
Ms. Infinity 2011
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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Sleepwalker! Srsly, I loved that comic.

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    Big big seconds for Sleepwalker! One of the few series I can say I own the entierty of. :3
  2. I've loved seeing all the sketch cards assorted artists have been posting. It's great to see you're getting in on them too, Alex. Can't wait for the next batch! :3
  3. Oh yeha, the floating runes part is definately my favourite.
  4. Wow, that's quite a piece; very unique! It's great when an artist strays from the set guidelines and does their own thing to this effect.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Eats catfish right?

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    Mmm Fishie'll eat just about anything, but especially likes catgirls.

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    *hugglepounces teh Liz*

    There you are!!! I misses joo!

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    *noogies TA*


    I look forward to see what you do next with this sketch, DB.
  6. Mostly on Liberty I've been hero side; my newest blaster there is 33. I am, however, once again more into bouncing around servers and not sticking with one for any extended length of time.

    I've seen a handful of the others around but I think they're mostly villain side again, but with light play.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Or one of those angler fish.

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    I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Are Andorians the blue aliens from the Star Trek Enterprise series? I imediately thought of them when viewing her. Great work as always Liz!

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    Yes they are. :3 (The TOS Andorian's antennae were a lil different, you know, owing to a tiny budget and such.) Shran was one of my favourite Enterprise characters.

    And to all: thanks for your kind words. :]
  9. lol, LJ

    A SG mate used a varient that quote on a whiner in justice-badges some time back. Cracked us all up.
  10. Woo I finished! Went ahead and passed on the third eye, but added the adorable short antennae.


    w/ Enforcer mask
  11. Ugh, sorry to hear of your injury. Hope your hand heals quickly!
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I am greatly offended by the showing of her green cleavage, which neither helps the environment nor hurts it.

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    So if I altered her cleavage so it was more environmentally helpful, it would be okay? ;3

    Also, your whole reply cracked me up.
  13. My Liberty PSI/EM Blaster. It's funny; almost every time I've teamed with her someone has asked 'are you for pvp?' No, I just didn't want to go Psi/Mental and EM has some nice attacks to round out my chain. :P (Plus, you know, I went Staminaless for 29 levels with no problems.)

    Anyway, she's an alien; I haven't decided if I'll give her a third eye or not yet; she normally wears the Enforcer faceplate. (I'll do that on a separate layer.) I do wish this game had 'adorable short antennae' kinda like Andorians or Namekians, 'cuz those would be perfect here.

    Taihenko WIP
    Painter X

    Also, *noogies for Kerse.*
  14. Personally I favour critiques, especially well structured ones. Depending on the situation, I may make adjustments to that piece or I may not. Usually I think of critiques as 'advice or thoughts for the future.' (Remember that critiques can point out the positive and negative, as well as offer a different view point.)

    Because while hearing only the positives, the one-liners, the good-job's is quite wonderful, it can get boring. And doesn't help the progression of the artist.

    That said, I would respect the wish of any who posted 'no critique's please.'
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Fishie bait? Sounds hot.

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    Only if you're into Vore. Or, something like that. Fishie's not terribly large. Just round. :P

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    OMG liz is posting on the official boards again! I'm shocked!

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    Just distilling the rumors of my apparent demise.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    I just assume everyone is people and treat them based on my interactions with them , unless im mad at them then I treat then as less then people

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    so wait what does that make catgirls?

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    Catgirls are what they always were; Fishie bait.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I just thought of the video I saw that was supposed to be anit drug about a girl who took acid and went to buy a hot dog. Its an old one and I'd try to look it up if youtube wasnt blocked at work or if I wasnt at work.

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    lol, I've seen that one.

  18. syrusbLiz


    *waves* I'm all about colour, not so great with linework. I'd be happy to colour some of Dagger's pieces. I'll ink 'em too if need be.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Logically this means that in actual filming, he walked backwards and lip synched the lyrics backwards.

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    I watched some Weird Al special a while back. It was filmed backwards. Preatty neato. :>
  20. syrusbLiz

    Been A While...

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    Weeeellll Thats a piece you'll never see in the gallery!

    Lets just put it that way!

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  21. Haha, plushies! *dies of the cuteness*
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Did ya get my question earlier hmm?

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    Yup, and the best answer I can give you is.. maybe. I've been really busy lately; I've several projects I'm working on currently.

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    I named my Mercs A, E, I, O, U and Sometimes Y. Always gets a good reaction from folks when I team.
  23. Looks like TA is back in full force...

    No socks BAS? Socks are like... the best thing since sliced bread...