63 -
Yes, I thought a retcon would be easiest. So we'll go by her finding an advertisement in the newspaper and calling then?
Oh, and some dedication y'got there. -
I believe it does. But here comes the problem of Dicky finding out about Sarah.
I mean, she was employed only a few hours ago. It doesn't seem feasible that he'd find out about her in that short time-span (Unless someone else told him, someone who was at GG or heard rumours, or we simply wait a while. what do I know...).
She also does not have any 'Real' guarding experience, save chasing away Skulls and Hellions from her brothers garage. -
I hadn't checked this post in a while, since no-one seemed to answer.
Yes, Raven, it's Sarah Thompson, my character.
And Shadowe, I like the sound of having her security at Huntington Technologies. Send me a tell, PM, post here, anything.
And as fate will have it. Random DID grab me. But Huntington Technologies sounds a lot more interesting... ('course, I'll make a new character for Random's SG, else I feel like a twit.)
I've thought of getting one of my characters into any SG/Corporation that needs security. Now let me go into slightly more detail...
It's an eight-foot tall woman, late Teens (I always think of her as 19-20 years old.), she's very nice, and is very strong and almost completely invulnerable (RP-wise). She is incapable of willingly killing a human being, thus if she uses a weapon, she uses rubber bullets.
Now, I envision her as being used for intimidation. Standing around in a lobby or somewhere in some corporation or supergroup base, and at night patrolling around, wielding a heavy weapon (Say a Minigun), having heavy armor (Armor Plate), and a gasmask that obscures her face, but shows her hair though...
You'll have to ask for specifics if you want more info...
Um, this'll be my first post in the Roleplaying forums... Please be nice?(And apologies if the Subject line was misleading.
I'm happy.
Remember when I made one of my characters as Broadword/Something. Painful to change scales to be like my original character. :/ -
Right, right. Until we can change animations and be able to hold it with two hands. (Possibly.)
Currently, four of Assault Rifles attacks, Slug, Buckshot, M30 Grenade and Bean Bag all use the same animation, one that takes 1.67 seconds to animate. Burst, however, uses a changed version of that animation, and only animates at one second. I think that at least some of the powers could change to a slightly shorter animation, say 1.50, or maybe even 1.25. Because as it is now, Assault Rifle feels sluggish, and not very fun when you try to launch an attack chain. Sometimes, the animation doesn't even play. Does anyone else think that some of the 1.67 second animations could be shortened?
Character taking part: Sarah Thompson
Level: 36
Times available: Any time, really. -
Well... Goodybe then, person-whom-I-never-got-to-know-but-obviously-was-very-popular.
I'll show up. Definitely.
(There had better be swiss rolls!) -
If Merrow wants screens... he'll get them screens...
Super Booster I - Cyborg
Dere's yer dang screens, boy! -
This sounds good. And I also wonder why we can't have these already.
/signed -
I'll also support these suggestions. and Xemulas suggestion too. (Damn you fixed levelcap, DAMN YOU!)
/signed -
Twisting and turning the black envelope, K-Gun finally ripped it open somewhat hap-hazardly, and casually tossing the torn bits of paper away. Reading aloud to his mates, with a semi-bored tone of voice:
"The Staff and Employees of the Corporation cordially invite you to join an evening of... refreshments (Damn writing...) and... Distinguished (DAMN WRITING!) company at their headquarters.
This evening is to be held on the 20th of September 2008. Dresscode is black tie and eveningwear."
Placing the letter on the closest flat surface, he looked to his mates, who all looked back at him. "So...
Does anyone know what eveningwear is?" he said, shrugging. Which earned him five gazes at the ceiling, and a chorus of "Uhh..." and the sound of a palm hitting someones forehead.
"Oh please, just because we're ALL not as 'Sophisticated' as you, Boomer.' Said Shooter, another one of K-Gun's mates, dressed in a black trenchcoat, and a shirt with a tie.
Madly waving his arm in the air, was another mate of his. "Boss, boss! Can I go with'cha?" He yelled. "You, Killer? By the time I'd have said 'Hello.' You'd have gotten me kicked out." At this, Killer promptly shut up.
"Think I'm gonna go there alone. Just gotta respond to this. Anybody got a pen?" Boomer tossed him a pen, which he caught. Then he grabbed a piece of paper, and started writing. After having asked Boomer for help to write it:
'I am delighted to be attending this event.
Please expect my arrival at 19.45 p.m. or thereabouts.
Please be aware of my special circumstances, detailed below:
I cannot, under any circumstances, reveal my face. I will be wearing a mask and sunglasses, to conceal my face.
I fully understand that weapons and hostility are most unwelcome and will treat my hosts and fellow guests with the respect and dignity they deserve.'
Looking over the paper, he took it up, then said: "Well, looks good. Thanks Boomer. Now, I will be going there ALONE, just to prove to you that I am NOT as much an idiot you all think I am." He said as he walked out the door... then promptly walking out of the closet, and walking out the other door, to the laughter of his mates. Except from Boomer. Who was mute. Oh well. He was surely laughing on the inside. -
I'll admit. I thought this was gonna be a really stupid idea. (Speaking from previous experiences)
I was wrong.
It is a rather interesting idea. Thus, I hereby:
(Though, might want to edit the Dominator secondary, and the Tier 9 Primary.)
The Architect part mustn't mean it's about the mission maker, NOR the base editor improvements. It might just be a metaphor for the Dev team as a whole? Heck if I know, Positron confuses me.
Interesting... Policing, eh? Sounds like the perfect opportunity to practice my abusing skills.
Which I don't have.
Which makes it redundant for me to try and abuse.
Would love to help though. As long as it starts somewhere after three o' clock GMT.