251 -
From 1 welshie to another, it was fun and teaming with you at the rare times that we have, people like you have mentioned and yourself will never be found in other games, so heres to findingm roe damz's and mother love's lol.
Quote:Illusion as a primary works with all of the secondaries. No matter what secondary you choose, I suggest you take a look at my Illusion/Radiaiton guide, as it will give you a lot of information and strategy on using the Illusion primary. But here's a quick run-down:
Illusion is quite a bit different than other control sets. It has only two AoE control powers, its PB AoE hold and a fear-inducing pet. The damage is limited to single target, except the pet has a cone attack that it tends to use on single targets. It has two forms of invisibility and a wonderful no-aggro single target confuse. It has no AoE damage.
The key to Illusion builds is Phantom Army. PA are three unbuffable, invulnerable pets that last 60 seconds and recharge in 240. Illusion has lots of othe great powers, but PA is the key to the set. With about 205% global recharge, you can have PA recharge just as they expire, also known as "Perma-PA." While you can have a very good character without perma-PA, that is generally the goal for the end-game. In any event, you want as much Recharge as you can get.
Additionally, since PA cannot be buffed, you can only improve their performance by using debuffs on the foes. Resistance Debuffs will increase the damage done by PA, while Defense Debuffs will improve PA's accuracy.
The other key thing to understand about Illusion is the unique Spectral Damage, where some of the damage heals back after a few seconds unless you can defeat the foes before the heal-back. This gives Illusion good burst damage but weakens its longer term damage. My guide discusses Spectral Damage and strategies to make good use of it.
Only two secondaries offer a Recharge buff and debuffs to Resistance and Defense: Rad and Time. Kinetics can give you a Recharge buff but no debuffs, while several other secondaries have debuffs but no Recharge buff. For these other sets, it takes a lot more Recharge bonuses from IO sets to get Perma-PA.
Ill/Rad has long been one of the best builds in the game, and was well known as an AV killer even before IOs. It gets 30% Recharge from Accelerate Metabolism. It has debuffs in two toggle powers that make it easy to set and forget when fighting tough targets. Several other things make the secondary appealing -- a self-heal, a Recovery self-buff, an AoE Slow that also has a large -Regen effect, a second (much more powerful) PB AoE Hold and two or three skippable powers that can provide flexibility to your build. My guide goes into more detail.
Ill/Time is pretty comparable. One downside to Ill/Time compared to Ill/Rad is that the Debuffs and the Recharge buff come late in the secondary. But Ill/Time actually has a bigger Recharge buff (50% vs. 30%) and some pretty nice powers overall. And because Time is a fairly new set, Ill/Time is much rarer than Ill/Rad.
After those two, I would say the next best two combos are Ill/Cold and Ill/Dark. Ill/Cold has no Recharge buff and no self-heal. But it has an outstanding Recovery buff and very powerful debuffs -- a well-slotted Ill/Cold is probably the best AV killer in the game. Ill/Dark has lots of great powers including a self-heal, good -Regen, great -ToHit, an extra pet, a patch Slow with -Resistance and a nice Defense buff. Both of these have a stealth Aura that, combined with Super Speed or a Stealth IO, allow you to skip both Invisibility powers in Illusion if you choose.
I would put Ill/Storm pretty close to Ill/Cold and Ill/Dark, except that Ill/Storm tends to be very chaotic by throwing bad guys all over the place unless you limit the use of some of your powers. The last two powers in the set add some nice damage. Ill/Storm also has the stealth aura and lacks both a Recharge buff and a self-heal, but has a great debuff that also adds control, plus some other control powers.
Ill/TA is a different kind of build -- I found it to be far more effective always at range. Send the PA, and then stand back and fire off arrows. Illusion may be the best primary to pair with Trick Arrow if you want to try TA.
Ill/Emp is a popular combo as a great battlefiled healer/buffer. Illusion provides invisibility, confusion and distraction to make it easier to save teammates. Emp really doesn't have much to help Illusion, though. Ill/Nature may be similar, but I haven't really explored the Nature set yet.
Ill/Kin is another popular pairing, but there are some synergy problems. Illusion is a great set. Kinetics is a great set. Together they are good, but Illusion mostly lend itself to a ranged playstyle while Kinetics needs melee. PA can't be buffed, and kinetics specializes in strong buffs. The Recharge buff will help you get PA out more often when you have foes to siphon off of . . . And Phantasm has knockback, which he sometimes uses just when you are lining up a foe to siphon off of, knocking the foe out of range. Still, some people love their Ill/Kins.
Ill/Therm, Ill/Sonic and Ill/FF are fairly rare. Therm and Sonic both have Resistance debuffs but no Recharge. Them has a self-heal, but much of the set is focused on buffs, and PA can't be buffed. Sonic and FF are also a buffing sets -- one advantage is that Sonic and FF have partial mez protection.
I know folks who love Ill/FF even though it has almost no synergy at all -- but it can be really safe . . . just throw out PA and Phanty, then bubble up in Personal Force Field for safety.
If there is a combo that interests you, try it out. But that's my run down on the pairings with Illusion. Ill/Rad is my favorite and has been for a long time, but Ill/Time, Ill/Cold and Ill/Storm are also great combos. I haven't directly tried Ill/Dark yet, as I already have 5 Illusion Controllers at incarnate levels, but I have a Dark/Dark and have played lots of Dark Miasma so I can guess how Ill/Dark probably plays. For anything other than Ill/Rad and Ill/Time, expect a very expensive build if you want Perma-PA.
i took the time to read all that and have to say that ill probs stay rad, i would try a thermal on beta nd see how he fares there, as for time, thematically it would not fit however it is a good tasty set to begin with, thank you so much for the help and i definitely will be reading your guide tonight to see what powers i should take and need. -
hey all, so i was thinking of making an illusion character, and ive called him nightmare x, i wasnt sure if i should pair radiation with him, since its supposed to be the best combo, or go with thermal, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions within reason please help i would love to know what would be a good choice, the only reason ive not chosen radiation outright is because it is too common and prefer something different for a change
many thanks.
Quote:sounds amazing StratoNexus.I would take and use both Tentacles and Umbral Torrent, and they both do solid damage. However, Umbral Torrent does KB as well, so it is not for everyone. Come Issue 24, Blackstar will recharge faster and will no longer have a crash, so it will become a staple power as well.
Come Issue 24 and the ability to color the epic powers, I would consider a dark colored Flame Mastery. Wreathed in dark flames is a great look and Rise of the Phoenix is a fabulous power that seems to fit someone being chased by ghost hunters.
Appreciate the help alot, thank you. -
Quote:This all the way, you have helped me in the past THB alot infact, especially with warshades, so i read this post, and now i am in the process of finding a suitable replacement for DB, for concept reasons i took this, but i can always pick fireDerp, good thing we have IO's. Pretty sure I can withstand 54x8 maps on my /Ment Blasters. My Arch build is a couple threads down in case you want to take some notes, but all the specs are in this thread already.
Also, when you hit 120 HP/s perma, we can talk.
Derp again on a couple counts here. No. DP is perfect. It's a great power because it's a skill power- In order to leverage it properly, you have to ACTUALLY BE GOOD AT THE GAME, and actually INVEST IN YOUR CHARACTERS! Gasp! God forbid City of Casuals loses its stronghold on the forums! Lrn2play and make a high end /Ment (Don't pair it with a retarded primary like OP did, use your head. That's part of not being a nub) and you'll see what I'm talking about.
I'll help the OP. I know the OP. I've helped him with builds in the past, he has a badass Sylar avatar, and he's a super nice guy. He just happened to make a bad decision by pairing DB with /Ment, and then you put down the wrong selection in the first response, while making way more retarded assessments than just putting down pairing DB/ with /Ment. -
Hey all
Returning player here, been away for a bit, but osrt of on the verge of returning properly, right now my main character is of course a blaster
Dark Blast/Mental Manipulation, i read the guide to MM and its pretty useful, so im ok there, but for Dark Blast, im a bit stumped, are the AOE's worth taking, and if so which 1s? im also a bit clueless for which epic power pool to take, thematically i want it to fit with my concept, he is a dark shadowed being which ghost hunters have been trying to find for years, the most prominent EVP he has given is "pray your god".
His name is Dis incarnate, so im looking for which would fit him best, and for good survivability, any help would be great.
Many thanks. -
Quote:this is still going on? wow i carried on as normal once this blown over guess it hasnt, just to clarify, it is everyones right to have an opinion, it is also anyones right to read what they like, so as much dismay i may show over this post, i have not really got anything to say other than good for you.sypher_vendetta said
I didn't bother reading any of the post after this. Or any of the other posts after that one. You're asking me, and dozens of other readers, to put in more work because you wanted to put in less. And then you expect me to show some respect to you for some reason.
The less polite version of this is "I'm not your English teacher. Nobody's paying me to read your crap. So I didn't."
i dont expect respect from you or anyone, i prefer that i earn it, so if you respect me any less from what i said then thats your right, its not that i wanted to put in less, its just that ive explained myself enough and felt the need to not continue this debate any further and derail from the OP, so as i said before, lets get back to point please and drop this nonesense, we all have opinions, but personal attacks are a different thing altogether. -
Quote:a good idea for short circuit aswell, would be to have mini versions of pseudo pet jolting chain bolts spread out in the groups, that way its keeping dps up by a second or more, VS should have lightning clap for mitigation and a stronger blast that can also jolt into groups.So, rather than whine without ammunition I did some math and absolutely amazed myself. With the change to Zapp, assuming Elec / Devices (the other secondaries are just boned now), Electric Blast is honestly better than I'd thought... assuming we can keep the Sentinel on task. As Strato has pointed out above, the little guy has a bad habit of ignoring what you want him to do.
If the Blaster could control its targetting, and it's DPS was raised to a degree (probably 1.5x what it is now - that or allow it to fire more often, re-enable slotting for Recharge Speed to accelerate its little attack), then we might have something.
Let me be very clear, though. Electric Blast is still packing a functionally useless secondary effect. It also has weak in-set AOE; Short Circuit is just bad as an AOE and while Ball Lightning is functional it's nothing special. I'd propose changing Short Circuit entirely to something that matches Jolting Chain in initial design and graphics, but has Short Circuit's functionality with a significant cast time advantage.
An interesting secondary effect replacement might be to allow Electric attacks to build a stack of a debuff called Charged, and a couple of particular attacks (thinking Zapp, Thundering Blast, and maybe Tesla Cage... that's a huge reach tho) will have a chance to "ground" the target, with a little AoE blast effect and minor damage that gets better per stack. But now I'm just coming up with random crap. -
Quote:That right there, all of what you said, has made me want to go make an electrical corruptor, i do agree with the VS problem, i can see how annoying that would be, infact on exalted my defender an elec/dark has VS but its hard to keep an eye on it aswell as dark servant incase he dies, also i dont know if its just me but the aggro i get from VS is absurd and causes me to die very often than i should have.It looks like corruptor VS can scourge, so it should be very useful against Tyrant (of course, a Fire/Cold corruptor is amazingly potent).
If you have never used VS, it currently is pretty annoying. It has a long cast (3.3s) and only lasts 60 seconds. While it is potent over that time frame and worth it, especially against one hard target, it needs to be monitored because the power will recharge long before the pet dies, but you can only have one at a time out. So you don't just activate when it recharges, but have to pay attention when it drops. Watching my own buff bar for the blinky VS icon and then missing the Air Crackles has happened to me.
The good news is, Hawk mentioned VS is one of the powers they are looking at for possible Electric blast improvements.
I have a Kin/Elec/Mace defender that I love (no VS on this character though), but it is not the type of build for everyone. I have been very disappointed in the Gravitic Interface, which I would have thought to be more effective at aiding me in keeping spawns drained and I have not yet bothered switching to and trying Preemptive (I keep hoping they might make Gravitic useful, since I tier 4d it on two characters, sigh). Ion is the obvious choice for Judgement and Clarion Radial will help increase end drain as well (but then you have that gap in mez protection). Hmmm, Hybrid Support does not grant a buff to end mod like most other +special powers, I wonder if that is on purpose or an oversight. Storm Lore will be helpful with end drain as well and add nicely to AoE damage. -
Quote:Btw just one question, as a corruptor, wouldnt VS be useful in this area against tyrant? just a thought cos i rolled a fire/ice corruptor some weeks ago for itrials and im going for mu mastery for energy protection.Wow. I don't think you are ever going to be happy in this area then. Even melee sets vary by more than that. I am for some buffs to Electric, but I do think being ~20% lower than Fire is fine.
Yeah, but you said Hybrid didn't help Ball Lightning. I never disputed anything about VS and Hybrid interaction and fully support making VS better, including allowing Hybrid to affect it.
I disagree with your timeline and your assessment of how useful the end drain can be (plus the hold in Tesla Cage). I don't think either of us will convince the other, sadly. That said, I like some ideas to improve the secondary effect. Having some of the powers also grant -max endurance looks like it could be very helpful, while still not allowing insta-spawn disabling.
I understand some sets secondaries take hold faster. But not all do. The slows in Ice still allow the full enemy chain before they start helping. Mitigation techniques often take longer to apply than offensive increases, Dark can get some modest debuffing going pretty quick, but can ramp it up even higher with time. It is nice that Beam's secondary effect occurs failry quickly, but that secondary effect cannot negate an entire spawn (yes, yes, death is the ultimate debuff, dead mobs don't shoot back and other boring things that ignore the reality that not everything dies in 12 seconds).
Really? Man if only I had menti... Oh wait.
EDIT: im thinking of rolling an elec/kin corr and get him to sap everything he comes across, need to look into ipowers and see what6 would increase his -end. -
Quote:But its ok to disrespect other people? no i think not, if he was to communicate in more constructive manner and not trample all over my post which is neither here or there to begin with!Do not disrespect Strato. We may disagree with him but he's contributed a lot to the community over the years.
This post was about electrical blast and how its affected by the changes coming soon and all he had to do was talk about that, stay on point, did he? no, it was a personal attack and Strato-Nexus should learn to speak to others properly and not make personal attacks.
End of Discussion, back on point please. -
Quote:just to quickly say that maybe they should make VS benefit from ipowers like support core or assault core, but then that would mean it would be target able, i would prefer if they did anything would be to slightly raise both the damage slightly to maybe say 58% dps on electric ball, and however much more on VS but, also upping the -end drain aswell slightly, but i do believe they will get around to this, like DP they said eventually they will but we all know it wont happen for another issue at best, be lucky for issue 25 since thats when the focus will be on The Battalion.Strato:
A 20% damage nerf because you bring "support" to a team is far, far too much because first and foremost you are a blaster. The objective of the Blaster, its primary purpose, is to do damage to enemies and defeat them quickly.
Assault Core Embodiment does not influence the Sentinel because it produces a stacking 75% buff on YOU, the character; this does not translate to your pets in the same manner than a Mastermind using the Assault Core Embodiment does not transfer that 75% buff to his pets. In his case, the Mastermind is better off using Support Embodiment, but that would be quite silly for a Blaster to use. It wouldn't affect the VS anyway.
The idea that a Blaster's utility kicks in after ten seconds or so of pounding on a mob is a horrid idea, because solo that means the Blaster is dead. We simply don't last that long solo. In a team, the enemy group tends to be demolished in 10 seconds. Successful Blast sets, such as Fire, Ice, and Beam Rifle, are successful because they don't have a build-up period where their secondary effect takes hold. Beam Rifle, for instance, achieves its supporting function 1-2 seconds into the combat, and will so do so in an AOE manner in ~3 seconds with Penetrating Ray; Disintegration is well and active at that point. Notably, they don't pay a set cost with the design of their secondary effect; it is to their clear advantage in a damage sense to use it right away and maintain it.
Frankly, I think that should drive a discussion on whether or not Electric Blast can continue to be a relevant Blaster set with a secondary effect that takes substantial time to take hold. Removing it entirely from the Archetype is probably beyond the scope of things that can be done at this point, so a Cottage-Rule-breaking fix is probably the only answer. -
Quote:this is what annoys me about players like you, not to make this personal in anyway but you had to go the "vs fire blast" route, why? why in gods name would you sit there and compare this set to a pure damage set? lets just look at the facts here, and i must address to all, stop moaning about these changes,i havnt heard anyone being greatful about this, hasnt anyone sat down to think this might actually give us more of a reason to play this set more, blasters arent broken, they are definitely not worthless, every now and then some guy will pit any blast set against fire, for astart, fire is raw damage, it has no secondary effect like adebuff or end debuff liek electrical blast, its a unique set, and that is why they have given one aura a buff and not all the others, it seems these days players just want to roll a toon and expect pure god mode in a heartbeat just because thye asked for it, nah sorry, work for the build and make it what you will, but dont compare it or any other primary to fire blast, its very amateurish (if thats a word lols) and annoying, like i said its not a personal attack, just clearingup what i see time and time again on the boards, as soon as a change comes along, just because its not to everyones taste, ppl go nuts and they get ungreatful and whiney, pfft, i am very happy with the changes and applaud arbiter hawk for his work on this, its definitely a big take on things in a slightly different direction, on a lighter note, i will love to see how electrical fairs once ive completed a build with the numbers in mids, that is when i24 drops of course, but for now speculation and estimating and all that.It's just like, if you take this Electric blaster on a iTrial, you are getting substantially less mileage out of him than you would an equivalent Fire or Beam Rifle or (soon) Water Blast character. In things like The Really Hard Way runs it'd be nothing but a drain on the team, and that's just not something that I can easily swallow as a player who's interested in maximum performance.
I mean, geez. It's just not a good set. I really want it to be, but I'm restricted by the design of the set itself.
EDIT: Strongly tempted to do a power-by-power evaluation of Electric Blast versus Fire Blast in the new paradigm to really outline the issues. Here's a hint: Electric wouldn't come out on top. -
Quote:Sounds like one of those "It's not the destination, it's the journey" situations. I'm running Volkanik on the DA Arcs at the moment and really enjoying the story and its rather sinister flavour. I did wonder last night what I was going to do after I'd finished those given that I'm only 33% through my Lore and Destiny slots. I have a handful of other characters that I'd like to get some Incarnate powers for, but not the end of the world if I don't.
My advice would be the same as it was to all those people complaining about lack of end of level content before we got our end of level content. Enjoy the process of reaching those new heights of awesome, don't focus or stress on getting there. I really enjoy the Incarnate content, and I still really enjoy a small team of level 8s running Frostfire missions in the Hollows. The game is fun; just play it.
This wholeheartedly, of course, i dont know Thyristor personally, i have though seen him in game and on his alts and teamed many times in the past, to have someone so connected to the community to leave is unfortunate to say the least, maybe one day you will change your mind over this but time can only tell, i always say what most of the posters say, that these incarnate powers are really for your namesake, or make time for the characters you want to have it, as an alter myself my mind crumbles of the thought of doing this over and over again, however, i like playing low level content just as much as end game content, i actually thought of being a premium member for some time, however, its the community that brings me back aswell, and of course being a comic book nerd at heart doesnt help either
best of luck to you Thyristor
Sypher v -
Quote:This post is in an attempt to clear the air, and explain how I view TRHW badge, I appreciate that there will always be people who disagree and read far more into things than is ever intended and unfortunately there is nothing I can do about that
This is one badge that requires a league not only to commit time, but also to commit either well earned Astrals, or Inf in order to give the whole league the best possible chance.
In addition, the nature of the badge "at the minute" requires certain imo "must not leave home without" powersets. I'm sure this will change as more and more people get used to the mechanics of the trial, and the badge will become far easier to obtain.
On my runs, not everyone has been able to play the toon or the badger they want, and NO-ONE more than me feels regret at asking someone to alt, but when someone does alt for the benefit of the league I make a promise to get them the badge on the next run when they are around.
When I build a league for TRHW I understand that not everyone is gonna be happy, or even get a place and for that I apologise, but I REALLY dont wanna be asking people to spend Astrals/Inf on a run "that I dont think" has either the damage or the debuffs to pull it off.
Potentially 10 Failed TRHW attempts can cost each player close to if not more than 100 Astrals and between 500M and 1bill inf (based on 5 Ultimates per run) and the cost of the Super insps. So yeah EVERY run I attempt goes in as a SERIOUS attempt, cos thats a MASSIVE commitment from every member of the league
On wednesday no-one was running TRHW on Union, and so I asked friends who I knew wouldn't mind spending Astrals (thinking they were gonna be wasted on a fail) to help me out to see how close we could get on a 12 man league EXPERIMENT. I could only get 11 people so I advertised the last spot and filled with the first tell. Yes, the league wasn't full cos 24 is max, but I didnt want to run at max, after all this was an experimentTwo more friends who join my trials most nights logged on mid trial so I invited them. I was not "excluding" anyone, this was no different than a SG running a LRSF, or a bunch of mates running a LGTF
We completed twice and so now we know its possible on a small league.
I have run 4 successful THRW trials now and on EVERY run I have advertised spaces, so there is a chance for EVERYONE to join, yes it may not be on the toon you want to bring, but I've explained my reasoning and will build your favoured toon into another run.
I understand not everyone likes the way I run trials or agrees with my opinions, and that's ok you don't have to join the trials, or agree with me
There isn't just me leading TRHW runs on Union and as I said many times I respect any leader of trials, cos I know how frustrating they can be to keep everyone together and focussed.
So please guys, lets work to make every run a successful one!
i can vouch for most of what you said here kis and i totally agree with what you say with how hard it is and to organise a team and so on, i try and hold as much attempts as possible, infact last week i did full no nightly runs so everyone could get the badge, however i could not be as successful as you, i do understand this psot is to address a certain someone or people?
and i thin kas fair as you sound, we shjould just get along as this is just a game and yes seriousness is involved at times, and yes people have had their disagreements, more recently myself and you have had our fair share of disagreements, but it boils down to this, play the game, get along, or get off, thats no directed neither at you or anyone, but for everyone to understand, many of times you said you respect me for running these sort of trials, and i respect you too, so all i ask is we get along and enjoy a great game and stop this nonesense, in a nice way of course
of course though if anyone did ever disagree with me id be happy to talk about why and what makes them feel this way, im sure the other person in mind might have something to say about this regarding this post and i just hope it doesnt drag on for too long otherwise we are gunna be tarnishing a reputation between 2 different opinions.
Hope this reply helps in someway.
Sypher V -
its not the trials thtas a bad thing, just union is over elitist now and some things are barred off, from others achieving through external means.
what my point is, lets just go back to old days and not this idea of "got it first, better than you" childish paradigm that coh has come to be.
but hey im game for some lowleveling with any people whos not too stuck up to not invite me.
mi casa su casa
that is pretty much how i wouldve built my ice tanker, as a relatively new rule i make is putting hte proc in damage auras to make sure the proc goes off atleast three times once its a superior it will no doubt stack 3 times permanently.
However i did make a couple very minor changes to the build, bit expensive but its how i would build it, i gave it a bit more resistance for the itrials, and even included the melee core embodiment which you would need, might help your survivability a bit more in solo content, its a shame with ice tankers that they dont get as much resis as other tankers, but more than say energy aura, anyway heres the build, yeah you dont really need to build as much defense as you have hoarfrost perma and if in doubt go hibernate :P
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.957
Click this DataLink to open the build!
Rebate 2: Level 50 Magic Tanker
Primary Power Set: Ice Armor
Secondary Power Set: Kinetic Melee
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Teleportation
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Soul Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Frozen Armor- (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
- (3) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
- (3) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
- (5) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
- (A) Kinetic Combat - Accuracy/Damage
- (5) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance
- (7) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Recharge
- (13) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (19) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
- (A) Impeded Swiftness - Chance of Damage(Smashing)
- (7) Endurance Reduction IO
- (A) Pounding Slugfest - Accuracy/Damage
- (9) Pounding Slugfest - Damage/Endurance
- (9) Pounding Slugfest - Damage/Recharge
- (13) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
- (42) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (A) Endurance Reduction IO
- (A) Empty
- (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
- (11) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
- (11) Numina's Convalescence - Heal
- (15) Recharge Reduction IO
- (A) Range IO
- (A) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All)
- (15) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%
- (19) Steadfast Protection - Knockback Protection
- (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
- (17) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
- (17) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +3% Res (All)
- (29) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
- (43) Kismet - Accuracy +6%
- (A) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage
- (37) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance
- (37) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge
- (40) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
- (42) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy)
- (A) Recharge Reduction IO
- (31) Recharge Reduction IO
- (42) Recharge Reduction IO
- (A) Eradication - Damage
- (23) Eradication - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (23) Superior Might of the Tanker - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (33) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (33) Superior Might of the Tanker - Recharge/Chance for +Res(All)
- (34) Fury of the Gladiator - Chance for Res Debuff
- (A) Range IO
- (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
- (27) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Recharge
- (27) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
- (29) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
- (31) Recharge Reduction IO
- (A) Eradication - Chance for Energy Damage
- (34) Eradication - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
- (34) Eradication - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (36) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage
- (36) Superior Might of the Tanker - Damage/Recharge
- (37) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
- (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
- (43) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
- (45) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
- (A) Recharge Reduction IO
- (36) Recharge Reduction IO
- (43) Recharge Reduction IO
- (A) Healing IO
- (A) Kinetic Combat - Accuracy/Damage
- (39) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance
- (39) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Recharge
- (39) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (40) Pounding Slugfest - Accuracy/Damage
- (40) Pounding Slugfest - Disorient Bonus
- (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage
- (46) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance
- (46) Thunderstrike - Damage/Recharge
- (46) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
- (48) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
- (50) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage
- (45) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance
- (45) Thunderstrike - Damage/Recharge
- (48) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
- (48) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
- (50) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (A) Siphon Insight - ToHit Debuff
- (A) Endurance Reduction IO
- (50) Endurance Reduction IO
- (A) Empty
- (A) Empty
- (A) Empty
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve
Level 0: Portal Jockey
Level 0: Task Force Commander
Level 0: The Atlas Medallion
Level 2: Swift- (A) Run Speed IO
- (A) Jumping IO
- (A) Miracle - +Recovery
- (21) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
- (21) Numina's Convalescence - Heal
- (25) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
- (25) Regenerative Tissue - +Regeneration
- (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod
- (31) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Recharge
- (33) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Accuracy
- (A) Empty
- (A) Empty
- (A) Empty
- (A) Empty
- (A) Empty
Level 50: Diamagnetic Core Flawless Interface
Level 50: Seers Radial Superior Ally
Level 50: Rebirth Radial Epiphany
Level 50: Melee Core Embodiment
Level 50: Spiritual Core Paragon
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1612;776;1552;HEX;| |78DA65944B4F135114C7EF74A69629E551A6B54540687994B65028B296A02802362| |914DD996628571828D33A1D125DBAD7C42FC0CB854B376834C62FE0233E363E17AE| |4D04FD02A69EDE73681B7B03FCEEFCE7BCE75E52B7673C8F67EF4E31C97331AF974| |AD965DDDCE49633A5AF193906AB6989AFE836EF9B70C14310DF6667F84D6E967862| |2EC7B3D3D656C1EAA217299EE73CB16098DC3672D969DBD6739BDE39739D5BDCB41| |3279B9674A1904F5C36D6D66DC35CEB104FCBE0592C58B66E1B05D32DA44C91F3D5| |66B4CD578C03978A462E71C1DAB6793653D8CE67537AC9E6D69D20943609BFAF54F| |82355AA2ECBAC1D3649953934A20FA9F8911B5E46ABACB034200CEF1691A796909E| |4C850AEB58052615F606E24B185F921EC1A6076C434C300FF1648A275F41AD698E3| |85FA1C23C06C6896E20DF423C27C663CE4A1CA84B8239BB300E739561B1D760A5A2| |22AB19ACDEBD4CBC866C8D63C408B8369377730C3519B416CCE26899904525AD014| |9B0238854C0A60D6D9436313985B56BC40559B0DB8FCFB1BFD88D091D7BA963EF21| |563FF084F8141979868C3E4786218F46B56871D4CE52ED517A7E07CDFAD1C6E9FFE| |910133C7D44FC2A0BF67D237EC77E4253B2F0DD828202D47F2086F13E40BC4EE616| |7576D26938E325D2A9E8A653216AD1545684385D18C7D9758CB943BF88544BFF279| |C4BFF67E4C017E47BC8D7433DF65466195159CC871CA13C0588DFCB9CC2A697FAEE| |17B961BEC48F10274CBD8407D0C602BF41AA6B904EED109DDA213AB5431964844E6| |164019983F286C9777887897A4677897B187F741F397680DF24F910790BF2C6C937| |BE83F14776897BC8B17DE201F2C49743DE04F59170E177FAE1616C9C6ED27808679| |E0CA17DB752BD99F053B901571B94B442171D14492851A57AF7CB6A7BF52E96D36E| |E125F637EAF67ADD7EA56E7FE4AEDE71268DE2348EEBB561D47ED734459AC7AFEB5| |BC4AFEBA35B19BC4E3C8FFF2BFED47C1CD23D079EB8FBC8BE07C8F1865E630D4AB2| |41996C50CE3528233E4840137AA9C19E3A9EADD30FEBF4FFD68B70CDACB616B59AF| |A0FE02D1C1B| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Unfortunately brutes are quickly becoming the "farmer" AT and not really being used as much as they should, i can honestly hand on heart and say that either a brute or scrapper version of invuln/dark melee, you cant go wrong, 2 things to remember when making this choice, scrapper version is a pretty hard hitter with all the damage at once and then some, being critical, as a brute your there for the build up of damage, which to me with certain sets dont apply to my personal taste, but if your looking for either a pvp toon or pve, invul/dark melee is a top notch contender that doesnt lack in damage or mitigation, my invuln tank however, is a different story, and i spent enough that i love this particular set to bits, it is all about defense on this, i would go for the resistance radial hybrid to fill the hole when fighting incarnate enemies with energy attacks, although i havnt slotted this yet, the tanker ATO lets me stack foot stomp 3 times and i get over 63% resistance overall, not the case with scrappers i know, but with scrappers, you get more damage and if you worried about isoftcap, go soul mastery for the def shield , only for 15 seconds , but with enough recharge, you be isoftcapped every other 15 seconds, and to survive for atleast 15 seconds till that burst, well dull pain is there to take the shots for you, as someone previously said dull pain and rebirth i believe are good for the psychic attacks to fill your hole, its a really powerful set and once i got my invuln/dark melee scrapper up he will be undoubtedly fitted to the hilt with pvp io's and pve io's simply because it performs at such a high level, and never dissapoints me, i hope this little bit of advice was helpful and whatever your choice, good luck.
Quote:appreciate the message, no problems here as i said a big congratulations to kis' team as they have every right to flaunt this, i would too, takes alot to organise as i ahve tried and failed, so i can sympathise with kis how extremely focused you have to be, no matter whats been said i have the up most respect for leading a very hard badge run.Guys please.
It looks like there's already been moderator activity in this thread.
Keep it civil, OK?
It was posted (in a hurry, as you can tell by the currently ugly, quick and dirty screenshot I posted) as a Congratulations to the League that managed it, and as an 'It can be done' encouragement to players on other servers still trying for it.
Congratulations all round to the league that succeeded, and I'm now off to re-edit the screenshot in an attempt to make it less huge <grin> -
Quote:agreed, a big congrats to kis.Be that as it may, it doesn't really excuse your league leader to take it out on our league leader since we specifically waited until your league set off before we started looking for people to come on ours.
But let's not bring this up in a congratulatory thread because I believe Union might be the first to have got this badge... unless another server got it earlier? -
ice is supposed to be good as it has end management properties too, i might go invul since my defense can stack the more enemies in range, ill just need to build out competitive damage.
Quote:yeah i have checked it out and actually quite like dark armour, only issue is of course endurance and trying to build for the softcap, i been running mids most of the night trying to get softcap to energy and negative, smashing and lethal, i can get the smashing and lethal, psionic resistance way past the cap so no worries there, just find it difficult, any tips Dechs?I'm in this thread. Do I really need to say what my vote is for?
Dark armor guide is in my sig.
appreciate the guide too.