893 -
Can you at least pick a bare chested buff stud , maybe glistening with swet as the sun shines off his taut toned body .....
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Wow! Now I really hope I get one of those spots, beautiful job. ^_^
What would you accept for bribes because honestly regardless of me getting a spot I want one!
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Thank you very much Ransim, but I'm not accepting any bribes 'till Radey's colors are in. Unfortunately though, the next subject will have to be a male hero. Since my display page needs to show the range of services offered I'll try to render some buff stud. We'll see where the third project leads
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Darn, but then again do i really lose? -
I've hedged a bit back and forth as to whether I was going to post this here given its not really like any of the other stuff I see posted. This is a piece I did months ago (like January), that was inspired by my Invuln/Fire tanker Callista Roase. Its a digital manipulation, not a drawing and not meant to be precise.
Phoenix Rising - Full view the picture has a lot of detail in the borders and texture.
Callista is a incarnate of a phoenix deity, I don't have her entire write up done (barely any actually posted), but you can view her virtue verse page. -
Wow! Now I really hope I get one of those spots, beautiful job. ^_^
What would you accept for bribes because honestly regardless of me getting a spot I want one! -
Wow... I add my amazement in with everyone else. Thats an amazingly awesome and incredibly bad [censored] piece!
The error I'm getting says they were down due to a power failure and will be back up in the afternoon (PST).
This is why I don't keep all of my artwork on DA -
I used to get together with some friends once a week at a local Chili's to discuss our results/plans for the turn of Middle Earth Play by Mail wargame we were on. Imagine a couple guys in suits and ties, and a couple guys in T-shirts & shorts, all with briefcases sitting around eating chips, and discussing how best to assassinate the Witch-King of Angmar and mobilize troops to protect the southern flank of the Greenwood from the Dog Lords heavy cavalary.
I think we got the best looks when we pulled out the full size grid maps of middle earth and began putting pins and markers out to plot troop movements.
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Quote from Negami: "Nerd!"
My response to him: "Um.. pot calling the kettle black much? Dork."
Beyond that reposting his story for him since his work is mean:
He and some friends were at a local restaurant that's open 24hours and is quite popular with all kinds of people. During their dinner a group of three people was sat behind them. Two of them looked "normal" enough while the third looked like the epitome of the stereotypical Nerd/Dork.
Their conversation was quiet enough that little was overheard until the sound of a derisive snort with accompanying laughter carried to negami's ears followed by "If I were a borg and I was going to invade earth"
He has no idea what was said after that, as all he could hear was his howls of laughter.
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Last Question. Two servers Protector and Freedom. I was only able to select one, maybe you can stealth another Freedom vote into the tally (not like Freedom would need it)
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Yeah I couldn't select two either, Victory could probably use the vote given its my other home next to Virtue. -
I'd love to have something done for my Defender Ava Adore, she's a kin/psi mutant defender, survivor of the Rikti war and ex-resident of Woodvale/Eden.
You can find her info on Crey Industries, there are plenty of pictures on here in the surveillance reports. I also have one more picture up on her Virtueverse page.
Ava's original costume - She wears a scarf wrapped around her face when working. She has mostly human facial features with the exception of yellow eyes.
She also has a human form, and she's most often seen around her boyfriend, who she runs almost all of her jobs with. -
I'm having pretty good luck right now as a lvl 50 robotics/dark MM in a council newspaper mission set to villainous. Got myself two Galaxy missions tped to me, put twilight grasp on auto and walked away. The damage isn't that awesome, but I figure leaving this on while I got to bed should get me the badge in a week or so.
Farming for damage and debt is really lame, and I hate that so many of the cool villain accolades require something so benign. How can the devs even remotely think this is fun?
Great guide btw, very informative. -
I've done this for the longest time, it actually helps me a lot with the initial creation of a character.
Ava Adore - Originally themed after Smashing Pumpkins "Ava Adore", her theme song is more Three Days Grace "The Animal I Have Become", but thats changing due to in character development.
Callista Roase - Faith and the Muse "Cantus"
Daemon Roase (Callista's other half) - VNV Nation "Epicentre"
Tron-ic Dissent - The easiest, she was inspired and created to Nine Inch Nails "The Becoming" -
The RV badges seem to be for RV AVs only.
Howeverm the Flier gives you Heatseeker.
=. .=
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There is something really wrong with Heroes getting a villain GM badge before most villains can because the flyer being bugged. -
It's been a while since I posted a top issues list, and for that I am very sorry.
We've been working on a few of the bigger bugs that have been hindering your overall gameplays and I just wanted to chime in and let you know that we are looking into the following with a high priority:
* Framerate drop when exiting a mission
* Missing (invisible) objects on mission maps.
* Client crash due to capes.
The last thing on the list (the cape crash) is causing us some major headaches and long nights, so it might not get fixed fully in the next build for Training Room, but hopefully it will be improved. For the meantime, if you find yourself on a team that is crashing a lot, you may want to have everyone switch to non-caped costumes for the duration. This includes trenchcoats unfortunately. Not the best solution I know, but we are working hard to get this completely fixed. Watch the boards and patch notes for when it's safe to put your capes back on.
In addition, we've made a bunch of fixes to power FXs for various powers to improve framerates. I don't have a list in front of me, but if I get one today, I will post it into this thread.
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You know what would be nice? Maybe some tokens for free costume changes, its expensive having to switch a costume to non cape if you've already redone your original costume to have a cape.
The bug really is a huge pain and maybe put a noticed of this on the updater? Most people who don't read these forums have never heard of it and are endlessly frustrated with the DCs. -
Well darn, no takers? I guess tonight I'll have to post some character screenshots and try again it seems.
I'm sure ya will!
I'd jump on it if I had any talent lol!
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Well if you find anything you really like and want a print of let me know, I don't always offer prints of my stuff publically, but I do like people who love my stuff to be able to enjoy it, that is what art is about afterall.
Well I can't offer a trade as I don't have anythign to trade but I am digging your stuff! Very nice gallery you got there!
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Hopefully it will be enough to entice a few artists to help me out. I can do awesome work with a camera and a mouse, can't hold a pencil to save my life. -
I'd like to see if anyone is interested in doing a trade for some custom artwork. I'm a digital artist, drawing isn't really my forte, however I would be more then happy to offer a print or two of any of my current art pieces, or depending on what is wanted, a custom dark/fantasy art piece.
Most of my art work resides in my DeviantArt account, the only piece I cannot offer is Lilith, it was a limited edition one off.
Prints will be 16x20, depending on the offer I can also look into some custom matting. I'm looking for at least two seperate, maybe three pieces, so I'd be happy to work out a deal with one person, or seperate people.
Thanks! -
As the person above commented, you've taken many of my own personal feelings on role playing in a mature atmosphere and worded them very eloquently. Honestly I think this essay is good enough to get a sticky, more people should read it.
VG: The Decided Ones of Jupiter Thunderer
Leaders: Tron-ic Dissent, Silverphish, GreySkull, Thermal Screams
We are one of Victories largest Villain groups, and we're currently recruiting some new blood to join our group and aid us in our villainy and debauchery. If you think you're villain enough to be a Decided one, then check out our website (http://decided.ransim.net) for information on how to join us.
Our base has a magic and tech workroom, teleporters to all zones, a mission computer, storage for enhancements and salvage, and plenty of space. We have a large and active coalition, and probably one of the friendliest atmospheres on Victory. We are very active in PVE & PVP and we're ready to do raids once the Cathedral of Pain trial is back online.
Current Contest: Low on Infamy? Well you could win 3 Mil infamy in the Decided Ones of Jupiter Thunderer recruiting contest. (More Information)
Recruitment: Join our website and make a post in our introductions forum requesting an invite, or send a tell to:
@Ran Kailie
@Bloody Mari
Rules & Regs: (Full Rules & Regs here)
Be active, be friendly and try not to be inactive for more then 30 days. We're looking for people interested in lots of group teaming, helping to grow the group and promote us, and ready to enjoy the game and friendly people.