Fire/Dev Blaster Guide - L40 in 4 Weeks




L13-20: Boomtown . Start at the front of the zone AOEing gaggles of Trolls. Proceed on to 5th Column in the middle of the zone in the 14-16 range. Then on to north Boomtown and The Lost. You will also see a lot of Clockwork here. The Lost go down much faster and tend to spawn in tighter packs (always a good thing for AOErs). Blues-Whites are best throughout your Boomtown experience (greens for L13-14 will work as well). EXP Rate: 1 level per 1.5 hours.

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In the original post it says there are 1.5 levels per hour at 13-20 range. Heh, funny thing is, I was in a 5-man TF, 14-16, for 5 hours, and got 1 level.

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the original post says 1.5 levels per hour in boomtown not on a tf.
Keep in mind that this build is geared directly for levelling fast (solo and group) and not particularly for missions and/or TFs, although by L32, you will have achieved a build that is suitable for any occasion, except maybe the AT pity parties that this build will engender

[/ QUOTE ]



Does Issue 3 affect this builds effacacy at all?



YES, quite a bit I can tell you....try nowhere NEAR the speed as before.



Could soemone bring this build up to date for me i have been searchig the forums and can only find this Fire/dev guild. THank you



I agree, a new up to date build, from the perspective of if I had to do it all again this is the way I'd build a Fire-Dev blaster now.

Thank you.



If anyone is still reading this, I have created a fire/dev build based on Krunch's template. I am relatively new to the game and have no idea what the nerfs were in the last year. My current build is:

L1 - Web Grendade (accuracy), Flares (damage)*
L2 - Fireblast (dmg)
L3 - 2 slot Fireblast (dmg)
L4 - Fireball (dmg)
L5 - 2 slot Fireball (dmg)
L6 - Caltrops (slow)
L7 - 1 slot Caltrops (slow)*, 1 slot Fireball (dmg)
L8 - Flame Breath (dmg)
L9 - 2 Slot Flame Breath (dmg)
L10 - Targetting Drone (tohit buff)
L11 - 2 Slot Fireball (6 slots now (dmg)

Now, above it is stated not to take flare. Well, that has helped me immensely up to this point, and while it may not be good in later levels, I'm sure it will work until around 15.

I am thinking however that I should have gotten 'Hasten' as it is stated on lower page five. Instead, I am level 11 now and still don't have it. I will HAVE to get it at 12. I don't need 'Hurdle'. I'll just go with the SS at 14.



Im level 12 with my fire/device blaster. I have the same basic build as you have posted in your guide. I have had major problems since level 8. I am constantly dieing. I can't really kill any large mobs. If I do I will die. Its also been taking me much longer than your guide says it will. I don't play as much as your guide says but Ive had this character much more than 8 weeks.



Im level 12 with my fire/device blaster. I have the same basic build as you have posted in your guide. I have had major problems since level 8. I am constantly dieing. I can't really kill any large mobs. If I do I will die. Its also been taking me much longer than your guide says it will. I don't play as much as your guide says but Ive had this character much more than 8 weeks.

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Whenever reading a guide, check the date. Lots of info in this guide has expired. This was wrote in August. Some powers have been nerfed. I am warning anyone who wants to try this build today.

"NO....No clowns" - Positron
50s: Smasha (SS/SD Brute), House Rules (Mind/Thorn Dom), Wind of Mind (Illusion/Storm Controller), Coraxa (Kat/Inv Scrapper), Summer's Dream (Fortunata)



heres my fire/dev/fire blaster can use this as is

Exported from version 1.5A of CoH Planner

Archetype: Blaster
Primary Powers - Ranged : Fire Blast
Secondary Powers - Support : Devices

01 : Web Grenade immdur(01)
01 : Fireblast dam(01) dam(3) dam(3) dam(5) dam(5) dam(7)
02 : Fireball dam(02) dam(7) dam(9) dam(9) dam(11) dam(11)
04 : Caltrops slw(04) slw(13) slw(50)
06 : Hasten recred(06) recred(13) recred(15) recred(15) recred(17) recred(17)
08 : Fire Breath dam(08) dam(19) dam(19) dam(21) dam(21) dam(23)
10 : Targeting Drone thtbuf(10) thtbuf(23) thtbuf(25) thtbuf(25) thtbuf(46)
12 : Aim recred(12) recred(27) recred(27)
14 : Super Speed runspd(14)
16 : Hurdle jmp(16)
18 : Health hel(18)
20 : Stamina endrec(20) endrec(31) endrec(31) endrec(33) endrec(33) endrec(33)
22 : Blaze dam(22) dam(34) dam(34) dam(34) dam(36) dam(36)
24 : Hover fltspd(24) fltspd(29) fltspd(29) fltspd(31)
26 : Blazing Bolt dam(26) dam(36) dam(37) dam(37) dam(37) dam(39)
28 : Trip Mine dam(28) dam(39) dam(39) dam(40) dam(40) dam(40)
30 : Recall Friend inttim(30)
32 : Inferno dam(32) dam(42) dam(42) dam(42) dam(43) dam(43)
35 : Cloaking Device defbuf(35)
38 : Auto Turret acc(38) dam(43) dam(45) dam(45) dam(45)
41 : Bonfire kbkdis(41) kbkdis(48) recred(50)
44 : Char hlddur(44) hlddur(46) hlddur(46)
47 : Rise of the Phoenix recred(47) recred(48) disdur(48)
49 : Teleport Foe acc(49) inttim(50)


01 : Brawl Empty(01)
01 : Sprint Empty(01)
02 : Rest Empty(02)

Blistering Fire - 50 Fire/Dev/Force Blaster - Virtue
Just_Joe - 50 Illusion/Rad/Fire Controller -Virtue
Muffin Hunter - 47 Kin/Elec/Elec Defender - Virtue



I can tell you that with minor modifications, the levelling portion of this guide is still 90% accurate to date for just about ANY Fire/* blaster. In fact, I'd say it goes a bit faster for any Fire/* blaster with access to Aim+BU.

Check my updated levelling advice HERE.



this guide works great! 7 hours of play time and im lvl 8. thats faster than i did with my 50emp/rad when i was this level!



Just wondering if there are any changes to this guide with I5...



Wow I'm rolling one of these up right away! Can't wait to get Smoke Grenade slotted up!



This is an Issue 1 guide, 2 years old, can we lock this thread as to not steer people the wrong direction.

I will assume it was accidentally resurrected, by the above poster.
