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  1. dume

    DB & AVs?

    Would I be able to pull it off with the +acc from scirocco's derv/c'ing impact (and later on purples) without losing too much defense from say kinetic combat, if I wanna fight uplevel?
  2. dume

    DB & AVs?

    hmm i'm wondering - could I get by soloing AVs without focused accuracy? that way I can keep my sweep combo,add tough/weave and have conserve power
  3. dume

    DB & AVs?

    Quick note - ty for the build Werner, but I can't view those thx to my mac

    Would you be so kind to post full forms?
  4. dume

    DB & AVs?

    If any of you is bored/willing to/have it somewhere - feel free to post some of your AV capable builds (alrdy got nihilli's awesome one)
  5. dume

    DB & AVs?

    Wow ty for the info Werner - atm I'm looking into 2 things : I got a build with BF+AVcombo+power slice, which leaves me enough space for stuff like tough, weave, maneuvers etc

    And I' mtrying to fit weave etc in a build with BF+AV+Sweep - this way I can aoe mobs still but only use the BF+AV+PS chain on AV's or maybe even ur optimised one. But I doubt I can survive AVs with it
  6. dume

    DB & AVs?

    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    Consider Blinding Feint -> Attack Vitals -> Power Slice. You don't need a cone for an AV, Power Slice has better DPS and DPE than One Thousand Cuts, and it's shorter, so takes less time away from even better attacks.

    You could do better DPS by picking up a lot of recharge to run Blinding Feint -> Attack Vitals, but I wouldn't. Willpower just doesn't benefit from recharge, and you need to focus all of your attention on defense.

    There are higher DPS chains still, but they require extreme recharge, and you're just not going to want to go there with Willpower.
    Thanks werner - if it works with first chain I'm good

    edit: actually if anyone's got slotting advices on what sets might be nice to have let me know too
  7. dume

    DB & AVs?

    Hi all -
    I'm loving my DB/AV scrapper, but I'm wondering how a DB can take down AVs: focus on BF+AV(combo)+1k cuts
    or use an insane amount of recharge for a few attacks non chained?

    I'm really curious if he can take down AVs with the bf+av+1k cuts (which is up perma if you cycle through it).

    I figured out how to slot wp to be AV effective so I should manage there
  8. dume


    Hi all,

    I got a quick question - on a DM/SD scrapper that in the end will be geared towards AV soloing etc, what would be skippable powerS?
    Are Grant Cover and Phalanx fighting worth it? I will be both teaming and soloing on him though.
    And is Shadow Maul skippable?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pixelgun View Post
    This is a big enough bug to consider cancelling my account. Have the developers acknowledged this bug? Said anything about a fix coming for it?
    Yes they have - read through my: "do the devs even care?" thread, a dev responded
  10. dume

    DB/WP IO Sets

    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Here's my I15 (IIRC) DB/WP build for large budget, with a focus on AV soloing without insps. While it wasn't fantastic for the task, it worked, and in normal gameplay it was a good toon. It doesn't use Hasten though, so maybe that's not what you're looking for, but maybe you can get some ideas from it.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    U mind posting it in a full form? Mid's isn't working decently on my mac

    edit: ty alot
  11. dume

    DB/WP IO Sets

    Hi, I've got a question - I've been trying a db/wp scrapper lately and I'm loving it. Jump in, make chaos, jump out, rinse and repeat!

    And I've been following the build stated in my quote (thanks for that btw Kheldarn)
    Now since most of the db/wp scrapper builds in the guide are with regular IO's, is there any chance some of you could suggest some "must-have sets" for both a medium and a large budget?
    I'm guessing I can go wild with numina's & miracle in this build, but I mean other nice to have sets.
    And how much global recharge would I need to make hasten perma given that it's 3 slotted?

    Thanks in advance

    p.s.: I'll probably respec out of nimble slash opening a spot for focused accuracy

    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Ah, I see you took Nimble Slash as the first power. Good call. Power Slice isn't needed until after you pick up One Thousand Cuts at 32, for the Sweep Combo.

    My Build
    This is how Zolara, my Level 50 Dual Blades/Willpower Scrapper, was built. This is not a Respec build, so it can, and will, take you from 1 to 50. It took me there in just over 3 months.

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.4006

    Zolara: Level 50 Natural Scrapper
    Primary Power Set: Dual Blades
    Secondary Power Set: Willpower
    Power Pool: Leaping
    Power Pool: Fitness
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Teleportation

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Nimble Slash -- Acc(A), Dmg(3), Dmg(11), Dmg(31), Acc(40)
    Level 1: High Pain Tolerance -- Heal(A), Heal(3), Heal(7), ResDam(33), ResDam(36), ResDam(37)
    Level 2: Ablating Strike -- Acc(A), Dmg(7), Dmg(11), Dmg(34), Acc(40)
    Level 4: Fast Healing -- Heal(A), Heal(5), Heal(5)
    Level 6: Typhoon's Edge -- Acc(A), Dmg(9), Dmg(13), Dmg(34), Acc(40)
    Level 8: Blinding Feint -- Acc(A), Dmg(9), Dmg(23), Acc(34)
    Level 10: Indomitable Will -- DefBuff(A), DefBuff(13), DefBuff(23), EndRdx(46), EndRdx(50), EndRdx(50)
    Level 12: Combat Jumping -- DefBuff(A)
    Level 14: Super Jump -- Jump(A), Jump(15), Jump(15)
    Level 16: Rise to the Challenge -- Heal(A), Heal(17), Heal(17), EndRdx(37), EndRdx(45), EndRdx(45)
    Level 18: Vengeful Slice -- Acc(A), Dmg(19), Dmg(19), Dmg(42), Acc(43)
    Level 20: Quick Recovery -- EndMod(A), EndMod(21), EndMod(21)
    Level 22: Hurdle -- Jump(A), Jump(37), Jump(39)
    Level 24: Health -- Heal(A), Heal(25), Heal(25)
    Level 26: Sweeping Strike -- Acc(A), Dmg(27), Dmg(27)
    Level 28: Heightened Senses -- DefBuff(A), DefBuff(29), DefBuff(29), EndRdx(45), EndRdx(46), EndRdx(46)
    Level 30: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(31), EndMod(31)
    Level 32: One Thousand Cuts -- Acc(A), Dmg(33), Dmg(33), Dmg(43), Acc(48)
    Level 35: Power Slice -- Acc(A), Dmg(36), Dmg(36), Dmg(43), Acc(48)
    Level 38: Mind Over Body -- ResDam(A), ResDam(39), ResDam(39)
    Level 41: Strength of Will -- ResDam(A), ResDam(42), ResDam(42)
    Level 44: Hasten -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(48), RechRdx(50)
    Level 47: Super Speed -- Run(A)
    Level 49: Recall Friend -- EndRdx(A)
    Level 1: Brawl -- Dmg(A)
    Level 1: Sprint -- Run(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx(A)
    Level 1: Critical Hit

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DAA5935B6F12511485076660CABD808596DA52B9D4D2DAB 17DF3F26052D1C4A41|
    |8629B566B2D19E1A824136632338DD65BAACFFE057F88F1C7 E1DE330B2C27F14912|
    |D607FBAC75F63E27339D0FEDB4A25C3E5022D98796E979BD8 3BE6B3A8E70F5A7A67|
    |FEE9A56FCC4B64CD7D41545A94CD67A1D610961B4CF4DABB7 679903E1FD5D6A8B37|
    |62E409E37868598EFD5EB8F927A377C21523DF98FC48776DD B32F685E90C476FC33|
    |F8F87FE48785E32F873E0083128043F0FA99163BBBEE90FED 51FE9133EC1B7BF6E0|
    |A2D7313D5FB8178B34558BBE1F79BCE033D60268AA1255432 6C155F026D68F38130|
    |9323125890C1807D70A21EB6003FCAC234AFD22D82F2EF5BB 21F57B4E1935EC1755|
    |B1BF26F10B7962D83786DC1CF649FF63DFAF94D18369C6AA2 E654A930CEA2FC890C|
    |099131AF6054BE0B61E72576289980A675352F096A996096B D14C36AC65259E9027|
    |1709E68BE570CE79890DF4B825F19298C77DE47186823ACB1 6B889F5979429E29E8|
    |BF1B0764D629C3C0BF02C60CE06B80EEAE429C353C69C8B12 BF916709E75F42FF8A|
    |3ACB53F22C879ED832EEEDBAC4C979B725CE115730C30A665 F95F89D3C55DC51153|
    |3ACA9B3DC046F63FD13656AC8D450ABABB39433C794696296 26DE83758967E4D9C0|
    |7D6CA0D6925823CF163C5B79F40077C13A790C3C6B4631AC3 5A9B683DA8E7EE5FE5|
    |05330EFFED51AB25D6DFABE2A11F4A86AD3F7FFBF3EBFD293 7E8967FC581CB27459|
    |8E584E595EB19CB1982CAF59FA2CE3DFD374EE0E0F7497E51 ECB7D961F6CD2F9B54|
    |BB1A459322C59961CCB3C4B91A5C45261F9C932FE03CB0CC0 8A|
    |-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forgottenn View Post
    I have been have problems clicking the lvl up button after talking to the trainer. Any one have any tips on how to do that because its taking longer to click it then it is to get the lvl.
    start rightclicking when u're not at the "level up" button yet, instead just move to a nonclickable space ot the right & rightclick your way to the level up (every time you rightclick the reset jump point will be set to the last right click) you cna do this till you're on the level up button.

    It's not a great way but it works
  13. Would any of you mind posting an IO build with sets rather than common io's?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hertz View Post
    So you're using a non-supported video card?
    I am using an intel GMA X3100 which is supported.

    As a response to ppl finding the topic (overly) dramatic -> kinda was my point to be dramatic in hope to get dev attention
  15. Thanks for the update Ghost Falcon, I appreciate hearing from the devs on this forum.

    And I'm kinda happy this post actually caught the eyes of the devs unlike some forum trolls are saying
  16. dume

    Halloween Fun!

    lol for every event we need a 100 man cap or no cap
  17. dume

    claws/sr builds

    Well I just hope I don't have to spend more than 150ish mil on my claws/sr for softcaps, since I have a crazy second build idea that's gonna cost me a ton, but I want the softcapped while I work my way to the second build.

    The 40-70 I said were numbers I saw on the forums, thx for pointing out what I can expect for costs though
  18. dume

    claws/sr builds

    Originally Posted by Novella View Post
    You can use any travel power you want. It doesn't matter because the travel powers take Blessing which is a movement set.

    I normally don't say this, but in all seriousness you could use the search function or even look through guides for the plethora of Claws/SR guides that exist.
    I read through most of the claws/sr ones I could read (so not the codes you paste into mids) and 90% of them were using CJ+SJ with no hasten , that's why i asked..
  19. dume

    claws/sr builds

    Hi all

    I'm wondering about a specific build - I see all these softcapped claws/sr builds, I've read you can get the build slotted for 40-70 mil, but is it possible to get the build with SS instead of SJ?

    Would any of you be so kind to post a build with either hasten + SS or if it's even doable with hasten+CJ+SJ (no SS in this case)

    One thingy: I'm on a mac so the copy paste into mid's doesn't work for me at the moment.


    ps.: both ss+sj would be interesting too but i'm not counting on that
  20. Finally got the devs to reply - but ya it's a we're working on it thingy
    Thank you for the update. I would like to apologize again for the delayed response. This issue that you are having is a bug. Please be assured that it is not being ignored. Our development team is working very hard to resolve this as soon as possible. We thank you again for your patience.
  21. ty for the info local
    Checked your guide out indeed for earth/
    But you didn't have the /storm xD
    (very nice guides you got though)
  22. Hi all

    I've rolled an earth/storm troller a few days ago - but he's so much fun he's lvl 29 now. But the thing is - since I want to spend some bucks in io's - some powers leave me questioned on slotting.

    Steamy mist: should I go for red or def or both?
    Hurricane: enlighten me - I got no clue
    Stoney: I've read some guides on it; most ppl slot acc/dam and some slot the +res bonus aura from sovereign set - I will slot stoney for acc/dam too probably - but would it be worth it to mix 2 sets & get bonusses out of it, just slot acc/dam + the sovereign res bonus or slot acc/dam + sovereign res bonus + the def bonus io (you find tht one under recharge intensive pets)
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lanternsraised View Post
    I just called support today, and they say that the devs are working on the issue, it's just complex. They said that hopefully it will be fixed really soon. So they do care, it's just a tough thing to patch.
    that's very good news to hear

    Well I kinda exagerated this post in the hope to get a dev response - but that didn't happen, your msg made my day though
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    under Cedega I needed to use the command -compatiblecursors when launching on previous engines.

    Recently, as of the 7.3.x engine I've not had to use the command against my Radeon systems to get a proper mouse, but I still do need to use it against my Geforce systems (6800 Mobile, 7900 GT KO, GTS 250 Triple SLI).

    I believe /compatiblecursors can be used as a slash command in game, or at least it can according to ParagonWiki. Maybe this will help with the issues.

    if i use that comm ig it says: compatiblecursors 0

    No clue what it means
  25. I'm just wondering - there are daily posts about the mouse/cursor issue
    There are 2 updates/week (4hours), every now & then you download 15mb of files or more. Things are getting altered - but the mousebug is as it is.

    In the meanwhile people that send tickets are being ignored, being told their ticket will go to higher support and get ignored afterwards,...

    Do the devs want to provide us a quickfix for mac or do they hope we just stop crying about it?

    I know this comes out like a rant, and it partially is but if a devs would acknowledge this problem and put it up on the mainsite and let us know wether they're working on it or not, I think it'd already satisfy us so we know there is a solution coming.

    I'm kinda getting desparate on seeing a fix here - every downtime I hope my issue will be resoled when I log back in, but no success.

    the issue wasn't around in i15 and it came to us with i16 - I'd even drop my i16 gains to just get a normal cursor back.