20 -
Spybot Search & Destory hasn't been any good for years. It used to be cream of the crop, now it has just sunken far below that...
I can attest to the borked UI happening on at least two of my characters. No rhyme or reason, just random...
Also, what's up with the fog of war lately? I'm finding that I zone back into lowbie zones on higher level characters after an absence, and the fog is totally reset. Not game breaking, just odd. -
If recipes weren't expendable, people would be "dupin' rares," and then we'd be "gone to the Americans..."
Yes, as we suspected - if you select "defeat all" and then go into each boss setup and unclick the button where it requires the boss to be defeated for mission to complete, then the boss names are eliminated from the navigation window...
Just tested it out earlier this evening, and it's keeping my boss names secret...heheheheheh, thanks! -
Quote:Gotcha. I had guessed that might be the case. Is it possible to circumvent the situation by making the mission "Defeat all" and then clicking to "not required for mission complete" on the boss settings? Or is that option greyed out/eliminated in that case?Required objectives will always show up in the nav bar. If you want to remove the bosses from the nav bar, make them not required for mission complete, and don't put anything in the nav text plural or nav text singular fields.
If you want them required but don't want a list of all their names, set their plural nav text to be exactly the same. Then it'll say "5 crates of weapons to find, 5 bosses to defeat" instead of a long, messy list. -
I've been playing around in the MA, and found something strange when testing a mission tonight.
The mission was a collection, which also had a couple of custom bosses sprinkled throughout. The objective in the navigation window would read something to the effect of "confiscate the weapons," as I had set it, with the countdown beneath it ("5 crates of weapons to find.") What was very strange was that after the objective of "confiscate the weapons," it would add a comma, followed by the names of the bosses created for the mission.
Is there any way to eliminate the names of the bosses? Or have I entered something in a field that I shouldn't have? Does it have something to do with the Active Task Text, versus the Mission Title and Subtitle fields, versus the Navigation Bar Text?
Guidance and info is appreciated -
Quote:Yeah, the Acer was on the short list when I was looking at NewEgg earlier. I did look at the 17" Asus.Okay, I went to Newegg and sorted the laptops by $500-$700 with a 17" screen.
The first laptop is actually pretty tempting to me. It's an Asus with a Turion coupled against a RadeonHD 4x00 series gpu for around $650. Okay, the RadeonHD 4570 isn't exactly class-leading, but it'll run circles around anything with an Intel gpu. It's also the most powerful GPU available in this bracket. The only laptop with an Nvidia chip that you could live with is $100 more, at $750 for a laptop with a GT 130.
Resorting to 16" laptops, well, the only thing Newegg has in stock was this Toshiba with a Geforce GT230 at $700.
Tempting, it's more powerful than the 17" Asus with the 4570.
Resorting to 15" laptops, choices still remain slim for something that will make CoH look good.
There's an HP with a RadeonHD 4650, but it's $750.
There's another Asus with the 4570 at $650, but you're loosing two inches of screen size for... what?
There's a couple of Nvidia GT130 laptops, one at $650 and one at $750.
Really, if it was my money on the line, I'd go for the first Asus I linked, the 17" with the 4570. It's not that much of a graphics powerhouse, but I've got an Asus laptop now and would happily buy the brand again.
I was really drawn to the Toshiba, but was hoping to find that model around town so I could get it up and running over the weekend. No one seemed to have it, but that first model with the shared video memory was one that popped up as available at a nearby Best Buy.
Glad I checked with you guys; I think I've settled on the 16" Toshiba - not as wide as the 17" but will doThanks so much for the input! I heart this community
I definitely wanted to spend less than a thousand - and wanted to avoid HP because of the debacle with my recently dead laptop. I didn't need too much HD space, as I usually keep the laptop uncluttered because I use it a lot for work/projects; but I do like the ability to play COH on it, rather than my "antique" desktop...
The A505-S6985 has gotten some good reviews at NewEgg. And that's for 700.00 w/o tax. Plus it has a dedicated card... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...4719&Tpk=s6985
Oh my. That's depressing. Hmmm, more shopping to do...
My three year old HP laptop shuffled off the mortal coil a couple of days ago, and have been shopping around for a new one.
Been thinking of a Toshiba A505-s6005; the only thing that worries me is that the graphics is listed as "Intel graphics media accelerator HD" and "32-1696MB (dynamically allocated shared)" - think it will run COH if it's not a proper dedicated/separate video card? Just curious....
More stats at http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Toshiba+...a505&cp=1&lp=3 -
Trap of the Hunter: Immob/Range
Tool Tip on Recipe and the IO Created:
Trap of the Hunter: Immobilize/Accuracy
There is no Range aspect on it.
[/ QUOTE ]
I stumbled on this one last night and /bugged it for good measure - it still hasn't been fixed? This was originally posted about in July...? -
Here's my long story...I went through about a week of run-around with billing and NCSoft on an account which will celebrate its 36th month soon. I had previously been set to renew every three months, but got the "your account has been deactivated" email at the time it was supposed to renew. I logged into the account, saw that it had indeed been deactivated and that my "credit card on-file" information was gone.
Call #1 to the credit card company - nothing strange on record, no weird attempts at charges, etc. No change of billing address or anything out-of-sorts, plenty of available credit.
Tried to renew online using both my VISA and my debit card, and no go. In the meantime, the support ticket has been opened, escalated, reviewed, and I am told to contact my credit card company because a charge was refused. Huh?
Call #2 to the credit card company - "hmmm that's weird, it looks like there were four authorization attempts made, each with the amount of $0.00, by a company called RBS."
Call #1 to NCSoft - "NCSoft uses a third-party credit card company to process its transactions (called Bibit). Once the card is 'refused' this company puts it on the 'no-use' list, and you can't reactivate your account using it." (Hence the elimination of all card-on-file information when I logged on to check the account.) And then I was basically told that they couldn't handle anything dealing with this third-party company who they use, and that I could go ahead and still use game time cards; this was instantly shot down by me, because I have two valid and working credit cards with lots of available credit - why should i have to do that, and not be able to use the character transfer/rename options? I asked for the supervisor, and he said that he/she would call me that afternoon. Which didn't happen.
A little online research confirms that these four zero-amount authorizations are indeed related to my renewal...Bibit is owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland. (RBS)
Call #3 to the credit card company - this time a good old chat with the Fraud Prevention people. Who basically said that they would take any authorization attempt, provided that the company would not send an amount of $0.00. They also said that unlike a lot of other cards, they don't require you to set a permission with regard to online games, nor do they consider any charge suspicious just because it comes from overseas.
A couple of more round-and-rounds with the support ticket, in which i provide the authorization numbers and the times/dates that Bibit tried. Even contacting Bibit directly results in the "you have to contact the merchant directly" email.
Eventually it did get sorted out, and I got a message from NCSoft billing management saying that they had contacted their 3rd party and that my card would once again be allowed to be used. But a couple of things stuck in my craw...
- is it absolutely necessary to use an overseas billing company, especially when a number of people have received what their credit cards considered suspicious charges?
- And why the heck would an authorization attempt be made by a legitimate billing company for a zero amount? In the words of my credit card company, "we would have authorized the transaction, but there was NOTHING TO AUTHORIZE. The amount was zero."
- how is it that it always becomes a great big game of hot potato, "not my fault," pass-the-blame with NCSoft tier 1 billing support? My first phone call amounted basically to "there's nothing we can do, but hey you can buy timecards." Why is it that you always need to seek a higher authority in order for your complaint to be read/replied to, without getting a cookie-cutter response?
- I've noticed in this thread, and others, that the ones getting hit with this a lot are people who have been with the game and renewing for a while...in my case, three years. So what is going on lately with NCSoft/Bibit billing that is causing all the trouble?
All in all, a frustrating situation. But I did renew, this time for a chunk of six months. But rest assured, I kept the support ticket number and all the emails - so that when/if this problem pops up again in six months' time, I can be forewarned and forearmed... -
Frustrating, not to mention embarrassing.
If I were a Dev, and I created an issue (I6) that introduced an entirely new feature that was touted and celebrated and hyped, and said feature demonstrated a serious flaw(s) once it went live, I'd be fast-tracking it to the Fix-It-Now pile immediately. I mean, it's a major part of an issue; they made a whole little featurette showing Statesmen and Co. invading Recluses' digs to steal his IOP; it's printed on the god-forsaken box for COV.
If I were a dev who worked on this feature, I'd be damn embarrassed that it's still broken after all this time. Especially when they delay new issues and features because they're worried about quality control and bugs and someone worming their way around "working as intended."
What's next?
"We found a bug in the Rikti invasions, so we'll suspend them."
"For the next two years."
"We'll get around to it."
"Hey, look, new shiny swords!" -
Might I remind you that this game is played by people who make 20 foot tall nekkid women ???
Wonder what their custom content would be like ???
[/ QUOTE ]
Probably something better than the Positron taskforce... -
For me, the concept of Hell boils down to a Penny Marshall / Ron Howard movie festival.
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Same for me, but with Nancy Meyers poking me with a white-hot pitchfork and singing "My Heart Will Go On." -
There was only one way back to Paragon City - Issue 8 - just a flat out, high-speed burn through Skyway and Talos and Indy Port; then onto the Hollows Freeway straight into frantic oblivion...safety...obscurity...just another hero in the City of Heroes. We'd gone in search of Level 51; it had been a lame debt-around, a waste of time.
There was no point in looking back - hell no, not today, thank you kindly. My tray was filled with inspirations. I felt like a monster reincarnation of Cupajo - a man on the move, and just nerfed enought to be totally confident...