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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    "Look, either make yourself useful, or get out of people's way, alright?"
    "Yeah, sure, I'll go, ah..." Michael said, half-thinking what to do, half-thinking if there was some way he could still hit on her without going to the hospital.

    Originally Posted by shadowe_EU View Post
    Her eyes were slightly distracted as she gazed around at the unfolding scene, and she turned a dazzling smile on the man nearby. "Want to help me get these people safe, sugar? Or are you going to spend all your time chasing that tail of hers around the beach?" With a saucy wink and a grin, she patted her own rump. "Of course, you could see where chasing this tail gets you, I guess."

    With a throaty chuckle, Sam rose another thirty feet or so into the air, before glancing below her once more, looking down at the man past her fluttering skirt - it might have been a smart idea to put on her coolant suit before coming out here today, but there hadn't been time to change - and she blew him a kiss. "Oh, and sugar? No peeking, okay?"
    Michael laughed. "Finally, someone who doesn't want to kill me when I talk to them."

    "Most of the time it is your own fault."

    "Whatever," he said, and then, for the first time, realized she was flying, and he couldn't. "How should I get up there?" he whispered to Squid.

    "You can teleport, you know."

    "And then I fall again. Anything else?"


    "Yeah, that would work. I was thinking of doing that, but I was wondering if I could stay human some how so..."

    "Why, because you don't want me talking?"

    "No!" Michael answered quickly, and then concentrated as he willed Squid to come forward, and Squid got ready to change into Nova form. With an explosion of purple Khledian energy, Michael was now in Nova form.

    "Finally, it's so cramped in there," came the voice of Squid physically, it's head moving from side-to-side.

    "Just go up to the flying girl," Michael's voice went into Squid's head.

    "Must I?"


    Squid sighed and he started flying upwards towards Sam, the Nova's body wriggling as he moved. When he was next to her, Squid bowed his head, saying "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is-"


    "-Michael" Squid said rather bitterly, spitting the name out like a poison. The Kheldian cocked it's head to the side. "And your name is, miss?"
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paradigm_Shift View Post
    "Are you ok?" He asked, gently implying that there was a variety of conflicting emotions storming across the youth's face.
    Blake shook his head around a little bit before answering. "Yeah, just feel really, weird all of a sudden." He shrugged and began walking down the alley again, turning right once they were free of the tight walls. "I don't know, a combination of all the **** going on, I guess."

    He walked down the street in silence until he came to a four-way intersection. "This is my street," he said, pointing to the street that was directly to their left. "I live a bit down but we're almost there." With this he again broke into a slow jog, his legs pumping evenly, his mind set on the only thing that mattered right now: Candice, his little sister.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
    "Contact the appropriate authorities."
    "Some aliens just never learn Squid."

    "I do not follow. You don't want to contact said appropriate authorities?"

    "I want to Squid. It's just that most humans are to lazy to do anything that doesn't help them directly."

    "But you help people all the time with our powers."

    "But since you came, I'm no longer human."

    "So than you can contact said appropriate authorities!"

    "You're on Earth Squid! Logic is outlawed!"

    "But you have said earlier in time that 'Here on Earth, Logic is predom-"

    "More logic Squid! Enough!"

    As Michael was satisfied with his arguement with Squid for now, he took a look around and was drawn to the sight of elecrticity cackling around a woman's body. She had just finished yelling at 'Robocop', the giant robot that had attacked the whale.

    "Let's go say hello, Squid."

    "Finally, a polite conversation. Maybe now I can learn about human-Wait, these are the same thoughts you were thinking about the females playing volleyserve!"

    "Volleyball, Squid. And trust me, it's a just cause."

    "A 'just cause' would be contacting the forementioned app-"

    "Enough with the stupid authorities! Geez Squid!"

    "I'm just trying to apply logic to the situation."

    "You don't listen do you?"

    The answer to that was lost on Michael as he approached the woman, smiling widely. "Hey there," he said smoothly "Nice day on the beach, huh? Maybe we should go for a swim." The thought of electricity in the water hadn't yet dawned on him.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yosef_Vanya View Post
    'Very well, your decision is simple. I respect your decision but I must tell you this: that man is bad. He is evil. He isn't of this world.
    "Neither am I" the voice laughed back.

    'What if I could help you with your goals? Would you allow me to help you?

    "You want to help me? Very well. All you need to do is release me from this boy's soul. How to do that? I've no idea. Go to the Underworld and ask around. After I am free, I will re-pay you with whatever you desire. After I extract revenge on the boy, of course."

    Blake nodded, swinging his arm in a couple of circles before walking towards the fence. "I hope you can jump," the teen said before he caught fire again, except this time it was his feet that were engulfed in flames. He rose up wards and over the fence, landing gently on the other side. As he waited for He Who Lies another wave of emotions struck him.

    There were so many to choose from his subconcious was confused. First he felt a little depressed and gloomy, then he felt betrayed at the same time. By who, it was anyone's guess. He Who Lies jumped into his head first, and Blake had a good thought of just flying off while he could, until hope slithered into his mind again.

    Blake remembered that he probably couldn't save Candice if he ditched He Who Lies. The teen didn't have any medical experience, and he would be lucky if he found his way next door through all this green fog. Nevertheless, he hoped he could make it in time. If he couldn't save his little sister, he may as well just sit out in the street and wait for the drug to wear off and hope the end is quick.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yosef_Vanya View Post
    ’Run. Run. Start running NOW.
    ’Mislead him. Do not give him power to hurt you by getting to your sister. Find a home, bust the door down, look around, announce that your sister must have went to Longbow… take it from there. I’m telling you: it will be a mistake bringing him to your sister.
    Ri sent a furry of unearthly emotions consisting purely of variations of betrayal, darkness, emptiness, closure, and his personal favorite, hope.
    Blake. I’m telling you. Run. I don’t like the feeling I get from him.
    It hit Blake like a sledgehammer. All the emotions going into his mind at once. It angered him, but made him feel strangely sad at the same time, almost like he was just a piece of paper that would soon be swept away. That was cancelled out, however, by the strong sense of hope he felt that he would find his sister and save her.

    The words, however, never made it that far. The man who was projecting words into Blake's head would soon find words being projected into his.

    "Do you think this is funny? Do you think this boy is a puppet and you are the master? I hate to inform you, sir, that you are very, very wrong.

    "I am this boy's master. I tell him what to do. I say how much power he can use at any given moment. I say what power is best for the moment at hand. I mess with his head. I dictate what goes in and what goes out. I make him angry. I make him sad. I make him my puppet.

    "And none of these plans include you. If you do not leave the boy alone, I will find you. And you will feel pain you have NEVER felt before."

    And while Blake was oblivious to the war that was waging inside his head, he was not oblivious to the two Skulls charging him with baseball bats. One never made it near him as a blast from fire struck his face, burning it beyond recognition. The other took a swing at his head. Blake did the human thing and raised his arm in defense. The bat smashed against it with a large crack, sending waves of pain up and down his arm.

    With his other arm, something appeared in his hand out of thin air. It was a sword made of pure fire that was soon sent slashing towards the Skull. Blake managed to catch his opponent's shoulder, burning it badly while having the double effect of a nice, deep cut.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
    Whether or not this was a good thing, however, remained to be seen, as the rather displeased-looking General now glared at the Kheldian with forceful, narrowed eyes. After all, as far as he knew, the man had just frightened a human woman, then attacked another beach patron, which could only mean that he was some villain in league with the whale that had been attacking the very same people...
    "Holy!" the man shouted, falling backwards out of his chair in surprise. "Geez, where'd you come from?"

    "I believe he, what do you Humans call it? Telejumped?"

    "Teleported Squid. Ported."

    "I AM trying my best, you know."

    Ignoring his Kheldian partner for the moment, he looked past the rather large, very purple dragon and focused on the bug that was now speaking to him. The language he was speaking, however, the man knew nothing about. "What'd he just say?" he whispered under his breath.

    "I am attempting very hard to learn your language, the least you could do was try and learn mine."

    "What'd he just say?"

    "Honestly Michael...'I have had a VERY VERY bad day already. My ride is wrecked, my filters haven't arrived, a giant psychic WHALE is trying to kill EVERYTHING, already got stepped on once, and now you assault me. So I'm going to wave that, just this once. But one more time and I will use you as FUEL, just the Coming Storm.'"

    "Oh, that's...Nice," he whispered to his counterpart, then said to the bug "I apologize, I thought you were just a, um, bug. Sorry," he apologzied to the leaving centipede, then turned to address the woman who he was trying to win over, only to realize she was gone.

    "Huh? Where'd she go?" Michael said, turning around completely until he faced the dragon again, then sighed. "Stupid bug must have scared her away," the Warshade muttered under his breath, then turned to the newly arrived purple dragon. "Humans, right?" Michael laughed, trying to lighten the angry looking lizard up.

    "You told me you prefered to be called by a Human."

    "Not when an evil version of Barney is about to kill me, Squid."
  7. "That's one thing going for me," Blake said as he jogged along, keeping a wary eye out for any villains. Through the smoke he saw the pole of a street sign, and glancing up as he passed, recognized the street. "There should be an alley up on the right. We have to go through it and hop a fence. Cuts down on the big U-turn that we'd have to do," he said, glancing along the sides of buildings until he saw it. "Here it is. Come on," he said, every step he took reminding him he was getting closer to home.

    Unfortunately for him, those steps would have to wait, for trying to pick a lock into the store's door that helped shape the alley was a group of six Skulls, obviously intent on filling their pockets with loot. If they survived the gas, that was. But right now, they had bigger problems than gas.

    Blake stopped short in the alley-way. The Skulls noticed the two and stopped what they were doing. As much as he would rather fly over them, he had made a promise. You never knew how much a broken word would come back to haunt you.

    "Let's hurry it up then," Blake said quickly, his hands already ignited with the orange glow of fire. A big ball of the flame soared towards the Skull that was picking the lock. It exploded on impact, sending deadly flames in every direction. The lock-pick in question got sent flying back farther than the rest, slamming into the tall wooden fence that Blake had mentioned. "Get the capes!" shouted one of them that was getting up off the ground.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paradigm_Shift View Post
    "EEEEK!" A lady not too far away pointed at him and shrieked. "GIANT BUG! SOMEBODY KILL IT!"
    "Not a bad looking chick, is she Squid?"

    "How should I know? I can barely tell the difference between males and females on this plantet."

    "Forget you," he whispered to his Khledian friend, then said more loudly, towards the woman "Don't worry about it, ma'am, I'm a hero!" He said this with as much macho as possible, trying to appeal to her.

    He extended his hand and a small beam of darkness shot from it, heading straight for the bug.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paradigm_Shift View Post
    He Who Lies nodded and tossed the silk cloth into the air, moving with Blake and keeping pace with his rapier drawn. "How far away are we currently?" He asked as they moved.
    "About a mile, give or take. I know a couple of shortcuts if we go into some alleys," Blake said, keeping on the street for now. Tightening his hood just in case, he asked "How long does it take for this thing to, ah," he paused, then continued "Take effect?"
  10. "Nothing like a good day at the beach, right Squid?"

    The man saying this was sitting in a beach chair at one of the finer Talos Island beaches, his bare feet dug into the sand comfortably. He had short hair that was suprisingly purple, a pair of cheap black sunglasses, and a camo pair of purple and black swimming trunks. He smiled as he watched four girls in bikinis playing two-on-two volleyball, many various, not mentionable thoughts swimming in his head.

    "How many times have I told you not to call me Squid?" the voice answered inside his head.

    "Not enough, Squid, not enough," the man said physically, although somewhat softly.

    " I thought Humans only mated for the continuation of the species? The thoughts running around wild in your head are very contrary to that fact."

    "Who told you that was a fact? I'm telling you right now that I ain't ready to be a daddy. That's a dang fact."

    "Well, our species actually-"

    "Don't want to hear about Khledian mating rituals, Squid. All I want to do is work on my tan and watch the pretty ladies jump around in the sand."

    "Really? Your thoughts say that's not all you want to do."

    "You have much to learn, Squid, my young padawan."

    "Padawan? Is that some sort of baby animal species on this planet?"

    The man sighed, about to answer, when the Krill Killer made his arrival, scaring most people on the beach to run away, including this man's subjects of interest.

    "I hate to see you leave, but I love to see you go."

    "Another contradictory statement! Your species isn't very high in the intelligence department, is it?"

    "You didn't have a Kheldian mate, did you?"

    "No, but-"

    "Swish!" the man said, making a basket-ball shooting motion with his hands. By now, while talking, they had noticed the whale and all of it's attackers, including a bug and a robot. "Do you think we should help?"

    "Well, it would be helpful to the city, and as a hero your job is-

    "Do you think we should help?"

    "No. All this 'beach-going' has made me slightly tired, although there was no physical activity, from either you or me. It has me slightly puzzled."

    "You're starting to get lazy, Squid."

    "For the final time-"

    "It won't be the final time, Squid. Not. Even. Close."

    But the man sat where he was, watching the group attack the psychic whale. He would take action if things started going down-hill, but as for now, all it was was another crazy giant-monster that got killed by the hundreds of millions heroes running around Paragon.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yosef_Vanya View Post
    'Do not trust that man. By injecting yourself you might have already doomed yourself. I have reason to be suspicious of this man you stand before. I urge you to be suspicious, too. Do not mention me to him -- take the syringe, go rescue your sister, and seek me out. If you value your sister's life: do not let her know of the syringe or the man.'

    'If you wish to meet up with me before you find your sister, escape this man at once and I will appear. Remember: trust no one. Even yourself. I've seen people lose control of their own bodies. Do not allow this to happen to you. I'm counting on you.'
    When the voice first spoke up, Blake was completely unphased, but when he actually listened to the voice, then it was an entirely different story. He listened to it in shock and feelings started to overwhelm him. This man in front of him was trying to kill him! Not to mention his little sister, and probably countless more people. His name was 'He who Lies', how helpful could he be? He probably just wanted to rob his apartment and laugh while his little sister and him died, watching with a smile on his face as they writhed in agony.

    Blake's hands sent off a small heat wave in preparation for them to be lit on fire, and then, more than likely, for a fireball to be sent 'He Who Lies' way. As this was about to happen, another voice sounded in his head, one much more familiar, although equally unwelcome.

    "Who was that, child? A friend?"

    "I was about to ask you the same thing," Blake answered mentally.

    "I don't like it. No more unknown voices in our he-"

    "MY head."

    "Fine. YOUR head. No more of it."

    "Who are you, my dad?"

    "Well, we're both technically dead..."

    "Shut up, now. I will fricking-"

    "What? Kill me? Hah! You suicidal mania-"

    At that the voice was flown from Blake's head. The teen physically closed his eyes to get rid of any stray thoughts before turning to He Who Lies. "Thank you," Blake said, waving the syringe away. Starting to walk past He Who Lies towards his apartment, he continued "As long as we don't take too long. Which means we take care of them and move on." At that he gestured at the man's cloth that he had use to wipe his blade clean before starting a slow jog.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paradigm_Shift View Post
    "But can your sister?" He finished softly, offering the syringe with a proferred hand.
    Blake reached for the syringe and took a step away before he heard this. He stopped, his eyes widened, and he lowered his hand away from the syringe. His breath sped up just a tad as he started to panic, his hand running through his shaggy hair.

    "What am I supposed to do?" he asked helplessly, his hands falling to his sides. "I don't know if she could take that. I mean probably, well maybe, I mean-" his voice rose until he stopped speaking and yelled in frustration, a wave of heat radiating off him.

    "I don't know," he offered after a moment. "If you don't happen to have a gas mask on you, I'm taking the needle." Although his voice was strong, his eyes looked at the man slightly apologetically.
  13. Detective Big (Ice/Mind Blaster): 43-50
    Arcane Shade (Warshade): 1-23

    Yes, I did do some farming, more-so with Shade than Big, and I don't regret it at all, as it was done with friends and SG-mates, so I got to talk and have fun. There was one mission that we did that was technically a farm, but there were giant groups and we had epic fun team-wiping
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paradigm_Shift View Post
    "Arachnos tried something like this a few years back. Since then I've kept these flushers with me." The man explained, digging out a syringe filled with a clear liquid. "This stuff is used to treat addictions, but it can also flush out most poisons. This won't get rid of the stuff entirely, but you won't be keeling over unless you take a heavily concentrated whiff of that stuff." He tossed the syringe to Blake, and drew a silk cloth from a pocket, which he used to wipe the blood off his blade.
    Blake caught it as his hands went back to normal, the small amount of light they were giving off into the green smoke cut off. He rolled up the sleeve on his left arm and stuck the syringe in the softer tissue on the underside of his arm. Tossing the needle on the ground, he re-rolled his sleeve, his breathing returning more to normal from the drug, but he still did not remove his make-shift mask.

    "I'm Blake. Thanks for the hit," he said, gesturing with his head towards the syringe lying on the ground. "And what's your," the teen started before noticing something behind the man though the green mist. As a small breeze wafted by, the smoke cleared for an instant, and he saw the body of a middle-aged man, dead from intake of the gas.

    Blake was frozen for a moment, then turned to the sword-wielder urgently. "Look, I'm sorry man, but I really have to go." Blake took a step towards running past him when he stopped, then looked at the other fearfully.

    "I'm sorry, but do you have another one of those?" He said quickly, his eyes pleading "It's not for me, it's for my little sister."
  15. They graveyard was empty, as usual. Well, almost. There was one boy there, a teenager by the looks of it, standing by a grave, his arms crossed. He had shaggy black hair that hit his shoulders, a red hoodie and a pair of jeans. Just some normal street-punk, and in the Row, he was more than likely part of a gang.

    Blake stood in front of the grave, reading the words slowly, seeming to digest them, although there weren't that many. It simply read "Marco". He remembered the day silently, then moved for the first time in a good half-hour. He knelt down next to the grave and was about to put something down when a large explosion boomed behind him from a nearby garbage pile.

    He swore loudly, getting up quickly and looking around, his eyes wide and alert. Seeing green gas float up from the dumpster, he put his hood on and wrapped it around his mouth, breathing steadily. Then, taking to the skies, he looked around to find somewhere he could go, or someone he could speak to. The very old and burnt King of Hearts card on the grave slowly blew away.

    Blake flew lower to the ground until he saw a flash of metal through the smoke. Changing direction and going towards it, he saw a man taking on a group of Trolls.

    Blake's hands lit up as they were consumed with fire. He threw his arms out and a steady stream flew towards one, burning it in the back and causing it to fall to the ground. The teen was about to do the same thing again when he started coughing violently, almost having to go on his knees from the force.

    "What should we do?" asked Blake to the other man weakly, tightening his make-shift mask with one hand while forming a ring of fire around a Troll's feet with the other.
  16. Glad to have all the Euro's join us

    I'm excited about all the new people to be RP'ing with us, but I'm sort of dreading all the extra "o"'s and "u"'s lying around.
  17. It reminds me of that episode of South Park with Butters and the vampires. Per say.
  18. doodaa

    Blue Steel!

    [ QUOTE ]
    If I try to mod Blue Steel's posts half the forums disappear

    [/ QUOTE ]


    -First post after Red Name!-
  19. ((Yeah, think Mirravin left. Kinda a shame, I guess.))
  20. [ QUOTE ]

    "Hey, hey, no need for cry." the Tsaiv woman wrapped her armored arms around the boy, who even in his present state may have noticed that Zuzana's left arm made contact discernibly different than her right; as if one arm had less tactile sensation than the other.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sean's body jumped as Zuzana reached around him, but he instantly relaxed and started breathing easier as he realized it was a simple hug. The small boy looked up at Sarah as she reached into a bag and took out something which he had never even remotely imagined. As the pair started to leave, Sean's shoulders slumped, but he seemed to be all cried out.

    "I don't think I'm allowed to come, huh?" he sadly asked no one in particular.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    The Esertosian couldn't help but smirk at this, countering with a playfully sarcastic, "I look funny? How you think you look to me? How are you even hearing what I say with these tiny ears?"

    She stepped beside him and crouched down, picking up the wrapper, "Things like this should now be thrown away in forest. Remember: treat where you live with respect and you will be returned respect. My name is Zuzana..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sean instantly flinched when Zuzana crouched down, the upper half of his body moving away. After a moment he relaxed and listened. "I'm gonna call you Zuz," he said, making the decision final before she could answer.

    Adam crouched and the flinching was less visible this time, although it was obviously still there. He cocked his head to the side, remembering. "We were playing hide-a-seek except in the woods. And my Daddy brought us all here and they told me to walk one-hundred times and then go to sleep, and when I wake up try to find them. I did it, and now I don't know where they are,"

    Sean started getting teary-eyed now "And my Mommy will think I don't like her any more, and if I'm really slow then Daddy will get mad at me and then I'll have to stay inside while the bad stuff gets off of me and then-" he said, rambling incoherently as he burst into tears.
  22. [ QUOTE ]

    "Ssssooouuuuhhh..." the Tsaiv murmured, licking lips that had suddenly become quite dry, "...what is your name?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "I'm Sean," the young boy answered as Pax and Tornado stepped off into the woods. At once, Sean became slightly uneasy, as the primary person of this group that he trusted left, leaving him with a being he had never seen before, in addition.

    Sean became quiet now. Glancing towards Zuzana, he slowly backed away a couple of feet and slumped next to a tree. Finishing off the last of the chocolate he dropped the wrapper next to him. After a few moments, Sean glanced over to the Tsaiv, his head cocked to the side. "You look funny," he remarked with a straight face, and the innocence that could only be mustered if one knew no better.
  23. Sean took the fluffy jacket and wrapped it around himself, rubbing his face against it and smiling. "It's so sof-" he began to say before Tornado and Zuzana set off on their walk towards wherever they were going. The discussion about the tavern the others were having lost on him, he got up and followed his new friend.

    Sean made no effort to be sneaky. He simply followed her, taking small bites out of the chocolate bar every so often. He didn't speak much, and he was careful to not step on any branches (he was barefoot, after all). He also made no effort to look back at the others.
  24. ((Thank you ))

    It all happened so fast. First there was only the one girl that came, then more appeared through the clearing. Then some more came until they all were relatively surrounding him. He let out a small scream as one reached out for him. She had wings! His heartbeat slowed a little as he looked at the chocolate bar, and his stomach grumbled. He slowly reached his hand out for it and grabbed it, then sat back down.

    "T-Thank you," he said, and a shard of a smile slipped out of his mouth. As he fumbled to open it, another woman approached, and she had wings, too. His eyes widened and he started to slide back before he felt a tingling at his knee. Looking down, he noticed that the new cut on his knee was slowly shrinking, and then was just gone. He reached out and touched it, and the smile grew wider.

    "Thanks," he said, this time without stuttering from fear or tears. He took a small bite out of the chocolate bar and was surprised by how good it was. It melted in his mouth and had a sweet taste. He took a bigger bite and nodded quickly, evidently meaning 'It tastes good!'.

    After he swallowed, he answered Adam "My name is Sean," then looked around to no one particular in the group "Um, has anyone seen my Mom? We're playing a game, but I'm not very good at it," he said sheepishly, looking down at the ground.