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  1. I'm actually curious - which slots will you give up to slot PP ?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    I'd say there's no point going for anything other than Smite MG Smite SL on a DM/SR. The softcap is easy to reach, and you've got Quickness already helping with recharge.

    If you can fit it in, I'd recommend Energy Torrent. The knockdown with such a long range is invaluable against +4/x8, and as a DM you want all the AoE damage you can get.
    How much recharge per power is that approx?
  3. Hi all

    I finally managed to purple out my db/wp and had quite a bit of fun doing it

    So I thought it'd be time for a new project after revising all sets I figured I wanted to build DM/SR.

    Now - I'm kinda lost though - should I slot shadow punch/smite/boxing for buzzsaw procs or just one full set for maximum killing speed? (I'm refraining from taking shadow maul for several reasons) OR should I go for the +def % to aim for softcaps?
    (my goal will be to have a steady build - that can play +0/8 - +2/8 (if possible +4/8 but not counting on it) against most enemy types, EB killing (which is ridiculously easy to get on a scrap) and some AV soloability)

    And what is the advised slotting on siphon life, dark consumption, midnight grasp & soul drain?

    (after a while I might go for an optimised chain - smite -MG - smite - SL, but It's most likely I'll stick with Smite -> Shadow Punch -> Midnight Grasp -> Smite -> Shadow Punch -> Siphon Life for quite a while, as Werner once pointed to me it also reaches a very high dps)

    One thingy - is dark consumption really handy to have? or is it a once in a while tool?


    As always your own builds are welcome in my threads as from previous threads those gave me alot of inspiration.

    (p.s.: If you wish to post your build, mind doing it in full form? I'm on a mac & mids hates me )
  4. dume

    dark/cold builds

    Forgot to mention - any chance you can post the full form (skills+when to slot & what io's in it)? I'm on a mac & mid's is poo for me

    Ty already for the build though
  5. dume

    dark/cold builds

    as i said 500-700 mil is fine too (not incl numi/reg t/mir)

  6. dume

    dark/cold builds


    Found an old dark/cold of mine somewhere lying around. I'm wondering if any of you could post me a medium & large budget builds? I haven't played a corr in RV since i9.

    I found another dark/cold thread with usefull information in it - but I'm looking for builds updated to i16 (especially the medium budget one (around 500-700mil, the high budget is easier to figure out)


    ps: if u find a 100 mil build (not incl numina/regen tissue/miracle that's good too)
  7. dume


    Ya tried the toggliing - that's not gonna work for me
    Still got a long road ahead though my PB is 26 atm, but he's getting there.

    Siph took assault, tactics & vengeance. Aren't those annoying to retoggle all the time, or is it just so you have vengeance?
  8. dume


    God - dillema, to have human form shields or not.

    I'm actually gonna try n make a spin-off of siph's build from january 2006
  9. dume


    Any of you guys & other readers would be willing to post a few PB builds? (pref tri-form, if it's human only that's good too)
    Most builds I found date from 2006 and there's been some changes since then
    No need to post personal builds just general ones that apply to i15-16 will do as I want some inspiration/insight.

    One thingy though - can you not post the code for mids but the complete skill/slotting outline as I'm on a mac & mids doesn't work
  10. dume


    Ok ty - just one thing - i see alot of people with shining shield, is that one worth it?
  11. Made a new thread with an eyecatching people so all people know about the fix
  12. Quote:

    Tomorrow an update to the City of Heroes client will be published on the Public Test Server. To prepare for this please install the City of Heroes Test Client.

    To install the Macintosh test client, you can start by downloading the City of Heroes updater file. In order to accomplish that, please follow these steps:

    1. Browse to this location: http://www.cityofheroes.com/account/...of_heroes.html and click the "MAC_CoH_Test_Server_US.dmg (43MB)" link.

    2. Save the DMG file to your desktop.

    3. Click on the file so that the City of Heroes Test Drive is mounted on your Desktop.

    4. Click on the City of Heroes Test mounted drive on your Desktop which will launch a window that contains the Applications folder shortcut and a City of Heroes icon.

    5. Drag the City of Heroes Test icon onto the Applications folder shortcut.

    6. Click on the Applications Folder to enter the Applications directory.

    7. Click on the City of Heroes Test icon within the Applications directory to launch the game.

    Tomorrow after scheduled maintenance the client will automatically update. Please let me know if the issue is resolve after the update.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions.

    NCsoft Technical Support

    After testing it now the mousebug is finally fixed, I asked them when it'd be aired on live aswell.

    OOOOMG I'm happy!

    p.s.: apparantly GMA950's issues are resolved too
  13. dume


    Hi all
    After chatting a bit in RV etc and lolling around a bit, scouting the forums I decided to take a look into pbs.

    But I was wondering what is actually necesary on a PB?

    I know Nova = blasts at 100ft range, so it's a musthave
    Dwarf = tp for sticky situations, self heal, taunt and mezresist?
    But the human form - I've checked most of the peacebringer threads I could find, and I know human form is good for build up, heals, conserve power,...
    But how many blasts/shields should I take in human form? I often see people take 1-2 blasts in it, a few melee attacks, often tactics aswell but almost no shields. Why is this?

    Also what's the order I gotta focus on in IO sets? +acc, +heal, +rech?
    And would it be good to slot procs in nova's 2 ST attacks?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuckerPunch View Post
    I think Manga means late afternoon relative to the US. It's only barely afternoon here on the East Coast.
    Receivd a mail from NCSoft during euro-nights, thanks for this, retesting after patching up

    ps: r u there suckerpunch from suckerpunch's build planner?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
    Sometimes they might mean later in the day - Training Room patches usually publish in late afternoon.
    6pm GMT+1 now - just retested, no luck
  16. Got a mail from NCsoft yesterday, that there's a test on Test server after DT is done, and I had to reply them wether my mousebug is fixed.

    Is the end finally in sight?

    edit: aaaand the bug is still there
    Feels good to know that ncsoft is on it though
  17. dume

    DB & AVs?

    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    You're an interesting case, Umbral. You are EXTRAORDINARILY helpful, but you also have ZERO tolerance for teh stoopid. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people just see the second part, and don't realize what amazing help you're providing, just how much TIME you're taking to help people, and so on. So I guess it doesn't surprise me that you're getting negative repped, but it still bothers me. In my book, you should have a massive positive rep by now.

    Ah, well. I figure the rep thing is practically a joke anyway. I'll trust people based on my personal experience with them, but I guess that doesn't work for anyone new.

    Sorry for drifting off topic, dume.
    Np for off-topic

    Imo you're forgetting the most important point apart from Umbral being extremely helpful, he's extremely entertaining too!

    Kudos to you umbs
  18. dume

    DB & AVs?

    Cool ^^

    If you're on sals you've probs seen me as Valkoth on there, due to stupidity I can't change that anymore though.

    Been crying about SSTF for 3 days & am close to finishing the final one, goodbye hellhole!
  19. dume

    mouse bug fixed?

    Originally Posted by Forgottenn View Post
    I just went on test to see if it was true and found out it wasn't at least for the GMA X3100. Also i wonder how many people are still around that use the GMA cards.
    more than enough to flood forums
  20. dume

    DB & AVs?

    Thanks for all the build posting going on - fun readthrough & gives me ideas.

    I'm going for 2 builds, one build will be the BF+AV combo which allows me to add more goodies, but this 'll be a second build where alot of my time for funding will go into.
    My primary build atm runs BF+AV+Sweep combo
    my main means of attack is still BF+AV(+power slice occasionally)
    but having that sweep combo is nice in case I need those bosses perma-kd'd and all their minions around me kd'd as it can be lifesaving every now and then.
    So for the sake of endurance I'm sticking with CP on my main build, I might or might not drop it on the second build though, I guess I'll test both with and without CP.

    Anyway a big thank you to dawn, umbral, nihilli, werner and all the others that posted info. I'm usually not into builds this far but as I restarted CoH recently it's actually nice getting into this.

    p.s.: all of you who got neg-repped for helping me got pos-repped for helping me by me!
  21. dume

    DB & AVs?

    Quick question - I saw nihilli slotted fast healing with 5 slots & his RttC with 3 - am wondring why it's not the other way around?
  22. dume

    DB & AVs?

    lol I was set on CP with alot +acc from other sets that aren't too expensive untill I reach the uberexpensive IO sets

    Now umbral made me go haywire
  23. dume

    DB & AVs?

    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post

    SoW is also big, it was the difference between either "not able to solo an AV at all" and "possible in a few tries" or "possible in a few attempts" and "win on the first try" on my own DB/WP. It's the only active mitigation WP gets, and when things start going south (and they will if you don't run a softcapped build) you really want the added resistance to take the edge off you.

    I thought of removing SoW at first, but I did some EBs & AVs in architect to see how I'd fare (keep in mind I'm lvl 40 atm with no tough/weave or CP) And SoW saved my as numerous of times especially against AVs with -acc it kept me long enough alive. Then again one could start the argument I'd be better off with FA - but atm another end toggle is scaring me a bit
  24. dume

    DB & AVs?

    great to hear - means I got both combos so I can still dish out that extra aoe dmg & KD, tough/weave & be able to hit +4s

    I'm actually wondering - what'd be the least needed power?
    - Strength of Will
    - Focused Acc
    - Conserve Power

    I only got space for 2/3 & all seem useful