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  1. Alliances between supergroups, with its own chat channel.

    Global character invite - brings all characters of that player into the SG, using the Global Chat name.

    Bases (of course!)

    Vaults (top priority!)

    That's all I can think of at the moment, though I've read a few other nifty suggestions on this topic.
  2. imported_Heroic

    Boss Changes

    [ QUOTE ]
    Solo, my 42nd level grav/storm is still having no problems.

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    Er, probably because your singularities can lock down the boss in just a few seconds (in conjunction with your Hold). Once the boss is locked down, it doesn't matter how tough he is. Just reapply your single-target Hold on the boss whenever it recycles, and let the singularities tear him apart. It's slow, but safe.

    Those without multiple holds have to fight the boss the hard way.
  3. imported_Heroic

    Boss Changes

    For your datamining:

    Mission: Defeat all Freaks and Family
    Contact: Christine Lansdale
    90 minute timed mission, no mention of bosses (named or otherwise)

    Boss: Rivets (Tank Smasher) - even-level boss (orange)

    Edit: Here's how the fight went.

    * Spent 3+ minutes laying 10 trip mines and a caltrop field.
    * Sniped Rivets with Zapp (NOTE: Freakshow are vulnerable to electricity).
    * Managed to hit with both Lightning Bolt and Charged Bolts before his ranged attack knocked me over.
    * Boss entered melee as I was getting up, killed me.
    * Fortunately, boss hit my trip mines just as he killed me. He died from the combined power of 10 trip mines and my earlier attacks.

    End result: I gain more debt than XP for the timed mission.
  4. imported_Heroic

    Boss Changes

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    As for why we put Bosses in missions at all – in other words, why isn’t everything solo-able – the answer is simple. We want gameplay that encourages the best part of the game: teaming up. Soloing is fine, but a MMP really shines when you meet other people and play alongside them. I’ve made many good virtual friends through other MMP’s that I simply would not have done if I could solo everything all the time. I admit it: I’m anti-social. It’s hard to get me to group up with strangers. But after I do it, I always wonder “why don’t I do this more often…” I might still be anti-social in “real life”, but in MMP’s I’m a social butterfly (I have no doubt that this will appear in sigs for years to come…)

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    I'm currently a stay-at-home dad. I play when my daughter is asleep, and I log off when she wakes up. I don't group very often because I don't want to have to log off in the middle of a mission and leave people hanging. Therefore, I solo my missions. I enjoy the storyline, and when I do get the time to group, I choose to do TF's.

    You already have methods to encourage grouping. Archvillains (which do show up in core storyarcs at level 35+). Task Forces. Respec trials. The pure soloer already misses out on 25% on the game because of this. Don't reduce the soloer to monotonous street hunting - there's no chance to enjoy CoH's story that way. Your statement is trying to tell me how I should play the game. That's the wrong attitude. The goal should be for as many people as possible to enjoy the game, in whatever manner they choose.

    I think the problem is that you're trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. People want to be able to solo a boss. Maybe with difficulty, maybe requiring good tactics and inspirations, but 1 boss should equal 1 hero, assuming the same level. Requiring a team to take down one equal level boss doesn't make people feel heroic. Requiring a team to finish a storyarc isn't friendly to those who bought CoH to log on for a 1/2 hour, play one mission, and log off.

    To sum up, the easy solution is to change the math. Make 1 boss = 1 hero.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, I just had a huge argument with a few of my friends. They are telling me I need help. I'm like so what if I only get out two or three times a month, I like this game.

    I'm determined to have another level 50 superhero. My friends told me that I must be psychotic to want to stay inside and play this game.

    All I know is this: Time is the only thing keeping me from reaching my goal, to get another level 50 superhero. I'm so focused on that, maybe I cant see straight, I dont know. I dont care.

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    Why am I thinking that this guy is just yanking everyone's chain?

    Of course, anyone who has the time to churn out three level 50 characters in six months without exploiting has got to get a life...
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't know if this has been posted or not... but has it ever been suggested that Ball Lightning be more of an end drainer than a damage dealer? Maybe increase its -end by 100% but decrease the overall damage by 50% (since it doesn't do all THAT much in comparason to other AoE's anyway).

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    Yeah, right. Make my only reusable AoE ranged attack even worse. Or do you expect Electric blasters to wait 8 minutes for Thunderous Blast to recycle after each fight?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    2. You do not get any enhancements while you are an exemplar.

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    Problem: Enhancements are a large portion of a character's total Influence gain. The lack of enhancements makes exemplar significantly less effective for gaining influence. Was this taken into account?