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  1. you can do streaming music for free. I've played COH with Spotify running in the background. I also just sometimes have Media Player on.
    I've got a keyboard that has a play/pause, stop and skip forward and back buttons on it, which work while the game is on, and it was cheap. I wouldn't be surprised if there was one that had a few more options on it for a bit more.

    edit: I don't disagree with it as an idea, but think it'd be too much work for something not that many people would use, and there's already a way to listen to your own music, just not share it.
  2. I agree with fleshing out the Arbiters a bit more, stick some more of them in missions. Sands is a fun character, I like him showing up, and maybe a few other unmasked Arbiters could be good for both hero and villain missions. Either that, or if they do change from using Arbiters as trainers, give us a bit more of some of the other Arachnos characters, who're not quite as well regarded as to be hanging out in Recluse's VIP Party Room.

    edit: I wouldn't just get rid of the Arbiters in a patch with no story related to it though...give us an Arachnos Civil War, or at the very least some good reason for reallocation of forces...maybe an invasion of another country/dimension/time/planet
  3. I like the idea of it, in a way, but can see how people wouldn't. I'm thinking now that my global might be a journalist, writing about the various adventures of the characters I play...and they get info passed to them by him, or they steal it from him, depending on faction. It'd be nice if he was allowed to keep recipes or enhancements for one of them to give to another sometimes...
  4. I suck badly at ski slopes. There should be a tree decorating mini-game alternative for the less reactional and more creative types.
  5. craggy

    Dual Gun

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    That said, a "flyingdoves" emote would make the people who want doves to appear when using their pistols happy, while not annoying the people who don't want them. Ohhhh BaaaaBs...
    exactly, and being an emote, it wouldn't be something that'd happen all the time, so a team of dual pistoleers won't turn a warehouse mish into a pet store.
  6. from further into the wiki article on Swamp Thing:
    The creature, called Swamp Thing, was originally conceived as Alec Holland mutating into a vegetable-like creature, a "muck-encrusted mockery of a man". However, under writer Alan Moore, Swamp Thing was reinvented as an elemental entity created upon the death of Alec Holland, with Holland's memory and personality intact. He is described as "a plant that thought it was Alec Holland, a plant that was trying its level best to be Alec Holland."
    whatever the characters origins in real life, he's since been revealed to be something more, and his origin is most definitely magic. Batman originally shot people, but the commonly accepted version doesn't, just as, since Alan Moore revamped the Swamp Thing character, I don't think the original ideas have been accepted as anything more than misconceptions on people's parts (in universe of course, they didn't actually rewrite history...I don't think Moore can do that, yet.)

    the version DC deals with today is magic so that's what I'm going with.
  7. craggy

    Dual Gun

    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    Didn't BAB say they took the doves out of the Dual Pistols animations?
    think so, but surely we could get it as an emote?
  8. Castle isn't the only one disheartened by the poor quality oil we've been getting in our arrows for some time now.

    I suspect this might be part of the reason Statesman is invading Preatoria.

    I'm not sure I'd like it to go fully MUA2-Fusion's style. For starters, I wasn't particularly taken with the implementation of the idea in that game, and the whole damn thing was based around it. In COH, where there's a heck of a lot more concerns I think the work involved would probably outweigh the end result.

    I do like the concept of it though, and maybe there could be some way to have powers combining every now and then. I like Chyll's suggestion of a new power pool dealing with this. It'd be something I'd like to see if there was ever a level-cap increase (or even just added as an extra in an Issue) where we could pick from a few new sets that would all be designed to interact with each other.

    Maybe a single extra power for each primary set, that is designed only to work in conjunction with others of it's kind. So you'd get something like "Combo Arrow", "Energy Combo" and "Fire Combo". The Arrow power would combine with Energy to create some kind of rapid fire energy bolts, or with Fire to drop a flaming rain of arrows. Energy and Fire could give a big ball of flaming plasma energy or something. It'd carry on for the rest...obviously there would be crossover, the majority of projectile weapons would end up interacting with the rest in mostly the same way I guess, and it would still take a lot of work, but maybe be a little easier to implement.

    Stick those on a long recharge and every once in a while people could bust them out. Funny that now I think about that, it's very similar to the Fusion system from MUA2, aside from the long recharge.

    Maybe just do it MUA1 style, where a target hit by 2 powers at the same time would suffer a little more damage and those doing the attack get a bit more xp.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I think the devs fear that because blueside has more inf that they will be buying up all the stuff and setting prices higher than redside can afford.

    The question is how long would it take for the influence to balance out between sides. Redside doesn't have the population to compete with the blueside market. So blue will be dominating the supply of items and setting the prices based on their vaster wealth.
    they could get around that by letting villains steal things.
  10. craggy

    Let us solo TFs

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    In fact, giving us a no-merit run that allows us to invite people mid-way through would actually make the things a significantly lesser hassle.
    that'd be fine by me. sounds kinda cool actually.
  11. craggy

    Dual Gun

    Originally Posted by Nestor View Post
    Now all we need is a "white doves fly" emote...
    very much so. I'd love to Ninja Run, jump off a building into a street just in front of one of those big gangs of Hellions or Family or something, do the dove flying emote, and then open up with some spinney, jumpy, dual pistol shooting.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PostalExpress View Post
    Are saying that they are the Three Amigos?

    I think there are a plethora of Nemesis.

    Edit: or there is a small village that can do spikey hair really well.
    It had been a throwaway line intended to illicit a mildly amused response, but watching the end of the film I might actually be on to something. Kinda. Fake Nemeses might be Mexican villagers in disguise.
  13. Croc was mutated somehow in Hush, I think he's sometimes still shown that way (and sometimes he's just a big black guy with scary teeth).
    Swamp Thing is Magic Origin. "Anatomy Lesson" 'Nuff said.

    ah yeah, there is a few other drug user heroes (as opposed to drug-induced heroes, like Cap America, Cloak & Dagger, Ultimate Spider-man, Ultimate Hulk, etc) I just couldn't think of any. Patriot from Young Avengers used to be one, but got his blood transfusion and bullet-proof skin.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Well, the devs have hinted that it's the un-undead Praetorian Ghost Widow that's leading them - although she could be being used by Nemesis - maybe
    she's only alive so some men won't feel so wrong when they look at her
  15. craggy

    Let us solo TFs

    but just because a few specific toons can solo a TF, doesn't mean that everyone can. put the minimum numbers down to 1 and I'll then complain when my training enhancements only, team-oriented 2nd build, TA/Archery Defender can't solo anything for more than 3 minutes.

    I still get sad when I'm trying to do normal arcs solo (usually on Villains, unsurprisingly) and the contact says "you better bring some friends!" or worse, I don't get much of a warning, then turn a corner and find an EB staring at me. I usually just shuffle that one off to the side until I've levelled a few times then go back for the cheap win.
  16. craggy

    Day Jobs Plus

    Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
    I check Paragon wiki and it labelled as 'Auto', signifying it's time-based bonus. I'm not sure myself if this is verified as I haven't gotten the accolade myself, but if it's true then it's not like the tailor discount tokens.
    use it on my MM. used to get the option to use crafting discount tokens when making a recipe, but I've been going for other day jobs lately, so can't confirm if it is a stackable thing or not. going to guess it isn't time-based though, going on how I'd reached the limit during the time I was playing that toon very regularly, and usually crafting a few recipes a night.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Killbot_5000 View Post
    DJ Zero = Dr Aeon = Nemesis = Mender Silos. It's all in the hair people!
    =Bryan Fury=Vanilla Ice
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crimson Vanquisher View Post
    I'd put money on the booster power being a self-rez, probably one with a two hour recharge so it won't "break the game" or whatever.

    Since a self-rez is something that only affects your character, you don't have to bend over backwards mentally to justify it as a power linked to the mutation origin.
    I don't think we need to worry about reconciling the power with the origin it comes in the pack with tbh, since my magic origin characters can still use ninja run, my natural ones can use self-destruct, and my tech ones can read fortunes.
  19. I mostly agree there, but wouldn'y Bane be Technology, since he needs the venom injected into him regularly (using the device on his arm and back) as opposed to Captain America, who doesn't need to take the Super-soldier Serum again but maintains his powers?

    It is tricky, since it's a drug, not quite the same as say Iron Man who's just a normal guy without the suit, so not quite as obviously tech, but the rest of your examples have been changed for good by their encounters with weird sciences. Is there an example of another chemically dependant SPB (preferably in the COH canon) that we could use as a precedent?
    Only other I can think of right now that needs to continually top-up is Johhny Quick from the Earth 2 Crime Syndicate.
  20. the other stuff might be nice, but Insps are the main area of importance here. with co-op being encouraged it seems silly that theres this huge obstacle in our way. don't think i've been on a co-op ITF or LGTF where there hasn't been a time someone's asked for something that someone from the other faction has had and been unable to give.
  21. I've an Ill/Rad that I hardly ever play, might join you on. Take it we're starting at low levels?

    anyway, see you in-game
  22. but the X-Men are mutants through natural evolution. Beast is a bad example, because since he's messed with his genes so much over the years, he should technically be Science origin now. Same with the likes of Wolverine, he's a hybrid origin, with the claws being Science or Tech, in addition to his Natural or Mutation healing and senses.

    I get what you're saying though. All in all, the specific Origins of characters are not that important to playing them in the game (fun to discuss though) so it wouldn't bother me if someone used either explaination for their toon's origin. A Magic robot character? Possible, might be a person's soul trapped in it, or brought to life Pinocchio style.

    I'll be honest though, when I think of Mutants in-game, it's probably the origin that gives me the most vague mental image. I've a invul/super strength Tank who is Mutation because she was born that way from two differently powered individuals (I've not worked out what their origins are) which fits with the whole X-Men idea. I've also an Emp/Sonic Def whom I rationalise as Natural because he is simply a man with some inspiring words that can inspire people to keep on fighting and frighten his enemies.

    to make a Mutation Origin booster pack though, I think it'd be better to ignore the possibility that pretty much any power-set and look would fit, and instead focus on those who are physically different from humans in some way. Otherwise I've no idea how they'd choose costume pieces. I personally don't have much need for a bunch of anthropomorphic animal costume pieces at the moment, but I think it would fit the theme well and be something that a lot of people have asked for.
  23. Aeon is Steve Martin, Silos is Martin Short and Nemesis is Chevy Chase...purely speculation of course.
  24. thing is, Mutation Origin is quite redundant as a choice. If it's something people are born as, then it's natural, if they're mutated by some outside force, chances are it's going to be something technological/scientific (which in themselves are sometimes interchangeable) or it's got to be something magical.