4197 -
not really. here's why: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...31&postcount=6
Quote:All processors, be they central processing units (CPU's), graphics accelerators (GA's), graphics processing unit's (GPU's), network processing units (NPU), sound / audio processing units (SPU / APU), and even Physics Processing Units (PPU's), all have defined maximum clock-speeds. Outside of direct user-intervention, such as increasing the voltage to the processor, or increasing elements of the processor's timing mechanisms, this means there is a hard-cap to the amount of work that any individual processor can accomplish.
The hard limit to how much work a processor can accomplish means that there is a hard limit on how much heat that processor can put off, a limit that is referred to as the TPD envelope, or Thermal Design Power: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_design_power
This heat output is often measured in Watts.
Most processor vendors rate their processors by some variant of the Thermal Design Power. AMD, for example, sells their processors with explicit maximum TPD ratings: List of Phenom Processors :: Phenom Processors For Sale.
Other vendors, such as Intel, have caught flack for selling their processors using figures from Average Thermal Load, instead of the maximum thermal load.
The maximum TPD is a incredibly important figure for vendors actually building products with various processors. This CK8 cooler from Cooler-Master, for example, is only certified for dissipating up to 110watts. If you were to try and use it to cool off a processor with a 125watt rating, you'd probably wind up with a fried processor very, very quickly.
Presuming that the manufacturer of the processor was accurate about the thermal performance of their processor, outside of user or external intervention, there should not a case where a processor being used in a default setting should be cable of reaching a temperature where automatic shut-offs engage. Referencing the external intervention, build-ups of dust, dirt, or other such debris can impedes adequate and proper airflow to system processors, creating an overheating situation separate of any software variables.
Quote:All consumer processors are sold by maximum enabled clockspeed. You buy an AMD processor at 2.8ghz, you expect it to run at 2.8ghz. You buy an Intel processor at 2.8ghh, you expect it to run at 2.8ghz. You buy a RadeonHD 5850 at 850mhz, you expect it to run at 850mhz. You buy a GTX 480 at 700mhz, you expect it to run at 700mhz.
The maximum clockspeed also means there is a hard-limit to how many instructions a chip can possibly compute at one time, also known as instructions per clock, or I.P.C. The hard limit of any chip's I.P.C. means there is a hard-limit to the amount of work a processor can accomplish. Since there is a hard-limit to the amount of work the processor can accomplish, there is a hard-limit to how much heat a processor can put off.
This hard-limit is referred to as Maximum TPD, or Maximum Thermal Design Power. Chip vendors generally tell the OEM's and ODM's what the Maximum TPD's for their chips are, allowing the OEM's and ODM's to properly prepare and manufacture appropriate chassis for the chip products. Some chip vendors, such as Intel and AMD/ATi go a step further, producing their own reference heat-sink designs, and cutting down the research and design work required for an OEM or ODM.
Under most default circumstances then, outside of direct user-intervention, processors should not experience a situation where the chip can overheat.
If your cards are, for whatever reason, actually overheating, both of you would need to contact Nvidia.
Slazenger: Right off hand you may have a major problem. If those temperatures you gave are accurate, you're GTX 460 is pumping out twice the amount of heat in Celsius than it should: http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/gra...card-review/11
If those temperatures are in Fahrenheit, your temperature monitor IS NOT ACCURATE.
Branman: My suspicion is that you are seeing a memory leak. There's a bug on AMD cards right now where the game cuts off and crashes with certain AMD driver sets.
It's possible depending on the Nvidia driver you have installed that you might be experiencing a similar memory leak. -
Quote:City of Heroes leverages the Novodex API version of PhysX from AGEIA, not the Nvidia GPU PhysX API, so no, dedicating a card to Nvidia PhysX will not help you.Ok, so I have 2 9800gtx+ cards in sli on my computer at the moment. When I was messing around in the nvidia panel I saw it had something like "dedicate this card as physx blah blah".
Now my first question is this: Can I use my old 8800 card as the PhysX card or does it have to be the same card like sli requires?
The second question is if it PhysX makes any difference at all? Is it worth the time digging out the old card if it does work?
If you have one of the AGEIA PhysX cards, yes, you will actually see a visual benefit of using that PhysX card in CoH. Novodex will feed a PhysX card more particle data than it will feed a CPU for the same settings. Incidentally, Novodex's passing of more data to the PPU than to the CPU for the same in-game setting may explain a couple of the more exotic memory leaks.
Oh, and please don't bother asking the developers to update the Novodex engine to Nvidia PhysX.
For starters, Nvidia PhysX is deliberately detuned for software physics calculations... one of the (many) reasons games that leverage Nvidia PhysX require chunky processor configurations compared to the existing processor requirements for City of Heroes.
Secondly, Nvidia PhysX only has full performance on Nvidia graphics cards... which leaves everybody on Intel and AMD graphics with no Physics acceleration... and worse overall performance.
Lastly, there have been a number of changes to the PhysX API and SKD since Nvidia took control. Nvidia PhysX is radically different from AGEIA PhysX to such an extent that it's not possible to just "drop in" Nvidia PhysX as a replacement. Moving to Nvidia-PhysX would require just about as much programming time as simply replacing the physics engine outright.
Right now the push has been for the developers to look at a physics-solution that can be powered through OpenCL, such as the [url=http://bulletphysics.org/]Bullet engine[/quote]. On paper the Bullet engine should be capable of performing within the same processor performance envelope as the 2003 Novodex engine, which in turn means that processor requirements should not be noticably altered. In theory it should be easier to optimize the Bullet engine given that Paragon Studios would have access to the source code.
Another advantage, at least to Bullet, it that is largely processor-agnostic, capable running on OpenCL+GPU, ARM, Power, and x86 architectures. Basically, the engine will run on anything you can throw at it, and can leverage any processor with an OpenCL driver for acceleration.
In practical terms this means that a Bullet-engine version of City of Heroes would be able to offer GPU accelerated physics on AMD, Intel, and Nvidia graphics-processors... a significant improvement on Nvidia-PhysX's Nvidia-only GPU acceleration. -
Quote:Although I suspect this will generate another storm of "0h n035, 7h15 51 7h3 wr0n6 4um" type responses from players who don't understand how basic troubleshooting works, here's something else for Skippy, Doc, and Tele.The engineers are following this thread. They've been looking into what you guys are reporting and relaying information through me.
As soon as I've got more information I'll pass it along.
Thank you for testing!
As of about an hour ago both the live server and beta server are booting and running fine with Mark's perl script against W.I.N.E. 1.3.24.. The Paragon Market interface is also working properly under a pure W.I.N.E. base. That being said, the client still needs -renderthread 0 appended to force single core usage.
The most recent game client patches have borked the ability of the G.T.L. 2010121 to connect, on the live, test, and beta servers.
Live Server Log: +tid,+seh,+ddraw
Live Server Log -auth +tid,+seh,+ddraw
Test Server Log +tid,+seh,+ddraw
Test Server Log -auth +tid,+seh,+ddraw
Beta Server Log +tid,+seh,+ddraw
Beta Server Log -auth +tid,+seh,+ddraw
Out of morbid curiosity I also tried the older 7.3.3 engine, and it's having the same problems.
Live Server Log: +tid,+seh,+ddraw
Live Server Log -auth +tid,+seh,+ddraw
I can't tell from these results if the failure is part of the translation-engine or the game-client, or a combination of both the translation-engine and the game-client. Again, somebody from Paragon Studios poking Transgaming to synch up changes in Cider to the G.T.L. release engines would help narrow down where problems could be in either the translation-layer or in the game-client. -
Quote:Expect a WiiU launch version.At the very end it shows the sytems it's for I didn't see the wii symbol there
. They made the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series for the wii and the motion controls worked really well. I hope it was just to small to see or an over sight.
edit: nutz it is only for the xbox/ps3 well that's a pancake. Maybe I'm gonna have to buy one of those systems now, and no this will not be the first time I bought a video game system for a single game. -
Quote:Nice try, but no, I'm not going to drop this. Paragon Studios / NCSoft needs to get it through their thick heads that the Linux gamers aren't going to go away, and aren't a player-base they can just casually sweep under a rug and pretend does not exist. Paragon Studios / NCSoft went with Transgaming years ago because it ALLOWED them sly method unofficially support Linux (through Cedega), without actually saying they were supporting Linux.*looks at thread title*
*looks at last line of the post*
*looks at thread title*
*looks at last line of the post*
And no, I don't care if I'm the only one slamming that move back in Paragon Studios / NCSoft's face these days.
Like it or not, the Translation layer Transgaming uses is the same damn code-base. For years now I've been able to help Cider users because, oh hey, guess what, I'm using that same software package with a different brand-name.
Like it or not, it's the same coin. I can spot bugs and errors with the code and application package that may not show up on an OSX system. Just because those bugs and errors do NOT show up on OSX does NOT mean those bugs and errors can simply go unfixed. By the same token, I can spot bugs and errors with the code and application package that might not show up on Windows. Additionally, since AMD's OpenGL driver... you know... the same OpenGL driver regardless of Windows or Linux, I can determine OpenGL bugs with the Transgaming translation error.
Let me make this clear: The more points of data the developers have, the more effectively bugs and errors can be determined, and the more effectively solutions to those bugs and errors can be implemented.
I've made it clear before, and I'll make it clear again now. Paragon Studios needs to be running their game client internally against OSX and Linux/G.T.L. They might not go to the point of putting a "Compatible with Transgaming-G.T.L." sticker on the front page, but it will give them more points of data with which to test their client against. I've already demonstrated before the level of control the G.T.L. package offers me directly, such as forcing lower-shader paths, or hard-forcing resolution changes. -
Something was borked game-side.
Still trying to work out what the problem is.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=325 -
Quote:Something new is borked in the update.Do me a favor...
Run the beta launcher and repair the client.
Tell us if it works. By works that you're able to access the Paragon Market.
(the answer should be yes)
I don't see any engine updates pushed through Transgaming G.T.L. so if something has changed on the backend somebody (BESIDES ME) needs to Bop Transgaming into pushing an update out.
As for the current 2010121 G.T.L. engine the beta server will no longer access the login server, even using the -auth command line specification.
I pulled a short log with +tid,+seh, and +ddraw debug.
I also pulled a longer debug log with +tid,+seh,+ole, and +relay, but it weighs in around 4.8gigs... and no... I'm not going to upload a 4.8gig file.
I also tried to do a startup through W.I.N.E. using the cohlauncher perl script. Against W.I.N.E. 1.2.2 that now crashes out with the Loading Message Stores... DONE error, at least on the platform I'm testing with. No, I haven't tried W.I.N.E. 1.2.3 or 1.3.27.
I'll test with a different Linux platform later tonight to see if anything changes. -
Quote:stupid easy to soft-cap to Smash / Lethal / Energy / Neg Energy. As in "Single Origin" easy to soft-cap.I really can't stand ice, its just soo ugly. I don't understand why people want it so bad.
Plus it can also get a tank over 3200 HP with [hoarfrost], as well as a crashless complete-invulnerability T9 with [Hibernate].
On top of that the Tank Ice Armor also has a minus damage component with [chilling embrace], which helps the entire team, not just the Ice Armor.
With [permafrost] or [winters gift 20% slow resistance] Tank Ice Armor can also have 100% resistance to slows.
So, the question is, why would you make anything else? -
Quote:That was the reason given back when CoV launched.I'd be surprised if you saw any, given you can't choose Ice Armor on brutes. My understanding was this armor is not getting proliferated to brutes due to the conflict with -recharge and building fury.
Since then the developers have not really commented on Ice Armor for brutes.
Ice Armor IS coming to Stalkers as of I21 though. -
Quote:I poked Ghost Falcon the beta server.So has anyone heard an update about the Issue 21 Beta? Last I heard they had to go back and redo their internal testing after their first attempt. Is this still the case?
He directed me to ping Doc, Tele, and Skippy.
So far no response. -
Quote:You'll need to turn off Ultra-Mode all the way for a smooth play.I am looking for a smoothly running CoH if anyone has some settings I can use it would be helpful. I am currently using Ultra Mode and have turned off lots of it for smoother play.
MacBook -Snow Leopard
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
Thanks For The Help in Advance
That 9400M is simply too weak to handle Ultra-Mode options. -
Quote:... *points you to this thread*If you hate the launcher to an extreme degree, you could always apply the patches by hand. You just need to extract the .ncpatch (which is just zipped, iirc, I created a page on Pwiki about it), then read the apply the diffs using xdiff (you can either download it from SF, or use the copy in the NC Launcher directory).
I'm fairly certain that using the launcher is the easier option, though... If someone was so inclined, it really wouldn't be that hard to write a replacement launcher/patcher (I was toying with it before I let my subscription lapse last time I was playing- I'm currently preoccupied with a different CoH related app I'm working on).
Just because there is a perl script that does the functions of the launcher does not mean that I'm going to stop reminding Paragon Studios / NCSoft just how castrophically bad an idea it is to use .NET for any kind of production product.
Until NCSoft / Paragon Studios get off their collective rear-ends and gets the current launcher replaced with something that DOES NOT USE .NET I'm going to take every opportunity to remind them that the launcher is a crapware product, and let everybody else know it's a crapware product. -
Quote:You can still use the cohupdater.exe -project "coh" trick to skip the launcher...I liked the old launcher, specifically, my ability to skip it. I haven't really played much in a long while, and I'm getting very, very annoyed with the clunky, silly NC launcher. I cannot figure out any way to skip it. Did they remove that ability? Cause if so, that's.. cruel.
Thanks for any replies.
but you still need the crapware launcher to patch the game. -
Quote:*blinks** Why Zwillinger should have second-thought allowing Avatea on-camera wearing a shoulderless outfit on the last Ustream.
* Why we are all thankful Zwillinger didn't have any second thoughts during the last Ustream/
*watches Ustream*
... Wow.... I mean... Wow.... -
Quote:I thought Pohsyb had accepted a position over at Apple?
I poked TheNet last night on Beta, but didn't get a response from him.
Ghost Falcon says he hasn't been in the loop with Transgaming since his promotion to business management. I think Doc, Skippy, and Tele are snowed in with work. -
Quote:That's because it no longer works.I just reactivated my subscription because I saw all the new alterations on the game updates page, and wanted to see how they affect the game. I tried running cohupdater.exe to get my client up to date, but it doesn't even produce a window, just runs in the background and does nothing?
You need the crapware NCSoft Launcher now: http://us.ncsoft.com/en/launcher/ncsoft-launcher.html