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Ok just a FYI for everyone. For the past year or so I have noticed that DVD/BD's don't have the security labels on them, I work with DVD's all day so I would notice things like that. I know for some people they are a pain to remove, tho I have no problem with it. But yeah it looks like the distributors have stopped putting these labels on the DVD's and Blu-Rays. Just an FYI...
looks like Peter Fonda won't reprise his roll as Lucifer/Satan for GR2.
Quote:also a plot is reveled.Ciaran Hinds is in negotiations to play the devil in Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance and actress-singer Violante Placido is also in talks to join the cast.
enjoy.... -
Looks like Emma is in talks to be in Men in Black 3, possible the head of MIB. Will be interesting to see if she does do the movie and what her part will be.
enjoy... -
I happen to love one of his earlier films, The Black Shield of Falworth. It's not great and he played opposite his then wife Janet Leigh, but it would feed my love of swash buckler films. I also love Some Like it Hot, Houdini, Goodbye Charlie (with Debbie Reynolds), Sex and the Single Girl, Operation Petticoat. I also remember him in the TV show Spencer.
Tony R.I.P. you will be missed. -
Michael Caine talks on BBC Radio 1's The Chris Moyles Show on Wed. about his autobiography when talk turns to the next Batman film.
Quote:alsoHe said the movie will "probably start in May next year..." Asked if he will be part of the cast, he said, "I assume I'm there. In the movie business, you never believe anything, you assume."
Quote:In related news, Chris Nolan confirmed to Empire today that he is indeed directing, in case you had any doubts.
I just thought everyone would be interested...enjoy -
This looks like it will be a fun movie, tho I wonder how they changed the ending, knowing the play it's based from. Sad there is now release day showing either.
enjoy... -
Ok now the Star Wars fans must demand an intervention to save George from himself. George your not Disney where you bring out your classic stuff every 7 yrs cause there's a new audience. Leave well enough alone. George it was bad enough when you changed the Special Edition version in 2004, now you want to 3D them. George you do realize the fight scene between Luke and Vader in Jedi will become even darker to the point it will look like you are watching it through mud?
Ok I'll get off my soap box now....this is one of my pet peeves, Lucas changing these classic movies again. I saw them in the theater when they originally were shown and when the Special Editions came out. I loved them then and still do. But when Lucas changed them in 2004, I got pissed. I still have the VHS tapes of the original and Special Editions and plan on putting them to DVD (if possible, not sure if there is a copy right guard on them), since you can't find a copy of the 1997 version of the Special Edition. I was such a geek at the time I even have a copy of the Holiday Special.
just my two cents.... -
Looks like GL2 is already being worked on and now a script for the Flash is too. I would like to see The Flash done and with today's CGI technology it should look sweet. I thought everyone would be interested in this interview with Greg Berlanti, where he talks about both GL2 and the Flash...enjoy.
http://www.superherohype.com/news/ar...nt-in-progress -
Quote:OK no problem, wasn't a wear they were different.Oh I saw that actually when you posted them. There's more new photos. Most of these were not on that thread. So yeah... this is more like new additions to those. Plus of course the videos.
...just saw this, this morning...more pics with vids.....
http://www.superherohype.com/news/ar...aptain-america -
Looks like there is going to be a new Superman Movie and the hunt for a director is on. So who would you like to see do the movie?
I think Zach Snyder just might do a good job. I liked what he had done for the Watchmen and 300, and have a feeling he would be sensitive to the fans concerns. Just my opinion.
http://www.superherohype.com/news/ar...s-for-director -
Just and FYI, but I posted a trailer last night....
here is the link to the thread...http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=239518
just an FYI -
Just an FYI...there was a thread on the photos done last week....
just an FYI -
This new trailer for part 1 looks nice, and the movie looks to go by the book. I am looking forward to seeing this one.
nice to see Harry in something like a dress. -
More photos from the Capt. America set...
Nice cast list...Quote:the comic book adaptation stars Chris Evans, Hayley Atwell, Hugo Weaving, Sebastian Stan, Toby Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Dominic Cooper, Tommy Lee Jones, Stanley Tucci and Neal McDonough. -
Brian Rogers talks about Godzilla, his interview is very interesting. It will be nice to see a reboot of Godzilla and done RIGHT!
Quote:..http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=69979Also, expect the 2012 film to feature a monster mash. Yes, Godzilla will be taking on another creature or creatures. -
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance release date has been announced.
Quote:Filming has already started...Sony's Columbia Pictures has set a February 17, 2012 release date for Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, directed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor.
Quote:The sequel, again starring Nicolas Cage, has started shooting in Bucharest, Romania.
Just an FYI...
original article...http://www.superherohype.com/news/ar...bruary-17-2012 -
Just wish they would show a little more in it. Looks nice tho...thank goodness it will be in 2D.
enjoy.... -
Quote:The third one is a nice shot of the front of the costume...still have a problem with the red stripe being in the harness only. Guess I like old school to much.
Nice period look for the costume, tho the person wearing it is a stunt double. I will be interested to see this movie, just hope it's better than the 80's TV movie.
enjoy.... -
Yes..Conan announces the name of his new show on TBS. Just thought his fans here would be interested.
enjoy... -
Interesting look for Ian McShane, just hope the movie is better than no 3. Just didn't care for what I did see of it. just my opinion.
enjoy.... -
Yes Hayao Miyazaki is thinking of doing a new film and it's...
Quote:I for one would be very interested in seeing this title, of course any Miyazaki films I would be interested in seeing.A sequel to Porco Rosso would represent the first direct sequel on the part of Miyazaki's Studio Ghibli.
better article is this one tho....
Just thought everyone would like to know...