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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    I've read a lot of comments like this about Bonfire and pretty strongly disagree. The perma-knock that people are recognizing in Bonfire was always there, it just required the right map and a strategy to lock enemies into a corner. I consider Bonfire a very, very good power and would personally never skip it except on a very specific kind of farming build. If the power had less favorable recharge and duration I could see skipping it, but in terms of slotting it's almost a freebie. I don't generally consider knockback all that great, but this power was one of the few I thought pulled it off reasonably.

    The issue with the proc is it takes something that was possible only in certain situations and makes it universally applicable. But there is a reason my Blaster had Bonfire even before the proc existed. I'm not ashamed to admit that it is almost entirely because of Bonfire that my Rad/Fire/Fire Blaster was able to farm himself up from level 45 to 50 using strategies to maximize the power on narrow maps.

    Sidenote if any GMs are reading, I do skip both Repel and Repulsion Field, but would be much more willing to accept then if they had Bonfire's 25ft radius. That's the approximate radius needed to cover the full size of most dead ends and conference rooms (about 50ft across).
    Not everyone is going to agree with you on bonfire. I certainly don't and I'm sure others dislike the KB bonfire. With the new IO Bonfire is wonderful.

    I'm sure there are people who liked the KB bonfire, however the change means more people have to make tough choices as to what to take and more choice is a good thing.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    Eh, that's assuming the team you're on has all spec'd for defense in their IO build. And not every AT/power combo can softcap defense with IOs. There's also the entire pre-50 game.

    Then there's as an MM secondary. IO set bonuses don't help your pets.
    Keep in mind that people's experience will vary based on how they play and who they play with. If you team with people who love to IO set their characters then they will have capped def. If you random PUG alot in the 1-30 range then yes, FF is pretty good. However, with the game moving to the level 50 focused incarnates stuff, then yes FF is weak. Force Field like blasters suffer from getting weaker as the character levels.

    Any AT can cap just not cap to everything. It might also require taking sub-optimal powers to do that.

    Anyways, you can make your own list and you'll find people will disagree with it because their experinces differ from yours.

  3. No changes have been made *yet*

    Blaster and corruptor voltaic sentinel do the same damage except the corruptor version will scourge.

    Crash nukes are largely skipped by Blasters, Defenders and corruptors. How is that a worse deal for Defenders and Corruptors then?
  4. At least in my experience.

    1. Force Fields - Obsolete with all the +def in IO sets
    2. Trick Arrow - Buffed multiple times and still sucks.
    3. Mercenaries - Leeroy Jenkins Medic and Spec Ops with poor power choices. Nevermind AI issues.
    4. Peacebringers - Need teams for self buffs but teams don't get any benefit and the KB is awful.
    5. Poison - Radiations little brother

    Dishonorable Mentions: Ninjas, Gravity Control, Ice Control, Blasters (yes a whole AT) and Electrical Blast
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    People mention def/corr benefit more with the snipe. Do blasters not generally benefit more with nukes? They're generally worth less on defenders. And again people keep insisting on permathis and permathat which, IMO shouldn't be the grounds of balancing things.

    No, for the billionth time, this is not a buff for blasters. No you don't need to perma it to use it or to get great effect from it. No it is not unusable without 22% tohit.
    Blasters don't benefit more from nukes. See Blizzard.

    Read the posts about how "low" the nuke damage is vs recharge.

    Nevermind the fact that every AT can get judgement nukes which recharge in 90 seconds with no crash.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadey_NA View Post
    I'd rather shut off EF if I had to choose during an AV fight. Assuming SO build, he should have 39% tohit debuff going in RI so even with the resist that's a net 10% tohit debuff on the AV. The -Dam on EF would be at -5.2% in that fight and much higher end usage so it's not that effective either.
    We already know the brute was having trouble defensively, so no RI would make it worse that no EF.

    Personally, i would make sure to load up on purps and oranges and feed the brute during the battle.
    I'd rather have the -res of EF than the -to hit of RI
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    I don't think KD is superior to KB.

    If you think about it, Tornado and Bonfire can provide significant mitigation by denying the affected foes the ability to attack back. Before this IO, this has always been true, but for the situations where those powers could not do their primary function, it was compensated...

    I have no experience with Bonfire, but my gut tells me, for Fire Control, Bonfire was primarily a mid-mitigation tool on a set with moderate crowd control outside of the standard CC fare. But in the situations with fairly low mitigation (read: when AoE immobilizes are used which don't really mitigate much), Bonfire is compensated for with damage because that's what 'fire' does.

    Same with Tornado. It can wreck multiple spawns and pull your buns out of the fire when Hurricane, Lightning Storm, Snow Storm and Freezing Rain aren't cutting it. However, in the situations where their mitigation cannot be relied upon, it's compensated for with damage.

    It's not that KB is inferior, it's that in the situations that KB cannot help, the devs balanced some powers like these with damage. This new IO, however, throws off that balance. Either a change in direction with how these powers function is required (I wouldn't want that) or this IO needs another looking at.
    At least in my opinion KD >>> KB There are a few cases where KB can be better, but for most of the game situations, I'll take KD.

    That makes KD superior to KB to me anyways.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    You are correct. Under the current snipe changes the only Blasters with easy Perma-FastSnipe are Devices although /Dark and /Energy can get there with sufficiently high global Recharge.

    However (and this is the biggy) we don't know for sure that the Snipe changes will go live as-is. There has been a LOT of complaints about them so the Devs may well decide to change their plans at which point who knows what will happen. Speaking for myself I wouldn't roll a new character based solely on the Snipe changes as they now exist.

    To answer your second question the AR/Dev Blaster will have an easier time with FastSnipe. Targeting Drone has a higher base To Hit than Corruptor Farsight and provides a nice chunk of To Hit Debuff Resistance so the Blaster will be able to more easily maintain FastSnipe in the presence of debuffs whereas the Corruptor would only just hit the 22% bar unless they also took Tactics, Powerboost or Focused Accuracy (and only Focused Accuracy has To Hit Debuff Resistance).
    I agree with this, until we see what hits beta, we don't know what other changes there will be.

    The only thing I can say is that *I* won't make any new blasters nor will the current proposed changes make me want to make a new blaster.

    Edit: Heck the biggest buff to blasters is the KB to KD proc stuffed in bonfire lol.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    Yes, uniformly disliked by you. A quorum of one!

    It's interesting that on one hand we hear that devices is too good after this change because it has too easy a time accessing the new shinies, yet on the other hand we're warned that devices sucks after this change because tohit is so easy to get on teams. What I take from all this is that I'm very grateful most of you guys aren't in charge of balancing the game.

    This constant trickle of feigned outrage used to be annoying but at this point is mainly sad.
    Add me to list of people who don't like it.
  10. 12.6 is out, I'll give it a try.
  11. As long as Paragon Studios QA knows they can work with nvidia if its a problem with the GTX 680 and CoX.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rowdy View Post
    All this proc has managed to do, for me anyway, is prove just how detrimental knockback actually is. If I didn't know any better, I'd say adding KB is used to nerf a power, which is why removing it, makes said power almost unskippable.
    Had a Super Strength brute on my team the other night that slotted the proc in Handclap...good lord! And yes, we've all seen the absolute MONSTER Bonfire has become. Your opinions may vary of course.

    Now I can't even bring myself to play Energy blaster anymore.
    It won't work in Handclap, it only works in damage powers. Its something known by many for a long time.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    The best proc ever!
    Almost, if only it was earnable with merits, empys, astrals, AMs, not unique and could be slotted in non-damage powers.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Rakeeb: There's a mistake in your math, but the difference is still enormous and the qualitative truth is still there.

    Getting hit 5% of the time instead of 50% of the time is taking 90% less damage than he would otherwise. So 1200 damage worth of attacks instead of 2400. Eight times less damage, not sixteen; still ludicrously tougher and not playing the same game.

    TwoHeadedBoy: I think other people have pretty much made my responses. "You're stupid and you're wrong for playing the game your way and not my way" is not, really, a good approach; especially not when you're talking about tools that are not in your character's primary or secondary. Especially when you're saying people are stupid and wrong for taking, what, 6 out of 7 secondaries for Blasters.

    If you're seventy times tougher than me, we are not playing the same game. We should not be on the same team. The devs have fallen down here.
    Bingo! We have a winner.

    Blaster changes won't change things much, still too much glass and not enough cannon (In general, excluding DP) Too many other ATs do too much damage.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Well, I'm not planning to stop bugging the devs about blasters until I'm convinced the archetype's set of tools is fair. Of course, I don't promise to continue to do so until everyone is convinced.
    Good to hear, anyone who will open 2400 superpacks is NOT someone I want bugging me about blasters.

    That said, my fear is the same as Diellan. Blasters get a tiny bump and then nothing for 3 years. The devs need to hit a Home Run with blasters not drop a bunt down the 3rd base line and hope. I certainly understand the concern of doing too much, but blasters lag so much already and I'll probably lower their rating if this is all they get.

    (Waits for beta)
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Explosive arrow doesn't actually deal fire or energy damage so it won't light OSA.

    Speaking for myself I don't really have a problem with knockback in those the powers you mention. yes it's a bit random (which is annoying) but it's also relatively low mag and doesn't scatter enemies (the knockback is angled based on your position, not the targets so it isn't actually radial unless you run into melee range). I toyed with adding the enhancement to my Crab's Frag Grenade but I don't see it being worth the slot.

    You're right, its smash/lethal, but at least its worth taking now.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheShattered View Post
    It's times like this I firmly believe i'm the only person who likes knockback*

    *when used responsibly
    If people actually did that then it wouldn't be so "unpopular" with some people. The problem is, there are too many people who use it poorly that many players decide to just avoid those powersets than get the 1 in 20 who does use it responsibly.

    The other thing I find is that the only person who has "fun" with the KB is the person doing it and not the people putting up with it.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    There are a few powers I can see the proc being really useful in:

    Bonfire (as mentioned before, this is ridiculously overpowered)
    Gale (turns it from a situational survival/positioning power to an any-time survival power at the cost of the positioning portion)
    Assault Bot (stops him from using Swarm Missiles to knock enemies out of the patches he creates with Incendiary Missiles plus Incendiary Missiles now occasionally knock enemies over, win/win)
    Tornado (similar to the Bonfire one this helps it deal damage more effectively)
    Solar Flare (as mentioned above)

    It could be that as well. I can just imagine Beckett playing a Scrapper and Castle playing a Storm/Energy Defender to annoy the hell out of her.
    Oh, there are quite a few more than just that.

    Explosive Arrow - Now you can ignite the oil slick and not knockback the foes from oil slick.
    M30 Grenade - Oh look, another buff to assault rifle. No more radial KB!
    Umbral Torrent - We can "fix" this awful power that does 100% KB with 100% KD
    Frag Grenade - See M30
    Electron Haze - Oh good, I can use this cone now.
    Shockwave (Sonic) - Ditto
    Shockwave (Claws) - Zomg! Pure win.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
    Nothing? Nobody?

    Read this

    We are not mindreaders, we don't know what you have or how your PC is configured. Anyone with good tech knowledge won't even look at this with just a vague description when it could be so many possible things.
  20. I use MSE.

    I use the linux machine to test out websites first.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    Sorry, I may not have been clear with my explanation. An io kb protection costs a slot no matter what. Bottom line, is this set worth 5 slotting. Slotting 6 for the kb is somewhat immaterial as you are going to spend a slot somewhere somehow to get it.
    Its not, the other enhancements in this set are only good to convert to the proc. Sadly, we can't convert it.
  22. Much like the Dr Kane event, its great as long as everyone is pulling their weight.

    Heh, 4 fire/rads controllers make the event a joke.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Addicted View Post
    Heck, there are folks who undervolt to save power or if you are a real fine tuner you undervolt and overclock.

    I already am the first few people to load on 24 player trials, often getting the star by loading first. Given how many people are still using P4s to play this game, OCing the 2500K to 4Ghz is just wasting juice.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
    You dont run tactics on your blaster? I do.. I hate missing :P Just checked my build incl IO's on mids... my main blaster is on 33% to hit
    Great! Lets see your blaster with +33% to hit buff up 100% of the time for perma insta snipe.
  25. I guess we will find out eventually.

    The worst thing they could do is "grandfather" people who slotted it already and not allow people to slot it.

    Bonfire and Tornado are not all that great with the KB and mostly skippable, but with KD they are must takes. I think the devs want people to take more powersets and less pool powers.