2501 -
Quote:And then you're just going to throw it away before you get back on the plane to go home? Not judging, just curious.The last time I actually flew was back around 2001-2002.
All I remember is one GenCon we actually had several of our people detained long enough due to the original liquids scare that had JUST happened that they missed their flights.
I could probably get away with the travel stuff. But I figure it's just as easy to pick that stuff up on the far end. This way I don't have to hassle with it at all. -
Quote:I haven't flown in a while, but... they won't let you take even the 3 oz or less travel size bottles on a plane anymore?I'll be getting in around 9:30 AM local time.
After picking up baggage and my car, I should be on the road by 10:30.
I'll be stopping off to have lunch with an old Army buddy and will need to find a Walgreens or something to find hygiene stuff (soap, shampoo, and all the other crap they won't let you take on a plane anymore). But I should be out at Dinah's by 2-3 at the latest.
Also, don't they have complimentary soap and shampoo at the hotel? -
So... has anything interesting happened in game today?
Are the AVs and or GMs invading or anything? -
Happy B-day, bull.
Looks like I'm out again tonight as well. Gonna be working late and then hopefully getting home in time to mow the lawn before darkness and/or the rain falls.
Should be good to go next week though. -
Quote:Well, I'm always going to look at them as free rewards, but if you guys choose to look at it as the sole reason you spent your 52 Euros, or $60 or whatever, then there is no arguing with you. And this discussion is probably over anyway since it would be silly for anyone who paid all that moeny for those rewards to continue paying when there are no further rewards to gain from it.Guys, drop the analogies, is more simple.
- CoH can be played for free.
- The rewards are for ppl that paid the 4 months of game (13x4=52)
- During the same time, ppl could drop the subscription, use it to play another game AND still play CoH for FREE.
So, allowing anyone purchase the rewards by less than 52 is a slap in the face of the costumers that maintained their subscriptions. -
Quote:Not to belabor the point, but no, both analogies aren't good. I'm not dismissing any opinion you may have about the loyalty rewards, but having an opinion doesn't make a flawed analogy valid.Actually I think that both analogies are good they just express different viewpoints isnt that what a discussion thread should be about?
The loyalty rewards were a free bonus you received for buying play time. The TV in your analogy is the item you are buying, not the free bonus. The only way your analogy works, is if you take the loyalty rewards out of the equation and NCSoft offers someone the ability to pay one tenth the price you paid for a three month subscription. -
Quote:Yes, I would, but that's because they would be getting the same thing I'm getting for one tenth the price I'm paying. That's not what is happening with these loyalty rewards - hypothetically speaking, anyone who would be able to buy them in the future would be paying for something that I am getting for free as a result of my paying for something else.That's a good analogy.
But I'll see your sandwich and raise you a TV
One day you go into a shop a buy a TV that you have been saving up for months, then the customer behind you is told they can order the same TV next week for a tenth of the price, do you feel ripped off? -
Quote:Let me try an analogy. Your favorite sandwich shop starts a "Buy 10, Get One Free" program. You love their sandwiches, so you get one of the cards, and regularly spend your $5 on their sandwiches.Sadly I think that you are both missing my point.
If the items are offered as an incentive to remain a loyal customer (and no I didn't subscribe just to obtain them) then what benefit do loyal customers get if the items are then offered to all a much lower cost? Basically it negates the whole idea of it being a Loyalty Reward, doesn't it? They may as well have not offered it in the first place?
Then the day comes that you take your completed card in and get your free sandwich. After you order, the guy behind you in line orders the same sandwich, and they charge him $5. Would you be upset, and insist that they charge him $50, because that's how much you spent to get your free sandwich? -
I think Avengers has an advantage in opening first and with little competition from other blockbuster films. By the time TDKR opens, folks will have already had the opportunity to see Avengers, Battleship, MIB III, Prometheus, GI Joe: Redemption, and Spiderman. I think that will sap some of the momentum TDKR otherwise would have had.
That said, TDKR has an advantage in opening in the middle of summer vacation when lots of teens will have more free time to go to the movies.
My guess: Avengers will have a slightly higher box office draw than TDKR. I know I am anticipating Avengers more. -
I'm surprised we haven't seen Bran's little swamp friends yet, and I'm beginning to wonder if they will be written out altogether.
I'm also surprised Tyrion's plan for dealing with an invasion hasn't been set into motion yet.
How many episodes are there this season? Maybe there's more than I think and I'm worrying for nothing. -
Gratz on the new job, Michelle!
I'll be in my bunk...
Quote:All I know is that years ago, the general correlation was, the more ads you saw for a movie, the worse the movie was. If a studio had faith in a movie, they ran a few ads on TV and knew word-of-mouth and "buzz" would fill the seats. If they didn't think they'd get good word of mouth, they would advertise the film to within an inch of its life in an attempt to have a blockbuster first weekend before anyone realized what a stinker the movie was.If a studio has no faith in a movie, then why would it sink millions of dollars into extra advertising for it? Wouldn't that just put a heavier burden on the movie to make back the money spent on it?
That's why movies like Raiders of the Lost Arc had far fewer TV spots than movies like Friday the Thirteenth, Part Five - Jason Gets a Zit.
I'm not saying that's the case with Avengers, or even that it's not a theory that's past its time, but believe me, that's the way it used to work. -
I think the real question here is...
Who would make the most snide comments during a Buffy-Widow fight? -
Quote:Statesman is rolling over in his grave.If it weren't for the "S" I wouldn't have anything to distract from the crotch bulge. I get that the suit is supposed to be skin tight, but couldn't they have done something with that area? That bulge is going to be like three feet big in the theater.
To hide his shame. -
All these promos worry me. Isn't the old chestnut that the more promotion a movie gets, the less faith the studio has in it? Or is that passé in these days of Internet supremecy?
Quote:I was going to suggest that, but I didn't want it to be viewed as a "Get your own thread" rant or something.Maybe we should make a book spoilers thread so we can talk theories?
I don't know if anyone else ever visits Television Without Pity, but they have a forum there for each of the shows they review and spoilers are taken very seriously. Often a single episode of a show like Game of Thrones will generate 15-20 pages of discussion, and spoliers never come into the mix, so it's certainly possible. Of course each show's forum also has a spoliers and speculation section too. -
Quote:Because...How could you really be "firmly" in either camp with such a vague, easily reversable statement like this?
One could very easily say a well-placed strike to a vital nerve cluster or pressure point and Black Widow is down for the count...
A) It is a belief, not a statement of fact, and
2) I believe more in Widow's abilities and experience as a highly trained spy who fights highly trained soldiers and super beings than Buffy's abilities and experience as a super-strong, but self-trained slayer who gets into what amounts to street fights, albeit with supernatural beings, most of the time. I doubt Buffy could point out a nerve cluster, let alone know how to strike one in such a way as to paralyze her opponent.
Again, we see "ordinary" heroes (Batman, Capt. America, Nightwing, Daredevil, etc. take on foes far above their own level of power, and often far above Buffy's level of power and triumph due to superior wits, training or conditioning. I am a HUGE Buffy fan, but I honestly think Black Widow would best her. -
I'd like to respectfully request that you guys please stop posting spoilers in this thread, even ones disguised with abbreviations.
Quote:The character's history?Why do you assume Widow is going to be stupid enough to engage in hand-to-hand with someone who's demonstrating superhuman strength and speed by fighting things with superhuman strength and speed?
I'm no expert on Black Widow lore, but I would have to think that she has faced many a foe posessing superhuman strength and/or speed in her nearly 50 year career. And I sincerely doubt that her appearances mainly consisted of her waiting patiently on a rooftop for her foes to appear so she could shoot them.
I am firmly in the Black Widow would win camp. A well-placed strike to a vital nerve cluster or pressure point and Buffy is down for the count.
That said, these are fictional characters, and Joss Whedon is a writer. If a writer writes a story that has one fictional character beating another, who are we to say he is wrong? At least with respect to two fairly evenly-matched characters. I mean we're not talking Dark Phoenix vs. Robin. -
It's probably been mentioned before, but in regards to decorative items, how about Excercise Equipment?
Things like...
Weight benches
Medicine balls
Speed bags
Heavy bags
Balance beam
Pommel horse
...and other stuff I'm not thinking of at the moment.
Both heroes and villains should have access to such equipment in their bases to stay in peak crime-fighting or crime-committing condition. There could also be two versions of each - a standard version and a "huge" version for characters with super human abilities. -
I'm not complaining about this change, but seriously, how long does it really take to turn on your toggles when you enter the game? Seven or eight seconds?
The way some people are embracing this change, you'd think the Devs had fixed an issue that caused your character to always respawn in Atlas Park, Mercy Island, or Nova Praetoria when you logged out. -
Aw, you guys are making me feel bad. No seriously. I play redside about 75% of the time, but I find "rush-rush, kill-kill" teaming to be so draining that I usually don't look for teams, or I decline invites to teams.
Heh. I've always had a habit of turning off all my characters' toggles before I log out anyway.
Not sure why I started doing it, but I suspect at one time it was because it felt like "powering down" after a hard day of crime or crime-fighting. -
Eighteen days and counting down...
Can you guys share what promo/costume code attendees will be receiving? I've heard rumors, but I didn't want to get too excited until we had confirmation.