Guide to Blaster's Defense
Very useful, particularly for someone who hasn't seen BG's defense post. My 29 Blaster has Cloaking Device 6-slotted with Combat Jumping. I had planned to take Stealth as well, but I see they don't stack... thanks for the warning :P In reconsidering my defense, maybe Smoke Grenade is worth a second look, since I respecced out of it at 24. Certainly would be more beneficial for me to just retake SG than having to spend 3 skills to get Boxing, Tough, and Weave. Something to think about, I guess.
Just to clear it up. Blasters get 6.25% for weave with 6 SO's that would make it 13.75% instead of 13.5%.
(6.25%*20%) = 1.25%
(1.25%*6) =7.5%
(6.25%+7.5%) = 13.75%
I love the post thanks for helping us Blasters out.
Thx for the edit. I must of miss typed. I post a new update soon.
Again Thx.
Tough is 10% base for blasters (22% maximum), far as I know (it was before I slotted it way back when, anyway).
Almost universally, Smoke Grenade is better than Tough/Weave. While Tough/Weave is conditional, Smoke has to hit. Also, in terms of endurance, Tough/Weave aren't nearly as good as Cloak or CJ, both of whom have good side effects rather than conditional defense.
Thanks for the tough stats. Very apreciated. Will update sometime this week.
I have asked for the stats on tough and have always heard 20% base. I don't really know tho. lol
I think Tanks get 20%, Scrappers get 15%, and so on.
Thx Guys for your post on tough. Much appreciated.
Great guide! Bookmarking it!
With the new update, they are maxing scrapper resists at 75%. In doing so, they've implied that the limit is actually lower for blasters. Do we have any idea what the max for a blaster is? With the new epic power pools, it seems likely we'll actually start hitting it now...
your eps on phase shift is wrong. Don't know the number but its way way higher than 0.38 just though i''d let you know.
max resist is the same for everyone but tankers.
75%, anyway it's really hard to reach such level for a blaster.
My test for tough give 14% resist unsloted.
My test for weave are not giving 6.25%, still, defense value are a lot harder to test, what is your source?
max resist is the same for everyone but tankers.
75%, anyway it's really hard to reach such level for a blaster.
[/ QUOTE ]
For me, the easiest way of reaching the 75% resist damage cap, is to team 75% of the time with a good tank!
Just read that smoke grenade is nerfed. Will it still be a useful defense for blasters? I just picked it up after reading this guide and haven't had a chance to slot it yet. Don't want to waste my slots if it's no good anymore.
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hum smoke grenade was nerfed on update 2.
Values given here already take this nerf into account.
You can only buy SO To hit buffs and Debuffs when you reach level 30 startng in Brickston and Founder Falls.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've you've maxed out the correct contact (relative to your origin) you can start buying non-power-10 level 25 SOs while still in Talos Island and Independance Port.
This was added in update 2.
Looking for a little help here. Respec'd my char to try out some of these defense ideas and now I'm out of end!! lol
picked these up:
Smoke grenade
Cloaking Device
with the free respec, I'm going to add in the fitness pool for endurance and health. And next level I'm adding in weave.
Question: what do I really want to be running in battle? I've noticed that tough is a nice in a fight, esp when a slicer gets thru the caltrops, but it still doesn't seem to be a nice as having the end to finish him off.
Is cloaking device really helping after they've been SG'd? I haven't noticed a significant decrease in the times I'm hit with CD on. Heck, I haven't noticed a significant decrease in being hit after SGing a mob, either.
And will weave really make that big of an impact?
Do these need to be slotted heavily to make a diff? Right now I'm running 3 slots each, with one slot dedicated to end reduction.
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Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Arg. While the idea behind this post is great, some of the comments are mind numbing. Are you people actually playing the game, or simply reading about the next FotM on the forums and day dreaming?
Also, if you're a blaster and your main concern is defence/resist, may I recommend you A) Don't play a blaster or B) Get Phase shift and learn to use it.
The END costs and powers/slots used for defence are both a huge hinderence to your ability to do damage, and not actually enough to really help you survive.
Whats the difference between a blaster with 0 defence and a blaster with the maxium defence his or her build would allow?
Not much; maybe a hospital trip werth of death, but thats about it. I wouldn't count that as a difference though, seeing as the defence heavy blaster is only 1 hit waway from the same fate.
Hey, look at it this way, early to the hospital, early getting back to the battle. =]
[The views expressed here are mine and mine alone, your milage may vary, void where prohibited by law, exept Ohio.]
Are you people actually playing the game, or simply reading about the next FotM on the forums and day dreaming?
Also, if you're a blaster and your main concern is defence/resist, may I recommend you A) Don't play a blaster or B) Get Phase shift and learn to use it.
[/ QUOTE ]
I actually play the game...a lot. And as a blaster, I'm always looking for a better way to stay alive.
I played for 32 levels (on this char) without even THINKING about defense. The OP had some new ideas, I had a respec that I didn't really care about and a free one coming, so I figured, 'what the heck?'
I gave it a test and noticed the end drain is a killer and the def boost seemed minimal.
Expect more blasters to start thinking about defense esp with the changes to bosses in I3. I've read about more than a few blasters complaing of being one-shot or one-shot at 80% health and dropping.
If you could add something constuctive about phase shift instead of just being demeaning, it might actually help a few blasters out there.
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Well, I believe I've already posted this in a thread in the blasters section - but I've capped out my damage resistance on my blaster. I run a 6 slotted tough and weave, along with a 6 slotted temp invul, the minimal defense that SS gives, and when force of nature is applied, purple bosses don't do much more than 100 damage per attack (unless psionic). I've tested this heavily against level 50 monsters, AV's and the latter. Against a level 50 monster, without any toggles on - I took 1049 damage and was killed in 1 shot seeing as the max health for a blaster is 1015. When tough, weave, and temp invul were applied, I took approximately 250 per attack. When force of nature (unstoppable) was applied to the 3 toggles on above, I was able to stand toe to toe with the monster taking about 100-150 per attack, however, a blasters regen rate is not fast enough to tank him for too long. Bosses, lt's - even con or not are no matter, and I was able to tank Battle Maiden for my team the other night and only used 4 respites. Wolves, can be herded by about 50-75 at a time. Blasters CAN have good defense, you just have to decide whether or not you want all of your lame attacks in your pri/sec sets - or if you want to live longer.
Also note that Power Boost, in the Energy Secondary, increases the base defensive bonus of all abilities by 100%, for 15 seconds, with a 60 second base recharge time. It boosts other abilities as well, but that's the only boost germane to the discussion. Note that it does NOT affect resistance or, to my knowledge, Accuracy debuffs.
In my current buld, I've got perma-hasten and 4-slotted Power Boost - the down time is something like 5 seconds. Interestingly enough, I use it mainly as a speed boost to my travel powers and a Disorient enhancer to Total Focus and Bonesmasher - however, it DOES provide me with an additional 17.5% defense buff by boosting hasten, CJ, and Stealth.
I belive it can be 6-slotted for permanance, but that ends up mussing with Hasten. Ah, well. Decisions, decisions...
Oh -and Acrobatics increases your resistance to Holds by preventing one hold from occuring, at the expense of knocking down all of your toggles. That is, instead of being held, you get all of your toggles knocked down instead. (This includes, of course, Acrobatics). I've found this to be fairly useful in the solo game when facing a single Rikti mentalist, as it gives me enough time to arrest them into oblivion before their Hold power can recharge. However, others characters, such as certian scrapper builds that live and die by their toggles, tend to find it really irritating.
Also note that it's not useful against two or more enemies that have a Hold power, as the first successful Hold from one will knock down your Acrobatics, leaving you wide open for a Hold attack from the second.
Thank you very much for the info on Tough/Weave. This is my first post that i have read. I cannot get smoke grenade b/c I didn't pick devices as my secondary. I am still not sure what to get but you have at least provided me with info on the stuff.
Does "Hover" Defense stack with "Combat Jump" Defense?? Those two combined have a better defense then stealth with lower EPS. (Granted it is 2 toggles as opposed to 1).
Great Guide, I'm going to bookmark and share it.
When I added stealth to my perma-hastened blaster I immediately noticed a difference. I get aggro less. and the 12.5% to defence actually translates into getting hit noticeably less often.
Going off of BubbleGamma's Guide to Defense Buff Numbers. I will try to share some info so you can make the best choice for your blaster build. (If you have more up to date numbers please share with us so I can update this page to help everyone get accurate numbers).
Stealth (Concealment power pool) (-0.38 EPS)
Invisibility (Concealment power pool) (-1.50 EPS)
Phase Shift (Concealment power pool) (-0.38 EPS)
Cloaking Device (Devices support secondary) (-0.30 EPS)
Smoke Grenade (Devices support secondary)
Combat Jumping (Leaping power pool) (-0.08 EPS)
Acrobatics (Leaping power pool) (-0.32 EPS)
Hover (Flight power pool) (-0.24 EPS)
Hasten (Speed power pool) (2.5 minutes duration, 20 endurance drain on termination)
Super Speed (Speed power pool) (-0.54)
Tough (Fighting power pool) (-0.20 EPS)
Weave (Fighting power pool) (Range & Melee) (-0.20 EPS)
Maneuvers (Leadership power pool) (-0.46 EPS)
Smoke Grenades (6 slotted w/ accuracy debuffs)
Cloaking Device (4 slotted w/ defense buffs)
Combat Jumping (no slots for defense buffs)
Defense Buff = 20%
To Hit Debuff = 33%
Resist Damage = 20%
The stats on Tough.
Defense list on Melee/Range/AoE/etc.. for each power

Stealth Powers
All Stealth powers have a base 7.5% to defense, (except for Smoke Grenade and Phase Shift). Each SO added to your stealth will give add 1.5 to your defense. Maxed out, it give 16.5% add to your defense. Stealth and Cloaking Device will allow you to attack your opponent, Invisibility & Phase Shift will not. Phase Shift is the ultimate damage mitigation power; you cant get hit when activated. Cloaking device does not suffer as much most stealth power due to not having a movement speed decrease and using less endurance compared to Stealth. Using Stealth will reduce your movement speed by 1/2. Most people counteract this buy taking Super Speed or Swift. (Stealth, Invisibility, Phase Shift, & Cloaking device can not be on at the same time. Example Stealth and Cloaking device cannot be use together)
Stealth & Agro
All 'stealth' powers have a -aggro. Mobs have a set perception, or aggro range. Stealth, Cloaking Device, and smiliar powers have a 'low' -aggro benefit. Thus a normal mob will be able to see you if you get too close. But you can penatrate its normal aggro range. What I mean is with Stealth and CD you can get closer to mobs before they see you, to a point. Invisbility, Grant Invisibility has a 'high' -aggro benefit. This is the size of a normal mobs aggro radius. For example, lets say a normal mob has a aggro range of 50. Stealth might only give a -25 beneftit to you. So when you came w/ in 25 ft the mob would see you. Invis and similar powers grant you a -50 benefit. Thus the mob can never see you, unless you aggro it. Again, these are just made up numbers to make a point. Snipers have an increased aggro range. In the above example, Snipers might have a 100 range. So Stealth and like power will only get you a bit closer, Invisibility wiill get you even closer. But you can't get close enough to never been seen. Super speed also has -aggro effect. You can stack these powers to increase you -aggro effect.
Smoke Grenades
Unlike other defense powers, smoke grenades work by hitting your opponent, and reducing the base accuracy of your opponent. Base is set to 10%. Unlike other defense powers it take 33% SO accuracy debuff enhancements; argo, with it fully slotted it will decrease your opponents accuracy by 30%.
An equal level minion has a 50% base accuracy to hit you.
Unslotted Smoke grenade will reduce his accuracy by 5% (10% of 50%), therefore an even level minion will have a 45% chance to hit you. Fully slotted it reduces to 35% chance to hit you [50% - (50% x 30%)]
Even level Lieutenants have a 62.5% base accuracy to hit you.
Unslotted Smoke grenade will reduce his accuracy by 6.25% (10 % of 62.5%), therefore an even level lieutenant will have a 56.25% to hit you. Fully slotted it reduces to 43.75% 5chance to hit you [62.5% - (62.5% x 30%)]
Even level Bosses have a 75% base accuracy to hit you.
Unslotted Smoke grenade will reduce his accuracy by 7.5% (10% of 75%), therefore an even level boss will have a 67.5% chance to hit you. Fully slotted it reduces to 52.5% chance to hit you [75% - (75% x 30%)]
So if your opponents base accuracy to hit is higher, your smoke grenade will have more of affect on your opponent.
Smoke grenades will help your team also.
Movement Powers
Combat Jumping, Hover, and Hasten will give you a base 5% added to your defense. Each SO added to these movement powers will add 1% to your defense, which in turn 6 slotted gives you 11% add to your defense. Acrobatics will increase your resistance to knock backs and holds. (If anyone has the stats on how much please add it to this thread). Most people do not slot hasten with defense buffs but slot it with recharge buffs for perma-haste.
Super Speed is another stealth power that works the same as stealth powers above. It just doesn't get you any bonus to defense.
Other Power Pool Powers
Tough does not decrease your chances to get but reduce the amount of damage you get from the 2 most common types of damage, smashing & lethal. (Anyone have the stats for Tough?) Both weave and maneuvers have a base of 6.25% for blasters. Each SO added will add 1.25%, six slotted will give a total of 13.5% to added to your defense. Maneuvers uses more endurance but it works with your team and adds to your overall defense. Weave only adds to your melee and range defense. (Weave is actually higher for Tanks and Scrappers)
From the time of release to Issue 2 you are limited to 4 power pools.
Defense Caps
Remember, due to the cap, your opponents will have a minimum 1 out of 20 chance of hitting you (5% chance to hit). Maxed out to hit you is 19 out of 20 chance of hitting you (95% chance). Not including the streak breaker. YOU WILL GET HIT NO MATER WHAT!
Unequal Level Combat Modifiers to Opponent Accuracy
When you fight a Villain whose level is higher or lowers than yours, the accuracy and base defense is modified.
The modifiers listed affect your chance to hit or be hit.
Level / Modifier
+5 / x1.50
+4 / x1.44
+3 / x1.33
+2 / x1.22
+1 / x1.11
even / x1.00
-1 / x0.90
-2 / x0.81
-3 / x0.73
-4 / x0.66
-5 / x0.60
Fighting a +3 minnon his base to hit would be
50% x 1.33 (+3 level modifier) = 66.5% base chance to hit you.
Fighting a 2 lieutenant
62.5% x 0.81 (-2 level modifier) = 50.625% base chance to hit you.
Powers with Secondary Effects
Also, powers that knock down/back, stun/disorient, hold/sleep, or slow will decrease your chance of being hit. Knock down/back, and slow will reduce the speed of your opponents recharge and activation times, reducing their rate of attack. If stunned or hold, they cannot attack reduces their rate of attack to zero. Many blaster powers have these secondary effects.
How the Debuffs/Buffs work
A devices blaster has the following defense powers.
Up against a +1 boss (75% x 1.11 = 83.25% base chance to hit), Cloaking Device (13% with the slots) and Combat Jumping (5%) he has 65.25% chance to be hit. His smoke grenade hit the boss (subtracts 24.975% because of the boss's base). Now he is at a 40.275% chance to hit. With all his defenses he reduce his chance to be hit by 48.37% against an +1 level boss.
Smoke grenades is still one of the best defense powers a blaster can get.
Certain SO enhancements will give you 33% or 20% increase on your powers. Here are the SO Enhancements that deal with defense powers
You start buying most SO that you can use from NPC stores at level 22. You can only buy SO To hit buffs and Debuffs when you reach level 30 startng in Brickston and Founder Falls.
Other helpful defense links
BetaUserName's Defense Powers - Exact Numbers and Explanations
Vennom's Endurance Costs for Toggle Powers
RSRobinson's A powerleveler's guide to blasters (very long)
09/20/2004 Initial post
09/20/2004 - Added helpful links "BetaUserName's Defense Powers - Exact Numbers and Explanations"
09/20/2004 - Added to helpful links "Vennom's Endurance Costs for Toggle Powers" (thx Key_Man)
09/20/2004 - Added BetaUserName's "Stealth & Agro" info and made some other changes in the stealth section.
09/20/2004 - Added to helpful links "RSRobinson's A powerleveler's guide to blasters" to
09/20/2004 - Added Super Speed to movement powers. Thx, Doctor42
09/20/2004 - Added Enhancement section.
09/20/2004 - Added info on stealth movement rate.
09/20/2004 - Added BubbleGamma's info on hasten under Movement Powers
10/17/2004 Added Endurance Drain Per Second stats
10/17/2004 Added Level Modifier change
10/17/2004 Updated and put in the guides forum
will try to keep this updated with any upto date information that you add to this thread that can be validated. I am open to any suggestions you may have to improve this guide.
Info I need for this guide:
Special Thanks goes to BubbleGamma & BetaUserName (and anyone who participates in helping) for their assistance in this guide.