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  1. Is this still going? and please what server? it might of been said but i missed it.
  2. ur heal other/aura should have 3 heal and 3 recharge if u want to just heal, but if u want to blst like u asked then u should go 3 heal 2 rech 1 end. and again, drop the 3 in health and for fly id go 3 speed, 1 end, then in swift leave it with 1 speed.
  3. Hey peeps, need some advice on the best 'troler to play for 1v1 pvp. I was thinking a combo of ill or fire with fire or rad, but if theres better, just say. Also the combos gota be good for solo pveing aswell. Thanks in advance.
  4. Good job guys, big thanks to Xan, Arch and anyone else who helped organise the raid.
    Also i know some peeps didnt get hammi-o's even tho they hit him so /petition it if u think u missed out on one [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
  5. 01) --> Call Thugs
    01) --> Twilight Grasp
    02) --> Tar Patch
    04) --> Darkest Right
    06) --> Equip Thugs
    08) --> Empty Clips
    10) --> Hover
    12) --> Call Enforcer
    14) --> Fly
    16) --> Shadow Fall
    18) --> Gang War
    20) --> Fearsome Stare
    22) --> Hasten
    24) --> Assault
    26) --> Call Bruiser
    28) --> Petrifying Gaze
    30) --> Tactics
    32) --> Upgrade Equipment
    35) --> Group Fly / Vengance / Howling Twilight ?
    38) --> Dark Servant

    First question is, do i need stamina? If i do i can drop fly and fit fitness in maybe if i take super speed. 2nd question, i dont know what to take at L35, the iv got 3 ideas but im not sure. Also i have no idea about epics (L41+) coz iv never gotten a villain past 40. I plan to team/solo pve, then respec to pvp at 50 [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    For soloing big mobs my game plan is this:
    1) Activate leadership/hasten/hover.
    2) Send in Pets (gang war included for bosses and large mobs).
    3) Lay down Tar Patch and activate Darkest Night.
    4) Use Petrifying Gaze then Fearsome Stare.
    5) Hover over battle using Empty Clips to attack and Twilight Grasp to heal.

    Feel free to post comments and slotting tips, thanks xxx
  6. when i can get coh working again im guna try a fire/rad actualy either that or a ice/nrgy blapper
  7. Iv heard lots about fire/kins and how fun they are, are they really as fun as they are put across and if so how are they so fun Thanks
  8. healer_EU

    Best Damage?

    here we go, second attempt lol. i droped stealth aswell, i didnt know what to get for the last power, was between: flash freeze, frost breathe and blizard (and more, but they were the ones i had in mind)

    Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner

    Archetype: Blaster
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Ice Blast
    Secondary Powers - Support : Energy Manipulation

    01 : Power Thrust acc(01)
    01 : Ice Bolt dam(01) dam(3) dam(3) acc(5) acc(5) recred(9)
    02 : Ice Blast dam(02) dam(7) dam(7) acc(9) acc(11) recred(11)
    04 : Energy Punch dam(04) dam(15) dam(15) acc(17) acc(17) recred(19)
    06 : Build Up recred(06) recred(27) recred(27) thtbuf(40) thtbuf(43) thtbuf(46)
    08 : Aim recred(08) recred(34) recred(36) thtbuf(46) thtbuf(46) thtbuf(48)
    10 : Freeze Ray acc(10)
    12 : Hasten recred(12) recred(13) recred(13)
    14 : Super Speed runspd(14)
    16 : Bone Smasher dam(16) dam(29) dam(29) acc(31) acc(31) recred(31)
    18 : Bitter Ice Blast dam(18) dam(19) dam(21) acc(21) acc(23) recred(23)
    20 : Hurdle jmp(20)
    22 : Health hel(22)
    24 : Stamina endrec(24) endrec(25) endrec(25)
    26 : Conserve Power recred(26) recred(37) recred(37)
    28 : Power Boost recred(28) recred(36) recred(37)
    30 : Aid Other hel(30)
    32 : Aid Self hel(32) hel(33) hel(33) inttim(33) inttim(34) recred(34)
    35 : Boost Range recred(35) recred(36)
    38 : Total Focus dam(38) dam(39) dam(39) acc(39) acc(40) recred(40)
    41 : Snow Storm recred(41) recred(42) recred(42) endred(42) endred(43) endred(43)
    44 : Frozen Armor endred(44) endred(45) defbuf(45) defbuf(45)
    47 : Hibernate recred(47) recred(48) recred(48)
    49 : Blizzard dam(49) dam(50) endred(50) recred(50)


    01 : Brawl Empty(01)
    01 : Sprint Empty(01)
    02 : Rest Empty(02)

  9. healer_EU

    Best Damage?

    can you comment on my build please, i tried for a pve damage build. ignore the levels im slotting at, they kind of messed up, im quite new to the coh planner and sometimes forget to slot certain powers, dont do that ingame tho

    Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner

    Archetype: Blaster
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Ice Blast
    Secondary Powers - Support : Energy Manipulation

    01 : Power Thrust dam(01)
    01 : Ice Bolt dam(01) dam(3) dam(3) acc(7) acc(7) recred(11)
    02 : Ice Blast dam(02) dam(5) dam(5) acc(9) acc(9) recred(11)
    04 : Build Up recred(04) recred(31) recred(31)
    06 : Aim recred(06) recred(33) recred(33)
    08 : Hasten recred(08) recred(13) recred(13)
    10 : Bone Smasher dam(10) dam(15) dam(15) acc(17) acc(17) recred(19)
    12 : Ice Storm dam(12) dam(19) dam(21) recred(21) recred(46) endred(46)
    14 : Super Speed runspd(14)
    16 : Hurdle jmp(16)
    18 : Bitter Ice Blast dam(18) dam(37) dam(40) acc(42) acc(42) recred(42)
    20 : Health hel(20)
    22 : Stamina endrec(22) endrec(23) endrec(23)
    24 : Assault endred(24) endred(25) endred(25)
    26 : Bitter Freeze Ray dam(26) dam(27) dam(27) acc(29) acc(29) recred(31)
    28 : Conserve Power recred(28) recred(37) recred(37)
    30 : Power Boost recred(30) recred(36) recred(36)
    32 : Blizzard dam(32) dam(33) dam(34) endred(34) endred(34) recred(36)
    35 : Boost Range recred(35) recred(46) recred(48)
    38 : Total Focus dam(38) dam(39) dam(39) acc(39) acc(40) recred(40)
    41 : Snow Storm endred(41) endred(43) recred(43) recred(43)
    44 : Frozen Armor endred(44) endred(45) defbuf(45) defbuf(45)
    47 : Hibernate recred(47) recred(48) recred(48)
    49 : Stealth defbuf(49) defbuf(50) endred(50) endred(50)


    01 : Brawl Empty(01)
    01 : Sprint Empty(01)
    02 : Rest Empty(02)
  10. bum was looking forward to it and all *crys*
    ahem, so anyway.. can you guys take a quick look at my post in the blasters forum? id appreciate it thanks
  11. healer_EU

    Best Damage?

    Having recently got my defender to 50 im looking to start a new alt. I want a very high damage blaster, AoE would be prefered but if you can get more single target damage without AoE id prefer that. From what i have gathered fire is the hardest hitting primary, then possibley energy for secondary, due to the buffs and strong melee attacks. If anyone would be as kind to post a very high damage blaster build (not necesaraly fire/nrgy), id be very gratefull. Thankyou in advance. Healer.
  12. RL comes first everytime anyway, whats up with the pvp team, havnt been able to get into the game since the latest patch, keep freezing whilst DLing with the error message "local area cable is unplugged" when its not actulay unplugged. so, are there any dates set for the pvp team and any advice on my little dilema
  13. woo the post is finaly fiery btw grats on the base raid fun and woo happy b'day plighty
  14. Thaaaaaaaaanks loads guys and thanks omega thats what iv taken now. made sense, thanks to everyone else aswel
    Anyone now need a healer for pvp gimem a shout still in the learning period atm but i should get there
  15. thanks,anyone else any ideas on the psy?
  16. Okays, so far i have:
    heal.o: 6 slot heals
    heal.a: 6 slot heals
    absorb pain: 6 slot heals
    cm: 1 slot
    fort: 3 slot rech
    rez: 1 slot
    RA: 6 slot recharge
    RegA: 6 *** recharge
    adren: 6 slot recharge

    psy blast-
    mental blast: 1 slot dmg
    psy wail: 1 slot dmg

    hasten: 6 slot recharge

    hover: 3 slot speed
    fly: 5 slot speed 1 slot end (i know thats bad, just havnt changed it yet)

    maneuvers: 3slot end 3slot def buff
    assault: 3slot end
    tactics: 3slot end 3slot tohit buff

    swift: 1 slot speed
    health: 1 slot heal
    stam: 6 slot endmod

    psy mastery-
    dominate: 1slot dmg 1slot hold
    mass hypno: 3slot (no enchants in them yet)
    mind over body:1slot end
    telekin: 1 slot (no enchant)
  17. Hey guys, i was hoping somone could help me out. Want to change my 50 emp/psy from pve, to pvp (with resserect, so i can still pve a bit). Focusing on a team heal pvp build. Thanks alot!
  18. healer_EU

    Wonder K hits 50

    Dont think weve met but grats, im sure you worked hard for it
  19. Right keith, this is my schedule (very slight, but there is a slight chance it could change a little bit):

    Cannt play on: Saturdays, 17th, 18th, 19th July. Cant say about sundays, i usulay play allday but there is the possibility of somthing coming up, ill let u know in advance. play hours are usualy 6:00+. and from 21st july+ its my summer hols and will try and plan things in advance, coz im bound to be doing things then.

    as for AT iv made a ill/kin (lvl 1) but can change to suit anything needed, im quite flexible

    Wasnt sure where to post this, here or in a pm, so ill send it to u aswell kieth
  20. I have exams at the moment so cant play much, they end soon and then my sumer hols start, i can play for the 1st week of that, but thats it, what are the dates planned for lvling? I might not be able to make it (im not in the inicial pvp team, but talked to plight bout the other team there starting)
  21. Nope, im stil up for it plighty Just gimme a /t in game, either be on Healer or Kineti Cat, wil ladd you to friends on any alts i make, ttys
  22. Was thinking i could maybe do this..


    SG member: nope
  23. *ahem* Lets start a petition to get this sticky'd... just for the sake of it ^^
