555 -
On the second day of TF-mas my true love gave to me,
Two Positon adventures
A tower buffed Lord Recluse! -
On the Eighth day of Hollow-mas my true love gave to me,
Eight wardstones a'breaking
Seven Trolls a'drilling
Six Legacy obeying
Five CoT's
Four Pumicites
Three Skull girlfriends
Two icy slides in Frostfire's hideout
And one cop under siege -
On the first day of Hollow-mas my true love gave to me
One cop under seige -
On the tenth day of Rikti-mas my true love gave to me,
Ten zone invasions
Nine 'porting gunmen
Eight 'ploding pylons.
Seven UXBs
Received: Quantum Laser. Quantity: Six.
The Honnnorrrreeeeee
Four Riders
Three Downed Dropships
Two Rikti portals
And a half-dead Rikti monkey
__________________ -
On the Fifth day of CoX-mas my true love gave to me,
The Honnnorrrreeeeee
Four Riders
Three Downed Dropships
Two Rikti portals
And a half-dead Rikti monkey -
On the third day of CoX-mas my true love gave to me,
Three Downed Dropships
Two Rikti portals
And a half-dead Rikti monkey -
Quote:Tru faxThe really creepy thing is that Night Man is based on an actual comic book, published by Malibu comics back in the Ultraverse days.
The Manimal and Night Man series crossed over as The Manimal made ana ppearance in a 2 part story on the Night Man series. -
On the eighth day of CoX-mas my true love gave to me,
Eight Statesman Masks
Seven Alignment Merits
Six Incarnate Shards
Five Hami Gooooooooooooooo's ♪ ♫
4,000,000,000 inf
Three Candy Cane Salvage
Two Armageddons
and a shiny new Hecatomb set -
On the tenth day of PuG-mas, my true love gave to me,
Ten Trolls a Raving
Nine perma-brb door sitters
Eight large green inspirations
Seven Petless Masterminds
Six Defenders rocking the aura
Five ♪ ♪ Ragnaroks ♫......
Four Shapeshifitng Kheldians
Three frenzied (and End-starved) Scrappers
Two faceplanted Blasters,
and A tank who didn't take [Taunt -
On the fourth day of PuG-mas, my true love game to me:
Four Shapeshifitng Kheldians
Three frenzied (and End-starved) Scrappers
Two faceplanted Blasters,
and A tank who didn't take [Taunt] -
Enjoyed this movie thoroughly and I highly reccomend it 5 out of 5 stars.
cyas friend, come back and visit soon.
Wow, christine Odonnel actualy got one right.
well even a broken watch is right twice a day =b -
Dean Winchester this is your death.
tonight Dean becomes death. -
I agree it was a very good fun movie, and a nice safe romantic comedy.
Deniro was absolutely classic in this one. -
We haz intersect back, and all thanks to elle being a doctor.
definately interesting, look forward to future episodes.
pretty much Villain Registration act kicks in, Olly volunteers to register in order to convince people everythings not so bad with the capes. Aquaman and hot new wife Mera bust a facility thats being used to hold super prisoners guantanomo style, and clark convinces him to cool off. Clark lets Lois in on Watch tower, Nutshell pretty much.
Which youll now bring to me
Boy did we fly right off topic or what =b -
Continuing to enjoy the ways they are handling the mythos of different monsters. The notion fo Fairies being behind various UFO sightings does ring true given the natures of the disappearance sand sightings through the years.
And given the old stories of Oberon and company and the seelie and unseelie courts taking children. We get an interesting story out of it. -
Dont be so sure, we have cute and we never fight fair. =^_^=
Best episode of Supernatural Ever! LOL
Microwaved fairy