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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Rather than taking a sledgehammer to a house to try and catch a mouse and wrecking the entire house...why not set a simple glue trap to catch him neatly and securely...

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    Glue traps are inhumane... my brother once used one to try to catch a rat in his garage... one day he went to check the trap, and found two little rat-feet stuck to it... but no rat. Bet you can guess what happened, but for those that can't, the rat chewed its own feet off to escape.

    Needless to say, my brother threw the trap away, and never bought another one... the rat would've been better off getting it's neck broken and getting a quick death by one of the old run-of-the-mill, spring-loaded traps than having to suffer through life without it's "hands", so to speak.

    Oh yeah, and the Dev's still don't think their fixes through.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, once again the devs identify a problem and haul out a sledgehammer to 'fix' it.

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    *grin* exactly... if what they're saying is true, they're using that sledgehammer to try to kill flies (namely RMT farmers).

    Much like trying to kill a real fly with a sledgehammer by swinging wildly and chasing the insect all over their house, they didn't accomplish what they set out to do, and in the process wound up just putting a lot of holes in the walls...

    In response to a more recent post in the thread, YES, they have the capability to tell how many people are on a team, even if some of them are logged off... note that Ex Libris did say that spawn sizes for TF's that require less than 8 members to start going down as people quit until the team's size drops below that minimum start size.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    We have two new power sets coming out soon, and I'm sure we'll have more in the year to come. That's alot of new characters being made, with some being scrapped and replaced a few times. That's a HUGE demand for the costume salvage to get the extra costume on alot of characters. And that's not even considering the usefulness of extra costumes on characters with weapons once Weapon Customization goes in.

    However, the salvage isn't dropping all that fast. Plus, some of us will be limited on the time we can spend hunting for it.

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    If you're anticipating remaking some of your toons, just get all the salvage you can, and then save it until after you're sure on the builds. Just get SG-mates/friends to help with the salvage transfers.

    I vaguely recall that the NPC's you turn your costume salvage into to get the extra costume slot will be kept in the game after the event... could be wrong about that though...
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    One thing I personally would like looked at would be to help eliminate the AFK farmers is this: If you go into a door/portal your heavy dies. So when AFK Farmer gets a heavy drops him off at the intersection across from the statues and runs down to the base, his heavy will die and he will be forced to get another or find a new way to farm. Perhaps they could take away the open ended entrance to the zone and make the actual zone similar to SC or BB. Once you zone in...Your there...there is no safety. The only time your safe is when you're in the hosp. Good thing about that is...there's a door there. I'm sure its wayyyyyy too much to code but its just an idea to fix a pretty hot topic atm.

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    I realize you didn't read the whole thread (and believe me, I understand) but this is pretty much the same thing I suggested earlier (glad to see someone agrees ).

    I don't think coding it would be that hard... at least not much more difficult that creating prison cells on mission maps, or how AoE(Location) powers (like ice slick and tar patch for example) are set up to work-- set up an area that covers all the "safe" areas (the whole hospital, base, etc.) then trigger the same code that kills off all your MM/Troller/Patron/Dom/etc. pets when you enter a mission or switch zones.
  5. IMO the best way they COULD'VE stopped the AFK Heavy-farming from inside the bases would've been to make it so heavies die if the owner enters the base. At the very least, they'd have to stay out in the open and could be TP-Foed and killed... or perhaps make it so you can't control a heavy if you're within a certain range of ANYONE's drones, even your own base's (if they can set up areas for powers like ice slick, rain of fire, etc. and set up the jail cells on some mission maps to block teleporting, they can set up areas to do this as well).

    I've always considered the heavies as part of the PvP action in RV, and they really aren't as ignorable in PvP as people think when the person controlling them knows how to use them halfway decently... I've come out on top of quite a few fights (not all, but enough) even when other players have heavies themselves just by using my own heavy effectively-- and I'm no PvP expert, nor was my build set up for PvP.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    A slightly more efficient way of farming rep. Works best with two accounts.

    Work on only one toon at a time. Have that toon kill one of the other toons. Log out the dead toon and log in another. It takes about 5 target toons for the timer to run out on the first toon.

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    This is what I did for my villain main, with only 5 heroes. My only recommendation is that if you're going dual-box/account to farm for this, use at least 6, maybe even 7 targets, as it was my experience that I still had to do a bit of clock-watching to not make the kills too soon. Having even 1 extra target may have made it so I could just relog and not worry about waiting for the full 10 minutes to pass...

    It may also help to turn the graphics settings down to minimum on the box loading the targets... makes loading times go much faster.

    Oh, and hey, 8088... I got my Forward Observer, Disruptor, and LBW2 badges, a jar of polish, and a nice, soft cloth... you got your chapstick and kneepads yet?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    The only trouble i had was with babbage, in which a simple call in bcast took care off.

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    Did they change something? Cuz last I remeber, you could just run away from Babbage in Synapse's TF... you didn't actually have to fight him, he just shows up as an outdoor ambush...
  8. Ok, maybe someone can help me figure out what went wrong with our pulls....

    We set things up like Yui said, with the puller (a stone brute using a single-target ranged temp power...) grant-invis'd, with a teleport prompt up, and had them step out from behind Atlas' left foot, saw the animation for the temp power start (with Numina targetted), then hit the accept button. We had the team set up actually on the back-right corner of city hall, out of line of sight of the hero group. Sure enough, Numina and Synaspe came (both actually came all the way around city hall to us), and we would've been fine with just those two, but a few seconds after they came, the rest of the group did too, and needless to say, it resulted in a team-wipe...

    So, after that, we set it all up again, this time I pulled with my Rad/Rad Corruptor who has stealth, I got up behind Atlas' boot, got the TP prompt up, stepped out and popped Numina with Neutrino Bolt (prolly the weakest ranged attack the whole group had). I emerged from the TP dead (Something I'm pretty sure I can remedy by popping a bunch of purples right before pulling next time). Numina and Synapse came anyway (death usually auto-drops any aggro...), but, again, so did the rest of the group, which I'm guessing is because we had already aggro'd the whole bunch with previous attempt...

    So, is it possible we tried to pull to a spot too far away, and it messed up the aggro somehow? Could using a temp power to pull her the first time cause some weird aggro thing to happen? I can't really be sure that no one stepped out into their LoS after the Brute popped Numina and her and Synapse were on the way, but I would think if we're set up behind city hall, would that have been far enough away that they wouldn't see us? Did the messed up positioning of the heroes (after they went back under the globe) from the first failed pull mess it up for the second?

    If anyone who has mastered this is on Pinnacle, I'd greatly appreciate them letting me tag along (toon name is Counter-Strike, usually around in the evenings) for a run just so I can see exactly how it's done (hell, I'll even give you my SHOE :P)... My SG is planning on going with the 8-nuke + bum-rush strategy for the next time... not sure if even that'll work, but if possible I'd like to try pulling again just on the principle of proving that the PvP-zone temps aren't needed...