Open Role-play, a how to guide. AKA: DOs and DONTs




Great advice. Now as Sibling, we have the distinct advantage that Angela is a Telepath, and can read some surface thoughts. One thing we do is NOT read the bio until we have played with a character, like getting to know someone. That means they either tell us their story, or we would be around long enough to know some of it.

Speaking of RP, it really confuses people when we first meet, and we say: "We need some help" or "Would you like to join us?" Next comment is, who else is on the team? Well, it's only us. "Us?" Then we get to explain a little about our split personality. That's RP, but we don't play any other way except by request.

Again, great post.



So why is it the only place I've seen you RP here is in your "girls only" thread?

OK, it wasn't "girls only" you said that, but it didn't look open to anyone else, much less men jumping in.

You should get involved in more open RP in this section.



Not true, so like a man! Laughing, laughing and joking.

We were in the Tony's bar RP for some time until it was *hijacked* and super-powerful omnipotent characters came in, then figured it was time to go. No fun dealing with foes there is no way to fight. We like congruent story lines, which is why we don't post in many other places for RP.

Besides, Cliff is a guy, just learning how to be one.



Not true, so like a man!

[/ QUOTE ]

Whoo hoo! Just what I was going for!

It looked like you were one of the only people in the Tony's thread that had a clue how to interract with other characters. It also appeared that you're main character, the ebon lady, was entirely uninterested in other people and all about business.

Where did Tony's bar go?

And I thought I was the only one who was annoyed by the "gods amongst superheroes" characters. Entirely self contained, "only my characters can even effect my characters, your characters are all worthless peons who can only annoy my characters for mere seconds at a time until I ordain you with the power to be effective."

Sorry. Didn't mean to go on a rant there. I was just really irked, especially when he didn't get the hint at all. There's an RP rule

#whatever is next: TAKE A HINT!!!!! If someone is politely trying to tell you that you're breaking one of the rules or just simply dragging the whole experience in some direction that isn't where everyone else seems to be going... TAKE THE HINT!

Open RP usually involves some of the friendliest people you'd ever want to meet. This means that if you continue to break these rules, they'll probably just leave and you'll kill the thread.

If you kill 4 threads in a row, maybe you should re-examine what you're doing. Maybe send someone a PM and ask "hey, I killed 4 threads in a row, what am I doing wrong?"



I think I just killed this thread.

What am I doing wrong?



That's the problem with open RP. Anything goes, anything happens. I thought about dropping by Tony's, but if I want to be attacked by archvillians I can just play the game.

That's just my point of view. YMMV

Issue 23: All your base are belong to us?



At least you can bring down AV's. There is a big difference betweeen RPing and DMing (or do they still say that these days? Help us out old D&D players.). Some people can open RP, but you cannot RP someone else's character, unless you do it very subtly.

Calling Gal over to get you a drink at Tony's, and giving her a voice over like "Ya look pretty young, and tattered...Gonna need ta see an ID." Is totally in-character and cool. Coming over and asking for a date, complimenting her on her wardrobe (which she would very much enjoy) and such, and having her make small talk, also OK. Taking another character like her and doing: "Sure, I'd love to date you, and have your children. Oh, and now I intend to join the forces of darkness and tear up my own bar." That doesn't work. NPC's maybe, but not other characters.

Man, now we're up to our ten cents worth. Maybe we could just put down a quarter and get unlimited air time.



I regularly play AD&D 1st editon and D20 3.5 so I can tell you we still use the word 'DMing'.

DMing is also used in other systems, but as a synonym for GMing.

Issue 23: All your base are belong to us?



Raise our +2 Rod of Smiting to you in salute!



I still play paper-based RP, and the term "DM" or "GM" is still used.

I guess the difference between this type of RP and that is that the GM/DM serves as a moderator to keep everyone in line and focused.

In all, this is a good thread and deserves to be read. So bump!

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



It's sad.. When I was playing on Horizons, which has devoted servers for RP (half the servers are RP!), I posted something akin to this for the people who tried to RP on and RP shard but didn't know how.. and I got flamed to hell and back for doing so.

Props to ya

too bad I don't like message board RP, I prefere live chat.



What a bunch of tools



^And don't do this.



I still play and DM... can't keep an old RPer down. Ok..maybe not soo old. *chuckle*
I do like role-playing, but my biggest complaint about many of the 'chat-room' rpers is they seem to think its all about the fighting and the flirting. I think some of my best rp's have been those that were just a couple of characters sitting around talking about, well, whatever. Fighting and flirting have their place, but it shouldn't be all there is to it.
Same with uber characters. No one out there is 100% infallible. Even major comic book villians have a weakness of some kind.
Hope my 2 cents help. Good thread.



Patchworks walks in and says, "Tanks for dis gide, it help lots! I soree bout de bad speling dat jus how I tok"



Almost forgot this thread, all you new, and old, RPers out there:
Good stuff, read this thread from beginning to end!



Except for this post. Don't read this post, this one is useless filler.

Well, I may put in my credit card number and account information... nah, just useless filler.

Wait, one more rule for open RP. Use PM's. Or was that already a rule? Dang, now you have to read the whole thing twice!!



(bump) Good rules, but another thing on spelling, you can spell things wrong in order to express a speech impediment or accent. Just make certain you can prounce it phonetically. Oh, and five stars to this thread!

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



Great guide SailorMeff.

I've reposted it on RPGFanFiction. I hope you dont mind. You have full credit for it and a link back to this post.

If you'ld like to review it you can see it at: