tournaments for money?
I don't believe the devs/whoever would support something like this, but what they don't know and what is setup without them knowing doesn't hurt them or you. I believe this would be between the player base and they would not be able to stop anything that was agreed upon in private. If you catch my drift.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
lol that wasent subtle at all. yea i was not thinking the devs would be in on it. it would be a player organized event. a lot of tourneys im talking about used a paypal system with the promoter having the purse in his account and would transfer it to your teams account at the end.
[color= skyblue] my SG hosted a pvp event on Tiumph server about 2 yrs ago and we had RL prizes to give away... we did a giftcards to and gamestop, game time cards, and a cape signed by statesman (I believe that is who signed it).
the devs knew about it and we even had a redname show up... it was pretty fun, but a lot to coordinate. =P lol
soo it has been done, but from what I can see -- it doesn't happen often. >.< [/color]
are tournaments of the PVP variety for real money allowed? i used to compete in amateur tournaments for FPS games and some were for money and legit prizes like graphics cards and what not. although my team never won it was always more exciting when something real was on the line. was wondering if this was allowed here. id get my rear handed to me for sure but money always attracts people.
was thinking it might be interesting to start with a dollar tourney where everyone sports up a buck to enter and the victor gets the pot.