
Ms. Infinity 2011
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  1. syrusbLiz

    I need inf!

    What's your global, Foo?
  2. Mender's Last Stand

    I did take and use screenshots in the creation of this image so it would be more accurate.
  3. I don't believe I can respond civilly to this right now.

    I am glad I waited until I finished my piece to check the boards.

    I think others have stated how I feel with considerably more tact than I can muster at this time. I will be posting my image some time tomorrow.
  4. Nice that it's not just me this time.

    Can't get into Justice, other servers seem fine.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
    This is kind of a shot in the dark but do you have access to another computer you can try the game on?

    A question... do you have any problems with anything else you run on your computer? Windows is such a packrat that after a year or more it can end up with such a convoluted registry that things can get screwy. When Windows starts having issues my usual fix is to back up my files then format and reinstall from scratch.

    (snipped warning).
    I only have one computer.

    I do not have any other major issues like this, in game or out. Occasionally if it's been running a while and I have multiple Firefox windows open and one is playing a stream, right clicking is a graphics crash. But otherwise the computer behaves as it should.

    I have done fresh installs of Windows OS before (not on this computer). It's just a time consuming pita, as you more or less stated. But I only keep programs on the main drive; all my data and files are on their own drive. Oh yeah, except bookmarks and fonts, which are pretty easy to copy to another drive. I guess I could take some time to do that too; the current install of Win7 is from when I purchased the machine, right before Ultra Mode.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan Reed View Post
    Going back over your CoH Helper log, it looks like you are suffering the ATI / CoH / 64 bit Windows triangle many of us are.

    It looks like you are running the 11.4 drivers.

    Have you tried completely removing those drivers, and using something like Driver Sweeper and either reinstalling them, or trying, say, the 11.2s or 11.3s?
    I can try the driver change again. I was using updating them regularly until .5 or .6 when I started having many of the same issues others with those drivers had, so I swept and rolled back. It seems that each time ATi updated past that CoH players have had lots of issues so I've just been waiting to upgrade.

    I believe I swept last time but I will try so again and check out the 11.3s. But I have been having this issue since about the time Ultra Mode was introduced. It just appears to be happening more frequently as of late.
  7. Well I know it's not any of my mod packs now. I removed the mods this morning and did a verification on all files. The game played well for a few hours this afternoon (boy it's weird not having the map pack) but now I can't get into Atlas on Exalted.

    I've also been locked out of Talos and Croatoa on Virtue and Nerva on Justice, plus some base maps. (Talos last night. Thank goodness for the maintenance.)

    Have sent in a bug report and a petition so I can get my toon moved.

    I am infuriated.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Absolut_ View Post
    I'm among the few who remember and enjoyed. Hell I even have a alt named Rattrap for a reason!
    Beast Wars was fantastic. Don't get me wrong, I love G1. But Beast Wars is far superior in story telling and cohesiveness.
  9. I'll try that, Texas Justice.

    When I did a fresh install of the game months back I don't remember if I played for long without the map pack on my system.

    In other news, I got hit again today on the last mission of the Ice Mistral SF. I was on a team of 8 on Infinity, we had just waited for a teammate who's system crashed to get back in. I Recalled him to the door then headed in.. only to be caught by the map server hang. The team was kind enough to log for 5 mins for the map to reset.
  10. Yes, I'm hoping by continuing to post and bug report each time it happens I'll get some kind of acknowledgment and fix in the pipeline.
  11. Hey guess what? Happened again tonite. First time in a couple weeks, just days into the new issue.

    This time I was on a team of 6 working on the Quaterfield TF. It happened on the first Crey lab map in FBZ.
  12. Before I go crazy, here is a guide on color theory I feel does an excellent job of laying out ideas and methods for understanding how colors interact with each other.

    It is a link to a safe tutorial on dA.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    I can imagine its quite hard to color white

    White and black are indeed a pita to paint well.
  14. Sorry all, uploading via phone. No fancy image links and such. Sucks to be w/o interwebs.
  15. It's OK to be new and totally OK to ask questions. If you don't know or understand something, ask for clarification. We don't berate players for being new; everyone was new at some point!

    On the same token, don't act like you know everything after two weeks of play. Trust me... there's a world of stuff you haven't touched on yet. This game is about the journey, not getting to 50.
  16. Stalkers. Just can't get into them. Feel too one-trick pony for me; I'd rather just play a Brute or Scrapper if I'm going for high damage melee and forsake the stealth over better overall damage and survivability. As a side note, I loved my Bane and Nighwidow SoAs, who tickled me in deliciously fun ways.

    Stone Armour. I prefer maneuverability. I will take being 'squishier' but highly maneuverable over the extreme survivability of a big rock.

    Force Fields. Having a bubbler on the team is fantastic, but they're too boring for me to play. The other shield sets, especially Sonic and Cold are more my pace.

    Sets I will never play again because they are any combo of boring, not fun, "weak" or not very effective:
    Assault Rifle, Pain Domination, Broadsword, Spines, Katana and most likely Regen.

    As a final note, if you enjoy any of the sets (or AT) I've named, I am happy for you, they just don't work for me.
  17. syrusbLiz

    East Coast Quake

    Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
    Just moments ago, I felt another quake here in Virginia. Just checked the USGS Website and the preliminary reading is a 4.5.
    Yes, I was in a morality mish with a buddy when it happened. At first, thought it was the central air unit coming on, but then the rumble got stronger and lasted for a longer period.

    I said something after it happened but this page gave me confirmation a few minutes later:

    I also like the interactive map here:
  18. syrusbLiz

    East Coast Quake

    Late to the party, but was 40miles from the epicenter. Having never experienced a significant earthquake before (and considering where I live), it was terrifying for me. I thought my house was going to vibrate itself apart.

    Watching CNN yesterday, first time I've seen Henrico as a 'feature point' on a national map.

    I did get pretty tired of the 'east coast pansies' flack. A friend tossed me this link which might help west coasters better understand why a 5.9 on the east coast is indeed a big deal.

    Everything in my area seems okay. No one was hurt and all the buildings look to have sustained no damage. The video posted a page or so back was, I think, pretty representative of the state of old buildings in more urban areas.

    Also, waves to @Quasadu and @Justice Reaper whom I know, and the other players in the Tri Cities area.
  19. That's not cool to hear, Sevenpenny.

    If it happens again, the fix that Starcloud posted above does work. I've had to use it on SFs a couple times.

    As a note, I'm still occasionally experiencing this issue. Just a few nights ago when doing RWZ arcs with a buddy I was not able to get into his Arnold Decker mission, but was able to get into mine.
  20. Yes I've been experiencing this as well. I've also noticed that when on teams, occasionally I won't see anyone's icons but my own and perhaps one other. I think it's somehow related to the black bar bug.

    I'm set to numeric stacking and blink on expiration warning.

    I've talked to teammates who've experienced similar, so I figured it was a bug and known issue. Annoying but not debilitating.
  21. Love it. Just love it. Great job, Paragon team. I really appreciate you listening to the feedback and make adjustments where possible.

  22. Soft enchanting music plays over a black background.

    Fade In from center, Penny Yin alone mending her father's store. Whispers are heard and she looks around for the source of the voice. Clockwork Gears are seen moving about the store, Fade Out.

    Cursive text:
    A girl with a great gift and new to learning how to wield it.

    Clockwork robots patrol the outside of Yin's store. They then drive away a group of Lost ruffians as she directs.

    The music turns dark and haunting.
    Cursive text:
    A great mind locked in a primitive body, a dark past hangs over him like a storm cloud.

    Fade In, Sepia Tones, The Clockwork King battling Blue Steele. A fallen Clockwork army surrounds the pair. Blows are exchanged, Blue Steel strikes a final triumphant hit, the King falls slowly, Fade Out.

    In Color, The Clockwork King in his hideout, minions work about him quickly and busily while he stands hunched over. There is an empty space about him to emphasize the feeling of being alone.

    The music changes pace, picks up in tempo and fullness.

    Suddenly, he looks up and turns around, then makes a gesture with his arm and the Clockwork minions rush away in the pointed direction.

    Cursive text:
    He would try to lock her away...
    Back at Yin's storefront, from behind, a large shadow stretches out to cover Penny. Zoom In[/i] on Penny's wide eyed expression with a quick Wipe Out.

    Cursive text:
    But she... would set him- free.
    Uplifting music with similar tones from the opening score.
    Fast fade in from black, zooming out and away from the Clockwork King, his court assembled all around. Quick Scenes then follow of Penny with the Clockwork and/or their King of her telling tales, explaining things, laughing and looking happy. Fade Out.

    Music fades.

    VO: Penny: He's really quite sweet.

    Cursive text:
    Friendship has no boundaries.


    Alternative funny taglines:
    A tale of friendship, robots and mind bullets.
    A brain in a jar and a psychic girl... what could go wrong?
    Googly eyes has a whole new meaning.
  23. There's another thread about the 11.6 drivers' problems where players are using the 11.4 instead with good results. There is also an update with 11.7 beta drivers available for test runs. Make sure whatever your course of action, you do a full, clean removal of your current drivers before installing 'new' ones.

  24. Tho' occasionally I'll get texture or graphic glitches, /reloadgfx or /unloadgfx (they are the same) usually fixes the issue. If you are experiencing issues all the time you may not have a sufficient enough video card and/or power supply to handle the game.

    Try lowering your quality settings and see if that helps any. Someone more knowledgeable in this area will probably comment soon with a more detailed analysis.