AGBY5 Celebration
Proud of you guys Ice.
Awesome!! Definitely an event not to miss. Congrats ladies and gents.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Woooo, AGBY5 ftw!
I can definitely say there will be some awesome prices for these events, very much worth attending =D
congrats on 5yrs! =)
sounds like fun stuff.... I'll try and make it for some of the events.
I have to bump this... It's coming up very fast now! Everyone tell your friends =D
Today or tomorrow I will have information on the PvP Tournament that will be Friday night. It's going to be a 5v5 random teams, so even if you have never tried PvP before, you could be paired up with some of the best and get a chance at the prize. Each person in the winning team will be taking home 100mil.
i wish i could play for this.
I wish you could too, Bug. Thanks for the well wishers so far. I will be updating this thread and the one in Player events through out the day with more information on the events. Hope to see lots of folks out having fun with this tomorrow night through Saturday!
Thanks for five great years, Liberty server, and CoX!
I'm not one for spamming the zones usually, but then again, folks who spam the zones are usually not giving out over a Billion influence either.
If any of our friends out there want to help us advertise the AGBY5 events, here is how you can help.
/macro AGBY5, Request AGBY5 Kicks off in Atlas Park, Thursday August 13th! Join the Avant-Guards & Blackguards celebrating 5 years of SG excellence. Three days of events! Over a Billion INF in prizes! See Calendar for details.
Pop that off in new zones you visit around Paragon City and the Rogue Isles today and tomorrow. Don't over do it like every five minutes, but don't be too shy either.
I will include macros for any of the other events I make posts for so that we can get a lot of word out fast for each event. I appreciate anyone's help on getting this thing bigger'n a Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction. XD
Thanks in advance to any AGB friends who don't mind helping us shout about this one.
All the Best,
Two days down and one to go.
Edit to flyer, the Rap Battle event has been cancelled due to illness of it's host. We will likely move the later events to an earlier time slot.
I will post here to confirm taht if we move the events.
Doing so might mean a stronger AGB presence at the Hami Raid, so who knows.
Best of luck to the Raiders if I don't make that.
For anyone interested. I have some screen caps from the villain costume contest.
Not embedding them since they'd stretch the forum
(From the AGB website front page)
AGBY5 :: AGB 5th Anniversary A Grand Success!
The Avant-Guards and Blackguards of Liberty server would like to take the time to thank everyone who came out to take part in our grand celebration of 5 years of SG excellence. We are grateful for the good times we were able to share with so many of our friends here on the server. We gave out a ton of stuff and may have more fun than the people who got the prizes.
During the Opening night of AGBY5, we ran a hugely successful Riddles in the Park. The winners were numerous, and too many to look up. During that event, we posed Riddles to the players in Atlas Park in a test of wits. The Riddles went something like this:
Riddle :: "Dragonettes sting with wingless flight, their cowled master commands by night. Who are they?"
Answer :: Wyvern
Each correct answer netted the winner a selection of pre-crafted enhancements. Prizes for answering the riddles correctly included the following full, pre-crafted sets :: Soaring, Celerity x2, Springfoot, Positron's Blast x2, Efficacy Adaptor & Perfect Zinger x2. Addtionally two individual pieces of the purple Soulboudn Alllegiance set were Also handed out.
In the midst of this Avant-Guards members handed out a slew of pre-crafted enhancements to folks just standing aroudn who happened to be dressed in the AGs colors of Black and White. Members of the AGs were heard to say "Great look. Thanks for wearing the Black and White during AGBY5" to folks as they handed out oodles of random prizes.
Also during Riddles in the Park, Atlas Park Denizens were challenged to a game of Hide and Seek. They had to find two hideen Avant-Guards Eagle Patrol Soldier(@Valeron) and Military Cop(@Sweet Vengeance). The two winners were presented with a Hamidon Origin enhancement each for their effort.
Following Riddles in the Park, The Avant-Guards invited the server population to join us under Atlas Statue for a very special ceremony. The event was called The Bold and The Gold Usually a thing we do in private, we were honored to share the permanent induction of two of our members into our hall of honor The Avant-Guards Tour de Force. This ceremony and the Warburg Nukes and Rain of Arrows salute that followed it were found to be quite stunning by the gathered crowd. One attendee, Lil ole Me, was heard to say "This reminds me of when Maticore and Sister Psyche got married." Aside from receiving the special honor, Ultimo Girl (@Ozzie Arcane) and MADAM DEFENDER (@MADAM DEFENDER) were thrilled to have their induction be the first ever held in so public a venue.
This was very quickly followed by the Black & White Masquerade. In order to compete and win in this very special costume contest with a twist, participants had to make a costume using Black and White, the colros of the Avant-Guards. All participants were rewarded with 5 Million Influence and a set of Halloween Salvage. The top three winners and their prizes were, 1st Place :: 1st - Ivan' - Armageddon (Damage) and 100 mil influence, 2nd Place :: InfernalKnight - Nucleolus Exposure HO x2 and 50 Million Influence, 3rd Place(Tied Vote) :: Wolven Angel and Riot Crush - Ragnarok (Dam/End), Ragnarok (Dam/Acc/Rech). The use of the SG colors in these costumes was impressive, and we are very proud of the winners.
On Friday evening, we held The Eagles Talons :: 5v5 PVP Tournament. The tournament was set up for blind draw teams. Many teams formed up for this event hosted by @Feugan. The prize, 500 Million Influence split between the contestants of the winning team. Despite one glitch concerning the farming of disconnected players on both sides of one of the matches, and its followup rematch, the contest was very fairly handled. According to Ice Eng who was outside that situation "It was a difficult call, and Feugan handled it pretty well." The winning team of five included Konig Dragoon (@Dragynmaster), Reflection XIII (@Pling Parrish), Clueless (@True Hero of Paragon), sgfodder(@northwynde), Justice Assassin (@Light Ninja).
Saturday mornings Gladiator Thunderdome was well attended and quite a lot of fun for the participants according to their comments at the time. Seeing a battle royal with as many as ten Gladiators and their teams of pets was amazing to watch. A Pet getting stuck issue caused the participants in the last match @Balefor, @BGCT2040 and @Andios to collectively call for rematch. They fought the rematch fairly and Balefor came out on top. Each of the three finalists were rewarded with 30 Million influence for the honorable way in which they handled themselves and treated each others. The two runners up Grave-eye(@BGCT2040) and Raddon(@Andios) received a Postitron's Blast recipe in addition to their influence prize. The grand prize winner @Balefor, gets a real jewel; the starring role in the upcoming ABG fiction AE story arc, "Balefor's Aces", which will be written and crafted by our own @Shockknocker.
Later in the afternoon on Saturday, we staged The Villain's Globe, villain side costume contest. The players that came out for the contest had costumes that were just excellent. The winners were 1st Place Sithia - 10 million Infamy and a complete Luck of the Gambler set, 2nd Place Velvet Blood - 5 million infamy and Guassians set 3rd Place Dark Arwen - 2 million infamy and Thunderstrike set. Other participants were awarded influence and in come cases, Halloween Salvage at the Blackguards discretion. There were so many great contests there that it was difficult to decide the winners, so we congratulate them all.
Finally on Saturday we held the "I Need a Hero" AE Arc Race. Three teams competed to see who could run a specific series of three arcs the fastest. Each team had an Avant-Guard team member along for verification of the completion of each arc. The Arcs were parts One, Two and Three of a series called "Fall of the Blackguards" created by @Arbegla of the AGB. Those arc IDs were 1685, 1690 & 1996 respectively and comprised 5 missions amounting to a short Task Force. The race was furious and the winning team completed the set of arcs on Heroic dificulty setting in just over one hour. It was almost a photo finish as the second team led by Pling Parrish was only about 20 second behind the winning team. That winning team was headed by Shae Ri La, and included Anbu Henshitu, xXmagicblasterXx, Broken Hearted, Blue Fire and Grimmjow. (AG member @Sweet Vengeance). The team split 90 Million Influence for a total of 15 million per team member and a randomly selected Hamidon Origin Enhancement. The race was good and the competition fair. The participants were pleased with the arc, which includes the story of a conflict between The Avant-Guards and Blackguards, and found it to be quite challenging even on Heroic difficulty.
Again, the AGB would like to thanks everyone who came out and participated in our AGBY5 Anniversary events. Also we would like to thank all the well wishers. In addition to having a blast engaging our server friends with a number of challenging events over three days, the AGB family grew by several members over the weekend. We welcome the new members one and all, and also the leadership expresses thanks to the members who aided in getting those recruits integrated to the AGB.
Congratulations to all the membership of the AGB on making AGBY5 a Grand Success.
Glad it went well
It gives me great pleasure to announce that the celebration of the 5th Anniversary of the Avant-Guards and Blackguards of Liberty Server are on for Thusday August, 13th through Saturday, August 15th. The reputation of the AGBY events has grown some through the years. Members get questions quite often about when the next anniversary celebration will be.
The AGB takes this opportunity each year to celebrate what makes our SG family great by sharing with the rest of Liberty Server some of the love and respect that they experience as part of the AGB family each day. In so doing, we honor the great Guards who have gone before us as well.
Folks from all servers are welcome. We hope that you will come and join us.
For more detailed listings of the events, please visit our Calendar of events at the AGB's home on the web
Also, if you have any questions about the events or the AGB itself, please feel free to post to our forums or email us at