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  1. I like this idea and would be willing to help test, as much as I can, work keeps me so busy.

    I don't know if it is possible to incorporate the protected forums but I would like to browse those, especially this forum, currently my dolphin browser for whatever reason wont stay logged in. So I can't see stuff while I'm on the go.

    Mids is a terribly challenging thing to incorporate into an app. Not because of coding and numbers but because the interface would require quite a bit of work. It could probably be an app unto itself. Similarly a badge tracker.

    That and the people responsible for those programs and websites might not be interested.

    I'm a real downer today, sorry. best of luck to you 8
  2. the_fox_Rox

    NPC Foibles

    3 powersets and not an ounce of KB protection? clearly not a scrapper...
  3. the_fox_Rox

    BrandX's Art!

    I don't know which is the greater shocker the artwork or sapphy not being able to come up with something art worthy.
  4. the_fox_Rox

    Last Stand?

    I love Alex's work.

    also *found him*
  5. Quite nice. Yes, indeed quite nice.
  6. Is this like the pit and pendulum, are you banking on an unexpected Spanish Inquisition? Cause, you know, if you are expecting it...well, it's supposed to be unexpected is what I'm saying.
  7. I know you set a deadline for yourself tartyr but if something fun like this is causing you stress, I don't think anyone will mind if you adjust your dead line. You've already promised so much for nothing more than our praise (and undying worship) we have no right to weigh on your conscious. Do this for fun, not out of obligation.
  8. very cool, I'm still on episode 5-6...but now i have good motivation to finish the rest.
  9. We said you should do it more often, and we were right, another very well done piece.
  10. the_fox_Rox

    Panorama Maker 5

    Never thought of stitching screens before. I've got a program (free from the interwebs) that I used to stitch my pictures from Italy together. They came out pretty nice. Of course the one image is probably close to 70megapixels. I haven't got a screen big enough to really enjoy that one.
  11. haha, that little mosh girl is basically little sister, pre-hero, and pre i4 :P love
  12. ah...i was hoping this was gonna be an idiots guide to "subject line" wallpaper all the same.
  13. I really like the way it looks. As flashtoo pointed out the change would not be exceptionally difficult technically, but in that it would be time consuming. However, this work could easily be outsourced to another shop. It's not like this is critical stuff for a new release just a revamp of existing art.
  14. I'd have to go with animated hair.

    I might use one of the new rigs once or twice but not that often. More mobile faces would be nice but the uses I found to be limited in SWG.
  15. Keep these contacts just make them tap into the radio and tip mission architecture. At the end of the day, that is effectively what they are, just with a different face.
  16. the_fox_Rox

    Super Combos.

    So if that took months of coding to work properly then, all the leg work is already done. Still there is modification and work to be done, as with all game features. I don't think the devs are incapable of budgeting an appropriate amount of time or biting off unmanageable chunks of work. There is no reason that the devs could not limit themselves to specific powers, indeed making unique combination powers for ever conceivable combination would be a monumental task. Although the devs have been known to take on such tasks in the past. Case in point power customization.

    I don't think such effort is required for this. The initial roll out could be as simple as focusing on dynamic duos and dichotomies focusing on providing one or two powers from each set the chance to combine with the powers of one or perhaps two other sets. I am not a game manager, the devs will tackle the task with the greatest respect that they have shown us in the past.
  17. the_fox_Rox

    Art by Hazard!

    this gives me an idea, that I can not capitalize on at all, in my current connection weak state.
  18. the_fox_Rox

    Granite Statue

    It bothers me how talented all of you are.

    Maybe I should start posting my spreadsheets...
  19. motion is seconded, all those in favor of calling witch bottoms with skin, bat-buns say "Aye!"
  20. I think that after the 17th whatever V-day pinups are left become st. patties day pinups. LOL.
  21. it's the legs, spider have too many legs to be cute, I've seen cute ants and bugs of all sorts with six legs be cute, but spiders...2 too many.

    I can't be certain but I can't recall seeing a cute widow either, sexy for sure but not cute.
  22. Level Up!

    Very impressive piece. My only critique is the water scale. Around heroic character, (i think it's sea squall) the water is thrashing about but you have it as a sort of bubbly weightless water type appearance. I think is fine for the levitating villain but around the hero it looks a little off to me.

    It reminds me a bit of pouring water from a pitcher around miniatures to simulate a flood the water lacks the scale of the miniatures. It doesn't spray churn and foam the same way. Water scale is a pet peeve of mine, the old movies where they sink a miniature titanic give me fits.

    Overall though it's a very good piece of artwork. I especially love the storm in the background.
  23. the_fox_Rox

    Super Combos.

    Why don't you think it would be worth it?

    And why do you think that it would take months of coding?
  24. the_fox_Rox

    Super Combos.

    We have some sets that combine easily with powers from their own sets. stacking buffs special bonuses for stacking two particular effects.

    So I was watching a show and as will happen two heroes combined their powers to stack their effects and come out with a more damaging attack.

    To an extent this idea already exists in the game, a controller who holds a target creates an opening for a stalker to cause extra damage. So the idea is to integrate this basic principal into a Super Combo system.

    I think the best way to describe it would be to give a simple example. Two blasters one with fire and one with ice as primary powers attack the same target. the fire blaster uses fireball and the ice blaster uses freeze ray. These two powers land on the target at more or less the same time. The result could be many things. And could vary base on a random roll or the timing of each attack. If the fire blasters attack lands first the ice blaster could trigger a cheesily named "freezer burn" damage bonus. If the ice blaster lands the attack first, the Fire blaster could trigger a steam damage bonus. Or if the powers are less perfectly timed or the roll yields a lower value a steam cloud could result in the enemy suffering reduced accuracy or perception.

    The Super Combo system could also include an affinity feature that would allow two players who have been on the same team for some time to have a greater chance to trigger combos, either by relaxing the time in which each player must land an attack of specific type or reducing the value that must be rolled to trigger stronger combos.

    This is just the beginning of a unique feature that would encourage teaming and potentially allow teams lacking in AT balance to make up for it in power combos.

    One drawback is players who have modified their powers to meet a theme say an ice blaster with green ice playing as the "Emerald of Doom" could trigger steam effects when combining fire and emeralds would be more apt to trigger explosions or lingering burns...I don't know. It's not a perfect idea.

    I hope you can all help me flesh out the idea, suggest combinations and effects and make it into something that would be worthwhile for the developers to take an interest in.