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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    The intent of the change, as with many for the AE, was ostensibly to prevent ticket farming. As such things go, this was possibly the most misguided of those changes, because it really does very little to prevent ticket farming. Anyone who wants to farm tickets just picks from the biggest maps and resets when they reach 1/2 the cap (getting the other 1/2 from the completion reward).
    This is one of those areas where it's tough to decide whether to be frustrated with the farmers for messing things up for the rest of us, or to be frustrated with the devs for being so paranoid about farmers that they hamstring the rest of us.

    That said, I've yet to hit the ticket cap in a mission. I haven't played much AE since this change was put in place because my graphics card died, so I don't know how much this change will affect my playstyle. Luckily the PC is still under warranty, so it is being repaired. I've been without it for two weeks -- but I'm getting it back today.
  2. My wife and I noticed this before i16 came out.

    We generally ran on Heroic. For the last month or so pre-i16, we've been noticing a lot of Boss spawns when running duo. Far more than we'd ever seen before. It seems to vary from mission to mission. Sometimes there are few or no Bosses, sometimes they are in almost every spawn on the map.
  3. lionheart_fr

    Farmers Adapt.

    Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
    You dont really kill 200 troll bosses in the narrow level range they are in without putting some thought to it.
    I have a few kill badges for various critters (not many); never planned any of them. They just came through normal gameplay.

    The potential for this has broadened with i16 when characters of multiple levels are teaming. Some higher level characters may well be doing lower level quests with their friends now. "Accidental" kill badges could become more common this way.

    I get what Megajoule is saying; using "everybody does it" as a justification for any activity is a false premise. It doesn't make your chosen playstyle wrong at all, it just is not a valid argument. "Farming" for candy canes is different than farming for XP, inf, and so forth for the simple reason that candy canes were designed to be acquired that way, whereas XP, inf, and such can be obtained without farming at all just through normal gameplay (albeit at a much slower rate).

    The only justification you need for farming is that you enjoy it (as long as it's not an exploit from the devs' point of view). That's it. No need to try to paint everybody with the same brush.

    Me, I'm about as non-standard a gamer as you can find. I'm not concerned with leveling quickly, with getting rich in-game, with having the best gear or being fully slotted with the best IOs. All I care about is whether I am enjoying the stories, the combat, and the adventure, and that I can play with my family and friends or solo when I want to. Most of my time in-game is spent either solo or with my wife and/or daughter.
  4. lionheart_fr

    Farmers Adapt.

    Originally Posted by Canadian_Canuck View Post
    nobody can tell me honestly that they never entered the sewers starting off or have done X tf NO more than once.
    I can. My wife and daughter can. My brother and brother-in-law can. Our best friends in game can.

    I have never entered the sewers starting off; I haven't done sewer runs at all. Ever. Not interested. I've only done three task forces (Positron, Synapse, and one of the Council TFs); never repeated any of them because I didn't enjoy them.

    However, I don't hold anything against those who do. We have different playstyles, which is great. That is a strength of CoH; it caters to different playstyles and offers up a variety of ways to enjoy the available content.
  5. lionheart_fr

    Enemy Variety

    It's a cool idea, but I'm already doing this via Mission Architect myself.

    While most of my arc ideas are for more developed storylines, I have both a hero and a villain concept that are basically a series of Police Band/Newspaper missions, as though we are receiving alerts through the SG mission computer.

    I have not published these arcs yet, but they are *not* intended to be farms or PL arcs. Just fun side missions with a mix of custom and standard critters to add a little more flavor.

    Side note: Your suggestion compliments one I made a few months back, only reversed. I suggested having costumed bosses appear in police band/newspaper missions, even if standard enemy groups were used, to add some variety. Having bosses that look just like the rest of the thugs but with different power sets is lacking; give us some costumed bosses to add to the super "atmosphere" of the game.
  6. lionheart_fr

    Can MA be saved?

    I currently have four MA arcs at least partially outlined. I haven't decided yet whether to rotate the arcs through the current three slots or purchase more arc slots. My family and I still play and enjoy story-based MA arcs -- but then, we're in no hurry to hit the level cap.

    We do, however, like to have a reasonable degree of character progression. Thus far, unless an arc got zapped to zero or minimal XP, it hasn't been that bad.

    For my own arc, I do need to add a boss to the general group spawn table (currently it consists of minions and lieutenants, with bosses being reserved as end bosses) to get the XP back up to the 75% mark.

    I do think the reduction on custom critters with Standard powers was too much. But I don't consider it gamebreaking. Hopefully as the dev team assesses the impact of the changes and how players are responding/participating, it will help lead to a better balanced system.
  7. lionheart_fr

    Farmers Adapt.

    Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
    We play a game that takes place in a virtual world we are expected to see as being real. When out on the streets we are fighting crime or commiting crime in what is to be seen as the real world of COX. The MA is a virtual world within that virtual world. Akin to the Xmen Danger room. Hence real world is contact missions, virtual world is MA. But im pretty sure you understood the idea behind the comment and just couldnt think of another arguement for anything constructive.
    I'm not going to dive into the farm vs. story debate, but I will put in my friendly two cents on this point.

    When I play an MA mission, I do not view it as a Danger room mission. It is just as "real" to my characters as dev content. Just because the official spin is that it's a danger room (to protect the "canon" of the game) doesn't mean the players have to view it that way.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorciere View Post
    I may be the odd person out here, but I don't really consider sewer teams to be a noticeable improvement over AE farms. I don't consider either to be a valuable location to spend your early levels on.

    But then, my view has been for a while that the low-level game is in dire need of improvements (both where game mechanics and content are concerned).
    Exactly. I'm neither a farmer nor a PLer. I've always avoided sewer teams (pre-AE) because every description/invite I read extolled the fast leveling/XP. My thought was: "I don't want to farm or PL; why would I want to do a sewer team?"
  9. lionheart_fr

    Long loading.

    According to the server status page, the servers are still down. I take it you can get in?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Drugfree Boy View Post
    And the x5 XP that has been going on in the AE since March is now also cancelled, finally. (I hope)
    Funny, I haven't experienced that extra XP in AE. But then, I never play farm or PL arcs, either.

    Actual story-based arcs already gave lower XP than equivalent dev content. Hopefully, the attempts to curb abuses of the system won't impact those of us who use the AE as originally intended overmuch.
  11. Lionheart is my main character developed for our home-grown PnP superhero game back in 1990. He's been my main in various games ever since. I first used him as my avatar on a Freedom Force fan site.

    When I joined their SG in CoH, the name Lionheart was already taken, so I appended FR (the abbreviation of our SG name) as a personal identifier to distinguish my character from the other Lionheart on that server.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wulfclaw View Post
    My first and last time in this AE - thingie.
    Too bad, because you're missing a lot of good story content. I love AE -- and I *never* farm or PL.

    Just because some folks lack imagination doesn't mean everybody that uses AE does. AE is a fantastic boon for people who enjoy creating and playing story content. It's an RPers delight, great for SGs to develop themed content for themselves, and there are some very talented writers out there.

    Finding what you want can be a little tricky sometimes, because of all the chaff mixed in with the wheat. But to ignore AE simple because of the farms is a bit of overkill.

    AE is on of the best innovations in this game, from the perspective of a story player, not a farmer or PLer.
  13. lionheart_fr

    What if?

    Originally Posted by bracass View Post
    this is awsome.

    I made another thread about, basically, Games vampiring your/our lives, and this cute answer shows up in a 'sorta' deat sentence to the game...

    To lionheart, since he 's french, and i am too, i wonder.

    Do u live in some HLM? (rougly translatable as Habitation on Low Morgage) meanning 'social' housing'...; and if so, aint there a green place not so far, so you can avoid your kid watchin tv, or you really feel that digital surrounddings will keep a baby safe in that cruel world???

    Just wondering.
    Actually, FR stands for Freedom Reborn, a supergroup I'm a member of. I'm American, near St. Louis.

    Games only "vampire" your life if you let them. For us, it's just one pasttime. My daughter plays with us (and solo, with one of us nearby in case we need to answer tells; there's lots of nice people in game, but one never knows), but she has limits as well. She can't live on the computer. Toys and books (she's an avid reader) figure very prominently in the equation as well. Variety is good.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    The person that brought h1n1 to PAX was from a Boston-based developer. It wasn't anyone from NCSoft.
    Not from Turbine, either (they are based near Boston). However, a couple of their devs got H1N1 at PAX as well. My brother is a LOTRO dev; hopefully he stays clear of it -- he and his wife have a new baby (two months old).

    Take it easy and get well soon, Positron.
  15. lionheart_fr

    What if?

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    That is just so totally awesome and cute
    If she likes gardens, have you made or thought about making a garden room for your base?
    It's great fun.

    She does have quite a few plants spread about the little base we put together on one server, but not a dedicated garden spot yet.
  16. lionheart_fr

    What if?

    Originally Posted by Old_Gray View Post
    That was beautiful. My little girl is not yet two; I hope that I can have the same experience with her! It sounds wonderful.
    Start cultivating imagination early and often. Too many kids don't get that chance nowadays. It's great fun -- for the parents too.
  17. lionheart_fr

    What if?

    Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
    I bet she has all the in game housing decorations also. That is a great story.

    Must making playing any game better when someone imagines themselves in the game, rather than just min/maxing their character.
    Yep, she's fully decorated her house, plus her room in the Kinship house. She also decorated a small SG base (though she wants to do much more to it) in CoH.

    She comes by it honestly; while we do like to advance our characters, we're in no rush. We like to enjoy the journey. I16 is going to extend the journey here even farther as we make more characters. We have no alts, just many, many mains.
  18. lionheart_fr

    What if?

    Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
    I would still stay subscribed. When I need a break I just play more LOTRO. Then when I get burnt out on that switch back to CoX. With AE I don't need updates, I can make all the content that I want. However more options to the arachitect system are always welcome.
    You just described the way my wife, daughter, and I play -- though my wife prefers LOTRO, while I lean toward CoH, but we truly enjoy both games. I get both my superhero and fantasy games that way.

    I16 is fantastic to me because it adds just that much more customization and creativity to our characters. And the AE provides a limitless source of actual content (we never farm/PL). Even my daughter (age nine) has written her own arc.

    Of course, my daughter spends almost as much time in the SG base or her Hobbit house (depending on which game she is playing) as she does questing. She puts a lot of RPers I've known to shame with her imagination. Whereas many RPers I've seen seem to think spouting off lore tidbits constantly constitutes roleplaying, she spends time in her house or in the other areas of the game world playing the same way she plays with her dollhouse. She has her own little stories going on all the time -- and even manages to connect them to CoH/LOTRO as she goes. That is, she's aware of the game world and just weaves it into her own stories. It's fun to listen to her play.

    She doesn't require other players to interact with to have fun with her own stories, any more than when she's playing with her toys by herself. The other day in CoH, she had one of her characters being a super Longbow agent. For a while, she ran all over Atlas Park looking for Longbow patrols. She would check in with the leaders, give instructions, and move on to the next one. If they were in combat, she would join, and act concerned if any were knocked out or nearly defeated.

    In LOTRO, one day I noticed she had her little Hobbit girl (a Guardian) in, dressed in a dress instead of armour, and walking around all the bushes in her yard, pausing every now and then. I asked her what she was doing; she replied that she needed to trim the bushes. She said that there wasn't an emote for that, so she just pretended that's what she was doing.

    A few days later, her Hobbit invited a couple of our characters (both Hobbits, of course) over for a party. While we were logging in, she ran her character over to the neighborhood shop and pretended to buy food and such for the party. The she ran back to her house and pretended to cook. When we arrived (having doffed our armour and donned more party-appropriate clothing), she served several courses (from appetizers to desserts), then we went outside and played party games (e.g., tag, hide-and-seek).

    We didn't gain a single point of XP, we didn't "progress" our characters one iota -- but we had a blast using our imaginations and playing together as a family.

    The next day we geared up and stomped some Orcs together. That was fun too.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
    Of curing my altitis.
    Altitis is not a disease to be cured, it's a gift to be nurtured.

    And yes, mine will receive much nurturing with i16 as well.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Toony View Post
    Some people honestly don't care about power customization. Quite a few, actually. So for those who don't care about power customization, this issue doesn't give alot.

    Not to mention I15 was story light (two badly written TF's), and I14 had basically no story at all (make your own).

    I'm excited for power customization but I can understand that others would like some actual story content.
    I still can't help but wonder if the reason we're getting so much in the way of QoL and mechanics changes is that they're gearing us up for Going Rogue. That is, what we're seeing is part of the game enhancements that are coming, with major resources going to developing new story content and enhanced gameplay systems for GR.

    As one who has not seen anywhere near all of the content currently available (even after three years), I can say that the changes we've seen from AE to power spectrum to ssk and so forth is phenomenal to me. These are some of my favorite issues overall.

    But I can see where players who have "seen it all" would be seeking new storylines. I also like new storylines (story is one of the most important parts to me, although AE helps there since I enjoy developing my own). I'd like to see more content like the Faultline revamp for lower levels, as well as new stuff for players with high level characters.

    You can't have too much content; having multiple story paths for leveling different characters enhances replayability overall.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by capnkangaroo View Post
    I just hope they dont have the MA in Going Rogue

    I know its the (put fault here) or whatever ..

    But i want to play the new expansions content and it be nice to have alot of teams floating around without the farm spammage lol

    Plz No AE for GR
    As a major proponent of the benefits of the MA, I actually kind of agree with you here. Since this is a brand new starter zone with new content and mechanics associated with the storylines, it would be nice to have players come there to play that content initially. We will all be "new" players there.

    The MA could be added later after GR has matured a bit.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    It seems to me that there are very few reasons not to make custom critter stories start at 50; and given the fact that it's hard to create custom critters that don't overwhelm the under 22 set, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
    I play mostly custom critter arcs -- and my highest level character is 35. I have a couple of characters that only play MA; unless mission creators are setting everything to extreme, there is no reason lower level characters can't handle them.

    They're tougher than standard critters, but it really depends on how the mission author designs them. If you design them specifically for higher level characters, then yes, mark them as such. Otherwise, it's not that much of an issue.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    That depends on your definition of "interesting." To me, interesting doesn't mean challenging or unpredictable. I like easy, predictable enemies who look cool. I'd pick the Warriors or Crey or even the Nemesis Army over anything and everything I've ever seen a player create. They're simple, they're straightforward and they're easy. I don't play this game, or indeed any stat-based game, for the challenge and the bragging rights. It's a game of numbers that either plays out by the book or you lose horribly. You either have the tools to handle a situation or you don't. And I'm fine with that - I try to have all the tools I'll need and I step on the faces of any NPCs I run across.

    If enemies aren't interesting to look at and interesting to watch, they're not interesting to fight.
    That's why I'm glad the devs toned down the custom critters with i15; they just hit 'way too hard even on standard. The one arc I've published thus far (Granny Granite and the Senior Moment Gang) was actually very tough -- more so than I wanted -- on the last mission. There were a couple of bottleneck points that were murder to get through.

    Since i15, it may be a little too easy now, although I've only had one player send me a comment to that effect. But custom critters being too overpowered by default was one of the weaknesses of AE to me at the outset. I think the devs have done a good job of alleviating that (though players can still design OPed customs if they so choose).

    One reason that I like custom mobs though is for just the reason you mentioned -- they can be designed to look different from other NPCs in the game. The give more visual variety when well done. I do wish that we could give them some of the stock NPC powersets; I also don't want all of the minions to be incredibly unpredictable. They should be minions; leave the more complex stuff to the supervillains and leaders.

    The other thing I like about AE is that I can design custom *supervillains* and actually fight them in-game. Nothing bugs me more about some dev content than when you get to the end boss and he looks just like every other mob on the map, just with a different powerset (maybe). *That* is boring. I want to fight some costumed villains, not just another thug-of-the-month on steroids.

    That said, in the Granny Granite arc, I don't really have "costumed" villains, but the bosses do have distinct looks in comparison to the minions.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Columnist_Freak View Post
    If instant gratification is what you seek, look no further than Atlas Park's AE building. It's got endless repeatable missions, a hospital that is located IN THE BUILDING, and is right next door to the Wentworth's where you can sell your rewards to get greater rewards.

    As for me, I'll continue to fly across the city looking down at all the busy little NPCs below and immerse myself.
    Then you've got players like me -- and my wife and daughter -- who like to do both. We love the AE, but we also love the dev content. No reason for there to be some demarcation line between them.

    I've spent a lot of time in AE since it came out, without running ANY farm missions. I actually level more slowly in AE than in RC for this reason.

    Admittedly it bothers me when I see posters who equate AE with farming/PLing. At lot of us who use AE never touch farms, nor do we PL. But I have a feeling many of us who use the AE "as intended" per se don't feel the need to run full 8-character teams; we're perfectly happy running with a small group of family/friends/SG mates or even solo because we're more interested in the story and the adventure than we are about leveling fast or getting rich fast. (No, this doesn't mean reducing rewards for AE; getting new powers and such is still part of growing our characters.)

    Frankly, the only thing that has changed about my gameplay since AE came out is that I have more story options than I had before. Being able to design and write my own content is a major draw right there.

    Hopefully with the new super sidekicking system and the new difficulty slider, the farm spam and padding spam will be reduced. If not for that spam, many players would never even know it was an issue.

    My highest level character is 35 -- after over 36-months of play. Hitting 50 has never meant anything to me; the journey is where it's at. Endgame? Nah. Between dev content, AE content from other players, and AE content I can write for myself, there is no end in sight. Add in power customization, powerset proliferation, the new sidekicking system, GR and so forth and the sky's the limit.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post

    But it only works on Jabberwocks. The Jabberwock hunt is the new mini-game. If you find and slay the Jabberwock with the Vorpal Blade, you get a Recipe for Jubjub Bird wings.

    The Jubjub wings recipe requires salvage that is only drop by Bandersnatches, which are found in the Tulgey Woods.
    Yeah, but I'll never get it. You have to gyre and gimble on the wabe to get there, and that just looks silly.