A new empathy defender is born: The Vicious Killer
Lilo spit the water she had been drinking all over the keyboard and nearly fell out of the chair laughing. Vicious Killer? What is next nurse death or how about Fluffy Puppy for a claw scrapper. Lilo read further into the article and felt a good deal of pity for her. Her name was her given name not a pen name or handle. Poor girl someone should have told her about secret identities Lilo whispered to her self even though there was no one else in the room. A look of disgust crossed Lilos face as she kept reading. O great another I am rich so they saved me from certain death princesses. Not enough money for police drones but plenty to fix you up not to mention I doubt it would be the same for your of the blue collar worker you employ if the he had fallen on such ill luck. Lilo then scolded herself for harboring such a vile thought. I guess some good came out of it beggars cant be choosers. Another hero is another hero this city needs them any way them come is fine by me.
OCC: well done bio
Now, had this been a comic book, Miss Vicious Killer would probably have mutated and developed some awesome powers but, tragically, this isn't,
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't this like talking about your self in the thrid person just struck me as a tad weird. but it is funny if that's what you were going for. As for the name life is some times stranger than fiction i could see this name.
So I started another alt on Guardian. An empathy defender called the Vicious Killer, the concept just struck me as amusing (ok, small things amuse small minds, whatever, I'm having fun with it). So today I was thinking abotu background and, since there's an RP board, I thought it might fit well there.
First, the full background, which is way too long to fit in the stupid little background box you get for the character:
In the early 1900's, When Heriun Kell'ar migrated to the States from the small country of Haranagalaland with is family he spoke virtually no English and was at the mercy of officals who, perhaps in boredom, perhaps in humor, dubbed him Harry Killer on his immigration workup. Mr. Killer did quite well for himself, as have the successive generations. The "Killer" corporation is now a well-respected fortune 1000 multinational corporations specializing in data processing and retrieval services of all sorts. They are, in fact, one fo the more prominent and well-respected families in Connecticut, and are occasionally referred to, somewhat humorously, and the Connecticut Killers.
In 1976 David Killer maried Harriet Wells, both of which had a rather cruel sense of humor and little regard for long term consequences, this they named their children Mass, Vicious, and Bloody. Despite her rather unfortunate name, Vicious Killer decided all she really wanted out of life was to help people, and her parents helped support her in her desire to become a medical doctor. She graduated medical school at the top of her class and went on to intern at Massachusetts Children's Hospital.
However, one day, a famous hero's child was brought in with a bad case of food poisoning to Children's hospital. The hero in question was none other then Mr. Tougher-To-Hurt-Then-Average (froemrly Mr. Invincible). His arch-nemesis, Boss Uber1337H4xX0r, realizing the hero's soft spot for his kid, set up an ambush for him at the hospital near the room his kid was kept in (the real name of Mr. Tougher-To_hurt-Then-Average's kid has been deliberately kept secret to protect his secret identity, but shall be referred to as Ralph). When our hero showed up to visit ralph, the villain promptly sprung the trap and a massive fight started. Realizing the hospital was no place for such a battle, the hero tried to escape, but he had to fight his way out, and in the process Miss Killer was accidentally locked into the Radiation lab where she was just cleaning up after having done some experiments. The radiation lab was a new addition to the hospital (funds donated by a former employee who became fabulously wealthy named P. Panner) and was originally designed to allow for experimetns in using extremely localized, brief bursts of very strong electromagnetic radiation to mutate various aspects of the immune system in animals and humans to help fight disease, regenerate tissues and, it was hoped, even deceleqrate the aging process, if successful. Unfortunately, during the fight several failsafe systems...well...failed, and after gettign locked into the radiation lab, Miss Vicious Killer was exposed to enormous amounts of this highly experimental radiation treatment in a completely uncontrolled setting.
Now, had this been a comic book, Miss Vicious Killer would probably have mutated and developed some awesome powers but, tragically, this isn't, our bright and studious intern found her career abruptly cut short as she fell into a coma instantly and the doctors determined that she had, at most, another week to live, after they were able to examine her after the fight. Her death was a virtual certainty. Or, that is, it would have been, if the Killer family had not had the enormous amount of resources it did. Using vast amounts of money, contacts, and resources they were able to gain the help of many other heroes who, working in concert, were able to prevent her death, and even restore her, but not exactly in an unaltered state. The combined effects of the mutations due to the radiation, and the subsequent healing she received, has given her powers for both healing others (sometimes at a cost to herself), improving the abilities of others, and projecting powerful beams of energy from her hands. The cost of the healing was not only money but, when the heros involved realized the gifts Vicious Killer had gained, they insisted she had to devote her life to helping others both as a healer AND a superhero. Although it was not precisely what she had planned for her future, she was more then willing to help heal others as a means of preventing criminals from destroying millions of lives, and thus, another hero was born:
The Vicious Killer, Empathy Defender.
the background I plan on using on the character will be something more like:
Vicious Killer originally intended to become a medical doctor, but her plans were sidetracked when, as a result of an accident in a hospital related to damage done during a hero versus villain fight, she mutated, acquiring strong powers to heal others and do damage with energy bolts. She now travels the world trying to help other heroes to stop villains from destroying millions of lives.
Vicious Killer? That's her real name. What, you have a problem with that? How would you like it if I made fun of your name? Yeah, so she didn't know how to talk to the press when she started and they asked her who she was, everyone's entitled to some mistakes aren't they? Odd name for an Empathy defender? What? Look, just shut up about the name already, ok?
Ellen, 50 MA/Inv Scr
February Night, 14 Ice/Ice Blstr
SilverSwordmaid, 29 Kat/Rgn Scr
Vicious Killer, 33 Emp/Enrgy Def
Electromagness, 40 Rad/Rad Def
Sense of Humor, 50 Fire/En Tank
Kickfest, 50 MA/SR Scr
Glorious Ending, 29 EM/DA Bru