1734 -
My Kat/WP doesn't have too many problems with Vanguard (barring the bosses - they frustrate meh so). But, I'm pretty sure that doesn't really surprise anyone. :/ She glides through a lot of content, especially if I can get and keep Divine Avalanche up.
They're probably one of my favorite groups in the game to fight, right up there with Rularuu around the Storm Palace.
..I really should get some of my other characters up to 45 and try them out with different combinations. -
I thought the argument presented in the OP was that Freakshow got their XP nerfed.
Your conversation is just a tangent, technically speaking. -
Quote:I'm going to have to support this. Though, if you're real lucky, he'll tell you off via PM when he disagrees.Don't bother debating with Tank Washington, I tried that a while ago on the Protector forum. He just argues to argue and does so primarily with emotion, with logic being a distant second. It's like debating with a big ball of energy. Entertaining for a bit, but mostly pointless.
It's a valiant effort, Sam, but you're fighting a tide; He's not interest in debate, he's interested in his self-righteous agenda of the week. -
Here we come to the final moments!
Who's artistic skills will pay the bills? Find out after we come back, on Iron Artist International! -
Quote:We're in agreement then.Every group you mentioned, witht he exception of Council and Cimerorans, has at least one mob with extra XP modifiers. Devouring Earth Deathspore/Deathblossom/Fungoids are the highest of the "regular" ones with a 1.8 (!!!) modifier. Seems that Cimerorans are right about where the devs set the baseline. I consider Freaks easier, but not that much easier that they're worth 20% less XP. I think 1.0 would be fine, set Freaks as the base difficulty for an enemy group.
(And, it was my understanding that only the minions were worth 20% less; Everything above that was standardized.)
EDIT: Faux pas; Nope, seems like the lieutenants were as well. Lobbying for a '1.0' mod on them, too, then. Equal rights for equal mobs! -
Mostly had it right, Bill. I was actually looking at it more from a Mastermind and Defender point of view. Unless I'm doing something silly, or forget to fire off my mez protection, my brute/scrappers/VEATs mow through darn near anything like it wasn't even really there. I regularly run Borea missions on my Scrapper in under 10 minutes (15 for an escort). That includes travel time to the mission (I use the timer to gauge how long I've actually been in a mission), with full clears of the maps. Only people that slow me down on Nanao lately are Rularuu and Malta (stupid robots).
However, I tend to be far more aware of mezzing and damage resistance on my Mastermind (where it means I take an extra 30 seconds per mob if they're smash/energy resistance. Stupid robots) and my Defender (Psi resistance period makes me cry, let alone mezzes). I avoid certain enemy groups on the latter because of how much harder it is for me to actually take things out with her, as opposed to someone with more defense (I know, I know. 'But she's Dark/Psi!' Stupid robots.). Still working on getting my Dominator up to doing some of the more annoying content (my main controllers are Plant/Storm and Fire/Kinetics. Problems don't exist for very long with them).
Also: Thanks for the heads up, Blood Spectre. We clearly have waaay different approaches towards playing Stalkers (I tend to clear entire maps no matter what I'm doing; most of it is habit, some of it is avoiding monotony of zoning in, killing boss, zoning out, repeat; I totally respect those that lean on stealthing, though, and I do it myself on really annoying missions), and I can see there why additional resistances on bosses can be a problem. -
Not been my experience, but I don't have any reason to discount the health issue. The endurance one, however, I will disagree with. Not that it really matters for any of the NPC groups in the game, but a lot of them start off at around 50% Endurance and stay there for a while. They won't run dry, except for maybe the odd Chief Stunner or a really active Tank.
Making it a moot point, but I'm still fairly (we're talking 90% here) certain that they start off with far less endurance. -
Serious question, Blood Spectre:
How often are you encountering Bosses in a situation that is going to make a significant difference in your ability to chew through encounters?
I'm specifically talking of solo play, as in a group that's well put together that 50% life loss is going to make it that much easier for everyone else to drop.
(DISCLAIMER: This is really a serious question. They did tweak the spawn code recently [right? Or am I crazy?] so that bosses spawn more often at even difficulties. But even then...) -
Throwing in perspective - in the same level ranges (20-50) that you encounter the Freakshow, you also regularly encounter the following as well:
The Lost (Exotic damage, Lts at this range start getting sleeps/disorients/KBs, bosses have area sleeps/holds); Are replaced at 30 with the Rikti (who have KD standard, and higher chances of mezzing all the way up, in addition to summoning ability)
The Tsoo (who start off 'annoying' and rapidly ascend into 'debilitating' once the Ink Men become standards)
The Devouring Earth (the emenators can be rough, but as they start gaining levels S/L resist becomes standard)
The Banished Pantheon (Minions have some KD, but the lieutenants and bosses are where the real trouble is)
The Circle of Thorns (they just get worse and worse as you level up, and in the pre-40 range have Earth Thorn Casters which are mez heavy as just minions)
The Warriors (KD/KB heavy; Most of the LTs and Bosses can crit for some ridiculous damage as well)
Cimerorans (Not really a huge threat)
The Council (They start adding more Warwolves, Vampyri, and Mekmen/Drones in this range - the Warwolves have significant mez-resistance and damage output, the Vampyri get some mez capability [especially as Lts and higher], and the Mekmen have high S/L/Psi damage resistance)
Crey Industries (The bosses and Lieutenants are the only worries here)
Longbow (What? Villains count. They start really getting obnoxious in this level range, and just get worse. Also included are the PPD Swat and up in here, because they tend to show up on the same maps)
Arachnos (Heavy on -End, KB/KD, mezzes, and to boot the robots start really showing up in force here with high S/L resistance)
Tell me again how the Freakshow are not standard for their level coverage. They're somewhat below average, frankly, but it's tempered by the equal fact that they're somewhat harder to both put down and keep down. More then enough to get at least a 1.0 experience scale modifier, IMO.
EDIT: Removed a footnote that became obsolete (and inaccurate) with how my train of thought and research went. Still, you encounter all of these groups well before 40, and as they stack up levels they get more and more tricks. Honorable mentions go to the Carnival of Shadows and Malta/Knives of Artemis, who also start showing up at the tail end of 40. Almost all (with the exception of I do believe Crey and the Cimeroran Traitors) show up at roughly 'full strength' by the time you hit 30-35. -
Quote:Sir, I regret to inform you that geological surveys have declared your mountain a molehill. I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do. It's just simple geology!only took 5 years for the nerf... the devs (shakes head) are shooting themselves in foot... I understand the AE nerfing... I really do... and I agree with it....
but to, again, nerf XP on standard content mobs is really a BAD idea. Who cares if some players farm Freaks...
If this tunnel vision, laser sights dont change, the game will not survive. Fact is the majority of players I see/know farm. For different reasons and at different times. Its a very large piece of the player base. The people you seem to be caving into might not think so... but when the subs start falling like pouring rain, you will see that your development time would have been better spent in other areas.
Please reconsider any further nerfing of XP on standard content mobs. Freaks have been in game for years, they have rez'd for years, now this witch hunt hits yet another group.
Castle didnt mention the killer stuns and the KB this group also has....
this attitude the devs have taken has totally destroyed my excitement about i16 and Go-Ro.. keep up the good work...
Seriously, mang. The rewards were out of wack, and now they're slightly out of wack the other direction. It was silly to have them up that high, and I hope the devs choose to just normalize them so they're at least worth what they're actually capable of - just as much as any other enemy group at those levels. -
At less then standard, we can agree. But that doesn't mean I exactly felt it was fair they had such a high modifier in the first place, for stuff that isn't really all that inconveniencing in and of itself. You pinned it exactly - they are fairly standard.
Quote:Again, at half-hitpoints, and without Dull Pain in the way. Though, I'm not sure if it's 50% health or only 30%. It's not like it takes a whole lot of additional effort, unless you were already struggling to take them out, or a Boss comes back up.You still had to defeat them again, no? Or did they dissolve, and grant the xp..
There's also a noticeable delay between 'defeat', 'rezzing', and 'attacking' that gives plenty of warning and time to react.
Don't over-estimate the difficulty just because they get back up - that's at least 20% of the mob potential of any map increased, with the potential rewards likewise increased by 20% as a result (thanks to Castle for that exact number). -
Quote:IIRC, the major explanation for it was that the Freakshow have the annoying tendency to stick around after being defeated, which can be a problem for a number of builds (particularly when a Boss gets back up) or small groups.I never really got why the Freakshow gave out more experience than other groups. They're not really any tougher than other groups. In fact, they've always been easier for me since my characters tend to deal energy damage.
I would much rather fight Freakshow than Vahz or Arachnos.
Personally, I think the fact that you get double defeat credit for the Freakshow was gift enough. :/ -
The current iteration of Graviton Lass ended up being an Action Girl and a Gadgeteer Genius sort of on accident. I'm not sure those are the exact tropes (she got a set of 'used' power armor parts from a police auction, and refurbished them into hero-ing gear to fulfill extra-curricular requirements at her university [I defy you to find a better thing on a job application then 'personally saved the city/world']). Those two were about the closest I could come up with, and they seem to fit for her overall core concept (except she's not t3h gr33t3zt gadget-type ever.. she's just good enough to get crap working).
And now, I go get myself good and lost for the next four hours. -
Plum: We could expose you. Six murders.
Scarlet: I hardly think it would help your reputation, professor, if your U.N. contacts found out that not only were you implicated in adultery with a patient, but her death. And the deaths of five other people!
Plum: You don't know what kind of people they have in the U.N. I might go up with their estimation.
>> I couldn't resist a good, classic bit of comedy. -
Aw. :| And I was going to use it to exclusively goof around with new powersets.
I'll see if I can't power-test Graviton Lass' updated powers on Test sometime later today and get some shots of her doing that hero thang she does... er, well. She's cute, right? -
Very slick piece, Vexxxa! And oh, that cheeky Foo.
I'm sure he'll see this, so I'll say... A very sexy and emotional pose, with brilliant colors and some really nice lines. You, sir, are becoming epic.
Now please, call off the snipers.It's getting expensive to repair my windows.
(WARNING: Parts of this post may be less serious then others.) -
I'm eagerly anticipating it going live. The bits I played with were squee-intensive for me, and it really brings together my Earth/Earth Dominator's feel. She's Earth/Psi right now (being a geokinetic), but I don't have too many problems with how the combination will work out at the moment.
Then again, Earth/Earth gives me a few solid -Fly tools in it. Between Hurl Boulder and Stone Prison, I should be good. Then there's Quicksand to keep them there. :3 I feel for everyone that doesn't have as many options, though (but you still have Hurl Boulder! You aaaaall still have hurl boulder. [/Zoidberg]). -
That's some jaw-dropping cleanup, BW. I'd post an emote at the end of this, but it's 4am and I'm exhausted, and still can't find my darn jaw.
So it's there in spirit! -
Odd as it may sound... Foo, even if he didn't manage to complete the thing, the spirit of the piece has one of my favorite hero fandom jokes ever in it.
I'm an easily swayed fox.
EDIT: Now collecting on any and all bets that I'd vote for the naughtiness. -
Sleek and sexy so far, mang. Definately going to have to make it a point to keep an eye on your progress with this one.
The lot of you owe me a new monitor, and a cup of coffee. :<
Brilliant score, Kat! McKinney does some really nice work, and this one turned out awesome. Visually appealing and amusing!Two major winners in my book.
...though I think BaBs is the real winner here. :3c Nyoro~n. -