287 -
Quote:Not at all. A new power is not a cosmetic change; it affects your character's abilities and functionality within the game -- especially when considering that enhancement options can lead to variations in the power. New content is never just cosmetic; it provides new story and experience.I think there is a bit of a spectrum here and of course personal perception is key. As I was typing that I was thinking where power customization falls and when looking at it, I consider it there in the middle between both.
Then again with your logic, even adding in a new power or content would "improve our quality of life".
A costume part or color change is purely cosmetic. It's fun and I want more (lots more), but it doesn't change my character's abilities nor technically affect content or gameplay mechanics. That's why I tend to put it into the QoL category. -
It's amazing to me to see so much distates for Energy blasters. That is far and away my favorite blaster set (energy/energy).
It's fantastic for solo characters; knockback is not an issue solo -- and can be a real asset.
In teams, it's just a matter of situational awareness. Pick off the enemies not engaged in melee with teammates or line up your shots so as to pound the baddies into walls, still within the reach of the melee characters.
Not that it's a big deal; I just haven't run into the issues I see discussed on the forums all that much. -
Quote:I'm on board for a plethora of back details as well. I'd love jetpacks on some of my tech/armored flyers, military packs, quivers, and so forth. Count me in.When I think of QoL improvements I think of the control system, all the HUDs and whatnot. Back Details, while it would improve my quality of gameplay greatly and allow me to make the War Witch/Apex comic I've been wanting to make (other comics available at justiceknights.net and cohcomicindex.com) it is more of a feature than a quality.
So when they list QoL, at least in the past, it's been updates to how you use your controls, view stuff and interact, not actual items or costume pieces or missions or powers or whatever else including Back Details.
I've just always figured cosmetic items -- no matter how cool looking -- are quality of life since they don't impact gameplay mechanics. For example, power colorization is QoL, but 'way cool and makes different characters with the same powers "feel" different.
Semantics to be sure. For that reason, the comment struck me as humorous. No slight intended. -
Quote:I think I'm lost here. I'm fully up-to-date and love all the QoL improvements we've gotten. I think they're some of the best updates we've had (even without much new story content).
We don't?
You need to update that client of yours sometime, sweety!
Sin_Stalker commented that he was tired of QoL improvements when we still don't have back details. I was finding humor in the idea that one could be tired of QoL improvements because he was lacking one particular QoL improvement (i.e., back details are QoL). -
Quote:Wait a minute...I think with this content plus Going Rogue, I am going to be very happy. Much better than previous updates.
Hopefully once Going Rogue is up and bugs are fixed, they can get updates out quicker. I personally am getting tired of Quality of Life improvements being done when we still don't have BACK DETAILS!!!!
Give me BACK DETAILS!!! and I don't mean back-ne.
You're tired of getting QoL improvements when we still don't have one particular QoL improvement? -
When you consider that they told us there probably wouldn't be an i17, unless maybe they released Ultra Mode early, I'd say i17 is packed and exceeds all reasonable expectations.
Quote:My take is that we will get access to Dual Pistols beginning in March and Demon Summoning beginning in April, not that we will be limited to those two months for using them.To answer your question, my thought process was that they said you would get access to them for March and April, but does not mention May or June. Why would they say you just have access to them for March and April, and not May and June. I would think they would just say March through July, or something like that.
Since I'm not interested in Demon Summoning, I like the idea of Dual Pistols being first. -
Quote:Almost unlimited costume options, multiple classes that play differently (e.g., even when doing the same content, different tactics need to be employed), a plethora of powerset combinations (boosted with the color options), and so forth. All of the options above give a great outlet for personal creativity and imagination.Just curious, how exactly does the game encourage making as many alts as possible?
If I didn't have alts, I'd feel like I was missing out on much of the game. Of course, I don't really have any alts -- just lots and lots of mains. -
I discovered this some time ago, hence having subs to two MMOs. LOTRO is free for me now (Founder and lifetimer), so I'm only paying one sub. Sometimes I focus on one for a while, then on the other. Add in single player games and there's less overall burnout. Variety is good.
Quote:Understood completely. I'd like more developer content as well. But I think that GR has been the focus for some time now (so it should have *lots* of content) and that what we've seen in the last few issues are game system upgrades that are a direct growth from GR development.I'm honestly glad you've enjoyed the new stuff in these last several issues. I like most of it too. The Mission Architect is the main thing keeping me in this game right now, in fact. But we all have different priority systems for features that excite us, and new developer created Story Content is at the top of my own list.
Purely speculation on my part, but it seems reasonable. Besides, these are game forums; rampant speculation under the guise of "I know" or "I'm certain", etc., are what it's all about, right? -
And here I thought it was just an homage to the old Captain America and Thor cartoons that functioned much the same way.
Quote:And yet the last few issues have been among my favorites. The MA is awesome, power spectrum has given a whole new look and feel to the powers (for those of us with enough imagination to enjoy it, anywayJust like the last four damn issues.
Yeah. Paragon Studios has a lot of work ahead of them to get me back into the Optimistic Dev Apologist camp.), and I know at least one person who just recently came back because of all the QoL improvements and the MA.
But I still haven't seen all the content in-game yet, so perhaps it's not as big a deal for me as it is for others. But everything they've been adding lately had made character customization and personal story development far more extensive than it ever was before.
The last few issues have livened the game up for me my family/friends that play CoH. But, of course, opinions may vary. -
Quote:Off-topic: I'm pushing 42 months; my highest level character is 37.But in that 90 hours I also got myself from level 1 to 50 which I think is the goal of most players in this game. You know, to get to 50. I'm puzzled :P.
My goal is to have fun. I'll hit the cap when I hit it just playing, not because I'm striving to get there. If I don't enjoy the journey, what point is there to playing? And if I do enjoy the journey, I'm in no rush to finish it.
Lots of alts (solo or with different family/friends) and participating to two MMOS plays a role in this too.
I did finally hit level 50 in LOTRO early last year (I'm a Founder there), but they'd already moved the cap to 60 by then. The fiends! -
Quote:This would also be an interesting project to map to the AE; groups could design missions around the classifications (as opposed to one person designing missions for their own characters -- which works tooIt would all be opinion-based, but by consensus agreement, this could be a very interesting project. I would love to be able to hit the player-guides section of the Wiki and find a classification of the various missions and contacts, as you've portrayed them.
Thanks for the feedback on the Granny Granite arc. I haven't written anything in a long time; the AE is giving me the opportunity to go back and sharpen the old skills. Looks like there's still some sharpening to go.
I did find myself in a quandry about how much information to provide up front -- and had paired down the text a bit because there was a lot of reading initially. I completely overlooked the bio on Dr. Reynolds.
I did have a fourth mission mapped out for the arc, but space started to become an issue. This arc may get an overhaul when the size threshold increases.
I will take another look to see where I can beef up the story a bit. Thank you again for playing and commenting. It's much appreciated.
With regard to concern for the seniors themselves; I think Reynolds mentions a couple of occasions that he doesn't want to see them hurt. Maybe I'd better go back through the text; it may be too subtle.
[edit]On going back through the text, there are four places where Dr. Reynolds expresses concern for his patients. I think I'm going to have to make it stand out a little more; perhaps add it into the opening mission text from the outset. -
Quote:This is exactly why the training room and beta testing is invaluable to development. The "controlled" environment is just that; the devs know what they expect, how they expect things to be done, and how the systems are supposed to work. Everything can run perfectly in the controlled environment. Then you put it out in the wild and somebody finds an unexpected way to break it.While I appreciate the fact that more testing is always better than less testing the Training Room server represents an uncontrolled environment that in some cases provides second hand, possibly incomplete data. As such the testing done on the Training Room server can not be considered part of the quality control process.
The fact that it is a less controlled environment and that the game is being pounded on by players who don't know what to expect or how things are supposed to work provides much needed feedback and data to the development team. -
Quote:Right. There is no limit to good names out there, just using the naming conventions already used in the comics.No, there are no names left at all, Player 2098732897.
Oh, wait... that could be considered a name, too.
Seriously - what were you trying to get? Fifty names? Really?
And as for Mr. "doesn't sound like a superhero name," what does, exactly? Since, quite frankly, you can find all sorts of "non superhero-sounding" superhero (and villain) names, designations, etc. by looking for less than a minute.
No title, such as Mr, Dr, or the like? Don't tell Mister Fantastic, Mister Sinister, Dr. Doom, Captain America, Ms. Liberty, Miss Liberty...
No "made up words?" QNAX, MODOK, Ruul...
No descriptors? Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Red Skull, Green Goblin, Iron Man....
No dashes? Spider-Man, Mar-Vell...
No "butchered" words? Galactus should jump to mind right away.
What else? Foreign words? Names with numbers? Multi-part names? If all you want is single word, sledgehammer-to-the-face obvious, then yes, you'll have problems. If they're obvious names to *you,* they were quite likely obvious to any one of hundreds of thousands of prior players, as well. Yes, some of them can get silly, but so can "real" superhero/villain names (see also Paste-pot Pete.)
A thesaurus is a handy tool for finding alternatives (hence the list of ice terms in my last post); the only danger being that sometimes it's easy to just pick a couple of alternative words and slap them together without making sure they make sense.
The point is, if the you are happy with the name you choose, that's all that really matters. Picking a name that works for you, that fits the look and feel that you want for your character from your own viewpoint, is what counts. -
Quote:Exactly. There are plenty of words available that would work or that could be modified to fit your theme.Try putting a word that describes the character in front of the name: Dark, Fiery, Ghostly, Nefarious, Cryptic, Stealthy, Outstanding, Sergeant, Last, Resolute, Mysterious, Iron, Purple, Mythic etc.
For example, if you want an ice-based character, you could look at the following terms and adapt them as needed, either on their own or in conjunction with another word, to come up with a new name:
Absolute zero
Cold creeps
Cool, cooler
Cryo, cryogenic
Freeze, freezer, -freezer
Freezing rain
Frost, frosty, -frost
Glacier, glacieret, glacio-, glacial
Hail, hailstorm, -hail
Ice, icy, -ice
Ice needle
Polar (polar light could be ice/energy)
Rime (frost) (also white frost, black frost)
Snow, snowy, -snow
Snow blast
Winter, wintry
Using this list (and lists I put together for other powers/concepts), I recently created both Frostfighter and Polarwind on different servers. -
Technically you can have any name you want. As others have noted, be creative. However, I've seen examples of "creativity" that make me cringe; 'way too much time spent with the thesaurus, not enough picking something that actually sounds like a superhero.
There is nothing wrong with using hyphens (see Spider-Man) or minor spelling alterations (can't get Laserstrike, take Laserstryke; it still fits comic book naming conventions). Or add a title: The Amazing Laserstrike, Laserstrike the Bold. Add to the name: Scarlet Laserstrike, Capt. Laserstrike, Sir Laserstrike, Laserstrike Prime. Modify the name: Lightstrike, Maserstrike, Powerstrike.
I'll probably get flamebroiled for not being creative enough with these suggestions, but that's all right. The chances of running across the player with a similar name in game are extremely remote. As long as you're happy with it for your character, that's all that matters.
There are any number of good names out there, it's just a matter of doing a bit of searching and pondering. Post a description of your character and the name you wanted and let your fellow players help with ideas. As Chad pointed out, there is already a thread on these forums for just that purpose. We're always glad to help out. -
Quote:This right here. In fact, I often choose my "origin" based on the primary enemies, not on whether it is the "actual" origin of my character. A few of my Natural characters would be considered Tech by most players, but I didn't particularly want every Tech character to have Clockworks as their prime enemy group.No, they do not enforce it, and it's pretty much the only redeeming quality of the storyline. Yes, the only good part of this storyline is that I can pretend it doesn't exist and make my characters the way I want them anyway.
I never choose Science Hero side, even for Science-based characters, because I despise the Vahzilok and avoid them as much as possible.
That's what's great about CoH; we have a framework in which to paint our own pictures. We can use the parts we want and rewrite the rest for ourselves with our own imaginations. -
Quote:Kind of. People said LOTRO was just copying WoW's interface early on, even after others pointed out that LOTRO is using a modification of their own Asheron's Call interface -- which predated WoW. Not everything WoW did/does is original either. They do their fair share of borrowing....The Next WoW. Its interface style is even fairly widespread in newer games.
Quote:Sam wasn't complaining; he was responding to *my* comment that the Ninja Run animation didn't really fit other Natural character styles very well, so it doesn't (visually) really work for me as a "Natural" travel power alternative.Well, the pack is built around a NINJA theme, and as the power is called NINJA RUN.
I'm not sure what your complaint is?
"Well sure, the set is called FIRE BLAST and I guess it does a good job of looking FIERY, but still..."
So I was the complainer, not him. He was agreeing with what you just said. -
Quote:Agreed. I noted the same thing in another thread. You're not being a party pooper here. It's just with some of the discussion about it being used for a general, all-purpose travel power for Naturals -- well, it doesn't fit from an visual standpoint for me. That's okay; it wasn't intended to.I'm sorry to be the party-pooper (and making a habit out of it) but it looks to me like the intent of the Ninja Run was... Well, a NINJA Run, and they picked what is simultaneously the most iconic and most ridiculous of ninja run style. I don't mind the arm positions so much, even if they're over-flashy, but the "quick steps" leg movements are what betrays intent in my eyes.
It's well made for what it is - a very exaggerated NINJA running style, as opposed to one that is merely acrobatic. The running animation isn't natural, but it isn't intended to be. It's intended to be this unnatural tap-tap-tap of a ninja running through the woods. Sort of like what you'd see in the Bunnykill cartoon, just to pull an example out of the air.