2012 -
that lava demon looks great
so are you learning any tricks to DfB as you play it so much? -
Quote:I do not think your conclusion is the correct one from your premise.The question is still relevant because it forces any hypothetical archetype designer to ask the question: what does this archetype contribute to a team that is unique. Creating archetypes is an enormous undertaking. There's no good justification for expending all that effort unless it generates something that produces a unique solo and teaming experience.
I absolutely agree that:
"There's no good justification for expending all that effort unless it generates something that produces a unique solo and teaming experience."
But the unique experience is for the player playing the character, not for the rest of the team. I do enjoy playing and having different teams play differently - but there are only a few roles that do that: aggro control, lockdown, healing/protecting, and massive damage (powersets make a bigger difference with buffs). I cannot tell the difference between playing with a brute, stalker, scrapper or blaster - they just contribute damage. But for the player of that character there can be a massive difference.
a ranged damage/defense character may play in a team like a scrapper or a blaster to the rest of the players - but it is worth having that AT if people like playing it instead of a scrapper or a blaster. -
I'm not sure if I have enough points. I have a bit over a month's worth unless I just got some recently.
but I do want nature affinity and those auras -
skill is the ability to achieve your goals with minimal frustration and effort
I will be very upset if they redo gravediggers and they still use bats and not shovels
and yes, the hair looks stupid. Which seems perfectly reasonable for a street gang. I often find that street gangs look stupid. If they could have their pants falling down it would be even more realistic -
mezz should not stack on PC's. I understand that you might want an AV to be able to mezz any character and give them a huge mag, but lots of minions should not mezz a tanker.
mezz should have a supression afterwards. Being mezzed for 10 seconds is okay for a squishy - it is something you have to deal with. Being chain mezzed is terrible gameplay.
mezz not working when a PC hits an NPC is something you have to deal with. I play doms and controllers most of the time. If you could use the same tactics against every enemy group it would be boring. Some are immune to knockdown, some to sleep, etc. You learn and deal with it and it makes the game interesting -
Mukk does look cool
I think the best compliment I can give people on their costume is that I couldn't tell it was a player because I didn't think you could make a look like that -
Watching Justice League Unlimited
two part episode The Once and Future Thing. They go back in time. They have a fight with cowboys, then robots - no monkeys or ninjas. They even have a final fight in the Flavian amphitheater.
It is not exact, but the weird time travel, cowboys, robots and such totally made me think of Time Gladiator -
You do realize that Jane Austin took the Welsh book "Pride" by Fflewddur Fflam, updated it with the popular (at the time) conflict of Prejudice and made it a huge hit.
you may be familiar with HP Lovecraft's short stories, but are you familiar with his work as a Whitman's Sampler copywriter?
White Chocolate Truffle
What black arts could have stripped this chocolate of its natural hue? The horror of the unearthly, corpselike pallor of this truffles complexion is only offset by its fiendish deliciousness.
Nut Cluster Crunch
This eerie candy will test the sanity of all but those who possess the strongest of constitutions. Strange congeries of almonds, walnuts, and pistachios dance hypnotically within, promising to reveal their eldritch secrets to anyone foolish enough to take a bite of these ancient nut clusters!
Coconut Creme Swirl
They say that the Coconut Creme Swirl sleeps. But if the dread Coconut Creme Swirl slumbers, surely it must also dream. It is certain that while it dozes the Coconut Creme Swirl is absorbed by terrifying visions of exacting its creamy tropical vengeance upon mankind! Consume the Coconut Creme Swirl before it awakens to consume you!
Dark Chocolate Fudge
Dark! All-encompassing, eternal darkness! Human eyes cannot penetrate the stygian blackness of this unholy confection!
Peanut Butter Cup
In 1856, a fisherman from a tiny hamlet on the New England coast made a terrible pact with serpentine beasts from beneath the sea, that he might create the most delicious sweet seen upon the Earth since the days of the great Elder Race. Thus was forged the satanic pact between peanut butter and chocolate that resulted in the mutant offspring you see before you!
Chocolate Cherry Cordial
You must not think me mad when I tell you what I found below the thin shell of chocolate used to disguise this bonbons true face. Yes! Hidden beneath its rich exterior is a hideously moist cherry cordial! What deranged architect could have engineered this non-Euclidean aberration? I dare not speculate.
Caramel Chew
There is a dimension ruled by a blind caramel God-King who sits on a vast, cyclopean milk-chocolate throne while his mindless, gooey followers dance to the piping of crazed flutes. It is said that there are gateways in our world that lead to this caramel hell-planet. The delectable Caramel Chew may be one such portal.
Toffee Nugget
Few men dare ask the question What is toffee, exactly? All those who have investigated this substance are now either dead or insane.
http://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/s...ler-copywriter -
that's a bug
it is supposed to go to R'lyeh -
I disagree.
I think the problem with most AE arcs is the reliance upon text to tell the story.
I want to play a story, not read one or watch a video of it.
What is most important to me is who I see, what they are doing, and what I do.
In my living room I have a book, a tv, and CoH. The reading and video are covered by the other 2. CoH has to be about the playing. -
we need pics of the new skulls
Duff Man approves of liquid blast, but knows that water is not required - oh yeah
Quote:from a marketing perspective you are not gating new content. You are providing exclusive content to veteran players. you change the exclusive content to something new and fresh so that veteran's appreciate the exclusive content.It's funny how they still love to "gate" this kind of new content. When capes first came to the game you had to be at least level 20. When wings first came to the game you had to be at least a 15 month Vet to get them. I suppose forcing the first arrow quiver to be a Tier 9 costume item upholds the tradition of making sure they are limited at first.
the goal is not the restricting new content, it is giving veteran's a bonus -
Quote:maybe. Scrappers have 9 defense sets. The top 5 might be reasonably balanced, that is just over half.I think that statement is likely the closest approximation of reality.
The difference between the top 5 (arguably) armor sets is a different balance of strengths and weaknesses. The same for most other archetypes and after i24 even blasters will have little variance.
scrappers have 15 attack sets. I doubt that more than 5 would be considered top tier. Especially when you factor in IO's.
I would say in general each AT has 2-4 top tier sets for primary and secondary that are reasonably close. Then the bulk are reasonably close in a secondary tier and there are 1-2 in the bottom tier. -
Quote:it should be easily doable, the key is the modifier matrix. I've done it for a pen and paper gameYeah, there are no mechanically viable games with freeform power selection, *cough*SecretWorld*cough*.
imagine you can pick any powers in the game (except maybe pets).
then you select your effects levels: damage, defense (including resistance), control mag, buff/debuff percents
everyone could have a ranged attack, damage resistance, a self heal, and a buff to defense
but the blaster has good damage, their DR sucks, their self heal is weak, and their buff is weak
the defender has a good heal and buff, but their other numbers are bad
the game does this already. Just imagine that everyone takes tough and weave plus all of the DR and Def in their sets. Everyone then has DR and Def - just at different levels.
everyone does damage - just varying amounts -
I have a dark/sonic defender I was happy with after I hit 32 I've been waiting for i24 so I can use the nuke. An extra AoE stun should make the character a lot better. She was good with a cone sleep and a cone fear but lacked hard control.
When the world was young I played an ice/nrg blaster and I will almost certainly try a blaster again. Although I still haven't tried a stalker again since the changes.