to get a location of the thing and the remaining heroes that were able to fly took flight and vanished into the clouds, some were never seen again.
    From that day the creature, that had seemingly destroyed The Statesman, was known only as The Dark Holocaust.
    Paragon had changed. Hero after hero threw themselves at the Dark Holocaust in a hope of putting an end to his total annihilation of Paragon and perhaps the world. Nobody knew why it was here or where it came from but it was here and it was a killing machine. Many zones where left in ruins, the citizens of Paragon were living underground to avoid being caught in the collateral damage caused by the creature and the heroes as they raged war upon the foul beast. Paragon was on fire….
    2036 and the war continued. A knock at the door sent a shiver down my spine. My mother answered, and as I dashed to the bottom of the stairs I see my father being carried in by a Paragon Alliance member. The Hero gave some brief words of condolence then left. He left my father, the Black-Bat, in his favourite armchair, and there he remained. He had been crippled during the battle with The Dark Holocaust, an injury that would paralyze him from the waist down. The Paragon hospital and various hero empath’s did their best to heal him but the damage to his nervous systems was too great, he was lucky to have survived the attack.
    Time passed, we would sit together and watch the news for latest reports of devastation and count the mounting deaths of heroes that had fallen at the hands of Dark Holocaust.
    It was then he told me of the battle between Paragon Alliance and Holocaust. He had never mentioned it before, I didn’t ever ask. I knew he would tell me when he was ready.
    The thing hovered in the air as 2 of the team’s flyers gripped the creature’s legs
    and began to tug, in an attempt to bring the thing to the ground. 3 of the groups Blasters laid down heavy fire on the beasts chest while a scrapper of the team Teleported behind the creature and let off a flurry of kicks. Holocaust lost control for a moment, and fell several yards before regaining its balance in the air and sending a overhead double fisted punch upon the scrapper. His body hit the ground at such a velocity he died instantly on impact. Eye beams cut 2 of the Blasters, both robotic in nature, to ribbons shredding their armour and sending their flaming exoskeletons crashing down onto parked cars below. One of the Flyers, known for his strength, released his grip on the ankle of Holocaust and flew up, landing several heavy blows onto the chin of the great monster.
    This appeared to shake him, but it responded with an earth shattering punch that snapped the poor tankers head back so violently his head slapped back meeting his back and he plummeted down to earth with the others. My father, Black-Bat, unleashed a terrible shriek at the creature as it kicked aside the remaining flyer from his ankle. To his surprise in reeled in horror, the sound obviously hurt the thing and it retaliated by teleporting behind my father, he responded quickly and jumped from the roof top, that he was perched on, and glided down using his bat wings I had designed for him only a month before. But the vile monster shot another bolt from its eyes that punchered the gliders wings and sent Black-Bat spinning into an office window. The final blaster of the team flew to his aid, the rest was – History.
  19. A Large Dark figured Brute appeared at the centre of Independent Port. Its body had random outbursts of rock. Its hands glowed blood red, the energy of which could be heard humming more than 20yards away. Its eyes glowed the same fiery red.
    Many heroes, that were in the location at the time, surrounded the hulking brute but it ignored them. It spoke, and in the next few years that followed that was the only word to ever leave its mouth.
    A voice like thunder echoed out that day across Independent Port which sent a wave of fear around all those that stood near, and to this day, that one word still echoes through the souls of those that were present, and lived to tell the Tale.


    And there it stood, motionless. The word soon got around to Statesman and he arrived to cheers and applause from the crowd below, that had arrived to witness Statesman and this creature do battle.
    At first Statesman tried to reason with the creature but it responded with a blast of energy from its eyes, hitting the nearest hero in the chest. The blast sent the young hero spinning through a nearby towerblock.
    As other Heroes dashed to aid the wounded hero Statesman clenched his fists and flew in.
    The camera crews, heroes and crowd held their breath as Paragons finest hero sent a punch hurtling towards the creature’s torso. Gasps were followed by silence, as the creature caught Statemans clenched fist in its larger clawed hand, a small boom could be heard from the impact of the punch.
    Statesman was quick to follow the attack with a flurry of kicks and punches. But the thing showed little effort in defending them, letting many bounce off its Stone hide. A blue flash and the thing had gone, in a blink of an eye it was hovering high in the clouds. Statesman shot up, many heroes in tow, as the battle ranged amongst the clouds.
    Cameras lost focus of the fight and reports were being sent down by those heroes that could fly. The battle continued for several hours until a noise that shocked the world rung out across the heavens.
    The sound of 10 Sonic booms shattered windows, set car alarms off and even sent many heroes falling to earth from the skies.
    There was silence. Then something dropped through the cloud, that something came hurtling down and crashed into the pavement. A lone Hero walked up and retrieved the item from the crater; it was the Helm of the Statesman.
  20. My father had re-established the role of the Black-Bat at this point but was working Solo in Paragon. After his father died during the Rikti home world invasion, the role of the Black-Bat was lost. But my father soon rediscovered his roots and continued to carry the Mantel.
    He brought an end to many careers of those that sought to pervert Justice, he even worked together on one occasion with Statesman, The Statesman told him of stories of when he had worked along side my father’s grandfather during D-Day at the Battle of Storm Korps.
    My Great Grandfather was the Original Black-Bat, as far as we knew, and as Statesman would tell us, a ‘natural’ master of the martial arts and a cunning tactician. My Grandfather was born a quadriplegic, but with the wonders of ‘science’ , funded by his father, had his arms and legs rebuilt. His new Steel limbs gave him great strength and resistance to injury. He had the Mantel passed to him by his father in 1984 – he was 18. Sadly he died, as I mentioned before, during the Omega Team invasion on the Rikti home world.
    My father, well he was born a ‘mutant’. Cursed and gifted at the same time he couldn’t speak! His mere whisper could shatter a person’s eardrums. But he could also use this power to aid and protect others by manipulating the sound around them. Very few heroes had this gift, unless born with such an ability, because prolonged use of such power would cause headaches to allies and civilians. So many heroes shunned other heroes that would be able to produce such effects.
    This used to sadden my father, but I used to call him the True Black-Bat, because the pitch of his voice would sound very much like that of the Bat.
    I guess that’s what drove me, gave me ambition, a goal. I wasn’t born with any gifts, I was as smart as hell but I wasn’t a fighter.
    In the year 2033, at the tender age of 13, I invented a voice box for my father that could translate his voice, his weapon, into speech. It was the proudest moment of my life. I could finally hear the voice of my father. It also brought a whole new depth to his crime fighting abilities, now he could communicate fully with others and as a result he soon joined a Super Group called the Paragon Alliance.
    2035. What is a History without its villain. This was the year that everything would change, if only we knew how much, if we had known.…we might have prepared.