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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    First you hate hurdle, then you hate taunt auras. Are you sure you're not bizarro me?
    Do you also hate booster packs, cutscenes, and anything cute and cuddly?
  2. brophog02

    Double exp

    Originally Posted by Malin0001 View Post
    I know a lot of on-line game do this so its by far not the newest idea. But ill ask anyway since i couldn't really find a similar suggestion by way for search.

    Would you ever consider adding a 12-24 hour play time double exp to the purchase menu along with the others?
    You mean those games that milk their customers dry with these things, and in general, infuriate their customers who feel like they are being nickel and dimed to death?

    Such an item goes against the model set forth by this game, wherein the micro-transactions (namely, packs) are designed as fluff, and have little or no bearing on actual gameplay. Even powers such as Ninja Run are designed in a way that their usage does not equal other powers currently within the game.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
    ...reading comprehension...

    the mobs are attacking the one scrapper because he has a taunt aura...


    EDIT: Let me clarify:

    The doomsday situation given above suggests the Scrapper has little choice but to absorb all of the aggro from the spawn. He may be able to initially grab aggro, and keep it to a certain degree, but the mobs aren't going to run away from a blaster throwing AOEs at him and kill the Scrapper simply because he has a relatively weak taunt aura on, because the Blaster is generating threat and the taunt auras aren't much bigger than melee range. It's not an instant death sentence in this situation, his mates don't need him to hold all of the aggro, and the two mates are going to have their share of the aggro in nearly any situation simply because they are generating a large amount of threat with their attacks, and the aura is so small.

    It's ironic that the tankers will complain that a taunt aura like WP is too small and ineffective, yet this Scrapper complaint is that the taunt aura is a death sentence. It's simply not a realistic example unless you play with mates that like to go AFK and laugh at you.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
    What would you want that for?
    A friend of mine has a elec/shield scrapper...that guy´s like a frickin´ human Buzzsaw-mounted-on-a-Steamroller when it comes to sheer damage and taking mobs down in no time. And you still want to increase the damage output?
    Why would you want that?
    He essentially described a blapper..........
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DeathKitty View Post
    Well, I am damn unsatisfied. Any tips on how I can increase the end but keep def and recharge pretty much where they are?
    Thee are solutions (alpha slot, careful toggle management, etc), but you may have to accept the fact that you are not able to keep everything at the level they are currently at. That's why we call it min-maxing.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    But what about the more realistic situation, like if you're in the twenties and it's just you, a Blaster, and a Scrapper without a taunt aura? That's three players worth of mobs attacking you when you don't have the defenses to handle two.
    Why are all of the mobs attacking one scrapper? How is this realistic, in the slightest? I've never been in any situation, at any level, where an AT couldn't handle at least some aggro, and by definition, your example means 2 players aren't capable of handling any aggro.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
    Probably how you'd do it naturally. "Turn on rooted. It'll help." or anything along the lines of that seems like a good way to me. At least that's the kind of stuff I really appreciate when I'm new in a game. As long as you're not purposefully rude it seems fine to me, some people might disagree, but then again they're probably those people who find any bit of criticism a personal attack.
    Good advice. The other piece I'd add is in terms of comment will usually be treated in isolation, but if you do it 10 times, the player is much more likely to just ignore you, or quit.

    No matter what, you'll always have players who don't like constructive help and sooner or later someone will get angry. Be the mature one, have a thick skin, and don't make the matter any worse. Some people are simply going to get angry and quit, and responding to them will just make it more uncomfortable for the rest of the team.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    New Defiance has a Damage buff that relies on attacking, not incurring damage. That is better. New Defiance also has a partial mez workaround. That is better.
    I loved old defiance (at the time). I don't mind dying. I had a toon that I deleted after defiance changes, simply because his style really only worked with old defiance. Old defiance could be a lot of fun if you accepted its fallbacks; perma-debt, ridiculously slow leveling, and limited damage in team environments (since you couldn't really leverage old defiance well on teams). You played for the thrill of surviving, and the hope that you'd reach the next level before you retired. It was a badge of honor to be in perma-debt, and teams didn't quit simply because they faced the slightest amount of resistance.

    From a perfomance standpoint, old defiance completely pales in comparison to new defiance. The normalization of damage gives you a constant buff, the mez workaround makes it so that you're not instantly dead due to one mez, and it works a lot better in a team setting. There is a reason many ATs have seen similar normalizations, because it is an easy fix to several problems. It's easier for the players to balance around, and much easier for the devs to balance around.

    Old defiance simply doesn't work in this environment. We have IOs now (which we didn't have then), debt is all but eliminated, and the game is not about simply surviving and leveling, but about maxing out your characters to make everything as overpowered as possible. In that light, old defiance fails, miserably. It was a neat idea (from a comic standpoint), but a very poor game mechanic (like many of the older mechanics). It didn't work solo (because the odds of you pulling out that miracle were really quite low given the alive or dead binary nature of the game), and was next to useless in a team setting.

    There is a reason why you will find nearly unanimous levels of opinion on this subject.
  9. 8 TA's could be quite interesting.........
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oldeb View Post
    See, that's not really how opinions work.
    Exactly. Using the term as some defacto excuse doesn't fly.
  11. There's more than one way to skin a cat..........
  12. I just saw this occurring today as well. Very odd bug.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
    Did your reading this thread make you decide to be rude?
    Until your highly flawed assertion that it was 'only my opinion', there was nothing rude in our conversation (and if you think you did adequate research and that my opinion was mine only, I do question your reading comprehension skills). My advice in my original post is one I give in all suggestions threads, and for good reason: most of them do not do the research necessary to avoid getting embarrassed.

    Learn from this lesson, and walk away from this thread. It will not get any prettier as it goes along. Before making any more suggestions, I highly recommend you do the proper work necessary to ensure it is a workable suggestion. It takes a lot of work to make a good suggestion, and junk thrown on the board will get the treatment one would expect.

    If you think I'm being rude, you do not have skin thick enough to be throwing up poorly constructed, flawed suggestions.
  14. This thread is going to need a lot of tissues.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
    I did search first, and it's only your opinion that it's a bad suggestion.
    Did your reading comprehension in the search go as bad as your reading comprehension in this thread?
  16. My horror story:

    I put LF TF flag up on search window.
    Got Invited.
    Killed Stuff.
    One person died a lot.
    Killed more stuff.
    Collected Goodies.
  17. When it comes to endurance, an ounce of savings is worth more than a pound of recovery.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
    In other words, you don't care whether or not it unbalances the game so long as you get what you want.
    That pretty much sums up every suggestions thread, and a large percentage of the general threads.
  19. There's no chance in hell this happens.

    -signed by the committee for bad suggestion advisement, advising you to always search first or risk making a bad suggestion.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
    I apparently could not hold enough inspirations to hold him off, and simply could not make a noticeable dent in his health.

    And even if the inspiration technique would work, that is poor design. Shouldn't a hero be able to win by, say, using all those powers that the last 50 levels worth of adventuring were spent acquiring?
    You haven't met Blasters yet. We don't get powers that outdo our friends.....the purple inspirations.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bio_Flame View Post
    I severely DISLIKE when people say "I can solo LR on my tank....with inspirations".
    I know what people mean when they say that but in this game, soloing with inspirations isn't really soloing.
    And I severely dislike when people are full of a load of crap.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    Most people should be able to realize that a nine-merit Katie is much faster than a 122-merit Dr. Q.
    Yes, it is. The set up time running multiple smaller TFs is what makes one big TF worth your while because the set up time in some cases can easily equal the time it takes to do the TF. The smaller TFs are not run very much at all, because for the total time invested the merits are deemed rather small. It's the same reason many think GMs are not worth the time necessary, even though the time it takes a team to actually kill one GM is easily a good deal for the 2 merits.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    If you think your ice /device can some how handle a 0/8 mission I want to see it as so do several others. I think it would be great if you ran a mission and had some of us present so you can rub our proverbial faces in it.
    With inspiration combining it is very likely that they can continue the entire map defense capped on inspirations alone. In many cases, a toon (whether it be need for reds or purples) is better off with 8 man spawns solo than a lower number, simply due to how crazy fast inspirations drop in solo spawns.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    Disallowing inspirations, when solo (where they are reliable), is unfair to the blaster AT, IMO.

    No one says that when you hamstring them with extra rules blasters are great. Blasters lack defensive powers. Ruling out using the primary resource blasters have to overcome this drawback is unfair.
    I definitely support Strato on this. Blasters, more than any other AT, are balanced around inspirations. Frankly, they don't work without inspirations, and that's just a fact of life. No matter how much you have in your primary/secondary/power pools/ mez in that spawn and you likely face death.

    If anything, slotting blasters is nothing but an exercise in reducing the number of skittles one consumes.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    Personally, the 2/3 ignore ED and the other bonuses don't interest me enough to waste components on building another rare. If Rare gets 1/2 ignore ED and the level shift, then it is sufficient for my needs. The investment for a very rare alpha slot compared to a rare alpha slot is not worth it IMO since I am not a minmaxer that requires to get the maximum benefit out of everything. Of course, I am using a Cardiac in a Mastermind so my endurance requirements are being met with just the rare. I am definite that there will be other incarnate slots that would warrant getting a very rare, but not the alpha.

    It really depends on the toon, and the particular alphas being debated. The difference between a Total Core Revamp and a Core Paragon isn't much more than the extra ED bypass, however, for a toon that can use the Radial Paragon it can be very worthwhile to go to a very rare.