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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Baba_Kanoosh View Post
    Overheard in the basement of KRM's creepy base

    "Mikiiiiiiii it puts the lotion on it's skin or else it wears the pants again...What??? How did you get that??? GIMME BACK MY ASSBOT!!!"

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by spiritfox View Post
    Do you get anything for soloing pylons?
    A cookie. (sshhhh, don't tell anyone I told you)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
    Ummm,i have a question...since when did a build need IOs to be playable?...if i remember correctly,the Devs pointed out that IOs can increase a characters abilities,but is not required to play the game,and the game will not be made more difficult because of them.

    Im also betting on you throwing up a Mids build scared people off from the post.Its annoying enough comming in to give someone advice for a build,and all the sudden your mezmorized by a Mids map that you dont care to see right off the bat,then get a comment like the one above,making it seem you dont find it a worthy build without IOs,but are surprised it is?

    Where you dropped as a child?
    Maybe you should change your name to Narrow-Minded, as this response couldn't be anymore narrow-minded.
    The OP listed a couple Mids builds to give folks an idea of what direction they want to take on two combos they hadn't tried before.

    To the OP,

    I have a Rad/Fire at 29 right now, that pretty much mows through mobs with a decent aggro holder, as I tend to really piss mobs off. I can also say that with just SOs, I burn through end VERY fast, but it's at the cost of fantastic damage.
    I have a lvl 50 Sonic/MM/Elec, so I have experience with the whole having to jump between melee and ranged to make full use of the cones also. I end up mainly staying ranged, as the 3 main cones do enough damage that Psi Shockwave isn't really needed. I will jump in for DP though. :P

    Either way, you can't go wrong from my standpoint.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
    He's obviously compensating for the fact that he previously owned a smaller gun!
    Wouldn't you be embarassed carrying this around?
  5. Damn, this is what happens when someone leaves the window open...I'll take care of it.

    Don't worry, the dog got it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I don't think Triumph is properly equipped to handle complex plots of this magnitude for very long.
    Alcohol works wonders

  7. Gotta be pantless to play here!
  8. This is why I shop at Wal-Mart.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post

    I like Sarah Palin, and I have similar beliefs in a lot of the things she claims to believe.
    That dumb Alaskan doesn't know a moose from Abe Lincoln's statue.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
    Woot for text to background contrast, eh?
    I found a new shiny toy on the forum.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
    Oh no you d'int!

    Looks like I'll be wearing my white dress to this wedding...
    You promised I would be the only one to see you in that!
  12. I can write big too. This thread made me laugh...thanks for making my day with your great build you posted.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
    You mean we're finally all going to get together and walk the shadow shard for charity?!?!

    We still have to do the "Walk to Thorn Isle in Nerva for more meat in the Zig Cafeteria"
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fantomas View Post
    Ya, I'm kinda thinking I may have to drop one of the AOE's. So, it' either Flashing Steel, Super Jump or...??? I love Build Up and Stamina way too much to drop either. Although, if someone could demonstrate the change you are referring to in a build, I'd love to see it if it works. Still open to suggestions for what to drop or for the build in general.

    I'm hoping to eventually have one build with Energy Torrent for concept and the second build for regular play.
    Yea, with the MA Booster, Ninja Run plus Sprint, Hurdle, or Swift works just fine for a travel in all honesty.
  15. I farm with my Shield/SS/Pyre, and have no complaints.

    As far as leveling goes, just get used to only having ST attacks until Shield Charge. If you can handle that, you'll be rewarded for your patience.
  16. Just do it, you know you want to. :P
  17. Well, since you want it for concept, IMO, I'd just drop an attack for the new attack; ie Lotus Drops, Flashing Steel...or maybe Build Up if you are not one ot lose any attacks.

    You could also drop Stamina and get the Performance shifter proc for Quick Recovery and a Miracle or Numi proc to help offset the lose of Stamina.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
    Start by going to the market section and reading Goats guide to getting rich and then go get rich! Then once you're rich start selling super dyne to kids, you'll make a ton of influence.
    That's just....evillll...not heroic.

    BTW OP, Kat/WP is a great combo to start with. You won't regret it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cende View Post
    I just want to know how pantsless is any worse than drunk.
    Who says you can't do both at the same time?
  20. Give me the names of these blasphamous fools, and I shall strike them down like the dogs that they are!

    Dropping our awesome Pantless monikor is the last straw! They may take our lives, but they'll never take our semi nudityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
  21. dougnukem

    Fire/Regen PvE

    Don't ask for advice and help, if you have no other intention then to berate and mock those who offer it.

    Your lack of tact and discipline is a tragedy.