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  1. I looked for any drivers that might help and nothing came up. And yeah, it might just be because nvidia hasn't upgraded my specific graphics card with a patch/driver for Lion.

    Found a couple other things online that had me delete a few files which could be causing the issue but nothing seemed to help.

    It's just really frustrating cause the game looks good and all, but as soon as I movie my mouse there's a stuttering 1in by 1in black box thats covering my mouse.. so i'm never really sure if I'm clicking on the right things.

    Thanks for the responses.
  2. Thanks, I'll take a look. However I don't recall installing the Naga software on either of my machines.
  3. I should also probably say:

    I'm on Lion 10.7.3
    MBP 15"
    4GB of ddr3 1067mhz
    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66
    NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT 256MB
  4. Has anyone else been getting this?

    I haven't played on my laptop in almost a year (played on my desktop mostly prior). When I last played on it, it was fine. I've moved out over the last couple months and can only play on my laptop and just decided to get back into the game.

    Wherever my mouse goes, a black box sporadically follows. It quickly cycles back and forth between the cursor image and a black box as I'm moving it across the screen.

    When I'm on a loading screen, I feel like I'm in Microsoft Paint cause it acts like a wide brush and I've made it a game to see if I can cover the entire screen in black before the zone loads.

    Obviously, i've done a lot of updates over the last month to catch up for the last year of not doing them on my Laptop.

    Any ideas on what to do?
  5. I have the Naga mouse and I believe it's the best mouse you can get for the game. You need to spend some time setting up the 12 keypad numbers on the side, but it's so worth it to just easily cycle through the pad with your attack combinations.
  6. I've been searching this forum for about half an hour or so, looking at the threads looking like they might contain the correct link. I've had no luck. The original page I found it on for my other Mac months ago is not longer there (ERROR 404 PAGE NOT FOUND).

    I've been away since early/mid August, but I just can't locate it.

    Would someone please point me in the right direction to download the Mac NCSoft launcher for my MBP?

  7. Upon reading the responses and thinking about it more.. the slight hopes of farming have gone away.
    I just want to be a really strudy tank and have a build that's viable with Granite and outside of Granite without having to spend the funds on 2 separate builds.

    I originally had/(have) the leadership PP.. but that's going away now and going to replace Maneuvers, Assault and Veng with Rock Armor, Crystal Armor and Minerals... Should I have Brimstone? Was thinking I'd just pop into Granite for F/C damage protection.

    Also.. Hasten? Get rid of? I have a Mac, so I don't use Mids.. I've used sucker punch a bit but really am more of a 'build from recommendations and what I feel works' type.

    Also, I was set on Cardiac Alpha... but should I be thinking musculature?
    thanks again for all the feedback!!!
  8. So I've gone through this board and read some of the stone threads in hopes to find my answer and I haven't really gotten a clear one.
    I'm hoping that someone will be kind enough to clear it up for me a bit on this thread.

    I've read and heard many arguments about taking Granite vs not taking it and getting the other armors in the set. And I guess a part of it is about play style and why I built it.

    I want to have the uber-tough tank that can take on just about every TF and live to tell about it.. which is why I assume Granite is a must. I'd also like to do a bit of farming either with portals in PI or AE, but that is a far secondary reason as to why I made her.

    I've heard the other argument that Granite is just a 'oh ****' power for some and they are fully capable by just using the other armors 95%+ of the time.

    I know either way the Fighting PP is important but I'm not convinced on leadership. I'm 49 right now and will be respec'in after 50. I have leadership but don't know if I should keep it (maneuvers, assault and veng is what I have).

    This is also the first character I've had in my years of playing that I've actively used TP and have grown quite fond of it.

    Also she is only my second tank. My first one I've rarely touched since hitting 50 a year ago (that's a Inv/SS tank)...

    So if anyone would like to make a solid suggestion with why I wouldn't want it and just stick with the other armors, I'm willing to listen to advice, and if you feel up to it, posting your build too.

    Thanks in advance all.
  9. So I decided to go crazy and even though I slotted the first cardiac, I went in another direction and put Musculature in it.

    Without Cardiac, my end usage is somewhere around a 1.65-1.70/sec
    With Cardiac in, my end usage is roughly 1.45/sec

    My recovery is sitting pretty around 3.18/sec. (and will get better shortly with some moving around of slots and new IO's..

    So what do ya think? does my 1.65 vs 3.18 justify not going with cardiac and opting for more damage? I think it makes sense. But maybe I'm missing something.

    Also.. anyone slot LoTG +7.5% in any power and if so what does the difference look like? Thinking of moving some stuff around and putting one in cloak of darkness and one in tough or weave (whichever is the Def one.. i always forget).

    Look for Colossal Jake on Freedom and feel free to team up if u wanna see him in action.
  10. Without the Cardiac Incarnate boost, I'm at 1.65% endurance usage and at 3.12% recovery with all my toggles on.
    I also don't have all the slots finished yet that you posted Santorican, but feel pretty decent with those numbers. I'm feelin pretty good with those numbers so far and not sure I want to go with Cardiac. I'm thinking of maybe doing Musculature for more damage but not quite sure yet.

    I don't have one set of impervium armor and missing the sets in ripper and impale. (I also think I'm missing the Dark Regen build you had up.

  11. Getting rid of focused accuracy helped my endy a lot it seems. Need to work on the slotting described a few posts back (still have a ton of standard io's in there).
    Accidentally only put 5 slots in build up instead of 6...
  12. @Santorican,

    I'm thinking of respecing into something very close to your most recent post. However I think I'm not gonna go with maneuvers and pick up Cloak of Fear.
    Any slot advice on that? unless you haven't really used the power much, i'm sure I can figure it out.

    Also put on a +4 knockback protection in hover (which I'll switch to combat jumping.)
  13. Haha.. Yes, I unlocked my alpha slot the other day.. Gotta work on my shards and I'll be good.
  14. I like the build and slotting you just posted. However I recall someone saying earlier in the thread that taking Hasten might not be that great cause of the endy crash. I'm considering not going with it and possibly replacing it with another attack or assult.

    Also, not sure I'd want another toggle in Maneuvers, but I'll look at the numbers and see if it'll make enough of a difference that i'd use it. Alternately, if I was going to do another toggle, I might choose cloak of fear.

    I think I will replace Hover with combat jumping.. i think it makes more sense.
  15. Also.. i went with Hover instead of Combat jumping.. advantages? disadvantages?
  16. Hey guys..
    So I've recently slotted my spines/dark that... i'll be honest... mostly leveled off of monkey farms.
    I'm a 64ish month vet so I decided to take the quick and easy route with him. I've gotten a good handle on how to play him... yet having issues with endurance and was looking over this thread for ideas.

    First of all are there any new updates on any of your builds?

    Also (forgive me cause my comma buttons doesn't work so I may seem gramatically incorrect)... I was wondering what you were doing with Dark Regeneration in you most recent build Sant? Any specific reason you have 4 different sets in it? Just for the bonuses?

    Why no Cloak of Fear on any of these? with fitness becoming inherent I figured it would be a good thing to spec into.. however I don't really see anyone here with it...?

    I went with Conserve Power.. Focused accuracy and physical perfection for the epp's. any more explanation on why the slotting was worked the way you did it?

    I have other questions but it's late and I must go to bed and am too tired to think.. I look forward to your responses.

  17. Hey Local,
    Decided to bump this up a bit and pose a few questions.

    First of all, you have been my hero. I've played this game pretty much since it's been out with a few breaks here and there, but didn't start playing Trollers till about a year ago. Your threads and build advice has helped a great deal. So thanks!

    Has your build changed at all since the one a few posts up? That was last July so i'm wondering if you've made any significant changes to it?

    Also, I'm not taking Air Sup/Fly on my build. Going with Hasten/SS which means I should have one extra power choice with your build above and wondering what would be a good choice? Stealth? Or just slot Sprint with the IO Stealth (the exact name I'm forgetting right now.)
    Not too interested in getting any toggles, (leadership or fighting), but am open to suggestions/reasons why one of those might be good. I'm worried about having the right amount of slots and feel as if I were to take Tactics or Assult, I would have to give up slots elsewhere.

    Also, after hitting the 60 month vet badge, I can take my travel power earlier (which I kinda like to do). Bad idea?

    Keep in mind, I'm usually playing this with a set team of my SG mates and whatever pug members we can get. The two staples other than my earth/rad are a elec/sd scrap and a fire/fire tank. There are a couple others that pop in here and there, but I'm almost always with those two and more.

    thanks for the builds and I look forward to using your Ill/Rad build one day! (i already have a ill/kin, but after reading your build advice on it, you convinced me to make one.)
  18. Is anyone currently doing this on Freedom or Triumph?
  19. Point taken. Not to Mention, pets should be slotted pretty well once we get up against the really difficult AV's.
  20. Also... Since I'm sticking with my Ice/Cold troller.. any thoughts as to the importance of us taking secondaries with shields? I figure it would be good for the pets, especially is anyone has Rocky.
    But it could also help for that person who might be taking an alpha hit.
  21. We are going to be doing this on Freedom. So if anyone has a troller on freedom and wants to join us, we should be starting it up within the next week or so... I'll keep you posted. I'm @bothsides
    Loved those videos Square_One!!

    Also, if you wanna put your troller in our SG for this, we are called 'LIKE A BOSS'... which will be fitting for an all troller superteam. Invitation is open.
  22. I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with an all or mostly controller Superteam either with SG mates or just with PUGS?
    I kinda have an idea for my SG, but just wondering if anyone has tried this and what should be avoided?
    Including myself, there'll be 4-6 people in my SG that'll be doing this on a regular basis. I already rolled an Ice/Cold.
    Getting someone to be /emp, /kin and /rad would be my goal, then a mix of whatever else for the other players.

  23. I'm going to have to second Local_man's input here. I've been using his Earth/Rad guide to build my troller, lvl 24 Mr. Zong. He's doing great so far and so incredibly team friendly. I've been playing it with my SG mates and have said "AFK" a couple times to see how they hold up battling mobs without me and let me tell ya, Earth/Rad makes ALL the difference.
    I too have played Rads before. I have a lvl 45 Rad/Sonic Def, a lvl 30 Rad/Dark Def, and a lvl 20 Rad/Rad.
    Altho I like all of those toons.. none of them have been as fun as my Earth/Rad and look forward to making a Earth/Stormie one day.
  24. Well.. it would be difficult for me personally to not have IR.. but I could go without SS if I have IR slotted up a bit more than 1-2.. maybe 3 slotted with 1 recharge, 2 jump speed.

    I've read thru that thread which is where I got my idea to respec.. however I think I picked a bit from different builds and didn't come up with a great solution. Even with transference coming up every 10-12 seconds, Im still having end issues.. I don't have the problem on my Ill/Kin though.
  25. Basically.. I had him where he was alright, but after reading a few builds, it seemed like the Earth EPP is a really good choice. I wasn't happy with his endurance issues and spec'd. Still having endy issues.. Hot Feet has 2 endredux on it. I have at least 1 endredux on Tough, Weave and Rock armor. I just need to finish slotting those last 3. Short of adding a Numina's Regen/Recov somewhere, not really sure where to go with sets.
    I should mention, that with the sets I have right now, my Recharge is great and my Acc is certainly much above average.