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  1. Heh. I kind of wish the old thread rating system was still operating. I'd give it 5 stars for the amusement factor alone.

    Yeah. These new merits may put a crimp in some of the recipe marketeering but they won't help the pressure I've been seeing for a while on the salvage market. Hopefully GR will generate a large enough body of returning/new players grinding out salvage to offset the surge in demand I foresee.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fista View Post
    At the rate Iso's level Preatoria will be a blur. Well maybe not. The MANDATORY solo missions might slow us down.

    I can't decide what to run. Dark/Dark scrapper, KM/WP scrapper, or a SS/WP tank. Any suggestions?

    Hmm. Depends on how you feel about certain issues. Just finished running a DM/DA scrapper to 50 a few weeks ago. It has a lot of damage potential but is a massive endurance hog with all the toggles. You also have to deal with self heals that do accuracy checks. It is fun but you really have to keep your eyes on the blue bar.

    I have a wp/axe and inv/ss tank. Plus my last iso brute was ss/wp. WP is a good solid set that "can" have issues at times with alpha strikes and is one of those armors that pretty much require 8 of the 9 powers. Taking tough really helps this set and weave is nice to have if you can fit it in. The really good part of pairing ss and wp is that since wp is a regen/recovery set, the rage crash isn't nearly as bad as it can be with other armors.

    Honestly, I'd go with the km scrapper. Isos runs are good for running up sets you are unfamiliar with or are possibly weak combos because you don't have to solo them.

    Now, I just have to figure out what to pair with electric on a troller.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    In AE.

    Negative Ghostrider. AE is only good for PL'ing noobs and farming tickets. Everyone knows this. Next time you see a level 50 AE baby, watch it try to walk...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    We can all agree on this.

    That's it! Next time you're in Doomopolis I'm going to make sure that Voodoo gives you TRIPLE the abuse you normally pay for!

    Wait! What? Oh, nevermind.....
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post

    I'm thinking we might want to reconsider starting in Petoria.

    I think the Family Guy reference may have flown over MG a bit.

    Anyway, not to be off-topic (heaven forefend), is the next isos starting the day after GR is supposed to drop (Aug. 18)? Based on the blue side reference, I'm assuming we are going to be part of the resistance.

    Hamster- is the whole SG issue more of an organizational issue? i.e assigning teams, seeing who is online, etc? If so, can a stub SG be made in Praetoria to cover the first couple of sessions? I haven't kept up with the reading so I don't know if you can make a SG there.

    BTW, wasn't Petoria dissolved at the end of the episode? We couldn't start there if we wanted to...
  6. _Flux_

    i cant log in

    I had the same issue. I ended up closing the client after every failed attempt and trying again. Got in on the 3rd or 4th time. I am afraid to log out to change toons....
  7. Eh. Don't feel **** on. I can't log in either. Though some would consider my not being able to log in a good thing.

    On a side note. It would make this crap a little more palatable if we got some response as to why these problems are happening and exactly what was done Thursday....
  8. Mwahaha! Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

    But I wouldn't worry too much about it. You'll have to work a lot harder than that to get into Doomopolis. There are still shoot on sight orders if you try to enter the city limits without an invitation.
  9. Well, at this point we are 6 weeks away from the first session of isos post GR (assuming Aug. 17 release date). As far as I can tell, most of the more consistent players will hit 50 within the next 1-3 sessions.

    I would like to wait till GR drops so we can start out in Praetoria. New stuff, zones, etc. But as it's been pointed out, those who don't buy the expansion will be left out. (At least till the 3rd session..)

    We can always run SFs to fill the couple weeks prior to GR release (Dunno about the rest of you, but this isos toon can use the merits). Yeah, I know, people who show up late...Run a few missions, then start the SF at 8:30. Fill as needed from the globals and broadcast.
  10. _Flux_

    Uh, Yikes?

    As others have said, it is considered a "mini game" by the mods. Of course, it is so easily abused, I can't believe they actually enabled it. Particularly when you think back to what happened with the star system on the old boards.

    On a side note, does anyone else find it amusing that a thread put together to discuss how to attract people to PvP, anonymously slaps someone who wanders into the thread? Granted, Voodoogirl was off topic (like that rarely happens on these forums...) but you usually don't rally a person to your cause by punching them in the nose when they happen to walk past.
  11. _Flux_


    While I have no issues with the next version of Isos starting out in Praetoria, I think some logistical issues will need to be hammered out ahead of time that we've never had to consider.

    Since this next iteration is technically a blue side run, are we all going to be in the resistance? Be vigilantes? Will/can we be invited into the sg while still in Praetoria? Will that even matter during the 1-20 run? I have other questions as well, but you get the picture.

    I'm sure that most of this will be answered in the upcoming weeks, at least in terms of what we will be able to do while in Praetoria. Still, food for thought.
  12. _Flux_

    Oh Happy Day!

    Eh. Personally, I like this change. It makes life easier for those of us who like to have our own personal SG/VG. I'll probably end up using one SG as a central repository for enh/salvage/crafting.

    It will be a little unwieldly at first, but that can be fixed with a database and copious use of the new email features.

    Hmm. There's an idea for a enterprising person with some free time and the knowledge to fashion the application. Can you pull the info on what is stored in a base to an external db?

    It should also help alleviate some of the shortages that plague the red side.

    However, good luck to those who think it's going to magically make some of the BS that is currently seen on the markets blue side disappear...
  13. I suspect I'll have consumed enough rum by 9:30 to be ready to do this. Ahem, unlike *some* people, I'll bring w/e AT you need. Just let me know.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    And they'll all be level 30 and below...

    Wait. What? Don't you mean 20 and below?...
  15. I'm up for this.*** I can always use the cash and hey, maybe a purple recipe will drop. Of course for this to happen, I would also have to hit the lottery, be struck by lightning, and have a meteorite fall into my front yard.

    ***Note: Standard disclaimer about teaming with Flux. Alcohol consumption may occur after the sun has set anywhere on the planet...
  16. Since a suggestion for more team oriented play was mentioned in the VFN thread and people have now had a chance to play defenders a bit since the 30% solo dmg boost, I have a few questions for the experts.

    1. What ATs make up a typical PvP team? What are common strategies? How does the size of the team effect the make-up of it? i.e. What is a common duo, trio, etc.?

    I'm pretty much a carebear in the way I choose ATs and powersets. They have to spark some interest in me. i.e. Curiosity about how an AT/powerset combo plays, etc. However, I currently have only one toon spec'd for PvP and I'm interested in seeing whether any of my other toons are viable for PvP. Particularly if we start doing more team oriented play.

    2. Since the boost to defenders, has the roll of the AT changed? I know the boost scales down depending on the team size, but has that changed how defenders are viewed in terms of dueling or small team play?

    As always, thanks in advance to those who take the time to read and answer.
  17. Sorry folks but it appears I've lost a hard drive.

    I have no idea whether my laptop can deal with i17, but that's moot as far as the tf is concerned. It has to dl the update and it's saying approx. 45 minutes at this point..
  18. Assuming I'm alive and functional, sign me up for both tentatively. I have a DS/DM mm and will bring something to the MoLGTF depending on team composition.

    *Disclaimer* As Mayor of Doomopolis I reserve the right to be alcohol impaired....or is that enhanced?
  19. Where to begin? I was just a down on his LUCK gumshoe casting about for a few COINS to line my pockets with and maybe pay off a few outstanding markers. I certainly was no HERO OF THE CITY. I wasn’t above taking a client for whatever GOLD or jewelry I could get in lieu of cash. It’s a TOUGH world out there and a man’s got to eat.

    She came to me ostensibly to aid her in finding a FAMILY heirloom. I’m still not sure what form of DEMONIC summoning called her forth from whatever DARK PIT she had been residing. All I know is that I wish that I’d had the FORTITUDE to resist her CHARM. Some sort of POTION to provide me with the CLARITY of mind to not fall in love. As FORTUNE would have it, I did not.

    Eventually, I found the “heirloom”. It was an AMULET of some ancient design. She demanded I turn it over to her. I would have, regardless of her intentions for its use, but I could not. Through some TRANSFERENCE of vital essences, it had become a part of me. When she realized that this was true, she changed her TACTICS. She did everything she could to HASTEN my conversion into her DARK SERVANT. I don’t know how I managed to resist her. I guess through some hidden STRENGTH OF WILL.

    However, it was a close contest and I barely had the STAMINA to go on after escaping her DARK EMBRACE. Sometimes though, after NIGHT FALL, I wonder if I did the right thing, Our emotions CONFUSE us when they run contrary to the black and white morality of our society. Could I have continued to DECIEVE myself and been happy in her LUSCIOUS yet TYRANNICAL allure? I suspect it’s a good thing I haven’t seen her since….
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Shamster was late because he was in a PUG LGTF. But he did not read up about the patch notes, which Castle has something interesting to say about it. :O

    He goes on to say he might/probably will lower that change a bit, but yeah, that's a ***** thing to drop on people out of the blue IMO.

    Eh. If you read further on in the thread, Castle backpeddles a bit more after people pulled out their calculators to show what kind of team is required to overcome a mag 50 hold protection. I'll be interested to see what is decided. (Lets face it, the green mitos were pretty much a joke in that mission.) In the mean time, however, it looks like the LGTF is still essentially bugged for all but a fairly tuned team.

    It is this kind of issue that makes me wonder if the Devs actually play the game. I'm not going to point fingers at anyone in particular. However, lets consider what would have happened if out of the box this -50 vs 50 mag hold protection snafu had not occurred. It would have been very similar to the LRSF situation. Remember when only very tuned teams completed the LRSF and certain ATs and power sets need not apply?...

    But what do I know? I still think it was a bad decision to "fix" the LGTF so levels 35-44 could no longer sk into the TF.
  21. lol.

    The Mayor of Doomopolis gives this thread a failing grade. Not so much about the topic but the fact that people actually give a damn about what others on an internet forum think about them or what they have to say.

    It also blows that I can't view the rep comments in the user cp.

    Honestly, I'm not sure why I have positive rep. It kind of goes against the whole "Mayor of Doomopolis" motif.

    I'm sure if I'm less positive I can garner a bad rep....

    On second thought, the topic isn't that great. One would think that the more enthusiastic "sub-group" of the forums would be all over the new info released about GR...

    I like it when the fanbois make those type of threads. It makes it easier to spot them if they try to infiltrate Doomopolis. Similar to identifying "Persons of interest", only with more "shoot on sight" and less "apprehending".
  22. Pencil me in as a definite maybe. DS/DM mm.
  23. Mwahahaha. Welcome to the dark side MG. Utter even the slightest bit of critical or logical thought and the fanboi legions turn on you like sharks after an injured swimmer.

    Due to past actions, Doomopolis cannot welcome you with open arms. However, the order to shoot on sight has been rescinded and you are now permitted to enter the outskirts of the city to enjoy the many and varied attractions that Doomopolis has to offer in those locations. (Bars, strip clubs, Houses of ill-...) A-hem. You get the picture. Spend money, enjoy your stay, and be out by dawn....

    If your furture actions justify it, you may be offered citizenship and a chance to live and prosper in Doomopolis. Bear in mind that citizenship is a privilege and not a right!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ra_Ra View Post
    This build will give you capped hit points, +51% acc, +16% damage, 41 KB protection and +57.5 rech for bonuses.

    Fire Primary

    Pros: Fast attacks. You can spam Fire blast, Flares, Fire blast, Flares over and over again.

    Cons: Short range on Blaze. Only 3 single target attacks.

    When making a build for a blaster, you want a decent amount of Accuracy and recharge. With fire blast, the Devastion Chance for Hold Proc is actually quite useful. Since you are spamming each attack so fast, the proc goes off quite often. If later down the road you want to make this a really good dueling toons, there are other ways I would build it but it's quite costly and really isnt worth it for Fire primary.

    I took Flash Freeze solely for the cheap Fortunata set. You get sweet numbers (4% end recov, 15% acc, 10% rech) for such a cheap set.

    This build also has Leadership Pool and Cold Epic. Leadership because +perception is key. Without Tactics, you become reliant upon an emp, sonic, pain dom corruptor etc to keep +perception buffs on you. If they are too busy healing/trying to stay alive, the buffs will be non existent for portions of the match. Without it, you are pretty useless on the team.

    With the Cold Epic, you get a nice self heal and hibernate. Hibernate is useful for 2 reasons: 1. Obviously because you are unaffectable while being attacked 2. Heal + end recovery.

    If you still want to go the Concealment pool route, let me know and I'll tinker with a build.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DAA5944B4F135114C7EFD02985D2524AA19437A54279169 AB8F0952862410D4D0|
    |8187C4B2A9D9431753AB62511DF1F0037BA70852F12F52B18 3E820B5F5B177E0C77|
    |F59CF3BF455D3B81FF6FEEBD67CEFFCCB9739BBD7B26A0D49 393CA08CE177395CAF|
    |A69D2AA55F66673057B43F99452DD7A6A7D25E714AC7C6AC1 2E5B084BD45756B75C|
    |B754AEA6328E552E6CAF67738EED6E157355BBE484CF399B5 6D972AAA9FA4D60B95|
    |42A5296AA63552A7E19ACBA9695C7FC9295736DA710AA0FF2 56B9B269BBE18C6B6F|
    |A4E64BC53C6567CFED1895364EFF73AA7ED5BC6A8F90560DE F817702F3037082607|
    |A54E361F0F6DFCFDD6BE090C6FB82A607C04381FF9120FA58 708AE20DFD9401373F|
    |6C02300DC0AD55BBB56AB712C183E74CCF9EA46A7B03BC15B 4BF065EA1126ABC577|
    |C6ACA3B26198769CA870C866F52A63A80284D37EB95E65F84 7ED5D169F04A86062D|
    |DAB505AE51D8C5601E836B0F5C13942888F086E00FAC98826 4A3C047012194E509A|
    |D89455F869054130BC079C10245847597C2E8521FBA34802E 0DA04B03BA4B43BA4B|
    |4D943F82FC66E485580E3D039E0BE23BC05341178577EA17E F44BD7134AB9D56BA7|
    |4FFBAE23215A1A96E9DBB1BAF9D4013922F05D3E84C7A9710 518B14D8AB5FA1F7B3|
    |64487C111CFA0A7C03BE0B929F043132E98789D10FDFC438F 68A560675AD83D8A45|
    |16C529506C37A65183B3A0ADC211DD12B23FFAC6CD2B734A6 3776ECAAD43D7E05B8|
    |0C5C124C5C14D8143E89B2BC933183CDA750C3146A986A134 CB70311C14FFA6548C|
    |1C493C253335959995905E664B76F51F659FDD9CC2ECA541A 9F43FAACA0CF3C386A|
    |F447975A32EBE788663C52E3B27970B2942141F13F41FF757 D0CD4F334AFF8492FB|
    |02C93186B7C778DE53A0F6FF05D8EEF6EB26CF0B0B61FA817 1F3AC2051D6539C672|
    |9C6587837C7CC85A58022C41965696104B1B4B8425CAD2C3B 2CB52FB0D9CB7F8C3|

    Thanks for putting this together for me. I really appreciate it. I will admit there were/are a few aspects of it that I don't understand. I had to ask Masque to take a look at the build because I really didn't get the need for that much -kb protection. He explained the spiking while in the kb animation tactic.

    On a side note. I find it amusing and somewhat irritating that pieces of the more common sets are practically non-existant on the market. The other, much rarer procs, only require cash in pocket. Go figure.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ra_Ra View Post
    If you decide to go the concealment (phase shift) route, take Force Mastery instead Ice for PFF. It's a commonly used combination. Keep in mind that you will need the assistance of yellow inspirations, clear mind, clarity, etc for perception.

    Tell me your budget and I'll try to work out a build for ya.

    Hmm. Budget. I'm not sure how to answer that. This toon personally is poor but it is part of my personal SG and has reasonably well-off relatives. Additionally, I have a fair number of ios tucked away in bins. Lets go with 750m-1B inf. Yeah, I know, I'm being cheap. (Please disregard the cost of Numina, Miracle, or LotG procs in your cost calc. I have a number of these stored. Assuming, of course, they are used.)

    I appreciate your help and if I could impose a bit further and ask you to explain some of the decisions you made while creating this build, that would be great. I think that would help me in the creation of future builds and perhaps aid others as well.