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  1. lionheart_fr

    Free the names!

    Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
    As the disclaimer goes, "Your mileage may vary". For my former guildmate (beta-tester, lifetime sub.), it was. Incidentally, the problem of creating lore-friendly names there was noticeable enough to be the source of jokes.

    Since the omnivorous superhero genre can encompass both fantasy and science fiction, we certainly have a head start over games in those genres.
    As to lore-friendly names, my wife, daughter, and I still have no problems coming up with them. I saw the jokes and comments and pretty much said the same thing I've said here: There is no shortage of good names.

    Not being an raider, I can't speak to that experience since F2P. But from the rest of the game, nothing has changed for us in a negative sense. Sometimes experiences are what we bring to it and our perceptions can live down to our expectations, whether they need to or not.
  2. lionheart_fr

    Free the names!

    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    Sadly, you are wrong. As a lifetime subscriber to that other MMO.

    And again sadly, the devs/gms of that game don't give a crap about any of that. I was forced to run several raids in Moria with a dwarf named BigButt McGee and even reported his name to no avail.

    People HERE give a lot more of a crap about names than there. Especially now that the game's been ruined by F2P
    Those names existed before FTP and they exist in a large way here already.

    As a Founder in that other game (been there since friends and family alpha), I disagree with your assessment. There are things about their implementation that bug me, but overall, my gameplay experience has not changed for the negative. It has certainly not "been ruined."

    As to the point of the OP: I'm one of those of the opinion that there is no limit to "good" names and consider a name purge unnecessary. Opinions will, of course, vary.
  3. Silly question of the day, but I've never changed my sub plan before.

    How do I go about switching billing cycles (e.g., from monthly to quarterly plans)? I don't see anything on the account page for switching billing plans, just to cancel billing.

    Or is that how it's done? Cancel billing then reup with a different billing plan?

    Any information would be appreciated.

  4. lionheart_fr

    Future of CoX..

    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    The LOTRO case sounds a bit on the manipulative side if ordinary potions became scarce, but I seem to recall that my LOTRO character from way back when was an alchemist. That sort of implies that there ARE potions available, even if they don't come from loot drops. Is that the case?
    Ordinary potions drop like rain. They are common. I end up vendoring a bunch just to free up bag space. There are special potions in the store that will drop in game, but are rare. Potions are also craftable.

    By and large, CoH has done a decent job with their store: Character slots, special costume packs, and so forth, without getting pushy or putting any "must have" things there. As long as they also add new costume sets and such in game I have no problem with some special items in the store.
  5. Well, I went through the support website and submitted tickets for both my wife and myself; they cleared the questions so we could update our accounts the same day.

    Customer service did a fine job. I do feel sorry for them having to deal with the fallout from this rollout.

    A big thank you to the CS reps that helped us out.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
    Did either of you have a password hint set at any point? I ask because I had that problem. Interestingly enough that must be a known bug because the response I got to reporting it was a reply back informing me that the password hint had been cleared. Which permitted me to finally verify my account.
    Apparently so. The "hint" both my wife and I received was actually the answer, not the question.

    I'll contact support and see what response I get.

    Security is supposed to make it difficult for hackers to get into someone's account, not to make it onerous for the players to get into their own accounts.
  7. Looking at the "questions", it appears to be giving the answer, not the question. (e.g., the hint question was "rover", not "What is the name of your first pet"). No, rover wasn't the real word, but I'll keep that to myself.

    Also, for birthdays, I'm assuming a one-digit day and four-digit year since we're not given any guidelines for what is expected there.

    Perhaps that's part of the problem. The instructions are lacking detail. If they are wanting exact matches on the dates, they need to specify the number of digits for each field.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    As many as you can conveniently find. Search email for "PlayNC serial code applied". I certainly didn't provide every code, nor even had the account ID number. They just want to know you're not an account thief.
    I can provide some of those.

    I understand what they're doing, but see my post above this; their implementation makes no sense. I can't answer the "hint question" because there isn't one. Just part of a name, which wouldn't have been part of the question but could have been part of the answer to a question. Completing said name, with and without capitalization gave an error.

    At least I assume it was that; I do remember my birthday and was able to read the capcha words clearly on a couple of attempts.

    The intentions are great; the system seems lacking in logic and forethought.
  9. Okay, I'm trying to log into my account. The "hint question" is meaningless. It's part of a name. That's it. No question, no context.

    I tried completing the name, both with capitalization and without and it fails every time.

    If you're going to give a hint question, give the whole blasted question. Give me some context to work with to know exactly what information you want. A part of a word doesn't cut it.

    I tried three times and stopped so as not to lock my account.

    [edit]We've run into the exact same issue with my wife's account now: The "hint question" is not a question at all, but part of a name. We've completed the name and it fails. Can someone please tell me how this blasted thing is supposed to work?

    If I'm supposed to be filling in the question for the answer (i.e., Jeopardy style), that's stupid. How am I supposed to remember the exact phrasing of a question from five years ago?

    The need for security is fine; I understand that. But this implementation is lacking. Also, I canceled an attempt to log in before submitting because I couldn't read the stupid capcha thing (or whatever it's called). No use getting my account locked because I couldn't type in an indecipherable blob (in most cases, I've been able to read them fine; this one was an anomaly. But in the current circumstances, one anomaly can lead to a lot of frustration).
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    Sorry you and your friends have been having problems, but it's not as hard as you're making it seem to keep track of things. I've been playing over 5 years on the same card, and I know exactly where my game CDs and keys are, and I've moved halfway across the country in that time.
    I know where my CDs and game keys are too; however, with three accounts for my family, I don't know which keys go with which accounts. And if we have to compile a list of keys for every pack, expansion, and store item, I don't know if I can do it.

    At this point, I haven't logged into my account after reading the issues others are having. If the problems others are reporting are widespread, this could have a very negative impact on CoH -- and deservedly so, which would be a shame. It's a fun game which my whole family enjoys playing together (I'm a 54-month player myself).
  11. Wait a minute -- all access keys? You've got to be kidding?

    With three accounts (myself, wife, daughter), it's unlikely I'll be able to compile all of the access keys for everything we've added to CoH/V over the years should problems arise.

    Since these are stored with the account online, I didn't think it was necessary to maintain a library of keys for each account. We have three boxes; I don't know which box/key goes with which account.

    I do maintain email archives to search back through for the other codes (a bunch of them, to say the least) for two accounts. I think my wife has archived her's as well. But, wow...

    Please tell me I'm misunderstanding here.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
    * some reason WHY it is in virtual reality.
    For me, this one point is a non-issue. Any mission I run, whether "canon", radio, AE, or whatever is "real" for my characters.

    Just because Paragon came up with an explanation to differentiate player-made vs. official canon doesn't mean that one can't ignore that explanation and still RP.

    The AE building is not a virtual reality, it is just another teleporter.

    Side note: I have characters who never touch the AE, those who only leave the AE to train, those who do mostly canon content with some AE mixed in, etc. The AE is great for leveling past contacts with content I've I don't feel like doing again or those with content I just don't like.

    Variety is good; the AE helps in that regard.
  13. lionheart_fr

    Ncsoft store

    Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
    In reviewing your purchase attempts, we have found that you have triggered our Risk Management security feature. When making purchase from the NCsoft Store, please ensure that your Internet browser and computer are not set to block any features from our website. Also, please confirm that all of your contact and billing information is correct and up-to-date.
    Ah, this may explain the issue I just had trying to make a purchase.

    I'm accessing the account from work; I'll bet it's blocking features. Guess I'll wait until I get home. So much for getting a jump on the Cyber Monday rush.
  14. lionheart_fr

    AE Removal?

    Originally Posted by Amazing_Guy View Post
    You should have to have a 50 BEFORE you can do AE... like an unlock...
    Then I would have dropped out long ago.

    I'm a 51 month vet -- my highest level character is 37. I play tons of alts (so many powersets, costumes, etc. to work with ). I'm in no hurry to max out my characters.

    I love the AE -- for story purposes and alternate advancement, especially when I hit one of those pockets where the available dev content is stuff I've done repeatedly or don't care for. Obviously, I fail as a powerleveler since I have no 50s and actually like developing my characters over time.

    The AE is great fun. Some misuse it, some use it for good stories, and some use it just to go beat up baddies for fun. It adds a lot of dimension and variety to the game. There should be no level restriction.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Matt_B View Post
    That statement is incorrect. I've worked in the games industry for almost 13 yrs. now and I've never seen that happen. Some or many studios may do this but not all of them.
    It depends. There was a fuss on the LOTRO forums when an article mentioned layoffs after the Mines of Moria expansion released.

    As it turns out, they hired extra QA folks during the development of that expansion, then let them go after it was completed. The original dev team was still intact.

    It can and does happen that way sometimes. Whether that scenario comes into play here or not, I don't know.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    On topic, I think the OP suggestion is incredibly dumb. I cannot understand anyone who agrees with it.

    A tiny, tiny fraction of people in CoH are going to use the AE purely for experiencing people's stories. We should not ask the devs to design for that. As matters stand currently, the AE is already a comparatively little-used feature (outside of exploits). One of the main reasons for that is that even mythical "casual" players, while they may not be slavishly pursuing the best XP/time, do often care when their rate of new "bubbles" on the XP circle slows down noticeably. Playing arcs in the AE is a massive XP rate crapshoot - if you want to both have a good time playing with other people and get decent XP, your safe bet is just to play regular missions. Regular missions are an XP crapshoot too, but the dynamic range is a lot smaller. Even casual players can notice the increased slew in their progress if they get inside an AE arc where the enemies are really challenging but worth a fraction of regular critter XP.

    I am confident that this is why I17 has improved mapping of power selections to rewards for custom AE critters. The devs want people to use the AE, and they likely recognize that a lot of people will avoid it if its dramatically less rewarding than the rest of PvE.

    Think about what you're asking for. If you remove rewards and the result is that only a tiny fraction of players use the tool, what return-on-investment would the devs have to continue to improve it?
    This sums it up pretty well. A couple of weeks ago, my daughter and I spent an afternoon running AE arcs together. We had a blast, we *never* farm (stories are more fun), we have a couple of our own arcs (and many more in the pre-write stage waiting for i17), and leveled at a decent pace (slower than canon, but not incredibly so).

    For my wife, daughter, and I, the AE has been a huge success from the outset. None of the changes made over time have changed our "AE playstyle". With all the angst and rage on the forums, AE has remained a fun and worthwhile pasttime for us.

    We have some characters that only level in AE (slow leveling), some that only do canon content, and some that do both. It removes some of the repetitive feel and gives multiple leveling paths. It keeps the game fresh for us.

    From our viewpoint, the AE is one of the best, most enjoyable innovations in CoH. Opinions will obviously vary.
  17. As a player who has never participated in an AE farm, I have to say AE is one of the most fun and innovative additions to the game. Barring the lack of foresight concerning some obvious avenues for exploits, AE breathed new life into CoH for me. It's a great boon for those with a creative streak.

    My daughter and I spent a good part of Saturday afternoon running AE missions together. We've both written our own as well. Great fun and well worth the effort.

    Yeah, I pretty much disagree with the premise of this thread.
  18. lionheart_fr

    Live Patch

    Originally Posted by Sayer View Post
    I'm wondering how exactly one would go about not playing the game just to play the game. What does that even mean?

    If the implication is that it's just running around punching things with no regard for any of the rewards, be they XP or drops, I'd say that's somewhat of a unrealistic ask on any more than a personal scale.
    No, it is the total package, but it just depends on where one's priorities lie. I don't play any games just for loot; I actually prefered CoH before the invention system/auction house was in place. It was refreshing to play a game not based on loot, but on the adventure itself. That doesn't take away from the fact that enhancements and inspirations dropped, or that we gained XP and new powers as we leveled. But loot itself was not the focus.

    For me, in whatever game I'm playing, loot drops when it drops, I level when I level, and so forth. As long as I'm enjoying the adventure itself, it's all good. If I'm not enjoying the story and adventure, loot isn't going to miraculously fix it for me.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post

    For shame, Mr. Westley, for shame.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
    As I recall, there was once something to the effect of a three-point criterion: Appearance, Name, Bio. If, for some reason, you were two out of three for a copyrighted character, you got generic'd.

    Now, my memory's a pretty fickle thing, so take that with only half a grain of salt. Also, I seem to recall it being much harder to reverse a generic than it is to prevent one, so I'd err on the side of caution.
    I can think of one instance where that does not seem to be true (only one of the criteria was met), but that is probably because it was back when Cryptic was working on MUO before selling CoH to NCSoft.

    My wife had a character named American Avenger. A female in a red, white, and blue themed costume. Electric/energy blaster. She got generic'd.

    Upon researching the name, I found that back in the '40s there was a character named American Avenger (male, different color scheme, no powers even remotely the same) that appeared in *one* comic book. Marvel bought the rights to that character and even mentioned him in a more recent USAgent comic (mentioned, not used).

    Apparently, at that point, that's all it took to get the name wiped out. I documented this and sent it to the GM handling the case. We submitted three names that retained the meaning without copying the name, and they were rejected. We tried this three times and all of them were rejected. So we game a set of abbreviations that will look funny to other players, but we still call her character American Avenger.

    The *only* similarity between my wife's character and the Marvel-owned character was the name. Period. And it was an extremely obscure character anyway (hence why we had never heard of it). Appearance and powers were completely different and she had not included a bio yet.
  21. lionheart_fr

    Live Patch

    Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
    Does anyone still play the game to, ya know, play the game any more?
    Bingo! We have a winner.
  22. lionheart_fr

    Live Patch

    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

    Mmmmm...rage threads...

    I really am starting to see AE as a major nuisance in this game though. Seriously, since the day it came out, it has done very little good compared to how much crap it brought up.
    No, AE has been a great, very fun addition to the game. It has done a lot of "good", providing hours of fun for those who enjoy creating and playing their own stories, whether it be individuals or supergroups. Rage threads on the forums are going to be there regardless, if not about AE, then about something else.

    A lot of people are enjoying developing their own content; just because exploiters throw a fit on the forums when the bugs get fixed doesn't mean the rest of us can't still enjoy it.
  23. One thing to bear in mind is that different dev teams work on different aspects of the game. It may well be that content designers have been spending the lion's share of their time on Going Rogue (hopefully this will be justified by the amount of content we receive when GR releases), while others have been working on tech, art, and so forth that can be released earlier.

    I think a lot of what we've gotten over the past year have been upgrades developed for GR. I may be mistaken of course, but it seems to fit the bill.

    But the fact that the dev team has produced a lot of material that is not story content does not indicate that they've misallocated their resources; new art and game systems would be different dev groups from the content designers.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sin_Stalker View Post
    Either way you are attacking your enemy. It could be perceived as being a cosmetic look as to "how" or what type of damage but in the end you are pushing buttons.

    Wouldn't new enhancements or ways of attacking your enemies with new powers "improve" the game for you? Wouldn't it improve your quality of life/play?

    At no point was there a connection between cosmetics or quality of life. Although they aren't mutually exclusive. Reworking a HUD may be improving its look but also the way its used. Generally QoL improvements do the latter moreso than the former, ie relisting the emotes menu, allowing you to add more power trays, moving around said power trays.

    All more about how you are able to use the technical side of the game and nothing to do with cosmetic improvements to characters or powers. So my point by your logic is, that if you are to cross that line of the technical interface standpoint to include game features such as power customization and costume pieces then the line has already been crossed and anything and everything added or improved to the game is considered QoL.

    Instead, so far at least its only been used to refer to improvements to the technical interface and controls.

    The line is blurred for a lot of people then. The folks who were griping about Power Spectrum being all QoL did so because there was little new content, but was all about coloring our powers. I've been basing a lot of my perceptions on reading the forums.

    The difference some people make between QoL and content is whether it adds something new to do or not. If it gives you something new to do. Of course, that interpretation relegates anything that is not story/mission to QoL.

    I do get what you're saying now. We have been getting a lot of tech improvements (which are fantastic). I think a lot of what we've been getting is on offshoot of GR development, which may also be why the dev content has been lighter. I consider Mission Architect to be major content, but many don't because it's not dev/canon content.

    Much of what we've gotten in the last few books is cosmetic/tech improvements. I've been very happy with them, but then I still haven't hit the cap (severe altitis) and have a lot of content left to do.