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  1. hehe

    And here's the close up!

  2. my two boys - I'm so proud
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Days_ View Post
    It was indeed a long road. Many many respecs,

    And bushbaby; you know what I was doing there... posing!

    As always!
  4. ...Just dont ask what out Troller was doing waaaay overe there while we were fighting the massed hordes of banished pantheon!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    You have a problem with the Pacific Coast?
    Yes. Its large, wide and in the way
  6. bushbaby


    *Scuttles in*


    *Frantically scuttles back to safe dark corner*
  7. bushbaby

    Ask A Ben

    Absa-Beeping Beeping Wonderful!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    You'd think someone would have demanded a server merge/split, complained strenuously about how they can't earn Double XP whilst PvP'ing or demanded that the devs come round to their house and service them personally.

    Must be something on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *prods trolls*

  9. bushbaby

    Ask A Ben

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    As I said "If you were designing The Old Republic, how many players in a team with Borlath would be dead before the missions even started?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmmmm. Good question!

    There'll be another episode up tomorrow, in honour of Double XP.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA FG really cant do accents HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA even his own!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *passes out from laughing so hard*
  10. bushbaby

    I miss......

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I miss teaming with Aardy, bushbaby, Moonshade, Jaq, Infy, Chiefy, Catz, Days etc. etc.

    Summer of 2006 -> Spring 2007, I miss you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quoted for truth

    I miss (and dont shoot me for this) being a Forumite
    I miss the insane conversations on teamspeak
    I miss the long silences on teamspeak
    I miss being made laugh by FG, Stasis, Blastburn, Hoppy.
    Heck I even sorta miss hearing the squeaky-F***er-on-teamspeak (HH) - in a warped and strange way

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Y'know... There's no reason why you should actually MISS these... Do them again!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    life changes - and you can never go back - thats why I miss them.
  11. bushbaby

    I miss......

    [ QUOTE ]
    I miss teaming with Aardy, bushbaby, Moonshade, Jaq, Infy, Chiefy, Catz, Days etc. etc.

    Summer of 2006 -> Spring 2007, I miss you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quoted for truth

    I miss (and dont shoot me for this) being a Forumite
    I miss the insane conversations on teamspeak
    I miss the long silences on teamspeak
    I miss being made laugh by FG, Stasis, Blastburn, Hoppy.
    Heck I even sorta miss hearing the squeaky-F***er-on-teamspeak (HH) - in a warped and strange way
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Too much cake in the way, huh?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hell yeah... hang on.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hehehe yep! just about to start on (choc) cake number two

    thanks everyone x
  13. Looking good - even un-rendered (rendering time sucks - that was always the bit at uni that annoyed me the most)

    cant wait to see the finished article
  14. Ok so on the 1st day of Issue 9 my good friend DJ Guardian (AKA Fire Guardian) got a costume drop of Bone Wings within the first couple of hours and being the generous person that he is he gifted them to me. This meant that (with the aid of Myopic Aardvark who supplied the salvage) I was among the first - if not the first - player to have them on one of my toons

    As a thank you I decided that I would make FG a collector’s version of his 'Fire Guardian' Toon. I also made the box for it to be stored in.

    And seeing as he has now recieved it I can post the pics here.

    Here it is (note for privacy I have blurred out any real names):

    Front and Back

    Box cover layout

    In the box and the original ‘toon

    A very Happy F.G!
  15. Also note the colour result will vary from shirt to shirt - it's kinda hit and miss.

    If you're not sure turn the shirt inside out and test a tiny spot on the inside seam at the bottom of the back of the shirt (the rolled up bit at the bottom) this should hide it from the outside
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Cool shirts! Got a tutorial?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hehe You're the second person to ask that - if you go to the bottom of the thread here you will see how it's done.

    And remember - bleach bleaches [u]all[u] fabric so use care in the house! I will not be responsible for angry parents/siblings/partners/children/pets if you manage to bleach the wrong thing!

    Important Safety Note - bleach can be harmful. always read the instructions, wear protective clothing such as gloves, work in a well ventillated area, and never swallow or allow bleach to get in the eyes or mouth.

    Rinse immediately and thoroughly under cold water if bleach is in eyes or mouth and consult your doctor straight away - even if you feel fine!

    for further safety instructions see here - Household Bleach Safety Sheet
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Those are pretty cool. The red one looks the best (imo).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...but the second strikes the eye better.

    Nice one bushbaby!

    *goes to look for old t-shirts and bleach*

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Thanks. Im pretty chuffed with how they turned out. The red one is really hard to photo - it looks much cooler in person.
  18. My shirt –
    The 'red shirt' (hehe)

    the red is best shown in the close-up of the logo

    Aardy’s Shirt –
    The 'grey shirt'

    The colour is a little bit harder to show – it’s a sort of acid etched steel colour – the long shot is the closest I could get.

    Cool huh!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    But if you choose to get the accolades on the hero side, then you don't have to enter a PvP zone. However, if you choose to get them on the villains side, then you have no choice.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    While the argument has some logic in it, I tried to verify what exactly is needed and apparently you need one exploration badge and one plaque in warburg? I can't believe this is any obstacle to anybody..

    There are much more serious issues to solve like the basecamping in bloody bay..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here's a list Blackdragon did on another thread of what PvP zone badges you require for the accolades

    [ QUOTE ]
    Quite. Here's a list of PvP badges required for Villain Accolades:

    Weapon of Mass Destruction - Warburg Exploration badge - Marshal
    Crooked Politician - Bloody Bay Exploration badge - Headline Stealer
    Raider - Siren's Call 5-hour badge - Born In Battle
    Triumphant - Warburg Exploration badge - Born In Battle AND Megalomaniac
    Swashbuckler - History badge with plaques in both Siren's Call and Bloody Bay - Born In Battle
    Last Stand - Recluse's Victory Exploration badge - Megalomaniac
    Man/Woman In Black - Shivan-hunting Badge generally earned in Bloody Bay - Megalomaniac

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh and while it is possible to get the man in black badge - it requires a lot of farming in a very limited level range outside of the PvP areas.
  20. bushbaby

    CoV/CoH Bag

    thats ok, u can take one of my cards tommorrow and email me when u can afford it.

    I've also done char/keyrings for Days_ and Myopic_Aardvark - be sure to see them tommorrow too.

    ok - Ill stop advertising now!
  21. bushbaby

    CoV/CoH Bag

    Actually...I do do custom bags to order - chat to me tommorrow if ure interested.
  22. bushbaby

    CoV/CoH Bag

    Ok, so this combines two of my obsessions – crafting/stitching stuff and CoV/CoH – My reversible CoV/CoH bag.

    FRONT - Note the mini Shivan (He’s about the height of a CD)

    BACK – showing the archetype badges I stitched by hand

    SIDE – more badges

    THE SHIVAN (front & Back) – Machine stitched then hand painted.

    I mentioned the bag was reversible, so....turn it inside-out and..


    CoV bag with badges!



    and finally BACK

    I’ll be wearing this tomorrow at the Glasgow meet so hopefully people will like it.

    What do you all think?
  23. bushbaby

    How am I doing?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Maybe you're actually a GOOD blaster, perish the thought!

    [/ QUOTE ] Nah, that couldn't be it
  24. bushbaby

    How am I doing?

    [ QUOTE ]
    no no no no NO! if you're blasting properly you have to faceplant on a regular basis.. as my blasters slogan goes - "if you're not dying you're not doing it right"

    [/ QUOTE ] Hey what can I say.. theres always one odd one in a group!
  25. bushbaby

    How am I doing?

    After hearing my husband (Myopic_Aardvark) and our best friend (Threads) discussing COX for the last 2 years I have finally succumbed and am now fully hooked to the game...ok recap over...so, my first character is Blaize Norton (fire/fire blaster) and I was wondering something.

    Ive been told that it is a stereotype of fire/fire blasters that they die repeatedly. I have now reached Lv16 and have only died twice - that is to say I have had only two deaths that have incured debt.

    Is this normal? Am I setting a record? Were my Tanker Husband and my 'Troller friend exaggerating?

    just wondering...