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  1. haha.. that sounds amazing. can't wait to see the turn out for it. =P
  2. you'll be back... I hope. =(

    miss you already Scotttt.
    >.< grawrness.
  3. ty for the fun..... haven't done a successful raid in over 2yrs lol...

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by robobug
    this could all have been settled by typing /chanjoin robo's lounge
    qft... <nods>
  5. tempty


    <kicks robo>

    I wanted an accurate update! grawr.

    oh and now your's says "can only hope to improve..."

    ...lol awesome.
  6. tempty


    what does who's thingy says??

    lol am so confused >.<
  7. finally got a lvl 50 on the V-side... =P lol

    besides that the only other thing I did was get my dominator from 38 - 41...

    the rest of the weekend was spent away from the game... not by choice. >.<
  8. =( I don't like them very much at all... it won't keep me logged in, the only way I can for sure log in is if I reply to a thread.

    solame. ugh.

    I do like being able to change my font though. =P heh
  9. tempty


    lol... thanks robo for the negative rating... I <3 you too. =P
  10. tempty


    !! it's still there... I'm still in it.... buut it is very quiet... like a library. =(

    oh and PS--
    lol @ your board rep... "Robobug has a little shameless behaviour in the past"

    I kinda want to add a negative just to see what it says when I do.. o.O.

    but I won't. >.<

  11. congrats on 5yrs! =)

    sounds like fun stuff.... I'll try and make it for some of the events.
  12. [color= skyblue]lol.... I've done that.... twice. &gt;.&lt;

    just blame the alcohol or lack of sleep and people generally understand. =P[/color]
  13. [color= skyblue]lol.. works for me? =P I &lt;3 emping. eventually I might work on my stormy w/ IOs... mebbe.

    RV has been fun the past 2 nights... happy to see it alive. =) am sadd that I was so sleepy last night though lol I could hardly keep my eyes open so ended up logging &gt;.&lt;[/color]
  14. [color= skyblue] my SG hosted a pvp event on Tiumph server about 2 yrs ago and we had RL prizes to give away... we did a giftcards to amazon.com and gamestop, game time cards, and a cape signed by statesman (I believe that is who signed it).

    the devs knew about it and we even had a redname show up... it was pretty fun, but a lot to coordinate. =P lol

    soo it has been done, but from what I can see -- it doesn't happen often. &gt;.&lt; [/color]
  15. [color= skyblue]if Hank is considered a beginner... can I be too??

  16. [color= skyblue]o.O.... I will be there =) [/color]
  17. tempty

    PW's war journal

    [color= skyblue]v. nice write up, PW! =)

    you were quick on the phase button, which was awesome, esp. since you announced it, I knew I didn't have to worry about running over to heal you- even though I always try to heal. lol but good job at the practice last night =)

    btw-- the brute switched to his therm corruptor (not kin), if that helps any...

    See you at the match on Tuesday! =)[/color]
  18. [color= skyblue]yayy kitten! hiii =)[/color]