The Global Invite GOOF!
OMG noob

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
LOL... No, I was feeling a bit too embarassed, assuming the mistake I may have made... Most, if not all noobs would not have realized it... Or quite possibly been 'smrt' enough to not make the mistake in the first place
Oh well... lol

Been there, done that, have the T-Shirt.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
Been there, done that, have the T-Shirt.
[/ QUOTE ]
I feel some sort of mild redemption... Thanks!... LOL

[color= skyblue]lol.... I've done that.... twice. >.<
just blame the alcohol or lack of sleep and people generally understand. =P[/color]
[color= skyblue]lol.... I've done that.... twice. >.<
just blame the alcohol or lack of sleep and people generally understand. =P[/color]
[/ QUOTE ]
Blame it on the rain... Dat's it... as I was standning out side on the plains, while standing in the rain I mistakenly used a global invite instead of a Super Group one... to further complicate the situation, the wireless internet connection in Spain is not worth a darn while standing in the rain, out in an open plain.

Ok, so today I'm tired and honestly, a little hung-over
With that said... I was attempting to invite members of our 2 Super Groups and our Villain Group to a global chat channel so that we can all communicate between the three groups. I may have mistakenly clicked the INVITE/Global instead of the INVITE/Super Group...
If you received an invite to DWPoP channel, please feel free to accept or decline... But I wanted to offer up here an apology to anyone that may receive the invite in error.
Since all of my toons are on Liberty, have been and will always be (assuming I don't change my mind after 4+ years)... So, the globals I have all are friends I have met on Liberty Server.
Again, sorry if you get the invite and needed to decline or are offended in any way.