41 -
empty wrote
The last thing she heard as he disappeared into the entrance was... "
"I cannot see a bleeding thing in this bloody helmet."
[/ QUOTE ]
Unixs body paused for a moment as she strained to hear a muttering in the distance. what was that? She turned herself upright again quietly worked her way to the open vent . She paused a second to let the shadows embrace her before she poked her head out. She could see a figure in the darkness it was backlight and silhouetted by the light coming thru the door. She quickly decided she should warn who ever this was before they stumbled into the ambush wait only a few meters down the hall. hello ..?
OOC: welcome Constance and Curies's Dream. Curie post is kinda for you if you want to get grouped up if not just send me a PM or post i left myself a way out (name is Lstar ont Istar) Constance i have no idea how you want to meet up or if you want to so i will leave that to you. merry Xmass to all -
Lilo spit the water she had been drinking all over the keyboard and nearly fell out of the chair laughing. Vicious Killer? What is next nurse death or how about Fluffy Puppy for a claw scrapper. Lilo read further into the article and felt a good deal of pity for her. Her name was her given name not a pen name or handle. Poor girl someone should have told her about secret identities Lilo whispered to her self even though there was no one else in the room. A look of disgust crossed Lilos face as she kept reading. O great another I am rich so they saved me from certain death princesses. Not enough money for police drones but plenty to fix you up not to mention I doubt it would be the same for your of the blue collar worker you employ if the he had fallen on such ill luck. Lilo then scolded herself for harboring such a vile thought. I guess some good came out of it beggars cant be choosers. Another hero is another hero this city needs them any way them come is fine by me.
OCC: well done bio
Now, had this been a comic book, Miss Vicious Killer would probably have mutated and developed some awesome powers but, tragically, this isn't,
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't this like talking about your self in the thrid person just struck me as a tad weird. but it is funny if that's what you were going for. As for the name life is some times stranger than fiction i could see this name. -
Midnight's Skye is my wife's character
[/ QUOTE ]
Cool a roleplaying duo look forward to seeing ya around. So ya if that's the wife i would keep her in the story then. -
Food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, wait, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, wait, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, wait, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, huh?
[/ QUOTE ]
Bit much i think we get the idea with this [ QUOTE ]
The very fact that he could now think was totally alien to him.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh and unless the small lady hero is a furture staple of your story (read forshadowing) i would leave the last part out.
All and all very good job in my mind keep it up. -
marsbar wrote
He followed her up into the ventilation system, passing along the information to Mother Hen.
"Sure hope we get some more help here soon."
[/ QUOTE ]
Once inside the vents Unix sprinted down the main duct and disappeared down a smaller side duct. She made surprisingly little noise a barely seemed touch much at all. The muffled clicks that came from her gauntlets were the only sound that betrayed her presence. Unix re-appeared in the main duct again only to disappear into another side duct. This process repeated it self several times.
Suddenly a large mass of long hanging black hair appeared in front of Cocotte. Unix hung upside down inches away from his face from a vertical vent just in front of him. To the left you have a room with two dammed and a worker. To the right a huge ambush waiting for someone to go down the main hallway. Up and to the right is three more dammed who are bragging about turning some hero into a lawn dart. After that it gets to small for me to get down. Unixs face grimaced in pain as she slipped down the vent some grasping her left wrist with her right hand. She was now dangling in the vent only by her feet. The dammed was asking the worker some thing about a collar I didnt catch all of it but I think that is what they are after. She continued with a noticeable bit of pain in her voice. Anyway you slice it right now its a death wish please tell me you have some more help coming?
:OOC it's an L not an I sorry i broke convetion by not caping it. -
mars bar wrote
I suspect that they are looking for something based on, well..." <indicates the mess inthe reception area with his head>" Did you see anything while you were hidden??"
[/ QUOTE ]
A shadow covered hand reached out and took the two small devices. My step mother told me never to take things from strangers. But in this case a guess I will make an exception.
The shadows in the corner bent around a little as if the darkness its self was fumbling with something. No I have no idea what is going on here. All I know is that your agency was screaming across every electronic medium know to man so I intercepted one of them and it had this address on it. Only reason I saw you is you stepped on that piece of paper back there. Then the voice was a give away.
Unixs form became visible again as she jumped up grabbed a seemingly impossible hold of a corner where the air duct had been finished over with drywall. Unix hung there held up only by one hand on a right angle surface. She produced a small screwdriver in her left hand pulled herself closer to the air duct vent and carefully unscrewed it. She took care not to drop anything. After placing both the screws and the vent cover in side the vent she looked down.
Well given that you got strong armed by a old woman earlier today I hope you dont mind if we do a few things my way. I would rather take the vents thus avoiding walking directly into the jaws of certain death. She gracefully swung up into the air vent. Come on up I hear the vents are warm this time of year. I think I heard some type of fight up ahead. -
marsbar wrote
Speaking softly, he passed the message on to Mother Hen that there were at least 3 civilians inside, and that he would be moving slowly throughout the main floor of the three story building to search for them.
[/ QUOTE ]
Good I wont have to worry about you trying to kill me, A voice echoed around the room. Over here, in the corner. The shadows seemed to move back and expose the figure of a small woman. She was dressed in black armor that had dark orange highlights to it. She had dark black hair and darkened eyes. But as quickly as shadows had moved back they then moved forward making her all but invisible. I am guessing you are not a villain seeing how you are talking about civilians to someone. And to answer your next two questions my name is Ls Unix and yes I am here to assist you, no I am not from your agency. Guess that was three questions. Now what is going on here and who is that laughing? -
OOC: links do not work don't try them our just wasting your time.
What a dope! He thought to himself. No one could possibly be this dumb. It had taken less than ten minutes and already some dope had responded. Let see who are lucky winner is CaptAmazor@heronet.net. Well now lets see just how dumb you are shall we?
>Whois captamazor@heronet.net
> heronet.net local user section contact info DrEbnizser@heronet.net
>Nmap SS
>ports open on
>23 ssh
>25 smail
>26 radmin
>Hxopen F p rf
>Enter password for Admin:
>welcome Dr. Ebnizer
>awk captamazor
>cd usr/local/mailclients/captamazor/
>ls al
>pico captamazor.info
>Captain Amazor
>mail=yes, pop3 chat=no, webpage=yes http://heronet/users/~captamazor.html
>rm rf captamazor.log
>pico captamazor.log
>shutdown now h
>vnc s
>Enter password:
>incorrect password
>welcome captamazor
>would you like to enter GUI mode? Y/N
He cant be this dumb the moron its even logged on and has no firewall and never changed the admin password. Well say hello to 16 million inf, now say goodbye. But thats ok you wont be lonely long I am sure the PCPD will make room for you after they find out that the influence belonged to Grep. Now that Grep is dead I am sure those morons at the PCPD will think you did it. You were the last one to touch his influence before it got transferred out of country.
Come back here A woman with her arms tied behind her back and a blindfold on started running across the room. Your gonna hurt your self you cant even see where your going. The woman stumbled around the room. Then she replied you evil ******* you killed him. Yes that I did and I told you to be quite the man behind the computer rose to his feet and smacked her across face. She stumbled backward tripping over a pair of dress shoes. She jaunted backwards trying to re-gain her balance then fell out of an open window. Dam, You dumb bunny, Hope you can fly I was saving you for later. the man screamed at her as she disappeared out the window. Well guess that is my cue to leave. He typed one last command and began to walk out the door. He stopped and looked at the now lifeless body of Grep that was lying on the bed. Nice apartment Grep sorry I cant stay longer. Then he calmly walked out.
OOC: I haven't played a villian in a long time hope it works for you. Grep was a well loved level 50 hero he will be sorely missed. If i were you i would make sure the PCPD finds you before some heroes do. Oh and for all you want to be hackers this stuff is only very losely based in fact don't try any of the stuff here i assure you it will either not work or get you caught. -
Its over there. A female voice broke from top the large stone pillar. The train is over there. You have the stupid look on your face and that only comes from not knowing where something is. In atlas park that means that you cant find either Ms Liberty or you cant find the train. A small female figure now became visible as she moved to block the sun with her body. The direction she was pointing was now clear. Thats the yellow line it will take you to most places you need to go. Stay away from the green line if you like your skin attached to your body. She looked up at the sky as if expecting something to appear from the heavens. I got to go before they find me and kill me good luck, What was your name again?
The camera paned to the left just as the door opened. A young woman walked out wearing only a towel. Her hair was blue and still a mess from having just been washed. Her skin was pale white. She walked over to her wardrobe on top of it stood a computer monitor and keyboard. This was not unusual most of the flat horizontal surfaces had some type of computer or electronic equipment on them. She took one glance at it and then pulled open a drawer removed some underwear placed them on the wardrobe next to the monitor and then began to remove the towel right before the towel came unwrapped she hit a key on the keyboard and the camera went black.
ahhhhh come on Lilo a male voice rung thru the speakers in her room. How dumb do you think I am? she replied. Well your not dumb, I just thought that you might not notice the camera being active. What do you check it every time you come out of the shower? No it has a big red LED (light emitting diode) on the top of it. O by the way who is watching this? an awkward moment of silence before the male voice replied err All your fans. Well the smart ones at least. I put up a web page for you. Titled get to know Ls Lilo, live event Friday at 02:00 GMT. Then I commented out the ip address and port number. Cool huh? Lilo responds now with a somewhat angry tone Yes cool very leet of you. Oh if you have any questions ask then now, cause after this little interview is over I am revoking your admin privileges. A now noticeable panicked male voice fill the room. What you cant do that I am doing you a favor here. You said you wanted more of a life. So I brought life to you, You should thank me. Oh and lets not forget that you said you wanted to meet a guy, I bet you there is a guy watching err.. listening right now who is a geek just like you Lilo. Keyboard clicking filled the background. The noise the stopped. Your Uber leet plan failed, Right now there are 8,233 user connected to this server and some guy named Tim posted your super hidden ip in the forums on the web page. O when I said I wanted to meet guys this is not what I meant. Now do you have any real questions or do I just shutdown the server now?
ok, ok I have a bunch of user questions here for you. Let start with this one: Lilo what is your favorite sports team. Lilo laughed as the question was read What ever one is losing, I really dont follow sports I usually just root for the team that is losing I guess I like the underdog
Ok What do you spend your free time on? I like to read a lot I work on computers and program and aside that that not much. I know real interesting, I dont really have a lot of free time right now I am working to change that.
Heres a good one what is our idea of a romantic date? Ok I answer that one, Flying up to the top of one of those tall buildings in steel canyon, lighting a few candles and talking about nothing as the sun set and the stars rose.
Would you ever sleep with a non-super? All right thats it. If you have real questions that dont involve my sex life or sleeping with me post them on the forums. I will answer them after me and Leet geek here have a good long chat. Bye for now.
The camera turns on and lilos smiling face is front and center then with a wave the picture is frozen in time as the words cannot connect to server appear over it. -
Strongly disagree. Over simplification of the human condition, what makes one a tyrant and when does he no longer have the right to exists. If he always has the right to exists then heros become little more than janitors willing to clean up but not fix the cause of the mess.
New to this type of role playing I have done a lot of face to face role playing and the general policy is to come to an agreement on something if its a fuzzy. So I an asking in a case where the security level of a hero becomes involved how does one role play that. Do we just ignore the security level as some bureaucratic number that has no real bearing on reality? Can his/her security level actually mean some thing, as in he is that much more experienced. Is the best thing just to ignore the level. Someone tell me what the general rule is here?
Ls lilo
Tech based hero,
<back story>
While away at college here family we kidnapped by vahzilok. After her family was taken from her she had a crisis moment and decided to change the direction of her life. Already being heavily involved with computers she worked feverishly, forsaking all other aspects of life and researched nano-computers. She solved many of the problems addressing there practical use. Her crowning achievement was the development of a distributed nano matrix human interface network (mouth full I know). This is a matrix of nano sized machines that functions off the commands given off by the human nervious system. While in theory this could do most anything it is limited by the energy it receives in lilos case the heat produced by the human body. She trained and programmed the matrix to heal by transferring a small amount of nano computers to an afflicted person the nano computes can re-build tissue but are limited in what they can do by two factors
1. available information (the wound must be able to be seen/felt or conceptualized and the nano computers can not take information after they are separated from lilo. Thus they can not act as permanent re-gen effect or heal sickness)
2. The energy available (after leaving lilos body they retain only the heat energy from her thus the amount of re-building they can do is limited.)
She had hoped to produce the matrix and distribute it thus making a major advance in medical technology. But she quickly found that she could not get the interface to adapt to anyone else but her. Un-deterred she embedded a massive matrix in to her body and retuned to Paragon city. She Found work as a hospital orderly but the real focus of this was access to injured people. She would sneak into rooms late at night and heal people. Soon she was caught doing this and she be came an un-official on-call healer for many of the doctors of paragon city. After seeming more and more horror inflicted on both the heroes and citizens of paragon city she decided to become a hero. A hero made to aid other heros in there work.
ls lilo is a high level (50) hero and has seen more than her fair share of crime fighting at all levels. Currently she is rather anti-social. She has a small group of friends who know little about her other than her services can always be obtained by a phone call. She rarely goes out and fights crime directly still sticking to her role of guardian angle. She is book smart but lacks all but the most basic from of street smarts. A wiz with anything electronic and a vast depository of facts and useful information relating to anything scientific. She has also become disillusioned realizing that nothing she can do will fix all of paragons problems. She now longs to make up for the other parts of life she forsaken. However she remains an active hero and this allows her little time to do anything else.
Travel power is flight this is done by accelerating polarized air across her skin to produce thrust, this however is very power intensive and can only be sustained for short periods of time (less than and hour think of this as running type of energy)
All her skin is pale white this is as a result of having the matrix embedded into her body.
The matrix now controls her body. Thus she has adjusted it to run at a much higher level than normal her resting heart rate is the same a running persons heart rate. All this makes much more heat for the matrix to feed off but also has its draw backs. She sleeps a lot to make up for the high level of bodily activity 10 hours a night is not uncommon she also must eat as much as she can in order to keep up this metabolism. On top of this her body has learned to operate at insane levels during times of stress (combat) if not careful she could instruct the matrix to absorb way more heat than her body can produce thus she could freeze her self to death.
She has also managed to throw small groups of highly charged nano-computers at a foes the nano computers attach and release a pulse that can interfere with nervous systems. This is not strong enough to effect machines.
If you do decide to use this hero please let me know I have a much deeper story to go with her middle days as a crime fighter this is only an overview. -
I though Sik was ignoring "casual threads".
[/ QUOTE ]
Nice catch, Sik you have a stalker you must be famious now! -
Ok my point was this COH is a team based game like it or not and it should be that way. In the current game there is a lack of damage dealers willing to team due to the fact that XP system was (pre-issue 2) bias in favor of blasters and scrappers. Given this is the blaster area i will address them 1st. Yes blasters were to strong pre issue 2. Yes you should have the ablity to solo, but solo XP should never be more than XP for a well working team pre issue 2 this was the the case for blasters. Yes it is more work to get a team and make it work, this is why teams should generate more xp/min than soloing. This is also why all the AT's have weakness. (IMPORTANT) IF YOU NEVER WANT TO TEAM I THINK YOU WOULD BE BETTER OFF PLAYING DOOM III. It will be a much more rewarding game for you. I fail to understand the idea of soloing to lvl 50, can some one explain the point of this to me? Yes now and then i solo it's fun no team work needed i don't have to talk to anyone sit back and kill small (3 or less) groups of even lvl con's and it takes me forever and i have to use alot of tactics hit and run pulling into water flying above ranged attacks and hitting back but i can do it it's ment to be hard. Now a word on soloing i took my emp/psy def out last night to see just how hard they had made it. using NONE of my primary powers a was able to solo 3 +1 minions it took a long time and i came close to death twice but i could do it. if i can do this with 40% less dam than a blaster i am sure you guys can still solo. BTW i have only hover 6 sloted for def and have the same HP as a blaster. My point is this COH is a game about teams thus the online aspect of it. Why the outcry over this issue and some blurry coment by statesman. You still have your place in the team only solo play was really effected. As to the whole team getting stunned even with clear mind yes this does happen once and a while but not nearly as often as with out it. ok i am done now.
stop trying to solo huge mobs above your lvl if you want a game that you can solo go play doom III. /end rant