522 -
37 and two at 48 and 0ne at 46 on a mix of servers over two accounts.
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
memories of CoX...Mmmmmm let me see...
Oh yes, firstly getting more lvl 50's than my son who introduced me to it just after it started. Boy was he pissed off at Dad getting on faster than him in "His" gameEven sweeter given that he was the QA guy at Cryptic on the game at the time. Made I laugh (actually still does!)
Secondly getting an invite to the Pre Pre Beta of the AE edition as"Family & Friend". Think there was about 18 of us at the start. Memorable because we all got an e-mail with the new AE stuff manual (City of Heroes : Mission Architect Walkthru Guide) and at the back was the Dev code for us to use to generate power tray buttons for :
Recharge my Powers
Complete Task (The fabled "I Win" power)
Kill selected Enemy
and a few more.
That was a jawdropping moment!
In all fairness I did immediately PM the Dev who was leading the project and pointed out that was perhaps not such a good idea to let us mad dog players loose with all that power and after about half a nanosecond it was agreed and pulled. Still got the code though and no you can not have it (and that means you)
And last but most certainly not least the memories of all the players ingame, good and bad and really bad and astonishingly adept who made it a pure joy to log in and be part of. Thanks guys, Go Hunt Kill Skulls -
Hi Guys,
you see, all the above thread posts with help and expertise and knowledge and the community spirit, exactly highlights the reason my heart is breaking over this closure
This is what made our game the best out there and is unique amongst all the other forums I lurk on.
All of this, in addition to the actual game, has been making gaming history and setting standards across the genre.
What a short sighted business NcSoft must be to not see how to use all this in a positive way as against a complete severence. Bad practise from a bad company.
Sorry about thread jack and rant. I think it is bloody marvellous they way the community is still helping as above.
Thanks -
and the Atlas zone music is also used by the MotoGP world as the intro/title music for their race day programmes. I googled it and got the composer and often wonder which company was plagerising it (if any).
Cheers -
Hi all,
one question and one heads up.
Heads up, am seeing a huge amount of chat in game about memory screenies of alts being taken/planned, but never see anything about the NPC provided Alt specific data they give. Stuff like the number of hours on patrol and how many times logged in et cetera.
When I bring this up in chat, there seems to be a large number of players who have no idea this exists or have forgotten, but all are really pleased to know about it and go and get it.
Can you mention it occasionally in chat when you are logged in before it all vanishes forever. Thanks
Now my question. I have two accounts so can log in a Vill and a Hero alt to meet up. I aim to get as many meetings as I can using the free Fraps 30 second movie maker.
I want to have my meetings in the iconic and visually striking locations
that hold both sides at the same time. The coop zones et cetera.
I need location suggestions. All thoughts, ideas would be most welcome.
Thanks muchly -
download free version of Fraps (mind the rubbish they try to push on you during installation!) and take 30 second mini movies of all your alts in action. Very very easy to install and to use ingame.
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
does all this disappear as well?
Thanks -
Quote:Hi Organica,There are a lot of badgers in the channels I'm in on Virtue... Brickhouse Chat and Whisper X in particular.
can you just clarify if "Brickhouse Chat" and "Whisper X" are channels or badgers please?
I am a Virtue badger as well and have searched for them as channels with no result. Are they private channels and if so how does one get an invite?
Thanks -
have absolutely no ideas about a human only build but.....
go check out the Archetype and Powers section and then pick the Kheld section and you will find a number of human only builds there.
Also do not fret about not slotting IO's, crafted or sets, as many players still use SO's at 50.
I have a lvl 50 Warshade and Peacebringer that are years old now and are 100% SO slotted. Super efficient killing machines no, horribly underpowered leeching team members no.
Just average alts playing an average game and great fun to run. Never had anybody moan about lack of performance (so far).
The game was designed around SO's, even if in todays Inarnate uberbuilds it may seem not to be any more.
Cheers and good luck with your build. -
all clear now.
Muchly thanks for the responses, appreciated
Cheers -
Sally needs two hits for the badge.
If teamed and she gets hit, does all the team get a credit either towards, or to award, the badge?
Also does a team member have to be in the Croatoa zone to get credit?
Thanks -
Hi Guys,
I also see the version Roderick sees.
I am running Win 7 with the generic sound card.
I see at the top:
I also have never noticed all this before but I also cannot remember the last time I ever opened that icon so it could have been there since the start. I have never modded this PC in any way.
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
was just ingame with a player having the following problem. Nobody had any idea how to help.
He/She asked how to take a screenie of their build from the enhancement screen. We all gave the same and usual responses (/screenshotui 1 et cetera) and felt smug.
Then they say, "thanks guys that worked but why is it that whatever way I use they are all in Black and White?"
Am really curious what any answers might be and it is probably really obvious!
Thanks -
Arcanaville - Arcanaville - so cool they named it twice!
Rats, now I am going to be humming that in my head all day....arghhhh -
dragging this up from a long time ago, but I seem to remember a timer on defeating the same guy over and over. That ring a bell for anybody?
I rolled 6 alts to 15 on redside and parked them all in their hospital in Bloody Bay. I found a nice secluded spot not so far away from there for my blue side badger to camp out unseen by any other enemy player and just rotated through them.
When defeated, go to hospital and logout then straight back in with the next alt. Short run to the camp spot whilst timer counts down and blam. Repeat.
With 6 alts that covered the timer issues and so no waiting about at all.
Still really tedious, but way easier than getting a huge number of other players all agreeing to be your rep bait! And yes, we badgers do need to get a life -
Hi Hyper,
lol what a cracking reply, made I laugh, and was also very useful in setting my mind at ease.
I will most certainly upgrade to an SSD after I get the machine and have set up the software as I want it et cetera, that was one of the features that swayed me to the choice.
The beast should be here in two days
Thanks again Hyperstrike, cheers -
Hi Guys,
new laptop time mainly to get my photographical image workflow speeded up and to play our beloved game now and again
I have my eye on a Samsung model with the following spec:
CPU - intel i7 3610QM
GPU - Nvidia GT650M with 2Gb
RAM - 6 Gb DDR3
Storage - I Tb
Win 7 and then 8 on release
One question, will the above run the game with enough graphic detail to make it an okay experience for 45ish mins play sessions?
Thanks in advance for any responses. Cheers -
Quote:Duh I get it now, chat is only there during live broadcasts and not saved and played back along with the archived video.It should be there anyway - by default it's on the right (obviously not on previously recorded shows.)
Well figures I guess, just hoped to see the audience participation flow as well.
Thanks Bill, problem solved.
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
just a dumb question but got me stumped
How do I enable "Chat" so I can see the chat stream on screen? I seem to remember that way back when we had the broadcasts direct from Paragon Studios (?) I could see the incoming chat on the right side of the screen and the broadcast live as well.
Help an old fellow out please, my eyes are a bit better than my ears now
Thanks -
Quote:Hi,is the broadcast saved and avail at other times? middle of workday EST. the ustream one was
yes they are all saved and available from the Twitch page.
There is a tab "Video's" at the lower left side and they are under there.
I always use this catch up tab given the time difference in EST and GMT!
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
thanks for the info. It has been of real help to me.
I did only start it to participate in the code thing and I did miss the message from Heat Streak.
I will close the thing down now and be rid of it till they let us know details of the new methods.
However I am interested in all things technological and have actually enjoyed learning about the "Twitter" phenomena and it's inner workings, so am pleased it happened.
Thanks again, appreciated -
Hi Guys,
absolutely do not want to get into the pro's and con's of the recent advertising campaign using Twitter to give away codes but......
I am an absolute newb as far as Twitter is concerned and only got my account up and running with fantastic advice from Thirty Seven (thanks again mate).
I am following one lump only, CoH!
So I check my Twitter page and see I am getting tweets (?) from other games like Guild Wars 2 and suchlike and others from individuals with general chat about CoH. Is this because the CoH follow also includes them or what? I have absolutely no interest in anything other than CoH so am wondering where/why they are coming.
Also how do I delete individual "Tweet" messages? Can't work that out at all.
Thanks -
sorry for your trouble.
What happens if you choose to ignore the Tutorial and start in say Atlas?