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  1. Not just zombies, not even just MM pets, any pets without fly capability have pathing issues with certain maps/areas. Much more noticable on melee pets though as they tend to run right into these parts where you have to lead them back down ramps etc. to get them out where ranged pets would just stand outside the trouble area and fire in normaly.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wuigly Squigly View Post
    Yeah but if shield charge is not intended to give off critical hits, wouldnt it be reasonable to assume that brute shield charge shouldnt be affected by fury?
    As far as I'm aware it's always been said that rage affects all the brute primary and secondary powers, where as I'm pretty sure a scrappers inherent critical only affects their primary, thats always the impression I was under anyway and it's the reason quills does critical hits while other PBAoEs from secondaries don't.

    If it's meant to be both, I'm building a spines/DA scrapper immediatly and complaing till the DA damage aura crits as well
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pyrite View Post
    Scrapper>Shield Defense> Shield Charge, also doesn't crit :P
    not sure if it should seeing as it's from a scrapper secondary not their primary.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd like it to (duoing a BS/shield scrapper with a friend a lot at the moment) but iirc crits only happen from scrapper primaries, somebody might be able to correct me here though if scrapper damage auras crit (apart from quills, which is from a primary not a secondary)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
    2nd- The pets will not be able to fly. No Mastermind primary should have the inherit advantage of a travel power.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but all the MM primaries have sj, although it works like the GvE jetpack, only height, not forward motion speed, having them able to fly would not be a huge advantage, it would probaly be the equivalent of hover both in speed and not negatively affecting accuracy.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hart View Post
    I dunno, I was getting slaughtered trying to tank +1/+2 longbow in a 3 man group. 2nd or 3rd mission of the Ghost Widow patron arc. I did okay for most of the mission, but toward the end I had to take the alpha for two packs at once.

    That was all of maybe 8-10 targets, which is much less than I'd have to tank in a group of 8, and the flamethrowers and Spec Ops grenades went through the zombies like a hot knife through butter. That was the first volley. Even getting the one heal I queued up off, I didn't live through the second volley from the stuff I had missed with the fear.

    Maybe what I need is an explaination of the term 'tankermind' - does that mean tanking for your own minions, or actually tanking for a team? Maybe I'm just trying to do too much?
    Bear in mind as well nullifiers at 40+ let off nasty -res grenades, which affect quite a large area, and are auto-hit.
  6. Welcome back VH, I left just before i14, and only recently returned, but all the new stuff is making me think I may never leave again, ever
  7. havn't tried to see what happens with Malefactoring yet (test went down before I had a chance), but did have a run through several zones and recorded everything that happened and reported it in the bugs thread, like to encourage others to do this as well, these are bugs every MM is gonna want to see squashed by the time this goes live, otherwise were going to have to wait for the next patch to get it all sorted out, and if the devs are sorting out new patches out their distracted from developing going rogue.

    So give them all the info you can so they have an easier time tracking whats happening down and get on with providing our next box of shiny goodness sooner
  8. sounds to me like the critter is attacking one of the thugs (or nothing) rather than you.

    It's a loophole in the BG mode agro - while on defensive they will attack anything which attacks them as an individual, or they will all attack anything that hits you. If you jump in and get the agro first they will attack anything thats currently attacking you. Each time a target dies they move on to the next target to attack them or you. If the last target is attacking only one of your thugs only that thug will attack back (quite common for mobs which are caught in AoEs and therefore your not their primary target unless you have taunted them in some way). If he's running away then he won't be attacking anything, and therefore nothing will attack back and you'll have to tell them specificaly to attack the target.

    You'll always find situations like this, generally while using tankerminding tactics it's best to stay in bodyguard mode until the majority is down, and then flick to aggressive to mop up the stragglers and runners. Especialy once you've got the massive AoE damage which comes with the bruiser at 26 and the 2nd upgrade at 32 you'll find it's hard to stay at the top of the agro list even with the taunt from the power pool, and the incoming damage to you will be little enough that the damage sharing isn't worth it.
  9. Dark fits the theme, and also has probably the best looking hold in the game, The shield in Mace is good, but then you can never have much mez protection, Mu has the -KB to keep mobs in Burn patches, and if you go with fish boy's set you can get cheap laughs out of people by telling to read your build

    In the end it doesn't make all that much of a difference unless your into competitive PvP so go with what you think is right for you.
  10. excellent guide, almost exactly how I feel about all the powers, especialy all the ones which became "I'd really like this power but theres no way I'd drop anything I've got to grab it" my NWs been 50 for a while now and I'm slowly working on getting her slotted with all the sets I want (which includes 16 purp IOs...) and have experimented with several builds to get her to the point she's at now and after all that you've hit the nail pretty much on the head. Post up your build, I'm curious now to see how close it is to mine