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  1. twilight_EU

    Molok Dingd 50!

    Congratulations, Mol!
  2. Hello,

    I play a level 50 Archery/Devices so I will try to give you some constructive advice :-)

    [ QUOTE ]
    06) --> Blazing Arrow==> Acc(6) Acc(7) Dmg(7) Dmg(15) Dmg(15)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Blazing Arrow is the best power of the archery set but for Rain of Arrows. I advise 6 slots as soon as possible. A Rechg one would help a lot, you want this power available often!

    [ QUOTE ]
    14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14) Run(43)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Eh... honestly, SS is already so fast that often it is hard to maneuver well. I would stuck to one slat and put and EndRdx instead of a Run

    [ QUOTE ]
    22) --> Cloaking Device==> DefBuf(22) DefBuf(23) DefBuf(23) EndRdx(46)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The defense offered by Cloaking Device is minuscule and it is not worth to put slots to increase it. Cloaking Device is one of the best powers of the Device set, but I think one only needs one slot (with EndRdx).

    [ QUOTE ]
    28) --> Trip Mine==> Acc(28) Dmg(29) Dmg(29) Dmg(31) Rechg(31) Rechg(37)
    35) --> Time Bomb==> Acc(35) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Rechg(37) Rechg(37)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Although I suspect it is much a question of style, I found incredibly tedious to setup the bombs to kill enemies and respec-ed out of the powers. If you like to play slowly and methodically, I think they might be good, but I have always played my blasters in a fast and furious style :-)

    [ QUOTE ]
    38) --> Auto Turret==> Acc(38) Acc(39) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) Dmg(40) Rechg(40)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I tried very hard to learn to use this power and like it, and tested several different slottings before giving up. In my opinion it is horrible. Takes too long to setup, takes too much end, causes minuscule damage, does not draw enough aggro and it does not really have enough toughness. It is really annoying when the Malta guys set it up, but I suspect their turrets are far tougher than the ones the players can setup.

    In general I see too many +Acc enhancements in the powers. Thanks to Targeting Drone you only need one, maybe none. Unless this is a PvP build, of course, then more Acc is always good.

    I don’t see Stun Arrow there, and Explosive Arrow is taken very late. This means your attack chain is just Snap Shot (minuscule damage, is it worth it?) Aimed Shot (mediocre damage) and Blazing Arrow (which is great, but not quick to recharge) until level 47! (Ranged shot is for opening fights, not really part of an attack chain).

    Stun Arrow is good, it does little damage, but leaves disoriented any non-boss for a good while (great for sappers). Explosive arrow is not bad either, since it has a fair knockback (even if damage is so-so). My advice is to try to put them in the attack chain earlier, maybe delaying taking Ranged Shot or Smoke Grenade.

    I will try to think more stuff tomorrow, it is late :-)
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    well i teamed with a lvl 49 archer a while bk and i think he was the first arch to hit 50.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If that was on Union it would be Twilight Archer from my SG. Even more scary is the fact the 50 ding could have happened a lot sooner due to the time spent at Galaxy Girl RP'ing.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That would be me :-)

    I play Twilight Archer in Union, a level 50 Archery/Devices blaster. Maybe the first to get to level 50 in the server (Dec 23, 05).
  4. I was talking about Rad/Rad Defenders and /Rad Controllers the other day in the SG (NBR) channel and several players wanted to try. But since you already have the group...

    Do you take /Rad Controllers? I have an orphan one :-)
  5. Thank you guys! :-)

    Oh yeah, roleplaying was about 1/3rd of those hours, but also what made me keep playing the character. I am an altholic with 6 other alts between the levels 20 and 36. Twi was created the very day Archery was available.

    And now I have a PB too!
  6. I am crazy enough, sign me up! :-)
    Chances are I will be level 50 by then, too.
  7. Maya/Twilight Archer will be 21 soon even if she behaves like a 16 year-old.
    Kiah/Lady Excelsior is 16 or 17, I have yet to pick one or the other.
    Light Bringer is mid-20s. Much background still undecided.
  8. Okay, this is mine (first draft!)

    Twilight Archer

    Strength: Superb
    Agility: Superhuman (Good)
    Stamina: Superb
    Perception: Fair
    Mind: Good
    Willpower. Good

    Archery: Superb
    Dancing: Great
    Streetwise: Great
    Hand-to-Hand Combat: Good
    Craft Magical Items: Good
    Lying: Good
    Investigation: Fair
    First Aid: Fair
    Magic Lore: Fair
    Mythology: Fair
    Psychology: Fair
    Computers: Mediocre

    Superhuman reflexes and speed. Superior (technically not superhuman, but certainly extraordinary for a woman of her size and physical build) strength and stamina.
    Alien physiology makes her immune to all human diseases and some poisons.
    Magical Arrows: that she makes herself imbuing spells (stun, explosive, fire, etc).
    Magical Devices: also build by herself, to aid her crimefighting (web-grenades, discriminative caltrops, seven league stride boots, etc).
    Spellcasting: knows a limited number of spells that mostly affect herself alone (fly, camouflage, etc) as well as some powerful ice magic.

    Bow, arrows and devices in a dimensional portable pocket. Red chain mail bikini top and chitin-like armor covering her legs. Cellphone, gameboy and some junk.
  9. I hope the CoH RPG will be answering many of the apparent plot-holes of the setting. And if you have read the comic-books and the RPG preview, some of them aren’t that hard to figure out. For instance, within a RPG environment it is better assume the population of heroes in the city is not as enormous as it is in the computer game environment.

    I don’t believe Paragon City is anything like a police state. There are controls only to go in and out of unsafe areas, after all, and the police drones are probably AIs with the same rights and law-enforcement powers than any other cop. It is, however, a city under siege, with areas controlled by an alien army (the Ritki) and powerful terrorists groups (the Devouring Earth). I can believe a couple years after an alien invasion decimated the armies of the world, destroyed half the city and killed 90% of the heroes (and probably a huge number of the city policemen too) the city is still split in districts protected by forcefields (which probably have a ‘ceiling’ over which heroes and villains can’t fly) and super-beings are encouraged to join crime-fighting even if they are too young, too quirky or too busy with other jobs to join the police force or the army. In a normal environment (and in the comics it is mentioned in other cities of America) I assume there would be far more control over the crime-fighters, a few of whom, no doubt, abuse their hero licenses. But right now the law needs all the help they can get.

    However, I do admit that some elements of the background of the city feel very dumb. For instance, I am still trying to process that the Hollowing was before the Ritki War (in a time when both heroes and cops were strong and numerous, a gang blew up a huge chunk of the city and took over, and still has almost complete control 5 years later?).
  10. The lag was pretty bad, but the event was fun.

    In Defiant I played with a level 25 tank in Siren's 1, and it was a massacre. The villains were so badly outnumbered that I could barely reach them to hit them before they were dead.

    In Union I played with my (level 47) blaster in Siren's 4, and the difference in numbers wasn't as bad. The villains won several hotspots and kicked us hard a few times. But at the end we overwhelmed them. After fighting for half an hour at the doors of their base I got tired and left (to RP at GG!). I also got auto-killed a few times with no damage registered, I imagine that by invisible base defenses. Very annoying.

    It was fun, but not huge fun. I don’t think I will join this kind of events often, it lacked variety and the lag was very nasty even with minimal graphic options. I think smaller battlegrounds with more interesting goals (and rewards) would be far better for PvP stuff.

    Final PvP score in Union: 13.3, and no idea if that is good or bad :-)
  11. Hey, Gilgamesh :-)
    I think it has been ages since we were in the same team, but if you need more blasters, I can be there with my archer. Level 47 right now.
  12. Did you manage to complete the trial? I heard that I6 and ED made it far harder than before.