Fire/Dev Blaster Guide - L40 in 4 Weeks




Just to convert the last hold outs over to the dark side of COH (maniacal cackle) here is an updated version of my original L30 in 2 weeks guide. This guide provides a Fire/Devices build and schedule through L41 and a levelling guide to achieve L41 in four weeks. It's based on 4 hours a day play time, 5 days a week (or 20 hours a week broken up anyway you want). Keep in mind that this build is geared directly for levelling fast (solo and group) and not particularly for missions and/or TFs, although by L32, you will have achieved a build that is suitable for any occasion, except maybe the AT pity parties that this build will engender

I've found that most every build by and large works out the same in the end (i.e. an eng/eng Blaster is virtually the same as the next eng/eng Blaster at L50). The trick to character building in COH seems more to do with scheduling your powers and enhancements rather than what you actually pick (unless of course you're desperately trying to gimp yourself).

Build - Fire/Devices Blaster (* indicates notes at the bottom of this post)

L1 - Web Grendade (accuracy), Flares (damage)*
L2 - Fireblast (dmg)
L3 - 2 slot Fireblast (dmg)
L4 - Fireball (dmg)
L5 - 2 slot Fireball (dmg)
L6 - Caltrops (slow)
L7 - 1 slot Caltrops (slow)*, 1 slot Fireball (dmg)
L8 - Flame Breath (dmg)
L9 - 2 Slot Flame Breath (dmg)
L10 - Targetting Drone (tohit buff)
L11 - 2 Slot Fireball (6 slots now (dmg))
L12 - Hasten (timer)
L13 - 1 Slot Fireblast (dmg), 1 slot Flame Breath (dmg)
L14 - Super Speed (end reduction)
L15 - 2 Slot Flame Breath (6 slots now (dmg))
L16 - Smoke Grenade (tohit debuff)
L17 - 2 slot Fire Blast (6 slots now (dmg))
L18 - Hurdle (jump)
L19 - 2 Slot Hasten (timer)
L20 - Health (health)
L21 - 2 Slot Hasten (timer)
L22 - Stamina (end recovery)
L23 - 2 slot Stamina (end rec)
L24 - Aim (timer)
L25 - 2 Slot Stamina (end rec)
L26 - Blaze (dmg)
L27 - 1 slot Stamina (end rec), 1 slot Hasten (timer)
L28 - Trip Mine (dmg)
L29 - 2 Slot Blaze (dmg)
L30 - Cloaking Device (end red)
L31 - 1 slot Smoke Grendade (tohit debuff), 2 slots Targ. Drone (tohit buff)
L32 - Inferno (dmg)
L33 - 2 slot Blaze (dmg), 1 slot Trip Mine (dmg)
L34 - 3 slot Trip Mine (1 dmg, 2 timers)
L35 - Blazing Bolt (dmg)
L36 - 1 slot Trip Mine (dmg), 2 slot Inferno (dmg)
L37 - 3 slot Inferno (2 dmg, 1 timer)
L38 - Hover (end red)
L39 - 3 slot Blazing Bolt (dmg)
L40 - 2 slot Blazing Bolt (1 interrupt timer, 1 dmg)
L41 - Flight (end red or flight speed to suit)

* You choose Flares because it's a great tool in the 1-20 levelling when it's damage isn't as minor comparatively. After 20th level you will use this rarely if ever. In the future, when Respec is available, I would respec out of Flares later (although I've found Flares actually useful later on as well). Rain of Fire is specifically counter productive to levelling this particular build. Caltrops (currently) 2 slotted provides just enough slowing to make 1-20 mobs stick together (even though they are trying to scatter). 1 slot they move too fast, and 3 slotted is a waste of a slot later on (as you hit the slow cap with 2 SOs ... also you use this much more rarely post 20th). I don't emphasize Hasten until around the time you're getting Stamina. Without Stamina, Hasten is good for a splurge and a bunch of down time (however it will allow you to take higher cons then you normally would by 1 con factor).

Levelling Guide
L1-8: Solo street stuff. It should take you about 3 hours to hit L8. I prefer Galaxy City as a starting point (better Tram placement and training location to parts of the zone) but either that or AP will suffice well enough. At L7 you will want to hit the Sewer Network and/or Kings Row).

L9-12: Perez Park. You are specifically looking for gaggles of blues and greens here. Why those? Because you will be able to 2-shot them with Flame Breath / Fireball combo. Then run like hell and pick off those stragglers. You will kill much faster then trying even cons or better (hence the XP will come in faster which is the whole point of this build). EXP Rate: 1 level per hour.

L13-20: Boomtown. Start at the front of the zone AOEing gaggles of Trolls. Proceed on to 5th Column in the middle of the zone in the 14-16 range. Then on to north Boomtown and The Lost. You will also see a lot of Clockwork here. The Lost go down much faster and tend to spawn in tighter packs (always a good thing for AOErs). Blues-Whites are best throughout your Boomtown experience (greens for L13-14 will work as well). EXP Rate: 1 level per 1.5 hours.

L21-25: Dark Astoria. Start at the right hand side of the zone (west end). Super speed around and 2-shot gaggles of blues-yellow cons and super speed on to the next pack. Don't worry about stragglers or LTs left standing as you will get experience when another group comes along and cleans up your mess. Use Smoke Grenade to keep safe while doing this. Don't use it to speed up the levelling a bit (but you will have to keep a much sharper eye on your health and situation). EXP Rate: 1 level per 2 hours.

L26-30: Terra Volta: Start at the right of the zone in and concentrate on packs of Sky Raider Captains (LTs). These give amazing XP compared to minions and you can 2-shot blue cons (whites and yellows with Aim). Stay way from Freak LTs and Bosses. In TV you will want to actually kill all of the packs, rather then 2-shotting and moving on (LTs are juicy XP so everyone is worth the time and effort). EXP Rate: 1 level per 1.5-2 hours.

L31-33: Founders Falls, front of zone (waterline docks left of zone in) 5th Cols. Vamps are no problem with Smoke Grenade (their mezzes still need to hit to stick) and those same Vamps scare most other soloers away so the area is pretty clear of people usually.

L34-35: In a trio group, the NW corner of Crey's Folly is the best XP hands down (Freaks). Solo, I would suggest COT Avenue in Founders Falls (red river sub-zone). It will *seem* slow (primarily because it's boring as hell) but it's actually great XP if you check it against your watch. You have two sides to choose from so one is usually not camped and each side can easily support a pair of soloers/groups.

L36-38: Abandoned Sewer Network (zone into Sewer Network at Steel Canyon, immediately turn right and go through closed door to Abandoned Sewers). You will be fighting Hydra spawns (mixed mins, LTs and Bosses).

L39-41: Peregrine Island docks. Be prepared for everyone to scream at you on your first couple of trips while you learn the ins and outs of the area

Bang 41. This assumes selling only at the end of a levelling session which means you will most likely have to farm for a couple of hours over the course of this build to pay for your DOs and SOs. This build also assumes that you are in DOs at L12 and SOs at L22. If you have an L30+ friend or character of your own, fund your Fire/Dev Blaster that way.

One of the neat perks of this build is that you can help friends power level like mad (and your Tanker/Controller/Defender friends will love you for this). You can also duo/trip with just about any combination of ATs for great XP. At various points in this build, grouping will be desireable over soloing for XP gain. Specifically in the mid 30s in Crey's Folly but at other points as well depending on how "balls to the walls" you like to play.

This guide was made and updated as of 8/20/04 (before Content Issue #2) and I will attempt to keep it updated as possible through the inevitable changes that are sure to come.



While I enjoy normal playing like any other (and I have a main Defender I really like to play), I am going to attempt the Krunch plan for L40 in 4 weeks (it might take me longer, 20 hours a week might be a bit much to ask of me...)



It is flawed. Good luck.



Just thought I add a little.

Lvl 13 (even 14) is a bit iffy in Boomtown. Quite dangerous there, especially against multiple Lts, even the -1s.

Lvl 21 cannot 2-shots anything in DA.

Lvl 22 non-twinks probably won't have enough cash to 6 slot-SO-damage fire breath and fire ball.



Wow, level 40 with a fire device blaster, that's amazing!

Seriously though, I've heard of people hitting 50 in three, so hitting 40 in four isn't a big accomplishment and doing it as one of the easiest builds in the game doesn't say much.



It is flawed. Good luck.

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Care to back that up?



Wow this same guide in the blaster forums got good responses. Over here people are alot meaner :-P.



I would sure like to see him back it p too. Seems he has nothing to say though.

On another note, its not the point of making an accomplishment, its the point of just making it there. I have been following this guide for two days and at lvl 10 i must say its the most fun i've had in months with this game! HAving stared the game with a blaster then moving over to controller and defenders for the longest time and taking a FF defender and empathy defender up high i wanted the "no brainer" or " hulk smash!" Kind of thing where i don't have to put i lot of prain power in, its really relaxing after playing a controller or defender.

Anyway i have a question, is there anyway with this guide that i can slot up hasten a little sooner? And i switched when i got flares with fire blast, will that hamper anything?

BTW Krunch, best guide for fire/dev yet!!!!!

Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder[/b]




Seriously though, I've heard of people hitting 50 in three, so hitting 40 in four isn't a big accomplishment and doing it as one of the easiest builds in the game doesn't say much.

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i guess you didn't notice he said 20 hours a week. when you play 8-10 hours a day of course you'll hit 50 in three weeks. reading comprehension is your friend.

and if you try to tell me someone hit 50 in 60 hours i'm going to reach through your screen and strangle you.



I would sure like to see him back it p too. Seems he has nothing to say though.

On another note, its not the point of making an accomplishment, its the point of just making it there. I have been following this guide for two days and at lvl 10 i must say its the most fun i've had in months with this game! HAving stared the game with a blaster then moving over to controller and defenders for the longest time and taking a FF defender and empathy defender up high i wanted the "no brainer" or " hulk smash!" Kind of thing where i don't have to put i lot of prain power in, its really relaxing after playing a controller or defender.

Anyway i have a question, is there anyway with this guide that i can slot up hasten a little sooner? And i switched when i got flares with fire blast, will that hamper anything?

BTW Krunch, best guide for fire/dev yet!!!!!

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I don't generally care to slot up Hasten before getting Stamina. I just find that you end up out of Endurance really quickly. But definitely suit to taste. Flares or Fireblast first doesn't make a difference (you don't even have to take Flares if you want Stamina at 20 in stead of 22 ... I just found Flares convenient).

As for the levelling pace itself: I make no assertions that this is the fastest way to level a Fire/Dev Blaster or any AT build combo. I just posted a guide of what worked for me with this particular build. I think one of the nice perks of this build is that casual gamers can use it and realize higher level characters in a relatively short amount of time. The other nice perk of this build is that if you're group oriented, you will be pleasantly surprised (and so will your friends) at how fast you can mow through mobs. Their XP increases dramatically. The downside (as with most AOE Blasters) is that you will find soloing will produce a crap load more XP then even the best groups will (a few instances in the build aside). This will most likely change however with the impending SG nerf (at least at the 30+ levels).



If anyone that is fire/non devices is using this guide for lvling a word of caution. DO NOT go tot terra volta lol. Just stay in DA as long as you can its your friend. Terra Volta solo will only bring death to non smoke nading blasters. Besides dropping orange minions in DA is worth mor xp then yellow liets.



If anyone that is fire/non devices is using this guide for lvling a word of caution. DO NOT go tot terra volta lol. Just stay in DA as long as you can its your friend. Terra Volta solo will only bring death to non smoke nading blasters. Besides dropping orange minions in DA is worth mor xp then yellow liets.

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Well, yeah, generally a lot of stuff in this game is a great deal more difficult when the enemy can actually do things to you. I'm very interested in seeing how this guide will change after the smoke grenade fix.



Heh me too!



I have a Fire/Fire blaster which I have gotten to 28 and I really like him with my play style. However, I have noticed that having to take Stealth was a pain. So I have started a Fire/Dev blaster and have been enjoying it quite a lot. I decided to avoid Caltrops as I hear they stop being useful after awhile. I made 13 in two days, so that is good. I really like the Targetting drone. I'll probably go with Cloaking at 22, I will have Stamina already at 20 since I dropped Caltrops from the build

I'll let you all know how it goes.



Thanks; I've been wanting to try an Blaster (after all me Defenders and Controllers) - and when I saw your power devlopment outline an full - blown character concept just popped into my head, full blown, to fit...
Heh... Only time I leveled faster was back in Beta. So it's great fun for me - thanks again!



How will this build fit now that smoke grenade is pretty much useless?

Oh and what other power pools would be great with this build?



Dunno, as the smoke grenade ner....fix hasn't gone in yet. Reports are that this build will be greatly gimped after that fix is done. It'll just be another brutal XP grind build like all of the other AT's out there.



Well like all Devices builds, this will be greatly effected by the SG fix.

However the "run n' gun" style of play this build is really good for will still be very applicable. You just won't have the total immunity you had before

I highly suggest getting the Fighting pool for Tough and Weave. Slot them both heavily.



I love your build infact I might even try it myself. I was wondering if you have any ideas for an elec/dev build as well



I've been using this build and hit 32 in about 2.5 weeks (I took that long because I kept screwing around with the new patch on the test server)

I have noticed a few things about it:

1. This build is GREAT for powerleveling your friends! I can easily get someone from 2 to 10 in a half hour in brickstown.

2. Post 31, if you fully slot Trip Mine, there is no reason for Smoke Grenade. I can take out entire groups of oranges by dropping a mine, running back and using the fire breath. That will bring luts down to about 1/4 or so XP so a quick fireball will either bring them down or far enough down for fireblast to finish them off.

3. The best way to use this build pre-SG nerf is by getting a friend to do it with you. When you team your xp does not get cut in half, it actually only lowers a little bit. If you can double your output then you will be easily getting 1.5X - 2X the normal XP.

4. Caltrops are a very usuful beginning tool, by dropping them then "convincing" the mob to run into them by throwing a fireball into the mob and running behind them, the baddies will always stick together long enough for a firebreath and another fireball to go off. Once you hit SOs tho, firebreath and fireball will take them down alone. I'd respec this out at 24.

5. Post-nerf the game will still not be as bad. Just because you won't be able to solo doesn't mean that you won't be able to gain MaD xP. If you get a controller or a defender to keep you alive, you should actually be able to take on harder stuff. With most defender powersets, they will be able to buff you up so you may even be able to take on higher cons in the amount of time it takes you to take on whites. So, in the long run, if you play your cards right, you will be making more xp.

6. Aim... What can I say about aim... It's a good power but you probably won't like it at first. I, personally, did not notice a difference in using it until I realised that I was dropping white luts with it, and bringing them down to 1/4 health without it. This is a great tool with your mine because your Targeting Drone will not effect it's accuracy.

7. There are a few power that I would repec out.
First being the 'trops (You DO call them trops don't you?)
Second being super speed (this power is HELL in Terra Volta) I would pick up superjumping and leave combat jumping on during battles for that extra defence boost for the post nerf grindage
Third being Flares (Because you need that extra power for the super jump pool) + that barely helps at all by the time your 24.
Fourth, Hurdle. If you are taking super jump, you should take swift (Or whatever the running speed one is) There's no use in stacking that little much to your jump
Fifth, Slot the hell out of your Smoke Grenade. Make sure to throw GREEN Acc Debuffs on it. Once we go post-patch, you will need that extra %. If you slot it well it should get the debuff to 13.32%. Where it was at -55% unslotted, it still is crappy... But it's better than 5.5% And because minion's chance to hit you is 50% as it is, that makes their chance to hit you only 36.68%.

8. Targeting Drone is your BEST friend. Name it, talk to it, create binds that call it out. This power alone will make your build. You can slot 6 dmgs with it instead of 5 dmg and 1 acc.
It almost makes up for a lack of build up.

9. 30+ may seem like endless grinding, but it really isnt. There are 2 great spots to go for this, if you get bored of one, just go to the other.
First of all, Creys Folley. CF is a GREAT source of XP, but at the same time a GREAT source of debt. Be careful when you tread around these areas, snipers are everywhere and can see past your stealth. For your 30-35 building, there is a good spot right at the entrance. Just head straight out of the entrance, hang an immediate left and the buildings to your direct right will be your new home. Get on the roof and start running the cat walks. You will encounter a LOT of bosses. Warhulks will be your new friends. Pre-Nerf you will be able to Solo these guys bring in about 650xp each at lvl 31. To take these guys down, use smoke, aim, trip mine, firebeath, fireball (all the minions and luts will fall now) drop some trops if you don't want him getting close (he won't hit you often with smoke) get WAY back and finish him off from afar (They blow up and drop you to about half life so be careful) A lot of times there are to of them and with the mine, and 2 shot combo both of their lives will be down below 1/4.

Second, there is bricks. Go after huge mobs 5th column. You will be looking for whites, yellows, oranges or if you are feeling saucy, reds. If all your slots are green SO damages, you can take reds easy. Do the same strategy as in creys, throw some smoke, drop a mine (will drop whites or yellows with just this) throw in a flame thrower (Bye bye oranges) then fireball (Reds are almost down) Then just pick off the rest with fireblast and blaze.
There will be some good bosses there to take on. Make to either have some defensive backup or use smoke grenade with them. To take down a boss easily, drop a mine AWAY from him, throw in a SG, maybe throw some trops behind the mine, then run up and drop another mine next to the boss, use flamethrower, fireball then run behind the first mine and lure him to it. This'll get him down to barely any health at all.

And finally, 10: As you can see from the top 9 or so, that I use on trip mine quite a bit. I, personally, slotted it with 5 DMGS and 1 ACC as soon as I could.
28-trip mine.
29- 2 slots trip mine(dmg)
31- 3 slots Trip Mine (2 DMG, 1 ACC)
This power will do almost as much damage as your 2 shot alone. The biggest problem with it is that your targeting drone has no effect on it. This is because in a way, it is a pet and not an attack. You will have to put an ACC or use Aim (Not sure if it helps it's acc, but it does seem to help it's DMG) before using it. Fully slotted with DMGS, I will take out oranges, but miss a few, with 5 DMGS, it will take out yellows and hit them all, with oranges it will leave them for easy picking with your fireblast.



I've been using this build and hit 32 in about 2.5 weeks (I took that long because I kept screwing around with the new patch on the test server)

I have noticed a few things about it:

1. This build is GREAT for powerleveling your friends! I can easily get someone from 2 to 10 in a half hour in brickstown.

2. Post 31, if you fully slot Trip Mine, there is no reason for Smoke Grenade. I can take out entire groups of oranges by dropping a mine, running back and using the fire breath. That will bring luts down to about 1/4 or so XP so a quick fireball will either bring them down or far enough down for fireblast to finish them off.

3. The best way to use this build pre-SG nerf is by getting a friend to do it with you. When you team, your xp does not get cut in half, it actually only lowers a little bit. If you can double your output then you will be easily getting 1.5X - 2X the normal XP.

4. Caltrops are a very usuful beginning tool, by dropping them then "convincing" the mob to run into them by throwing a fireball then running behind the trops, the baddies will always stick together long enough for a firebreath and another fireball to go off. Once you hit SOs tho, firebreath and fireball will take them down alone. I'd respec this out at 24.

5. Post-nerf the build will not be so bad or "gimped". Just because you won't be able to solo doesn't mean that you won't be able to gain MaD xP. If you get a controller or a defender to keep you alive, you should actually be able to take on harder stuff. With most defender powersets, they will be able to buff you up so you may even be able to take on higher cons in the amount of time it takes you to take on whites. So, in the long run, if you play your cards right, you will be making more xp.

6. Aim... What can I say about aim... It's a good power but you probably won't like it at first. I, personally, did not notice a difference in using it until I realised that I was dropping white luts with it, and bringing them down to 1/4 health without it. This is a great tool with your mine because your Targeting Drone will not effect it's accuracy.

7. There are a few power that I would repec out.
First being the 'trops (You DO call them trops don't you?)
Second being super speed (this power is HELL in Terra Volta) I would pick up superjumping and leave combat jumping on during battles for that extra defence boost for the post nerf grindage
Third being Flares (Because you need that extra power for the super jump pool) + that barely helps at all by the time your 24.
Fourth, Hurdle. If you are taking super jump, you should take swift (Or whatever the running speed one is) There's no use in stacking that little much to your jump
Fifth, Slot the hell out of your Smoke Grenade. Make sure to throw GREEN Acc Debuffs on it. Once we go post-patch, you will need that extra %. If you slot it well it should get the debuff to 13.32%. Where it was at -55% unslotted, it still is crappy... But it's better than 5.5% And because minion's chance to hit you is 50% as it is, that makes their chance to hit you only 36.68%.

8. Targeting Drone is your BEST friend. Name it, talk to it, create binds that call it out. This power alone will make your build. You can slot 6 dmgs with it instead of 5 dmg and 1 acc.
It almost makes up for a lack of build up.

9. 30+ may seem like endless grinding, but it really isnt. There are 2 great spots to go for this, if you get bored of one, just go to the other.
First of all, Creys Folley. CF is a GREAT source of XP, but at the same time a GREAT source of debt. Be careful when you tread around these areas, snipers are everywhere and can see past your stealth. For your 30-35 building, there is a good spot right at the entrance. Just head straight out of the entrance, hang an immediate left and the buildings to your direct right will be your new home. Get on the roof and start running the cat walks. You will encounter a LOT of bosses. Warhulks will be your new friends. Pre-Nerf you will be able to Solo these guys bring in about 650xp each at lvl 31. To take these guys down, use smoke, aim, trip mine, firebeath, fireball (all the minions and luts will fall now) drop some trops if you don't want him getting close (he won't hit you often with smoke) get WAY back and finish him off from afar (They blow up and drop you to about half life so be careful) A lot of times there are to of them and with the mine, and 2 shot combo both of their lives will be down below 1/4.

Second, there is bricks. Go after huge mobs 5th column. You will be looking for whites, yellows, oranges or if you are feeling saucy, reds. If all your slots are green SO damages, you can take reds easy. Do the same strategy as in creys, throw some smoke, drop a mine (will drop whites or yellows with just this) throw in a flame thrower (Bye bye oranges) then fireball (Reds are almost down) Then just pick off the rest with fireblast and blaze.
There will be some good bosses there to take on. Make to either have some defensive backup or use smoke grenade with them. To take down a boss easily, drop a mine AWAY from him, throw in a SG, maybe throw some trops behind the mine, then run up and drop another mine next to the boss, use flamethrower, fireball then run behind the first mine and lure him to it. This'll get him down to barely any health at all.

And finally, 10: As you can see from the top 9 or so, that I use on trip mine quite a bit. I, personally, slotted it with 5 DMGS and 1 ACC as soon as I could.
28-trip mine.
29- 2 slots trip mine(dmg)
31- 3 slots Trip Mine (2 DMG, 1 ACC)
This power will do almost as much damage as your 2 shot alone. The biggest problem with it is that your targeting drone has no effect on it. This is because in a way, it is a pet and not an attack. You will have to put an ACC or use Aim (Not sure if it helps it's acc, but it does seem to help it's DMG) before using it. Fully slotted with DMGS, I will take out oranges, but miss a few, with 5 DMGS, it will take out yellows and hit them all, with oranges it will leave them for easy picking with your fireblast.



How are you guys finding this build post Issue #2 release now?




The biggest problem with it(tripmine) is that your targeting drone has no effect on it.

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Not true.


Fully slotted with DMGS, I will take out oranges...

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Shall I be polite and simply state the non-truth of this statement?
... or just call you outright liar?




How are you guys finding this build post Issue #2 release now?

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Still very good. Solos well, plays in a team well. Note: my toon with this build is only lvl 15, so YMMV depending on level. It doesn't follow this build exactly, but it's a fire/devices build.

It's a little more challenging (as I think are all ATs) to play, you need to use tactics now that the mobs have a few more tricks up their sleeves, but I've still not died and that's got to be a plus.



I have a Fire/Fire blaster which I have gotten to 28 and I really like him with my play style. However, I have noticed that having to take Stealth was a pain. So I have started a Fire/Dev blaster and have been enjoying it quite a lot. I decided to avoid Caltrops as I hear they stop being useful after awhile. I made 13 in two days, so that is good. I really like the Targetting drone. I'll probably go with Cloaking at 22, I will have Stamina already at 20 since I dropped Caltrops from the build

I'll let you all know how it goes.

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how did you avoid taking caltrops? I mean at level 4 you have to take either taser or caltrops......

and about rain of fire, I use caltrops then rain of fire and finish off with fireball and-breath. This allows me to take on even con mobs. (btw duoing with a tanker is great, less downtime for damage)